View Full Version : S9 Accuracy?

02-17-2019, 04:08 PM
Hello everyone. Brand new S9 owner. LOVE the gun. It has been super reliable with the 500 rounds I have put through it. Has eaten EVERYTHING, 115, 124, 147. I do have one complaint though. Let me start by saying, it probably is just me, it is probably my mechanics, it is probably my sight picture, it is probably me, setting my expectations too high, for a small barreled CCW pistol. However, in the odd chance it is NOT me, has anyone had any issues with accuracy with their S9?
Getting used to the trigger has been tough. It is nothing like I have ever shot. But even at 5-7 yards, I find it a challenge not to shoot high. This doesn’t help my confidence. I put down the S9, pick up my 1911 or P320 and can make 2” groups at 15yrds without breaking a sweat. Pick up the S9 and can’t hit a bullseye at 5yrds, let alone a tight group at that distance. I know, two entirely different platforms, this is NOT a target pistol, but it should be performing better than this...or I should be.

02-18-2019, 03:08 PM
The Kahr pistols require the same smooth, straight pull through that is used for shooting a double action revolver! Enjoy!

02-18-2019, 03:15 PM
The Kahr pistols require the same smooth, straight pull through that is used for shooting a double action revolver! Enjoy!

Well, being that I’ve never shot a DA revolver, that makes sense. Thanks!

02-18-2019, 04:25 PM
Depending on a lot of things, you should be able to shoot decent groups.. Like mentioned before, very similar to shooting a DA revolver. It's all about sight picture and trigger control. With the long trigger, trigger control has to be maintained over more distance. You cannot "jerk" or pull, you must squeeze. With a 1911, the light, short trigger forgives many sins. Once you master the Kahr trigger, you may see improvement on other platforms.

02-18-2019, 04:34 PM

02-19-2019, 11:29 AM
I don't have (nor have I handled) an S9, but I do own other Kahr models is various calibers.
Only one of those did not shoot to it's sights (a P40 Covert that shot low). Have you shot your S9 from a rested position?

Making "2” groups at 15yrds without breaking a sweat", makes you a better shot than I, but the Kahr trigger does take a bit of practice to get used to. What works the best for me is to concentrate on keeping the front sight aligned and pulling through the trigger while not trying to anticipate the striker's release.
Using that method, this is 7 rounds of 230gr. Gold Dots at 10 yds., shot offhand using my CW45 (admittedly one of my better efforts with my carry load).
https://i.postimg.cc/HkNMmJJC/cw45.jpg (https://postimages.org/)


02-19-2019, 01:32 PM