View Full Version : Please help fix a 2A problem on the White House web site
06-30-2019, 10:29 PM
Please help to get the White House web site corrected. It currently states that "The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms". Any right that the government "gives" can also be taken away. In fact, the 2A recognises and is intended to protect a right that pre-existed any government.
Please do not get into a political fire-fight here. This misstatement of the 2A predates Trump and we need 100K signatures by July 27th on the petition below to bring it to his attention to get it fixed.
White House petition (
Ammoland article (
Thanks for your help.
07-01-2019, 07:52 AM
Did it.
07-01-2019, 10:06 AM
07-01-2019, 02:57 PM
I normally don't reply to anything requiring my E-Mail address, but in this case I made an exception.
Ken L
07-01-2019, 05:10 PM
Signed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Not sure I understand the problem here. Kinda sounds like a semantics quibble. What is it you wish it to say?
07-03-2019, 07:56 PM
It’s substance, not semantics. The petition should have provided replacement wording. “The 2nd Amendment prevents government from interfering with our right to be armed.”
07-03-2019, 08:39 PM
It's not working too well lately. I signed the petition.
July 1 we here in Washington now have to wait 10 days even with a CPL, have to take a class every 5 years to buy a semi auto rifle (even a 10/22)
And no more instant checks even for rifles. Semi auto rifles are just like a pistol now.
Just bought a cowboy 6 gun, wouldn't take a CC so had to mail a check, so won't be here before July 1. Leave on vacation the 13th, likely won't be able to bring it along to play as it'll still be in California look alike waiting jail.
I'm beyond ticked off personally and work is a nightmare as now we have to do all those checks. I could spit them out with only an hour or two wait but now we have to wait for a mental check which is Fed so it of course takes 6 to 8 days or more.
Right to bear arms shall not be infringed..... Don't say shall not be infringed if you wait 2 weeks, take a class and kow kow to Pelosi an Sarah Brady.
07-04-2019, 09:58 AM
It's not working too well lately. I signed the petition.
July 1 we here in Washington now have to wait 10 days even with a CPL, have to take a class every 5 years to buy a semi auto rifle (even a 10/22)
And no more instant checks even for rifles. Semi auto rifles are just like a pistol now.
Just bought a cowboy 6 gun, wouldn't take a CC so had to mail a check, so won't be here before July 1. Leave on vacation the 13th, likely won't be able to bring it along to play as it'll still be in California look alike waiting jail.
I'm beyond ticked off personally and work is a nightmare as now we have to do all those checks. I could spit them out with only an hour or two wait but now we have to wait for a mental check which is Fed so it of course takes 6 to 8 days or more.
Right to bear arms shall not be infringed..... Don't say shall not be infringed if you wait 2 weeks, take a class and kow kow to Pelosi an Sarah Brady.
Sorry to hear that. Time to have a 51st state to the union called East Washington.
It did make me think though, given the attitude and situation that the liberal anti-gun Seattle area is in can you imagine the situation if there happened to be a natural disaster (think earthquake)? Remember New Orleans after Katrina???
Just thinking out loud.
07-04-2019, 10:51 AM
I think people really fail to understand in our way of government. ANY....ANY Amendment can be either modified or removed and more added if the proper procedure is followed. The Bill of Rights are actually Amendments to the original Constitution....therefore demonstrating the Constitution can be modified. God given rights are often confused with Constitutional rights. George Mason is the person that argued that the Constitution did not afford protection of basic POLITICAL rights as his home state of Virginia did. And by the way there were originally 12 Amendments, not 10. One concerned population representation, which was finally 1992! God gives us the right to defend ourselves, but how and by what means we accomplish our defense is not in any way designated. The 2nd Amendment is one allowable means given to us by our government but does not limit our self defense to firearms only. We are permitted to carry knives for self defense , however there are a number of laws that govern what type of knife we may carry on our body. In reality the words within the Second Amendment state nothing about self states very clearly the right to keep and bear arms is for "BEING NECCESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE". Our judicial system has interpreted that to mean various things that have GIVEN us the right to carry and use firearms for self protection. The biggest thing of all that is never discussed....the Bill of Rights was never voted on by the people of the country.....It was the individual state legislators that ratified the Bill of Rights...NOT the citizens voting on it.
08-24-2019, 04:52 PM
"it states very clearly the right to keep and bear arms is for "BEING NECCESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE"."
That isn't what the amendment says.
The amendment quite clearly says "a well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state".. it does not put any restriction or condition on the right of the people to keep and bear arms tho it does put a restriction on Govt which shall not infringe on the right of the people.
09-14-2019, 05:30 PM
Sadly, it means what the courts and ultimately SCOTUS tells us it means... Our interpretation and opinions are as worthless as **** on a boar.
03-23-2023, 12:00 AM
I think people really fail to understand in our way of government.,,,, The 2nd Amendment is one allowable means given to us by our government but does not limit our self defense to firearms only,,,,,<br>....In reality the words within the Second Amendment state nothing about self states very clearly the right to keep and bear arms is for "BEING NECCESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE". Our judicial system has interpreted that to mean various things that have GIVEN us the right to carry and use firearms for self protection. The biggest thing of all that is never discussed....the Bill of Rights was never voted on by the people of the country.....It was the individual state legislators that ratified the Bill of Rights...NOT the citizens voting on it.
"I think people really fail to understand in our way of government" Yes they do and they continue to do so .....
"The 2nd Amendment is one allowable means given to us by our government but does not limit our self defense to firearms only,,,,," NOPE, not given to us by our govt. A reminder TO the govt to NOT infringe on that Natural right.
OK, the Constitution was being debated and in the process of getting ratified. The two main factions were the "Federalists" - rich educated folks from the urban cities, who thought the rural farmers were too stupid to govern themselves, so they favored a large, strong central govt.. Today , they're called democrats. The other faction were the 'anti-Federalists"- of course, the rural farmers. They absolutely didn't trust the Federalists, and wanted a small, not strong central govt. The "Antis " demanded that the Bill of Rights be IN the Constitution, to remind the govt to NOT infringe on those rights. The Federalists said that the Constitution itself would provide that and the BOR didn't need to be in there. The Antis refused to ratify the Constitution unless the BOR was in there, and THEY won out.
Of course , they didn't intend for the BOR to be the complete list of all our natural rights, so the 10thA spelled that out. BUT, those were the most important to them, at that time, as those were the issues that they were oppressed over by the British Crown. The 2A was worded as it was as a direct result of the Shays Rebellion, in Mass, so that state demanded that the 2A, be worded that way, as they had NO authority to stop the rebellion,.under the Articles of Confederation. Of course, they didn't intend for the the right to keep and bear arms be exclusively for " a well regulated militia, the security of a free state", as they themselves carried guns for several different reasons back then- hunting, self defense, and war specifically against tyrannical govt.. And they knew that the "militia" was ALL able bodied American citizens, NOT the Natl Guard.
Luckily, today's SCOTUS recognized that in Heller, and McDonald, and Bruen- that we have the natural right to RKBA, for hunting, shooting sports, self defense and for a tyrannical govt. Regardless of how the 2A is worded. The thing is, it's structured the way it is on purpose. See the first part is an incomplete sentence, it cannot stand on it's own. it makes NO sense: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state. That could actually be dropped, and the REST of the 2A, the complete sentence, would STILL make perfect sense: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" Yes, it doesn't say WHY, because it doesn't matter WHY.
"The biggest thing of all that is never discussed....the Bill of Rights was never voted on by the people of the country.....It was the individual state legislators that ratified the Bill of Rights...NOT the citizens voting on it" Well, it's never discussed because the Constitution hadn't been ratified yet, so that issue is moot... However, the citizens DID vote on the Reps to go ratify it, so...
03-24-2023, 10:33 AM
And that explains why we are a republic.
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