View Full Version : Compact/Officer 1911 Question
04-27-2019, 11:46 AM
Has anyone gone from a stock recoil setup to a Kimber recoil setup? To be more specific, I have an Iver Johnson Thrasher SS, and while it is fine now, I will eventually need to replace the recoil system. If you are familiar with the Phillipino痴 (Rock Island, ATI, Citadel, etc.) you値l know that the stock guide rod head is thin sheet metal, and that the reverse plug is plastic. Again you値l probably know that the Kimber setup is considered an upgraded replacement. My question is, what a bout that reverse plug? Will the Kimber setup drop right in? Is work to the reverse plug needed or is there a reverse plug that would replace the stock one, allowing the Kimber stuff to fit? Been a while since I last looked into this stuff and was hoping one of you may be familiar with this. Thanks in advance!
04-27-2019, 12:38 PM
I've no first hand experience with the Kimber setup.
However, about 10-11 years ago I put together a recoil system for my OACP/Compact that consists of a modified Clark plug, with an ISMI spring and EGW guide rod.
I modified the plug by taking some material off the inside of the plugged end so that there would not be any spring stacking problems. Then I drilled the plug for the full length guide rod. I also removed some material from the flange of the plug (and some from the base of the guide rod) to reduce the amount of slide travel lost from using the Clark plug and an unaltered dust cover. ( ( ( (
Note: In the photos of the slide fully rearward, the photo on the left is of a slide from another OACP with stock parts installed. The photo on the right is of the original slide for the receiver pictured (used in both photos) with the ISMI, Clark, and EGW parts installed.
There are a few different photos here:
I never had an issue when I was running that setup. I guess it was good enough to copy, as EGW currently offers it as a complete kit: (they also have it in stainless).
Currently, I run a Commander upper on my OACP/Compact frame (also trouble free):
04-30-2019, 05:34 PM
Thank you Greg! Something told me you would be the one to reply here. : )
I知 going to check out that EGW kit then. I知 hoping that there痴 very little fitting involved. What you made happen is impressive, and you are braver/smarter than I for tackling/inventing something like that. I知 ok for a little stoning, filing, sanding, etc. But what you did...I might hurt myself!:faint2:
04-30-2019, 05:51 PM
Ok. I looked at it. I知 seeing a tang, key way or lug (not sure what you call it) on the plug. I guess that would need to be cut/ground off as there is nowhere for it to go on my Thrasher. I see it rest into a slot on your dust cover/muzzle end on your Colt. EGW states their kit is not for a RIA, and I知 betting that is why (Iver Johnson is a like a slightly better RIA in my opinion/from my research). If that is the only thing, I have no problem cutting that off and polishing it. I just wish someone made one that is ready to go.16058
05-21-2019, 04:07 PM
I pulled the trigger on the Kimber setup. The fitment seems more on my skill level. I hope to get a round tuit soon. Once I get one of those I値l post up pics. Thanks again Greg! : )
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