View Full Version : Brand new from Stillman Valley, Illinois!!! Just bought a Kahr
02-16-2019, 04:00 PM
My name is Al. I am a Coroner in a very busy county in Illinois. We are allowed to carry on and off duty. I am also a proud conceal carry owner, and a volunteer Hunter Safety Instructor. I just purchased my first Kahr, and after my 3 day wait from the gun store, (Illinois law), I can't wait to shoot her. It is a used Kahr CT45. I love the feel of the gun. My question is this right out of the gate. Will different 1911 mags work in my gun, and what do you recommend for a safe but affordable holster on and off duty. I am not opposed to buying used. Heck, we have five kids, two in college.....thanks for any and all help. I paid 275 cash for the pistol with two mags. I hope this gun will be exactly what I want it to be. AL
02-16-2019, 04:24 PM
I can't answer your question, but I'm sure someone will be by with some help here pretty quick.
Just wanted to welcome you to the site, it's great to have one of the 3 shooters in Illinois as a member!:D
02-16-2019, 04:41 PM
Welcome Coroner, we just sent a victim to our local coroner this last week. Poor fella got stabbed a whole bunch of times. We got the culprit locked up but don't do the victim much good at all.
I don't know about 1911 mags fitting your CT, I know some work in the other poly frame guns. My PM45 runs fine with Wilson 47D mags, but for some reason although exactly the same it doesn't like the Wilson Officer Model size mags, always been a mystery to me.
For a holster if you prefer Outside the belt I highly recommend Mernickle, good folks Bob and Sheryl. They do a lot of cowboy type stuff but the have some real nice concealed carry holsters as well. I use a PS6 for my 1911's, very comfy, I got the high ride, but they started making a medium ride for folks that wanted it a bit lower.
If you go for Inside the Waistband I use a Garrett Silent Thunder. It's leather lined kydex. Quiet and gently on the gun finish. It took me a bit to get used to inside the belt carry but I finally clicked with it and carry that way most often now days. Rides tight, holster doesn't collapse at all and forget it's there often times.
Neither is cheap and I really understand being ok with used and saving money but a gun belt and holster isn't a good place to cut corners. If you can find used all the better but don't settle for second best if you can help it.
Glad you found us.
02-16-2019, 07:29 PM
WOW.....a Illinoise person who carries........I'm impressed!!!
02-17-2019, 03:10 PM
Thanks for all the info guys, its very helpful....have a great weekend and be safe. al
02-17-2019, 11:36 PM
My name is Al. I am a Coroner in a very busy county in Illinois. We are allowed to carry on and off duty. I am also a proud conceal carry owner, and a volunteer Hunter Safety Instructor. I just purchased my first Kahr, and after my 3 day wait from the gun store, (Illinois law), I can't wait to shoot her. It is a used Kahr CT45. I love the feel of the gun. My question is this right out of the gate. Will different 1911 mags work in my gun, and what do you recommend for a safe but affordable holster on and off duty. I am not opposed to buying used. Heck, we have five kids, two in college.....thanks for any and all help. I paid 275 cash for the pistol with two mags. I hope this gun will be exactly what I want it to be. AL
Let me preface this by saying that I don't have any firsthand knowledge in regards to 1911 magazines working in the CT45 (or TP45).
However, I have had reason to research the use of 1911 magazines in Kahr .45 ACP pistols and I did see some info on using 1911 magazines in the longer frame Kahrs. It appears that to use magazines that fit flush in Government/Commander size frames some modification will need to be done to the CT/TP 45 frame. The modification looks to involve cutting clearance into the Kahr frame front strap. Here are some photos showing the modification as posted on THR ( ) ( (
There are also photos of a modified CT45 here: (
Note that there are some photos of extended magazines in use at that link. Those magazine have a tab on them that requires the clearance cut, but extended magazines without that tab would work without clearance being cut into the CT/TP 45 frame.
Beyond that, I've written some about modifications that might need to be made to various 1911 magazines as well as to which followers work the best me:
Oops, I forgot to mention that one forum member found that an 8 round ACT-MAG 1911 magazine would work in their TP45 with a slight modification to the mag rather than to the pistol's frame:
02-18-2019, 12:28 AM
Great info....and pics...thank you so much for taking the time to post
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