View Full Version : Happy Earth Day. This is overboard, but enjoy!

04-22-2019, 05:09 PM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/57674193_10210480472248235_4083433383508574208_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=8e851f628fc27943db646b3939e97ea6&oe=5D42C34D

04-22-2019, 08:09 PM
Love it! The soot of freedom!

04-23-2019, 09:17 PM
Love it! The soot of freedom!

Cool memories there.

Nothing quite expresses the love that the ol USA feels for your county or your screwball cause, like a nine ship formation of B-52’s...’

As an Air Force brat, I spent all my teen years on SAC bases. At K.I.Sawyer we had nice new H models, including the youngest BUFF flying.
Once we got to Carswell in Fort Worth they were flying the old “big belly mod” D & F models (many Vietnam vet aircraft).
My Dad was a senior NCO by then and we got a very nice house surrounded by the base golf course out front. Out the back door was a six foot chain link fence between our place and the giant phase dock hanger. You can park four B-52’s inside that building at the same time.
Some of our neighbors would giggle when we marveled at the great new digs. “Just wait a bit, you’ll see” they would say.
What my Dad already knew and we soon found out was, once s BUFF came out of phase overhaul, they would have to “trim” all eight jets on those birds. You do that at the coolest time of day and in Texas, that happens about 2am...
... and all eight of those engines were pointed right at our new place. Forget rattling the windows, that much noise would rattle the whole house!
Funny thing though, after a couple of months, we all learned to sleep right through the racket.

The sound of freedom indeed.

Peace ( through superior firepower )

04-24-2019, 10:26 AM
Our house was about 8 miles from Bergstrom AFB in the early ‘60s.

When those BUFFs warmed up at night they indeed shook the house.

Then occasionally a B-58 Hustler out of Carswell would practice simulated bombing runs on Austin, creating a pretty loud supersonic boom.