View Full Version : CM9: Maybe I don't have the "Wheaties" for this gun!
03-20-2019, 12:08 AM
New CM9 -- I just spent about 20 minutes getting the @#$% pin back in. I have a CW380, which I like. My CM9 is new, never fired, yet. I thought the CW380 was tough, but I took it apart tonight to clean it -- no problems. So I took the new CM9 out, disassembly went fair. However getting the gun back together ... different story. What pervert designed this gun to require 3 hands to assemble this gun? OK, Kahr makes fine guns, but at this juncture, why should I struggle to assemble/disassemble the gun? What is the next best gun like this one that I can actually maintain without hiring a Hercules every time I need to clean it? Thoughts, please -- I'm ready to sell the gun now.
03-20-2019, 06:17 AM
Perhaps you need a revolver?
03-20-2019, 06:57 AM
I agree it can be tricky when the recoil springs are very stiff. After a couple hundred rounds the springs will loosen up and it should be easier to keep the slide held back in the right place.
03-20-2019, 08:43 AM
New CM9 -- I just spent about 20 minutes getting the @#$% pin back in. I have a CW380, which I like. My CM9 is new, never fired, yet. I thought the CW380 was tough, but I took it apart tonight to clean it -- no problems. So I took the new CM9 out, disassembly went fair. However getting the gun back together ... different story. What pervert designed this gun to require 3 hands to assemble this gun? OK, Kahr makes fine guns, but at this juncture, why should I struggle to assemble/disassemble the gun? What is the next best gun like this one that I can actually maintain without hiring a Hercules every time I need to clean it? Thoughts, please -- I'm ready to sell the gun now.
Where exactly are you having issues with the reassembly? Maybe there is something the members here can help you out with.
FWIW, at one point I had a CM9 and made a video about the orientation of the recoil spring during reassembly:
03-20-2019, 09:36 AM
I think its more about technique than Hercules. Had an officer couple days ago got a new recoil spring for his Hi Power, couldn't get it in.
Came to me said he knew it was the wrong one. I laid it on the desk, held the alignment with my left hand and pushed with my right. Installed in about 10 seconds including the conversation. I'm not talented or a Hercules, just had a different approach.
I'd encourage you not to give up, it will get easier for you.
03-20-2019, 02:34 PM
More details? OK. Got the slide partway on. Put the pin partially in before the two marks aligned. The slide was sticking. I could not get it on or off the gun. After much trying and consternation, the slide would occasionally move toward the "holy grail" of the two marks aligning. Then, by the time I got the pin, (OK, sometimes it was not in first), my Wheaties gave out and the slide slid back to stuck mode.
I watched your video in awe: It seemed like your spring was about 1/3 the strength of mine. But, as stated in my OP, my CW380 HAS become easier over time (I think I've had the CW380 apart ~4-5 times -- last night I took it apart, cleaned, & back together about as easy as your video showed).
Am I over-reacting to a NEW CM9?
I did notice from your video, that before the slide was back far enough to fully insert the pin, that you had that pin in further than I had mine. There is that weird little spring partly covering the pin-hole. So, OK, I put the pin in further, first. I going to try that right now ...
OK, forgot to mention about 1/2 my Wheaties were expended getting the pin OUT. I line up the marks, then try pressing the flat of a screwdriver on the nub of the pin -- no go!!!
Does leaving the slide locked back for a few days help?
OK: New technique: a small block of wood on the pin's nub; then slide slide to two marks; push down with both hands to get pin started out -- NO GO!
03-20-2019, 03:03 PM
The spring blocking the hole is what holds the pin in. When your removing it I just give it a tap. It can be hard to just push but doesn't take much of a tap. Once it pops loose just a little bit your home free.
The line up marks are only a reference, I don't even look at them, you need to line up the cut out on the slide with the back of the slide lock levers little raised bump.
In the video Greg is lining up the barrel link, getting the slide lock lever pin in that hole, you can push the pin almost all the way in until that little raised bump hits the slide, then you have to get it lined up to finish pushing it in.
Many believe leaving the slide locked back helps the spring take a set. I'm not totally convinced but it can't hurt. Shooting will work the spring and just setting locked back or not will get the spring to take it's natural set.
You got this, go give it another try.
When I'm removing the slide lock lever pin I put my left thumb in the trigger guard and fingers over the top of the slide, then I take my right hand with thumb against the grip and fingers over the rear sight and pull it back to the marks or the notch. I can then squeeze with my left hand, freeing my right to take a soft faced hammer to tap the pin. I do the same thing putting it back together only you don't need to tap it in, you can just push it.
Wish I knew how to do a video. It's easier to do it than write it down.
03-20-2019, 03:58 PM
New Problem: I got the pin out, now the slide will not come off the gun! O woe is me! What to do now?
I'm concerned I may have put the spring in backwards!
Spring back in, gun seems to work.
Why won't slide come off after pin is out? Yes, I pulled the trigger.
Pin back in, gun seems to dry fire OK.
03-20-2019, 04:24 PM
Did you pull the trigger? I sometimes have to jiggle the trigger even after I've pulled it for the slide to come off.
03-20-2019, 04:34 PM
OK: New technique: a small block of wood on the pin's nub; then slide slide to two marks; push down with both hands to get pin started out -- NO GO!
I've found those two witness marks to be approximate rather than exact. What I do is align the tab on the slide stop in the take down notch, then push the stop out. ( ( (
03-20-2019, 04:34 PM
Completely frustrated. Looking at gunbroker to sell...
03-20-2019, 04:42 PM
Thanks, I knew about the half-moon alignment when re-inserting the pin.
I think I will wait a day or two, then try again. If I don't get instant satisfaction, this gun is going on NO gun should be this difficult to disassemble & re-assemble! I don't care HOW good the trigger might be nor haw small it is!
Ruger LC2?
03-20-2019, 06:14 PM
03-20-2019, 10:28 PM
Thanks, I knew about the half-moon alignment when re-inserting the pin.
I think I will wait a day or two, then try again. If I don't get instant satisfaction, this gun is going on NO gun should be this difficult to disassemble & re-assemble! I don't care HOW good the trigger might be nor haw small it is!
Ruger LC2?
Don't give up brother. I went thru the same thing. Couldn't get the slide off, couldn't get it on etc.... Its just a learning curve, you'll get it. You can't find a smaller, more accurate 9mm anywhere. I love my CM9. Keep after it.
03-21-2019, 11:48 AM
OK, I'll try again in a day or so.
03-21-2019, 01:47 PM
Wow...I can really relate to the frustration, but my experience was just the opposite....No problems with my CM9 and tons of them with the CW380.
03-21-2019, 07:43 PM
Perhaps you need a revolver?
Maybe a little coaching and learning would change things. Many things are hard to get back together until someone shows you, or you figure out, how simple it can actually be if you do it a certain way.
03-22-2019, 12:43 AM
Well, I know how to disassemble/re-assemble my CW380; and I don't think the CM9 is radically different in the process required. My CM9 is damnably more difficult. I don't know why, it just is. Whether this is a "new-gun" issue or not, I cannot say.
03-22-2019, 04:42 AM
Well, I know how to disassemble/re-assemble my CW380; and I don't think the CM9 is radically different in the process required. My CM9 is damnably more difficult. I don't know why, it just is. Whether this is a "new-gun" issue or not, I cannot say.
I just have no problem with my PM9. It’s essentially the same gun. Most likely, it’s a matter of getting things lined up properly before trying to push push.
03-22-2019, 09:41 PM
Which do you guys feel helps to break in those stiff springsd the best: 1) Shooting the gun; or 2) Leaving the slide locked back?
I'm hopinh for (2), because if I cannot get the gun dis/as-sembled to my satisfaction, I'd rather sell the thing as NEW; rather than firing it, then having to sell the gun as "used"!
03-22-2019, 09:47 PM
Don't get me started on when my CW380 was new! (LOL) I had very similar issues with my CW380. I recall using my last ounce of 'Wheaties' to FINALLY get the CW380 back together, only to look at the 'assembled' gun to find spring coils coming out the front! UGH! Had to start all over again! Then it was hit/miss a few times; then finally I was able to do it! Dunno if it was the gun or me that changed. Gun was still unfired at this time.
03-22-2019, 09:58 PM
Regarding the CW380: I don't mean to be disrespectful of Kahr, but have you seen the Taurus Spectrum? To disassemble the Spectrum you can use a .380 case lip to turn a screw 1/4 turn, and the slide falls off! When you put the slide back on, the 'screw' resets itself! From what I can gather from videos, the Spectrum has a trigger similar to the Kahr, but probably not as good as Kahr's. BTW, the Spectrum costs a whopping $174! .380-only though. The Taurus Spectrum is designed and made in the US with all US-made parts!
03-22-2019, 10:15 PM
t4terrific: I am completely open to any teachings you are willing to impart! Thanks for the offer.
Revolvers: LOVE them! You will never get my Ruger GP100 away from me unless you pry it from my cold, dead ... you know.
04-07-2019, 02:05 AM
Well, I guess I'm just talking to myself here.
Update: JUST took the CM9 apart and together again. Previously, I thought the pin was tough to get out. Oh, no! That's just the beginning. I got the pin out finally using a stainless steel rule to push the pin out that first bit. Then pull the trigger and the slide comes off? Nope! It got all jammed somehow. Back in goes the pin, cycled the gun snapped the trigger. Back OK. Then out comes the *%&^ pin. Then IMMEDIATELY pull the trigger, and then the slide comes off. Then my problems STARTED. I took the barrel out; and oh, did I mention the NON-captive spring that needs to come out first? Oh, that sucker just falls right back into place ... NOT! Rested. ... ... Finally got the spring back in. Now just pop that slide right back on right? Nope. Slide goes on partway, is then stuck. Finally, somehow, I got the slide off again. Then I put the slide back on, and the Planets must have been aligned just right because it went back on!!! Popped that pin back in.
I don't think Kahrs are for me. If I was out in the wilderness, where I should be, I would have taken all those unassebleable parts and thrown them into the woods so some future civilization can marvel at the stupidity of this assembly/disassembly.
I just watched a video and THAT guy had troubles -- he was replacing some springs with aftermarket parts.
04-07-2019, 06:02 AM
Occasionally I have some trouble disassembling or reassembling my Kahrs but not to the extent you have.
Sorry to hear it’s not working out for you.
04-07-2019, 11:35 AM
On my CW9 I had to use the handle of a screwdriver to push the pin in flush with the right side of the pistol the first couple times and I still have to press something on it to get it started, but once I remember to hold the trigger down after removing the pin the slide slides forward and off the frame easily. Putting the recoil spring back after cleaning is a bit of a chore but of my three automatics this one is the easiest to break down and put back together. It helps to watch some YouTube videos and develop your best process for holding gun at the point where the dots on the slide and the frame line up. I use both hands to line them up then my left hand to hold them in position gripping the front portion of the gun while I push in the pin. (I have the pin already inserted into the left side of the frame slightly). Once the pin is pushed all the way through I rack the slide once or twice, pull the trigger and I’m done. It gets easier with practice.
04-07-2019, 11:40 AM
Lots of members on here over 70 and lots in their 60's. They don't have any troubles with disassembling and assembling Kahr's. Maybe you should just stick to revolvers.:rolleyes:
04-07-2019, 11:52 AM
Lots of members on here over 70 and lots in their 60's. They don't have any troubles with disassembling and assembling Kahr's. Maybe you should just stick to revolvers.:rolleyes:
There are plenty, no........ MANY, other semi auto 9mm handguns that are much easier to rack and to disassemble than a Kahr. After the dislike for my first Kahr....the CW380, I am glad I took a chance on, and grateful the CM9 I bought had no problems with racking or breaking down like my first Kahr. A revolver was not an option!!!!
04-07-2019, 12:29 PM
No argument there...………..
tkarl - maybe this will help.
Take the back of a Sharpie marker and put it up against the slide stop pin end. Put the other end (cap side) down on a table. I put it on a rag or a gun cleaning mat so it doesn't slip.
use both hands to manipulate the slide so the witness marks on the slide line up, and push down on the whole gun.
The little indent on the back of the marker helps hold it on the end of the pin.
Almost like having a third hand.
After a dozen or so times of removing and putting the pin back in, it should start getting easier to do - requiring only finger tip pressure to get the pin started.
Don't forget to oil up that pin, too.
04-07-2019, 02:57 PM
tkarl - maybe this will help.
Take the back of a Sharpie marker and put it up against the slide stop pin end. Put the other end (cap side) down on a table. I put it on a rag or a gun cleaning mat so it doesn't slip.
use both hands to manipulate the slide so the witness marks on the slide line up, and push down on the whole gun.
The little indent on the back of the marker helps hold it on the end of the pin.
Almost like having a third hand.
After a dozen or so times of removing and putting the pin back in, it should start getting easier to do - requiring only finger tip pressure to get the pin started.
Don't forget to oil up that pin, too.
Thanks, I ended up with this.
Thanks, I ended up with this.
One thing I've noticed with my 8 Kahrs is that they're all different with the amount of force required to get the slide stop started.
My MK9 was easy from the first time, and my others were mostly tougher when new. They all are pretty easy now, but my CW45 was a real bear at first. The Sharpie trick was necessary for a while with that one.
My newest (CW9) was really easy to rack, and the slide stop was super easy to remove.
I suspect Kahr used their new "slide racking machine" on it to break it in. It feels like it went to "finishing school", and looks it too.
No polymer stringys on the frame from the get go. If all Kahrs were like this when new, I think Kahr would sell a lot more guns.
04-07-2019, 05:28 PM
Actually you had a pretty good idea Ed, just felt like stirring it up a little today. :)
Tkari, don't mean to pry, but do you have arthritis? A guy at our gun club wanted to buy a p380, I let him try and rack mine and he thanked me for saving him some money.
04-08-2019, 06:46 PM
seems others have a struggle with it to, slack in the recoil spring.
Been looking into picking up one, 14 oz pocket gun. $300 and Kahr has a $45 rebate.
04-12-2019, 07:34 AM
I made a block of wood with a hole for the barrel to go in. Bore the hole the right depth and just push the gun down. The pin lines up and is easy to push in or out.
04-12-2019, 03:34 PM
I made a block of wood with a hole for the barrel to go in. Bore the hole the right depth and just push the gun down. The pin lines up and is easy to push in or out.
Very clever, I just stole that idea! :yo: Thanks!!
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