View Full Version : Bargain bin magazine score

05-26-2019, 10:32 PM
I was at a LGS today and came across their bargain bin for magazines. I spent the next hour or two going through every single magazine and had a nice little pile afterwards. For $130 I ended up with:

1x PM40 5 round
7x MK9/PM9 6 round. Two of them have some really nice looking metal followers. I wonder if those are an old style or something.
1x P380 extended 7 round
4x MK9/PM9 extended 7 round

I was caught in a moment of weakness but I won't have to load my MK9 mags at the range anymore at least...


05-26-2019, 11:10 PM
Nice pickup. I wish our LGS had bargin bins.

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05-26-2019, 11:45 PM
Wow!!! Nice score! I ran into a similar instance years ago with Glock 357 Sig/40 S&W magazines. No such luck with Kahr magazines, though.


05-29-2019, 09:42 PM
Wow!!! Nice score! I ran into a similar instance years ago with Glock 357 Sig/40 S&W magazines. No such luck with Kahr magazines, though.


There are a lot of Glock 357 Sig and 10mm mags in those bins right now.