View Full Version : We are in trouble ...........

08-31-2010, 06:15 PM
I always knew that we were in trouble but this pictures have just alitte bit more worried than before.........

08-31-2010, 06:21 PM
Damn the picture comes out very little, but to illustrate it shows Putin hunting, riding, fishing and generally been a bad ass and then "our" guy doing funny golf stands, ridding a stupid looking bicycle and chatting it up in "The View". Makes me wonder.

08-31-2010, 06:47 PM
Just for the record he's not MY guy. I voted for the american genuine war hero. I accept no blame for our current predicament.
I do agree that we are in serious trouble and am ready to participate in finding the cure, whatever it takes. I want my country back........

08-31-2010, 06:58 PM
Just for the record he's not MY guy. I voted for the american genuine war hero. I accept no blame for our current predicament.
I do agree that we are in serious trouble and am ready to participate in finding the cure, whatever it takes. I want my country back........


08-31-2010, 07:08 PM
Just for the record he's not MY guy. I voted for the american genuine war hero. I accept no blame for our current predicament.
I do agree that we are in serious trouble and am ready to participate in finding the cure, whatever it takes. I want my country back........


So let it be written, so let it be done!

and soon please...

09-01-2010, 11:25 AM
That's seems to be the general consensus and add me to the list of I didn't want him then and I sure as all hell don't want him now.

09-01-2010, 11:39 AM
Yeah, I voted for the lesser of two evils there. McCain IS a war hero, but he's a Progressive Republican and he's for illegal immigrant Amnesty and stands with the "Mayors against gun show loopholes and other anti-2nd Amendment crap".
McCain was the Lame Stream Media's pick for the Republican nominee and when they helped get him nominated, they dropped the "maverick" like a hot potato and put all of their real support behind the progressive socialist, most liberal senator from the crooked political sewers of Chicago. The liberal press is still shielding him and his cronies, but some of them must be holding their noses to do so now.<sigh>
Will November 2nd ever get here, and will we be able to stop all of this insanity!?

09-01-2010, 11:55 AM
I still worry more about the ******** who put him there. Sorry John, I know none of that, been a rough stretch here lately.

09-01-2010, 12:02 PM
In the early going I supported Mitt Romney. I thought it was very good of him to bow out rather than split the vote. Now knowing there's nothing to lose I wish he'd stayed in it. There have been lots of things I've wished for, none of which have panned out so far.

09-01-2010, 12:11 PM
Good news for all of you.I`m considering throwing my hat [and everything else]in the ring in `12.My campaign slogan will be:"Elect Dietrich and he`ll tell you what the bastards are trying to do to you."What do y`all think?

09-01-2010, 12:13 PM
You got my vote pal! Without reservation. I'll campaign for you on my coast for free, no kick back required.
Where do you stand on Kel Tec control.

09-01-2010, 12:23 PM
That's one thing that I worry about this November... the fratricide when Republican candidates resort to mud-slinging and worse against their own party opponents. I fear that there will be too much splitting of the vote to the benefit of the left. (Remember two elections with the "Little General" who wouldn't quit??) Too many people will be turned off but that and stay home, or worse, vote for the other side.
SOME people have awakened to the fact that the Democratic Party is not their "deddy's party:, but taken over by the Progressive, most left leaning, radical bunch ever... many anarchists and Communists from the 60's. The POTUS is surrounded by these radicals now and they have the power of the Presidency supporting them and their agendas.
It's really not funny how the Democratic Party was able to push aside the Republican Party that stood for de-segregation and civil rights issues, and assume that stance, though they were the very ones who stood against integration and civil rights... Robert Bird was the best example of that... "former" KKK member, and a ranking one at that, who still holds the record for longest lobby... AGAINST the Civil Rights Act!!
Well, I'll shut up for a bit... I do have other things to do, though you wouldn't know it by the time I spend here... to hear my wife talk. :D

09-01-2010, 12:25 PM
You got my vote pal! Without reservation. I'll campaign for you on my coast for free, no kick back required.
Where do you stand on Kel Tec control.

I would favor controlling Kel Tecs with a two handed grip.And for those of you who might be wondering,No,there would not be a mosque at or near ground zero, I was born in the USA and can easily prove it,and I am a sometime church-going Baptist,not a closet muslim.[Do you know the difference between a Baptist and a Methodist? The Baptists don`t wave to each other in the liquor store.] Vote for me!!

09-01-2010, 12:29 PM
Well thats all the correct answers I was lookin for, maybe a bit pro Keltec but you got my vote.:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

09-01-2010, 12:33 PM
I'd like to recommend Jocko as your VP, Wynn heading up the Dept of Defense, Jlott can keep the lights on, and I'd be honored to vacuum and swab the decks, cut the grass and such. All whitehouse staff allowed to pack rods and double as secret service?
Maybe ryoung could head up the secret service. We'll all work border patrol as a group on a rotation basis.
Perhaps a statue of John Wayne at ground zero would be more appropriate.

09-01-2010, 12:48 PM
Hmmm... KelTec... they DO have an interesting new rifle/carbine bullpup-type in .308 with front ejection. That would make a good Secret Service weapon to augment whatever pistols they are carrying.
I wouldn't mind having one of those for home defense.

09-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Well till your in Washington, you can have 10! Myself I'll stick with the good stuff on my riding whitehouse lawn mower and vacuum.

09-01-2010, 01:03 PM
I think that we could have made a nice parking lot out of Iran by now, and be trying to figure out how to rough up the glass surface make it usable... all of that sand and WMDs of the proper yield, make for a lot of glass.

09-01-2010, 09:33 PM
In the early going I supported Mitt Romney. I thought it was very good of him to bow out rather than split the vote. Now knowing there's nothing to lose I wish he'd stayed in it. There have been lots of things I've wished for, none of which have panned out so far.

i live in ma & romney would have been great candidate for president. although while he was here in office he did NOTHING to help fix our ridiculous gun laws. i to have great admiration for McCain as a person,leader & american, but there is no way i could vote for sara palin! i pulled lever for the independent candidate. we need a 3rd party. these dem's and rep's have dove sh*t for the working class american over the last 30 years.

09-02-2010, 07:40 AM
Yeah, I voted for the lesser of two evils there. McCain IS a war hero, but he's a Progressive Republican and he's for illegal immigrant Amnesty and stands with the "Mayors against gun show loopholes and other anti-2nd Amendment crap".
McCain was the Lame Stream Media's pick for the Republican nominee and when they helped get him nominated, they dropped the "maverick" like a hot potato and put all of their real support behind the progressive socialist, most liberal senator from the crooked political sewers of Chicago. The liberal press is still shielding him and his cronies, but some of them must be holding their noses to do so now.<sigh>
Will November 2nd ever get here, and will we be able to stop all of this insanity!?

That is exactly right on......when he was running early on my buddy asked me what I thought of Mccain.....I told him it would be a cold day in He!! before I'd vote for a liberal thinking fiscally irresponsible guy like that. I guess Satin was skating in November 2008.

When the Republican party is not the party of fiscal responsibility it has abandon its principle.


09-02-2010, 09:49 AM
Hmmm... KelTec... they DO have an interesting new rifle/carbine bullpup-type in .308 with front ejection. That would make a good Secret Service weapon to augment whatever pistols they are carrying.
I wouldn't mind having one of those for home defense.

its been in the works for years but they NEVER seem to ramp up production - the few that are being made goes for $1500 or more. rumor is they are too busy making $250 pocket guns to really bother. too bad, i'd love to have an hkg3 equivalent in a package smaller than a tommy gun, but i just cant fork up that kinda money

09-02-2010, 10:24 AM
That is exactly right on......when he was running early on my buddy asked me what I thought of Mccain.....I told him it would be a cold day in He!! before I'd vote for a liberal thinking fiscally irresponsible guy like that. I guess Satin was skating in November 2008.

When the Republican party is not the party of fiscal responsibility it has abandon its principle.


So just for grins and not trying to incite a riot or anything, your saying you voted for the present inhabitant of the White House?
I saw lots of his bumper stickers during the campaign and still see a few but I have yet to find anyone that admits they actually voted for him. Not one. Doesn't compute to me.
Remember just for grins, still pals, no harm no foul with a bud light in the hiney. All good.:yo:

09-02-2010, 10:52 AM
No fowl...?

09-02-2010, 10:57 AM
My bad. I used to do pretty good at spellin in grammar school. Did a refresher with that huked on fonix and ain't been the same cince.

09-02-2010, 01:10 PM
For the pun, I thought you would want the "bird" word.... Hmmm... wasn't there a song with that phrase..."the bird is the word"...?

09-03-2010, 03:48 AM
I like this:


09-03-2010, 04:08 AM
Their all a bunch of lieing B------s. They all tell us what they think we want to hear ,then when in office do as they please.