View Full Version : Fn fns9

02-20-2019, 08:00 PM
I purchased an FN FNS9 w/night sights through Rural King for $439 out the door which I thought was a pretty darn good deal. For those of you unfamiliar with the platform it is very similar to a Glock 19 in size and function. I had a few issues the first 100 rounds with about 7 or 8 malfunctions, just the basic failure to feeds with a few double feeds. The next 300 rounds were perfect. Nice firearm. It shoots well and is very accurate after you get used to the sights. It has a bit of a dot the "I" sight picture. It seems to be a well made firearm. The online buying experience through Rural King was easy peasy. They have also publicly come out as a proponent of 2'nd amendment rights. Carry on.

02-24-2019, 05:45 PM
A couple of years ago PSA was giving away FNS 40/NS & 3 mags $319 shipped, i agree they are great pistols specially when you get killer deals on them.

02-25-2019, 12:03 AM
A couple of years ago PSA was giving away FNS 40/NS & 3 mags $319 shipped, i agree they are great pistols specially when you get killer deals on them.

The more I shoot it the more I like it. I kind of wanted a G19 but since I have other Glocks I thought why not? I'm glad I did, it's a shooter.

02-25-2019, 09:40 PM
Yeah i'm sure there will be times you'll think about a 19, then just remember the good times with the FNS9 ;)