View Full Version : NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis!

04-23-2019, 12:24 PM

I will once again be at the Kahr booth at the NRA Annual Meeting and Convention, this year in Indianapolis. It is open to the public this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Drop by the booth if you are there and I will hook you up with some swag! We are booth 6063. We will have some nice custom guns on display this year, including the D-Day 75th Anniversary Auto-Ordnance guns, and the Kahr 25th Anniversary K9 pistol. They are really cool! For more info on the event head over to the link below:

NRA Annual Meetings (https://www.nraam.org/)


04-23-2019, 01:41 PM
I saw a picture of the 25th Anniversary K9 and it is a sweet looking pistol.
Take lots of pictures for those not able to be there in person.

04-23-2019, 01:47 PM
I can do that for sure!

04-24-2019, 11:28 AM
No “semi-double stacked” CW9 yet?

04-24-2019, 12:46 PM
No “semi-double stacked” CW9 yet?

Not yet. I keep asking. Hopefully one of these days. There are some other interesting things in the pipeline though. :cool:

04-25-2019, 03:02 PM
Hey bring me one or two of the Auto Ordnance Models would ya? They sure look nice to talk to. The retired Marine would be my first choice but I'm not picky.

Heck a poster (autographed would be super cool) would work. Then I could talk but they couldn't talk back. Might be a win win.

I'll start looking for wall space in the man cave.

04-26-2019, 09:02 AM
NRA related. Anybody aware of their problems?

04-26-2019, 11:00 AM
NRA related. Anybody aware of their problems?

Sounds ugly but to be honest, as a current plain old dues paying member, I’ve been smelling something rotten for some time. I also wonder if the “Obama” years boosted their income (and thus their spending increased) and Trump winning let everyone relax for a minute now membership is down.

04-27-2019, 09:42 AM
Fresh leadership is sorely needed, IMO.

04-27-2019, 03:57 PM
We can’t afford the image problem this creates.

04-27-2019, 05:40 PM
I agree. Hope it gets sorted out.

04-27-2019, 07:30 PM
Some tin foil hat overstatement, imo. But do agree current organization isn't our fathers'/grandfathers' NRA

04-27-2019, 08:10 PM
The NRA isn’t perfect, but perfection is the enemy of adequacy.

04-28-2019, 08:59 AM
Sounds ugly but to be honest, as a current plain old dues paying member, I’ve been smelling something rotten for some time. I also wonder if the “Obama” years boosted their income (and thus their spending increased) and Trump winning let everyone relax for a minute now membership is down.

I agree that folks may have relaxed since Trump's election. But there is another possibility....... the gun grabbers REALLY hate the NRA so it's possible they have infiltrated the NRA so they could destroy it from within!

04-28-2019, 12:51 PM
I wouldn’t exactly call Ollie North a gun-grabber, but do think the leadership is all about money-grabbing. Especially LaPierre.
I was in Neal Knox’s camp back when LaPierre ran him off forty some years ago. Or was it thirty? Sorry, CRS these days.

04-28-2019, 01:32 PM
I am really not sure what to make of this, and I am not sure I have the contacts and resources to really find out...
First I want to share my reactionary opinion and why... North sees a need for a financial investigative "crisis committee"... why? I don't know. Next, asks the single most public figure of the NRA to resign? Then throws a statement out about 200K in wardrobe charges?
Either he is a bad guy, or he is opposing a really bad guy. We are all going to lose in this one.
So then there is this... "I believe the purpose of the letter was to humiliate me, discredit our Association, and raise appearances of impropriety that hurt our members and the Second Amendment," LaPierre wrote.
IF this is an accurate statement, WHY would North do it? This supports "North is bad guy" concept, but why is he now the bad guy, and what changed so drastically from his induction as NRA President?
Then look at the source... the very person North has focused on the issue with is the one saying it, so that kind of produces a reliability/usability issue with both. So I disregard those and I am back to "no idea".

Then I think about this... was North hired to BE the president or just a figurehead? Then he decided to actually start "doing things" and found a problem he wanted to address, OR IS he just a figurehead and has overstepped his intended role in the NRA, which is to draw members?

Again... all of this is reactionary speculation without any information I consider to be reliable at this time. I have never once met either of these individuals to have any degree of insight into their integrity or intentions.

Even if one or both of these individuals turns out to be anything from questionable to completely corrupt, it doesn't mean the organization itself or anything they do or have done is "bad", just maybe less efficient due to sub-optimal utilization of funding... unless you have an anti-gun/anti-second amendment agenda, then everything the NRA stands for of course is to be stamped out like an abandoned campfire on a dry summer. (sarcasm off)

Lets keep our fingers crossed on this one...
