View Full Version : Rail on the S series, what fits it?

04-26-2019, 04:45 PM
New to the forum. I'm trying to decide between the P9 and the S9. Comes down to two things for me. Rail vs no rail, and dovetailed slide front with night sights, versus not.

New to tactical pistols and light/laser accessories. https://shopkahrfirearmsgroup.com/s9/ just says "accessory rail." I think I read somewhere that it's Picatinni. I know that Picatinni is standard, that's good, but is the length and width such that there are lights and lasers that will attach to it? For example, I know that the Streamlight TLR-6 comes in a version that will attach to the trigger guard on the P9, however it may not be mounted rigid enough for the laser to remain sighted in. Is there another Streamlight TLR-6, or some other laser/light combo, that will attach to the rail? If so I might go for the S9 for the rail.

Then the next question would be whether a P9 slide would fit on an S9 frame, for the dovetailed slide front.

Thanks for any experience or pointers on what's out there that would fit the S9 rail.


04-29-2019, 12:04 AM
The rail is a Picatinni standard (so a specific width and locking slot size).

It will mount an smallish light/laser with no problem
https://www.olightstore.com/pl-mini-2.html and https://www.lasermax.com/micro-2-g.html will fit fine

I've been told by the respective manufacturers that these will
https://armalaser.com/lasers/gto-flx-series (https://armalaser.com/lasers/gto-flx-series?)

04-30-2019, 11:38 AM
with the introduction triggerguard mounted lites/lasers, IMO, dovetails are more important; I had a Lasermax that held zero fine on my CM9. took it off when I sprung for a front dovetail to mount TFOs. best thing I've added to a gun in a lonnng time.