View Full Version : 2 kahr 380s, 2 broken strikers

06-12-2019, 08:44 PM
Title just about says it. Broke 2 separate strikers on a p380 and cw380 from around 300 trigger pulls on each (broke the p380 6 months ago and the cw380 just now). I used azoom snap caps for every trigger pull.

For my p380 I upgraded the striker to a lakeline steel striker after I broke the MIM one, and this has been my edc for the past 6 months. I'm not needlessly bashing kahr, I love this gun and plan on carrying it for the foreseeable future, but thats only because I upgraded it to a configuration other than what kahr offers.

I truly love my p380 with its steel striker, but for the love of god Kahr what are you doing. The way they ship their guns from the factory I would never in a million years trust my life to one. Charge 30$ more and assemble it with a proper striker. The gun is great. It's a travesty that they got so close yet so far from a reliable 380 carry piece.

so an FYI for anyone thinking about carrying a kahr 380 pistol as is from the factory: DONT.

06-12-2019, 08:57 PM
Lol, was the first thing I upgraded after I put 100 rounds through mine. Didn’t trust the striker after reading several posts about them failing. Also upgraded to magguts to add a round to the 6 round mags. Oh, and a stainless steel guide rod.

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06-12-2019, 09:07 PM
I learned the hard way I guess...

It's so frustrating. The p/cw380 is the best 380 ccw piece on the market, AS LONG AS it gets an upgraded striker. havent got the magguts yet but it has been on my radar for some time.

Kahr really shouldnt be able to get away with this. Whoever is in charge of the company is slipping because creating products like this is a guaranteed way to have your company go under.

07-05-2019, 02:17 PM
Went with Magguts for my CW380 Tungsten and love it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

07-05-2019, 11:21 PM
Title just about says it. Broke 2 separate strikers on a p380 and cw380 from around 300 trigger pulls on each (broke the p380 6 months ago and the cw380 just now). I used azoom snap caps for every trigger pull.

For my p380 I upgraded the striker to a lakeline steel striker after I broke the MIM one, and this has been my edc for the past 6 months. I'm not needlessly bashing kahr, I love this gun and plan on carrying it for the foreseeable future, but thats only because I upgraded it to a configuration other than what kahr offers.

I truly love my p380 with its steel striker, but for the love of god Kahr what are you doing. The way they ship their guns from the factory I would never in a million years trust my life to one. Charge 30$ more and assemble it with a proper striker. The gun is great. It's a travesty that they got so close yet so far from a reliable 380 carry piece.

so an FYI for anyone thinking about carrying a kahr 380 pistol as is from the factory: DONT.
I have owned several Kahr handguns since 2011 and have been a member of this forum that long too. Your post about broken strikers is the 1st report that I have read of broken strikers for the last 8 years. So, I am not seeing a striker problem for Kahr guns.

King Rat
07-06-2019, 05:02 AM
I have owned several Kahr handguns since 2011 and have been a member of this forum that long too. Your post about broken strikers is the 1st report that I have read of broken strikers for the last 8 years. So, I am not seeing a striker problem for Kahr guns.

Totally agree. The internet is full of comments like the OP's on many firearms. One owner has a issue and the internet takes it to a unreal proportion. Comments like "FYI for anyone thinking about carrying a kahr 380 pistol as is from the factory: DONT." These type of comments carry a lot of weight on the internet, but simply not realistic. The internet can be a useful guide for many owners and at the same time, it is full of false information. Most of the time issues are user error in some form. I have seen it many times over the years on the internet and even at the range. The Beretta Pico suffered from the same internet comments of broken firing pins. Yet, I have two of them with one Pistol well over 3500 rounds and never a issue. It is just a matter of using snap caps all the time. I was at the range and some guy was having extractor issues with his Beretta Nano. Cursing the gun all over the place. I asked if I could shoot it, and it was no surprise the gun shot just fine. Turns out, he was new to shooting and limp wristed the gun. Saw the same thing with another gun, a Ruger. That guy was riding the slide causing it to fail. I could go on and on.
Kahr makes a fine high quality 380. Tight tolerances, great metal, great workmanship. I have a 380 with about 1500 rds down range and have complete trust in the gun.

07-06-2019, 05:27 AM
While I don’t have links to them, I believe I’ve seen other examples of the striker in a Kahr 380 breaking.

Isn’t that why Lakeline designed and sells a stronger 380 striker which can also be bought directly from Kahr?

King Rat
07-06-2019, 07:39 AM
While I don’t have links to them, I believe I’ve seen other examples of the striker in a Kahr 380 breaking.

Isn’t that why Lakeline designed and sells a stronger 380 striker which can also be bought directly from Kahr?

Does Lakeland say how many rounds fired before failure in a normal striker? No, you would have to go through a lot or ammo before that ever happens and even so, you could just replace the factory on regular maintenance down the road. Just like striker guide rods. They can last a very long time. Many after market items for most guns out there. You can opt for mag extensions and on and on. Does not mean the factory do not work. Your post makes it sound like all Kahrs are breaking striker's. You can add after marker striker for a lot of guns. But just because they are offered does not make the original dangerous. And just because you saw other post that they break means nothing. How many per 1,000? I would bet it is as little as .6 % if that, which is the number that one manufacture found on a reported internet issue.
Yes, someone can opt for a stronger part, but for you to issue a 'Warning' across the board is not prudent without some real facts. To believe Kahr is producing unsafe or unreliable firearms is IMO wrong. Again, they are a very reputable firearm manufacture. If you did break three strikers and used snap caps then I would recommend you have the gun sent in for Kahr to examine. Something else has to be going on.

Here is how the internet works IMO. You report a dire warning across the internet to not use a particular firearm. Nothing to back it up except a failure of the one gun you own. Now after reading your Dire Warning, 1,000 internet posters now become Kahr experts and parrot the warning. And then it snowballs, get larger and larger. Before you know it, all Kahrs are outright dangerous and a gun to be avoided. If you feel Kahr makes a unsafe gun, then please back it up with more information. If you know how many out of 50,000 guns and 49,000 have your issue then please post. Otherwise I suggest folks take your post with a grain of salt as well as any other internet post reporting the same kind of warnings etc.

07-06-2019, 07:52 AM

07-06-2019, 10:20 AM
I had to send my CM9 back about 3 months after I had it for a broken striker. Kahr replaced it and been good to go since.

07-06-2019, 12:00 PM
My striker broke early on. There were many posts on here about broken strikers. If I ever get another CW or P 380 I will change the striker immediately. I love my CW and carry it all of the time and have complete faith in it. I would never carry one with the factory striker.

07-06-2019, 08:41 PM
I did a quick search, and found this thread from 4 years ago. Searched "broken striker".
Sorry, I don't have a dog in this fight but even I have heard about the 380 striker issues.


07-06-2019, 10:41 PM
While I don’t have links to them, I believe I’ve seen other examples of the striker in a Kahr 380 breaking.

Isn’t that why Lakeline designed and sells a stronger 380 striker which can also be bought directly from Kahr?

Yes, exactly! I had a cw380 which broke its striker after a few hundred rounds. I bought a P380 and got rid of the CW. The striker in that P380 broke at least 4 times before Alphonse developed the Lakeline replacement. Kahr replaced barrel and slide 2x . They had a gunsmith call me to review my ammo choices. Snap caps or not, the striker broke. There has not been many reports lately, but back in 2015 or so, there were a bunch.

King Rat
07-07-2019, 03:30 AM
I can't speak for any in that time era, and perhaps they did have a large batch of bad strikers, which is possible. But I have one along with a few friends at my club and we have not seen any of the more recent guns to have that problem or any Light Primer strikes. And combined guns equal a lot of rounds down range. Perhaps I will get one down the road. It seems Kahr should have issued a recall.

07-07-2019, 07:05 AM
I had no issues with the stock striker in my CT380 through 600 rounds. At that point, since I wanted to thoroughly clean the striker channel, I went ahead and put the Lakeline striker in.

08-21-2019, 07:14 AM
Totally agree. The internet is full of comments like the OP's on many firearms. One owner has a issue and the internet takes it to a unreal proportion. Comments like "FYI for anyone thinking about carrying a kahr 380 pistol as is from the factory: DONT." These type of comments carry a lot of weight on the internet, but simply not realistic. The internet can be a useful guide for many owners and at the same time, it is full of false information. Most of the time issues are user error in some form. I have seen it many times over the years on the internet and even at the range. The Beretta Pico suffered from the same internet comments of broken firing pins. Yet, I have two of them with one Pistol well over 3500 rounds and never a issue. It is just a matter of using snap caps all the time. I was at the range and some guy was having extractor issues with his Beretta Nano. Cursing the gun all over the place. I asked if I could shoot it, and it was no surprise the gun shot just fine. Turns out, he was new to shooting and limp wristed the gun. Saw the same thing with another gun, a Ruger. That guy was riding the slide causing it to fail. I could go on and on. Kahr makes a fine high quality 380. Tight tolerances, great metal, great workmanship. I have a 380 with about 1500 rds down range and have complete trust in the gun.

1) broken firing pins are not 'User error' (unless youre using snap caps made of steel or something)
2) just because YOU have a pico thats fine doesnt mean they dont have problems ( the plural of anecdote is not data).
3) the reason why I feel confident that Kahr has a striker problem with their 380s is because I had two independent guns break their striker in the exact same place (which is coincidentally the same place everyone's stikers break). Again, you for some reason feel like the countless examples on this very forum (and this very thread) of people breaking their strikers are somehow negated by the fact that YOU have one that didnt break.. That is faulty logic.

I love my p380. But to try and claim that Kahr doesnt have a problem with their 380 strikers breaking is wrong. Search around the internet, it happens to way too many people, and our strikers break in the *exact same* place every time. It happened to me with 2 separate guns with serial numbers 10 letters apart.
Lakeline stikers exist specifically Because Kahr has a 380 striker problem. It is only cost effective for them to manufacture those strikers because so many people break theirs. even The p365 striker aftermarket dried up after sig redesigned their striker last year, the only ones left are designed after the gen1 strikers, because the gen2 ones dont break enough to warrant a profitable aftermarket.

08-21-2019, 09:10 PM
Just to break it down by the numbers. lets be extremely liberal and say that 5% of kahrs 380 strikers are faulty and will break within 500 rounds (which would be VERY unacceptable for a ccw carry gun. at the height of sigs p365 striker fiasco even they did not come close to a 5% failure rate), then the chance of me getting 2 faulty strikers with two independent observations would be 0.05 * 0.05 = 0.0025 , or 0.25%.
So I either won some 1 in 500 faulty striker lottery, or the percent of bad strikers is much higher than 5%.

another gentleman in this thread said he broke 5 strikers. So either he won a one:ten million lottery... Or kahr has a striker problem in their 380 handguns...

10-14-2019, 08:23 PM
Most competition shooters dry fire their guns thousands of times a week.
Even though I'm a competitor, I just don't have the time to dry fire, and practice nearly as much as I SHOULD.
That said, out of all the dry fire practice I've done, the only guns I've had issues with is my M&Ps. I broke two strikers. Both times, I called S&W and they sent me a new one. All 3 strikers were different, which tells me that they knew they had a problem, and re-engineered their strikers.
Maybe, one of these nights, I'll dig out my CW380, and dry fire it a couple thousand times to see if the striker will fail.
Yup, I'll do it, and report back.

10-15-2019, 10:38 AM
Wonderful, if faulty, supposition based statistical analysis. What's your point? Kahr 380's had a striker breakage problem. So what. I have a P380 and a CW380 with lots of rounds through them and no striker failures. Failure to extract was a huge problem with the CW but it was easily fixed. There was a lot of chatter on here about FTE. Guess what? Not so much lately. Under your logic I should get rid my 380's because a striker breakage is imminent. I haven't heard of a striker breakage on this board for AGES. Maybe Kahr, being a responsible manufacturer, fixed the problem. Are you just here to bust Kahr's balls? Are you on other makers forums busting their balls too? EVERY manufacturer has issues. I'm here to learn about issues Kahr owners and shooters find and resolutions to them. I think Kahr uses this forum for the same thing and that's why we don't hear much about broken strikers or FTE anymore.

Just to break it down by the numbers. lets be extremely liberal and say that 5% of kahrs 380 strikers are faulty and will break within 500 rounds (which would be VERY unacceptable for a ccw carry gun. at the height of sigs p365 striker fiasco even they did not come close to a 5% failure rate), then the chance of me getting 2 faulty strikers with two independent observations would be 0.05 * 0.05 = 0.0025 , or 0.25%.
So I either won some 1 in 500 faulty striker lottery, or the percent of bad strikers is much higher than 5%.

another gentleman in this thread said he broke 5 strikers. So either he won a one:ten million lottery... Or kahr has a striker problem in their 380 handguns...

King Rat
10-15-2019, 11:17 AM
1) broken firing pins are not 'User error' (unless youre using snap caps made of steel or something)
2) just because YOU have a pico thats fine doesnt mean they dont have problems ( the plural of anecdote is not data).
3) the reason why I feel confident that Kahr has a striker problem with their 380s is because I had two independent guns break their striker in the exact same place (which is coincidentally the same place everyone's stikers break). Again, you for some reason feel like the countless examples on this very forum (and this very thread) of people breaking their strikers are somehow negated by the fact that YOU have one that didnt break.. That is faulty logic.

I love my p380. But to try and claim that Kahr doesnt have a problem with their 380 strikers breaking is wrong. Search around the internet, it happens to way too many people, and our strikers break in the *exact same* place every time. It happened to me with 2 separate guns with serial numbers 10 letters apart.
Lakeline stikers exist specifically Because Kahr has a 380 striker problem. It is only cost effective for them to manufacture those strikers because so many people break theirs. even The p365 striker aftermarket dried up after sig redesigned their striker last year, the only ones left are designed after the gen1 strikers, because the gen2 ones dont break enough to warrant a profitable aftermarket.

Actually have two Pico with no striker problems. Also have shot about 1500 rounds through the CW with NO problems and twice that with the CM9. Although I did replace it with the lakeland and still do not know why I did. The fact that I have not had any problems seem to really nerve you. The point about the strikers with the Pico was the fact that the manual specifically states to use snap caps, and all reported failures were with people who did not. It was NOT dry firing that was the problem.
Just because Lakeland makes a after market product does not mean every gun without his product will have a failure. Where do YOU get your information. Gallaway sells after market products as well as dozens of other companies.
I know you would like me to report I had a problem with a broken striker. But sorry, I cannot do this. I will have to stick to the facts from my own experience and not worry about the Internet.

10-15-2019, 05:56 PM
Is this conversation still going on?

There have been multiple reports of broken 380 strikers on this forum. Lakeline responded by selling a beefier striker which you can now also buy directly from Kahr.

10-15-2019, 06:15 PM
Is this conversation still going on?

There have been multiple reports of broken 380 strikers on this forum. Lakeline responded by selling a beefier striker which you can now also buy directly from Kahr.

It indeed has been a while since I've seen a broken striker on this board. I think the horse is dead. We can stop beating it now. :rolleyes:

10-19-2019, 06:43 PM
Not to keep beating the horse, but is this problem specific to the .380 Kahrs, or all of them? :confused:

10-19-2019, 06:57 PM
Mostly the 380's. Not heard of issues with any of the others.

10-20-2019, 07:15 AM
I would immediately dump both pistols and move on to something more reliable .

Look hard at the Sig P365.

Ed M
10-20-2019, 11:54 AM
I would immediately dump both pistols and move on to something more reliable .

Look hard at the Sig P365.

I wouldn't dump anything.

I love my P365, but the 365 has had it's share of problems.

Broken strikers being one of those problems. Sig has had 3 iterations of strikers for this gun. The most recent seems promising, and also helps eliminate primer drag.

Lightning Strike also makes an aftermarket striker that is not a MIM piece, but it's like a hundred bucks - vs the 30 something for a 380 Lakeline striker. Interestingly enough, Kahr actually sells that Lakeline striker on their website.

My P365 came with a dead tritium vial on the rear sight. Sig sent me a new set of sights in a few days though, and also offered to install them if I sent them the slide. The dead sight issue persists for new 365's even today.

Other failures for the P365 that have been reported include broken trigger return springs, defective recoil spring assemblies, extractor issues, magazine follower issues, and persistent rust issues on the sights and mag release. New, un-purchased guns in gun shops have been reported to have rust on them, even though they just recently arrived.

These are just some of the more common problems, but like ANYTHING made by man, nothing is perfect.

10-20-2019, 05:15 PM
Mostly the 380's. Not heard of issues with any of the others.Thank you for the reply. ;)

11-17-2019, 01:08 PM
Last December before our 3-week Winter trip, I went to put on my P40 and my CrossBreed Minituck holster. My pants had shrunk! I got out my P380 Mintuck and it fit fine. :)

I've been carrying the P380 mostly since then and it has always been my around the house and Dr. visit pitol.

I've been cleaning it more often because I rely on it more. I've been having a problem with rust... from the slide lock pin and spring area, aswell as the front and rear of the recoil assembly. I got my P380 new 1 April 2010... had a night-sighted one on order for 11 months!

I've put well over 200 +P rounds through the pistol and maybe a few thousand FMJ, too. I started out with 90-grain Gold Dots by Buffalo Bore and when they started using a different bullet, I switched to Underwood's 90-gr +P GD's at 1,200 fps.

I've never had a problem with my pistol, though the +P rounds ARE brutal... like .357 Magnums in a 2" snubbie!

Anyhow, back to the rust. I use Tetra oil and grease and I 'm still getting rust buildup, so I just ordered Lakeline's stainless guide rod, and while there I looked at the striker again and decided to get one of those as well because of the most robust design. I've had no problems with the original and I did put the lighter Wolff striker spring in it many years ago.

Since this has become my EDC until my pants get a little more room for the larger pistol, I thought I would get a few nagging concerns, or possible ones, taken care of. Next, I'll look for a replacement defense round... standard pressure... since my impact point has moved away from where I would like it with the +P ammo. Standard FMJ is okay for me. I'll see what Underwood has for defense... maybe even the +P with another bullet.

Wynn :)

11-17-2019, 03:30 PM
Great post.

Does the 380 striker use the same spring as the 9mm striker?

11-17-2019, 04:07 PM
Great post.

Does the 380 striker use the same spring as the 9mm striker?
When I was having light strikes with a used P380 I tried a PM9 striker spring in it. That cured the light strikes, but the slide would move rearward as I pulled the trigger (heavier striker spring overcoming the recoil spring). So my take is that they are not the same.

11-17-2019, 04:26 PM
Thanks Greg.

11-18-2019, 02:52 PM
From Wolff Springs, it seems that all striker springs are the same, EXCEPT for the .380:

Price ($)
Add to cart




Striker Springs

Striker Springs - Reduced Power - W. C. Wolff Company offers reduced power striker springs (firing pin springs) for Kahr pistols rated at 5 pounds. The factory striker spring is 6 pounds. This spring will help improve the trigger pull.
Warning: This spring is for competition use only - not for duty use.
Fits All Kahr Models, Except .380 Caliber models


11-18-2019, 06:01 PM
I would immediately dump both pistols and move on to something more reliable .

Look hard at the Sig P365.

Nice looking pistola, but keep an eye on your dog....his eyes show he's up to somekinda nogood.

11-18-2019, 07:43 PM
I agree, that dog's plottin on you if he ain't already done something.

11-21-2019, 09:53 AM
Last December before our 3-week Winter trip, I went to put on my P40 and my CrossBreed Minituck holster. My pants had shrunk! I got out my P380 Mintuck and it fit fine. :)

I've been carrying the P380 mostly since then and it has always been my around the house and Dr. visit pitol.

I've been cleaning it more often because I rely on it more. I've been having a problem with rust... from the slide lock pin and spring area, aswell as the front and rear of the recoil assembly. I got my P380 new 1 April 2010... had a night-sighted one on order for 11 months!

I've put well over 200 +P rounds through the pistol and maybe a few thousand FMJ, too. I started out with 90-grain Gold Dots by Buffalo Bore and when they started using a different bullet, I switched to Underwood's 90-gr +P GD's at 1,200 fps.

I've never had a problem with my pistol, though the +P rounds ARE brutal... like .357 Magnums in a 2" snubbie!

Anyhow, back to the rust. I use Tetra oil and grease and I 'm still getting rust buildup, so I just ordered Lakeline's stainless guide rod, and while there I looked at the striker again and decided to get one of those as well because of the most robust design. I've had no problems with the original and I did put the lighter Wolff striker spring in it many years ago.

Since this has become my EDC until my pants get a little more room for the larger pistol, I thought I would get a few nagging concerns, or possible ones, taken care of. Next, I'll look for a replacement defense round... standard pressure... since my impact point has moved away from where I would like it with the +P ammo. Standard FMJ is okay for me. I'll see what Underwood has for defense... maybe even the +P with another bullet.

Wynn :)

Good post. I am on a constant quest for SD for my P380. Mine seems to dislike anything +P, and any unusual bullet shapes seem to hang it up, too. I recently tried the Underwood Extreme Defense, ARX Inceptor, and Fort Scott Munitions, and none of those got through a single magazine without a failure to feed.

Mine seems to like any of the standard horsepower XTP rounds (although not Fiocchi), and it also eats the Hornady Critical Defense rounds like candy.

I really can't complain, since I've got an awesome little gun that shoots a handful of decent ammos. But I'm always on the hunt for the "perfect" SD round, especially if I'm relying on a relatively tame caliber like .380.

11-23-2019, 01:24 PM
From my Kahr Arms Nation on Facebook:

Last December as I was dressing to start our 3-week-long holiday travels, I found that my pants had shrunk! My P40 and Crossbreed Minituck just wouldn't fit comfortably IWB! So I got my P380 and its Minituck and have been using the P380 as my EDC. I always wear it around the house, though other pistols are conveniently available. I started paying more attention to it and cleaning it a bit more. There was rust buildup around the slide lock pin and spring and a bunch at the rear and front of the recoil assembly guide rod. After cleaning that several times and seeing the rust return, I ordered a Lakeline stainless steel guide rod and while at the site, I checked out the striker Al designed. It's definitely more robust and though I haven't had a problem with mine, I decided to get one of those, too.
I got those yesterday after about 4 days, I think. I put them in and took pictures of the parts for comparison. As I look at the striker, I'm SO GLAD that I did. The front inside of the original striker is very battered and I think that it would have eventually failed. I didn't take a picture of the guide rod protruding a bit more from the slide, but I think it does. That's not a biggy, though.
The old striker is on the bottom and the new guide rod is at the top of the photo.
I hope to lose a few pounds so that I can carry my P40 with the ported barrel again, but I gained a few pounds with the anti-testosterone shot I got a year ago before radiation treatment for prostate cancer... successful... and that's my story, but eating nuts... too many Macadamias, Brazil, and walnuts contributed quite a bit. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/taa/1.5/16/1f603.png?_nc_eui2=AeGW5OcdSf9Pr5F4uI7wdHPXRBNoVWg PSN8yQ8WUNV47Ba8RN3WwW0FHZkGIyAqh4VBYANcD2FdN9Mulp 8kEuVhb30Pnfb7V1iv9UhtICPWg6A My "T" is still low, but I see the doctor soon and he should address that.

Anyhow, I have peace of mind now that I've addressed some problems and possible problems with my P380. I waited 11 months for a night-sighted one and got it 1 April 2010! It's a very handy pistol and I really like it for doctors' appointments when I have to disrobe. On those occasions, I just put it in an Uncle Mike soft IWB holster which is easily transferred from IWB to in-pocket for max concealment.
Thanks to Al at Lakeline for the upgrades!

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11-28-2019, 12:36 AM
Yesterday, I got out a few pair of my once too large shorts... 36" and my 36" Looper Kydex-Reinforced gun belt. I carried my P40 for the first time in maybe a year! There's plenty of room in my 36" pants, but not so much in my 34" ones... with a pistol and magazine stuffed in there, too. :-D I have plenty of larger shorts... even some new ones. I'll have to check on jeans, though, for this Winter trip coming up. I usually have to switch to jeans by Amarillo with the cold and wind out there. JAX, FL, to Durango area.