View Full Version : Recent Free-Agent Pick Up...
06-10-2019, 07:15 PM
Someone recently dropped a gun from their roster, which I was happy to add to mine. But first, a little background...
Well, six years ago was my first steel-framed Kahr encounter. The LGS/range had a nickel-framed K9 for $395, and a T9 for $495, both on consignment. I passed.
Then, four years ago, I passed on a $468 T9 when I bought my CT9 for much less.
Then, three years ago I passed on a $379 MK40 on consignment at a different shop.
Two and a half years ago, I passed on a new T40 online for $340 (I got reprimanded by Bawanna a bit, on that one... :-) )
Three weeks ago, I found a black-oxide-coated K40 with rubber grips used, for $299. After thinking about it, I called the shop and they agreed to take $250. They put it on hold for me. That weekend, I called and it was still there, on hold. When I showed up that evening, the guy helping me couldn’t find it. He said no one else would be able to find it, either, and recommended that I come back on another day, when a manager was there. Hmm...
Interestingly, all of the instances above were at different shops/retailers.
Well, I left the retailer with the used K40 that couldn’t be found, and headed home. On the way, I stopped at the LGS in which I had originally had my first steel-framed Kahr encounter. They had not had one in the shop since that day. And, to my surprise, I found this...
Long story short, this one came home with me.
After calling Kahr, I learned that this is an all stainless Duo Tone model made in August 2003. The slide is black-oxide-coated stainless steel.
After getting it home, I realized that the recoil springs and guide rod looked different than I expected. I think I have a Wolf guide rod and spring assembly. Any insight into this is appreciated.
06-10-2019, 07:33 PM
Gosh durn it, you write out a novel length story, get us engrossed and sitting on the edge of our wheelchairs or seats as it were and then you leave us hanging for the 2nd episode.
Should be some sort of penalty for this kind of activity. Guess I'll scoot back off the edge of my wheels and wait for part 2.
06-11-2019, 09:19 AM
Just seeing the end of the guide rod , it looks like a Wolf set up. Would need to see the whole set up.
06-11-2019, 12:47 PM
I want that T9 for $495. Can I borrow your TARDIS?
06-11-2019, 04:56 PM
That's a beauty! It looks like a Wolff recoil assembly to me too, from what I can see.
06-11-2019, 05:57 PM
Thanks for the replies! I’m loving it!
I have attached photos of the recoil assembly.
Also, I shot it this weekend, and can now only HOPE to get it as clean as when I bought it. There wasn’t a single speck of carbon/black anywhere, and it was perfectly lubed. Since there was nothing to lube or clean, I took it to the range. I was really happy with how it shot, and my accuracy with it.
It came with a Desantis Nemesis holster with “MK” embroidered on the inside tag, and four magazines. One 6-round mag with a polished metal baseplate, two 6-round mags with pinkie extensions, and one 7-round mag with the standard Kahr baseplate/grip sleeve.
I really like the look of the Lakeline G10 grips, and love the G10 grips on Little Miss Dangerous, so I just need to find the $ money for those, and then decide whether I like the all-black grips, or the black/gray. I’m leaning toward the black/gray.
06-11-2019, 07:48 PM
Yes, that's a Wolff recoil assembly.
06-12-2019, 07:47 AM
I want that T9 for $495. Can I borrow your TARDIS?
Lol! Pick me one up too!
06-12-2019, 08:37 AM
That's a beauty for sure, always liked duo tone guns. That one sings loudly.
Make sure Al knows it's an early one, there's a difference in the frame between the old and the new.
Still confusing to me. Seems like the new can be modified to fit the older style but it's a little foggy in my head.
Nice gun, enjoy. It was worth the wait.
06-14-2019, 10:24 AM
Wow, you got yourself a beauty there. She's a keeper, for sure.
06-14-2019, 03:44 PM
Thank you!
Trigger Update:
The trigger seems to be different than my P380 and my CT9. The difference vs the CT9 is not apparent while dry-firing. But it is while shooting. The trigger is smoother, which didn’t surprise me based on other comments I’ve read, but it breaks earlier than the others. Definitely earlier than I expected. It seems to fire a full 1/16” earlier, and doesn’t travel as close to the frame at the rear of its travel as my other Kahrs. It also seems lighter. Again, it’s not really noticeable during dry-firing, but it becomes noticeable while firing live ammo. My estimate is about 15% lighter. I don’t have a trigger pull gauge, so I may ask a gunsmith to compare to my other Kahrs this weekend, when I have night sights installed on my wife’s newest acquisition (an M&P Bodyguard 380).
After visiting the Wolff website, I now wonder if the previous owner installed the lighter Wolff striker spring. Does anyone have experience with the lighter Wolff striker springs, and the effects that they cause?
Regardless, the bottom line is that I agree ... the gun is a keeper!
06-14-2019, 05:10 PM
I put the Wolff 5lb striker spring in my PM45. The stock spring was just a bit over 5 so it didn't make a tremendous difference.
I always meant to measure it again after shooting it some to see if it reduced a bit after being worked a bit but never got around tuit.
Could have just got a decent spring to begin with or as you say maybe the previous owner put one in?
06-14-2019, 05:14 PM
Thanks, Bawanna!
Either way, it is very decent!
06-17-2019, 06:25 PM
I've got a Wolff RSA in my MK40 Elite.
02-04-2020, 07:11 PM
It’s time for an update...
I bought a set of black & gray G10 grips at Lakeline LLC, and then found a set of grip screws that I thought complemented the grips well.
I have attached “before” and “after” pics.
I love the grips, but the stock screws did not “blow my skirt up”, as Bawanna would say.
I installed the new grip screws and grip screw o-rings, and, well, my skirt blew right up.
Depending on the light, the grips can look more gray or more black. The new screws are not shiny at all, so any silver you see on them is just the reflection of camera flash.
02-04-2020, 07:15 PM
Nice, perfect match for those grips, blend nicely. Consider my skirt blowed up!
Only thing is, always keep a bit handy that fits those screws.
02-06-2020, 06:27 PM
Very nice looking MK you gussied up there!
02-06-2020, 06:53 PM
Very nice looking MK you gussied up there!
Thank you!
02-07-2020, 09:19 AM
As Bawanna says, those screws are a "perfect match for those grips".
Well done and a nice looking gun :)
02-07-2020, 08:53 PM
Very nice! Care to share where you got those screws?
02-07-2020, 09:25 PM
I was gonna ask that too.
02-08-2020, 04:01 PM
Very nice! Care to share where you got those screws?
Definitely! (I shoulda known that would be helpful!)
Cool Hand Screws for Slim 1911 Pistol Grips, 4 Stainless Steel Screws, 4 O Rings, Torx Key, Length 0.223", Gray, CH1911S-5-T
The screws come with 8 o-rings - enough for two installations. So, I also bought a 100-pack of o-rings made by Challis Grips that work perfectly, just like the o-rings that come with the screws.
100 ea 1911 Grip Screw O-Rings for Colt and Clones | Prevent Screws from loosening | Will not Make Screws Stand Proud of Grips | NBR Rubber O-Rings
02-08-2020, 06:50 PM
Wow, that seems like a really decent price for the screws with the o rings. I ordered some o rings, not a 100 but 10 or 20 I think thought they were that brand but not certain. They seem a bit girly man to me, not much to em. They will certainly work but probably a one time application.
I won't send you any like I was gonna, your well stocked seems like.
I might just order me some of them screws, they are nice!
02-10-2020, 10:09 PM
The o-rings do seem kinda girly-man, but they work great. Definitely a one-time use o-ring, I think. But, I got 100 of ‘em so they should last a while. I’ll send some to ya.
02-10-2020, 10:25 PM
I think this magazine base-plate complements the grips well.
02-10-2020, 10:38 PM
It does, it does. That blows my skirt clean up over my head. (try not to dwell on the vision of that).
I like that a lot!
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