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05-31-2019, 09:47 AM
Polishing the trigger on my new Kahr CM9

I just got it a few days ago, first Kahr purchase so I'm still learning the design of the gun - I've worked on Browning's, Berettas, SIG Sauers, I do "most" of the upgrade and repair work on all my firearms - I own 3 Ruger GP100's and I can completely disassemble and reassemble one with my eyes closed

I polished one of my GP100's, totally by hand and any stainless firearm parts I have i've done polish jobs on them - currently I'm interested in polishing up the trigger on my CM9, for no other reason than I like polishing up my firearms

I'm already polishing up the barrel and from what i can tell i should be able to polish up the slide stop - I've decided against polishing up the slide itself, I've seen a few slides that have been polished and I probably wouldn't like the glare on a sunny day - personal preference i guess - anyway i've been looking for a YouTube video that does a complete disassembly of the Kahr but I've had no success in finding one

My question would be, how far into disassembly of the frame would I need to go in order to access and remove the trigger - If there isn't a lot to it I don't mind spending the time doing it, retirement has it's benefits, lol - Honestly though, my eyesight isn't as sharp as it used to be so i really don't want to be dealing with a bunch of small parts or springs in complicated places just to polish up the trigger

any suggestions or links for removing the trigger would be greatly appreciated


- Richard

here's the polish job on my Ruger GP100, like i said, totally disassembled it and did it all by hand :)


05-31-2019, 12:19 PM
The Ruger looks great!

Quite a few folks go with a lighter striker spring in an effort to"improve" the Kahr trigger. I've not felt the need to do that myself. I did replace the trigger spring on a K9 with the NYPD trigger and fel that improved it.

If you are going to breakdown the frame:
Polishing the trigger bar where the trigger bar spring rides, might be a place to start. This could probably be done by just removing the side plate:
When I pulled the trigger from my P380 I didn't want to be pounding the trigger axis pin out, so I made a non-marring punch from a bamboo chopstick and used that with my arbor press to push the pin out:
I used a dental pick to pry the cocking cam axis pin up enough to pull it out:

05-31-2019, 12:24 PM
That GP100 looks nice. I have that same one with the original finish.

05-31-2019, 03:06 PM
Balddog, you did a great job on that GP100! I’m interested to see how shiny you make that CM9 trigger.


05-31-2019, 03:45 PM
thanks for the compliments on the GP

i spent a lot of time on that revolver - i can't begin to tell you how sore my fingers got polishing it up

everyday i would disassemble the revolver and do a little polishing, then put it all back - even all the small internal parts, like the sear, transfer bar etc - fortunately my 2 other GP's aren't stainless :)

as far as the Kahr, i have my sights set on the barrel, including the feed ramp, which i've already started, the slide release and the trigger - the trigger pull is already pretty smooth but if it's not too much of a problem to access I'd like to polish up some of the internal parts too, like the sear and the trigger bar - we'll see what im up to doing


- Richard

05-31-2019, 04:01 PM
The barrel is easy to polish up real pretty. The slide itself is way harder. I did my PM45 not near the level you did that GP but shinier than factory.