View Full Version : CM45 or PM45 for 25 bucks more?

03-15-2019, 07:00 PM
I noticed the PM45 was much more expensive a few years ago if I remember correctly. So I wanting a .45 for carry I went to buy a CM45 but I noticed I could get the PM45 for literally 25 bucks more.

So I ordered a PM45 today. I'm hoping it comes with three mags but I'm not sure as my local FFL who I trust ordered it for me. He's a good dude and knows much about firearms but he is misinformed about Kahr and doesn't carry them because he believes they all have "Massachusetts triggers". His words lol not mine.

I can't wait to let him feel the trigger on the PM45 when it gets here. I told him only the Massachusetts Compliant models would have such a trigger and I have seen nothing put praise for Kahr triggers. I really don't know about MA triggers tbh but I've never heard or read that all Kahr pistols having them. So I'm gonna learn him!;)

I just don't know why the PM45 used to cost hundreds of dollars more than the CM45. I figured I had better buy the PM45 if it is only 25 dollars more.

So while I anxiously await the arrival of my new Kahr I've been reading here and though I would join.

I have shot what I believe was a PM40 about ten years ago and I remembered the small size and thinking that it was awesome to have that kind of firepower in such a small package but I didn't carry at the time and was/am a Glock Kool Aids drinker.

I have a 1911 and enjoy reloading .45 ACP but to be completely honest I thought 9mm was a better round to design a carry gun around. I don't know why or how I woke up wanting a Kahr .45 so bad one day. I already have a G26 Gen III and a G27 Gen IV. I actually went looking at Kahr for a "pocket 9mm" in the form of a CM9 and ended up seeing a few CM45 videos along the way.

I was impressed with the smoothness and accuracy that I seen in the videos. It looked like a few different YouTubers including women were shooting the little .45 just as well as the 9mm. The target groupings some of these YouTubers were getting seemed unreal for such a small .45 and it did not look snappy at all.

The PM45 looked beautiful in videos also. I can't wait to feel it IRL.

So I'm Camu from Nebraskastan and I just ordered a Kahr PM45 sight unseen. Nice to meet y'all! Pleased to find this place and I'll be deep in the forums for the next few days waiting on my little hellkitty to get here!:Amflag2:

03-16-2019, 12:33 AM
I think you will be pleased with the PM45 when it arrives. I had a PM45 years ago, but lost it in a home burglary in 2011, along with 14 other pistols. Six or seven years ago a SA Loaded 1911 was recovered, four of the fifteen were, and since I had already replaced it, I traded it for a CM45. This has been my go-to carry pistol ever since, as was the PM45 before it. The difference in the two guns are basically cosmetic.

03-16-2019, 04:04 AM
I have seen the PM9 and PM45 two tone models for roughly 50% off in the last few months. I think Kahr is going to discontinue the two tones. Just my opinion, I have no evidence.

03-16-2019, 08:11 PM
Thank you both for your replies. I might need to get a CM45 next just to scratch that itch. PM45 is on the way and shall be named "Hellkitty" in honor of her .45 power in such small package.

I have read about "Boomer" and crossing my toes that "Hellkitty" is a better representative of the Kahr.

03-16-2019, 08:37 PM
For 25 bucks it’s a good move.

03-21-2019, 11:42 AM
Well boys and girls, despite the fact that I was diligent about specifying a PM45 I arrived at the lgs to find a CM45 had arrived for me.

I should have ordered it myself from Bud's and used my local FFL instead of letting the FFL at the gun store order it through his vendors.

I don't know if it is some kind of switcheroo to make more money because they charged me the price they quoted me for the PM45.

Oh well...I paid 400 for a brand new CM45 and she is mine all mine and living out here in BFE with gun stores and FFL'S THAT DONT KNOW UP FROM DOWN...I decided to be happy with CM45.

Haven't shot her yet but "Hellkitty" is pretty and feels good enough in my hands.

Gonna use the rebate for an extra mag. What mag should I get the 5 or 6 round capacity?

03-21-2019, 01:50 PM
That’s a super attitude. Hope you enjoy it!

03-21-2019, 02:17 PM
Good for you regardless. The cm45 is nice.

I’d get the 5 round mag myself since it would fit flush.

03-21-2019, 03:11 PM
I agree on both the attitude and the 5 round mag. It's a 45, how many do you really need ya know?

03-22-2019, 11:57 AM
Yes thanks my dudes for appreciating my attitude about getting a different gun than I ordered.

The lgs played dumb and I don't know if they are playing dumb or really are dumb. I swear I told him PM45. I showed him the Bud's ad on my phone. He read out loud "PM45...I can do it for 400 from my vendor".

Whatever happened I knew right away once I saw the CM45 she was going home with me anyways. Several other customers were eyeballing her as soon as I opened the box which should have been a case. They were almost like vultures around me and perhaps I stirred some interest in this tiny town in BFE Nebraskastan about the logic of Kahr.

Of course my lgs prolly searched Kahr on his vendor site and kept clicking until he found the cheapest .45 Kahr with a 5+1 magazine capacity not realizing they were different models. I actually did that myself looking at Kahr pistols online.

I haven't shot her yet. Just been looking at her and dry firing a bit. Gonna grab some snap caps for her today. Won't get till shoot "Hellkitty" until next month and by then I'll know the trigger well.

I do agree on the 5 round magazine. Yah it's five rounds of .45. I will likely never need to pull this gun. I most definitely avoid any situation that would require more than 1 round of .45 even in the the wildest scenarios. Yah I'm that safe and boring. Sometimes I carry large amounts of cash on the highway and the most trouble I have ever had was a Beefmaster bull that didn't wanna get out of the way on a long dirt trail heading to his master's house in the Sandhills.

One round of .45 in the air and I bet he would have moved. Yup. Told you I'm boring.

The gun is actually more of a comfort to me. Like having a buddy on a long trip. That's why I named her. She was supposed to be some fancy dancy PM model but turns out she's just a plain Jane like me.

04-10-2019, 01:33 AM
Should probably note that the Kahr factory lube is probably sufficient to fire the gun right out of the box. I don't know what it was but it seemed thin and drippy and is probably geared toward long term corrosion resistance than lube. Quite impressed Kahr has taken this route because your could buy a "brand new" gun that was made years ago especially if it is a "niche" gun like a Kahr is.

Ballistol was ahead of it's time for being "jelly" like I'm it's clinging ability to metal when other oils of the day were more viscous and thinner. I hope I used those terms correctly.

I know there are most definitely better clp's out there but I've got two huge bottles of the stuff I bought because Hickok45.

I think the Kahr is tighter than any Glock I've ever owned so I may need to see how it shots gently swabbed with Ballistol before I start saying it works on a Kahr. As tight as this Kahr feels I could actually see using an actual grease sparingly on the rails but this is all theoretical discourse in my head.

It's been a long time since a pistol has impressed me so much. The Kahr value line is basically a Glock copy but different enough to maybe need a slightly different approach to lube.

I'm thinking about some needle applied lube on the rails is all...I think would be all. Gotta find one the cats can eat safely!

04-10-2019, 06:29 PM
The PM series are a better option than the CM series for accuracy.

04-10-2019, 08:09 PM
I use TW25 in a syringe applicator on all my rails, Kahr included. I don't know if cats can eat it or not. Your cats lick your guns?
Could be a whole new cleaning method, have to ponder this some.