View Full Version : Do you carry a spare magazine?
09-02-2010, 05:01 PM
Jocko and I disagree on whether or not one should carry a spare magazine and he suggested a poll would be interesting. I agree.
While I am not trying to start an e-argument over the subject I think it's worth exploring in the form of a poll.
So ... do you carry a spare or not?
09-02-2010, 05:33 PM
I voted no, not on me, but I do keep an extra mag in my truck.
09-02-2010, 05:34 PM
No. While the reasoning behind carrying a spare is sound, the probability of needing one as a civilian are astronomical. I'd rather carry a spare gun if I felt the need. I put all my faith in my one gun, one mag.
09-02-2010, 05:41 PM
Yes... one... the largest Kahr-made for the pistol... with friendlier extended grip, if available.
PM45: 5+1+7G (or 6G). PM9: 6+1+8G (or 7G). P380: 6+1+6. K9: 7+1+8G.
09-02-2010, 07:38 PM
No. While the reasoning behind carrying a spare is sound, the probability of needing one as a civilian are astronomical. I'd rather carry a spare gun if I felt the need. I put all my faith in my one gun, one mag.
iT'S A matter of personal preference. I carried a model 60 (5 shot) for 30 years and never had a speed loaded with me or 5 rounds shuffling in my pocket. I figure with my PM9 now with 7 rounds, I have certainly upgraded in firepower for about the same weight and size. No offense to anyone who carry more magazines and extra guns. I am not paranoid. I don't look around every corner (maybe I should) I try to avoid trouble spots which in my area we don't have much of that at all. I am 67 married for 25 years, so I don't bar hop anymore or carouse around half the night where trouble might be. BUT I do carry 24/7 even in states that don't allow it, as I will not be a victim either, that is about as far as paranoid as I will go. Common sense will keep 99.995% of us all out of harms way.. that other .005% might just need that extra magazine and extra gun taped to their leg.
a nice survey wn't change anyones mnd either but it will let most know how others thinks towards the question. Put me down for a NO..
09-02-2010, 07:54 PM
Yes (2 x 6 rds). It's easy enough... kinda balances out the other side weight-wise. I know that most actual encounters entail less than 3 shots, but still, the thought of not having at least a 2nd wind in a worst-case scenario gives me the heebie-jeebies.
09-02-2010, 08:12 PM
With a single stack like Kahr, it's pretty painless to carry a mag or 2, I carry a 7 round and have one or 2 more in the car (PM9). I have yet to carry a BUG, but it's not a bad idea--a LCP or even little Beretta 950 weighs only a little more than a full 9mm mag.
09-03-2010, 05:32 AM
I carry 1, 5rd mag,as a spare. Cause you just never know whats around the corner.
09-03-2010, 08:39 AM
...the probability of needing one (spare magazine) as a civilian are astronomical.
Of course, so are the probabilities of needing a gun. :D
09-03-2010, 10:21 PM
^ Well said.
I carry one for my PM9. Figured they're practically as small as a zippo, and 13rds. is less than most have in one mag these days. That, and you just never know when the zombies are going to show. :)
09-04-2010, 08:41 AM
I carry two magazines but seldom carry a BUG. It's more a forcive habit that I carry two reloads, but I would carry one at any rate. Currently, my selection of BUGs looks like my carry choices, duty sized weapons. The smallest pistol I own size wise is my P45, though that will be changing soon as I get another snub 357. I carry two reloads for all my pistols, even the odd times I have a BUG on me. I also have a bunch of other carry gear as well.
Yes. I carry one, sometimes more depending on if I'm working and where I'm going. Of
Course there is the PM9 backing up the CW9 so the mag works for either gun.
11-20-2010, 08:57 AM
I didn't while carrying my Sig P250 9mm (13 rnds) but since carrying the Taurus PT740 (6+1) and now the CW45 (6+1) I feel like I need to carry a spare. Now if I can just feel better about spending 40 bucks for a magazine.:(
11-20-2010, 07:13 PM
Thought that's why Kahr issues 2 with each. Ha Ha !
yes I carry spare.
11-20-2010, 07:57 PM
I voted yes because there was no "sometimes" option.
It really depends on what mood I'm in. I normally carry my CW40 everywhere I go but seldom carry a spare mag around in the small town I live in. The cops here are pretty good at keeping the pecker heads pinned down. If I leave town, then yeah I take a spare mag along but also take along something more substantial than my CW40.
11-20-2010, 10:19 PM
I always carry a spare for much the same reason I always carry a gun: I'd rather have and not need it than need and not have it. One of the most frequent causes of malfunctions in autopistols is the magazine. If I have a malfunction, I want to be able to drop the mag and insert a fresh one; not remove the mag, try to diagnose the problem, fix the issue (if I can), then reinsert the same mag.
11-21-2010, 12:48 AM
since on avg. 3 bullets are fired in most gun fights and its over. So it would only be only logical that one clip should be carried. 2 clips smells like manslaughter charge, or you shouldnt have a gun or your in a fight you should of not been in or could flee from.....thats my 2 cents. Once clip in my truck, but only one on person.
11-21-2010, 02:41 AM
^ Well said.
I carry one for my PM9. Figured they're practically as small as a zippo, and 13rds. is less than most have in one mag these days. That, and you just never know when the zombies are going to show. :)
I agree, with 5+1 (pm40) its not all that hard to slip another mag into a pocket, while its probably not going to be needed, I have to hope the same can be said for the gun, but if the need arises I'd rather have too many rounds than not enough
11-21-2010, 08:39 AM
I just don't want to be that guy that gets on the wrong side of the "3 rounds" statistic. Remember averages have lows and highs. Plus the magazine is the weak point in a pistol, why not have a fix ready. Then there is the fact that you may have gotten the one in front of you, but what about his friends? Like I said, I carry two, yes it is a forcive habit, but it works for me. Remember this also, you must be able to justify under oath why you did what you did, and why you did it the way you did it. Civilians look to police practices when they carry, ask a cop how many reloads he has. Most all have at least two. As for the looking like rambo or seeking a manslaughter charge, phooey, that kind of talk is typical of those places like the PRK (Peoples Republik of Kommiefornia), Mass, Jersey, etc. Hate to be there when you run dry.
11-21-2010, 09:06 AM
Absolutely.When I was in Law Enforcement I always carried 2 extra mags.There is always the possibility of more than 1 assailent,and that's the wrong time to "wish" you had more rounds.Not paranoid,just prefer to be prepared.
11-22-2010, 08:18 AM
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends if I have a particular reason based on where I am headed for the day. For example, if I am headed to the woods, I carry an extra mag. Most of the time when I pocket carry, I do not carry an extra mag. Most of the time when I hip carry, I do.
11-22-2010, 11:14 AM
I carry 7 in my CW40, and a another 7 in a mag on my weak side.
When I carry my Baretta .40 with 13 in it, I don't usually carry a spare.
When I'm packing my 5 shot .44 special Charter Arms revolver, I carry 2 speedloaders.
11-22-2010, 06:44 PM
i carry a 1911 i carry 2 spare for a total of 24 rds
Not on my person but always spares in the car/truck.
11-22-2010, 11:11 PM
Several have mentioned keep spares in their vehicles. How does that help when you're not in your car? Shoot once, malfunction... dash to your car, unlock, open door, rummage through center console, drop mag, insert new mag, re-engage BG, hope he just stood there waiting for you during this whole process.
11-24-2010, 02:41 AM
Several have mentioned keep spares in their vehicles. How does that help when you're not in your car? Shoot once, malfunction... dash to your car, unlock, open door, rummage through center console, drop mag, insert new mag, re-engage BG, hope he just stood there waiting for you during this whole process.
If it malfunctions your most likely dead....
11-24-2010, 08:13 AM
Yes, because you may be dealing with more than one person and its better to be prepared, there is also always an extra mag in the car.
11-24-2010, 08:24 AM
If it malfunctions your most likely dead....
+1 Yep your most likely dead especially if its the round that is the failure. That must be the scariest thing ever to have to use your gun and just hear click on the first shot.
Several have mentioned keep spares in their vehicles. How does that help when you're not in your car? Shoot once, malfunction... dash to your car, unlock, open door, rummage through center console, drop mag, insert new mag, re-engage BG, hope he just stood there waiting for you during this whole process.
Why would you drop your whole mag for a malfunction? Why wouldnt you just manually rack the slide as hard and as fast as possible to eject whatever caused the failure and cycle the next round into the chamber?
11-24-2010, 11:25 AM
one should definitely practice with the ol TAP, RACK BAND BANG THING. alot faster than trying to find that spare magazine etc. That sholdbe part of every shooting session. Just one should know how to do it properly and reliabably to. Not a hard thing to do with some semi's but kahrs are tight and stout recoil springs and small guns also, so it takes alittle practice but easily learned..
One has to know tha tif you get a click, you still have to clear the chamber, even it u insert a new magazine, which makes zero sense to me. TAP, RACK, BANG..
11-25-2010, 01:30 AM
If i'm carrying a single stack then usually yes. Double stack, very rare.
Since it's no longer the job....on my person never.
12-10-2010, 09:54 PM
If I'm carrying a double-stack, I carry 1 spare mag. If I'm carrying a single-stack, I carry 2 spare mags (PM9/P3AT). Single-stack mags are so easy to carry, why not carry 2? I don't carry a spare because I'm planning on getting into a firefight; I carry spare(s) because autoloaders depend on a reliable magazine to function. The magazine fails, the gun goes down.
Weather carrying a single stack or double stack I always carry an extra mag.
I carry at least one spare always when carrying. I more usually have two, and a BUG. It seems kind of reckless to do otherwise if you are carrying a single-stack primary carry.
The odds are high you will never be in a situation to require you to draw your weapon in self-defense, and the odds are also high that if you do, you will likely not have to fire. They rise steeply after that point, in the rare situation where you will have to draw and fire a weapon in self defense, as to how many rounds you might have to fire.
An LEO's odds of such a confrontation are much higher than a civilians, but it makes no sense to be only partially prepared for the worst, IMO.
I carry at least one spare always when carrying. I more usually have two, and a BUG. It seems kind of reckless to do otherwise if you are carrying a single-stack primary carry........
Problem is that spare magazines have to go someplace and in lightweight clothing the arm itself is already an issue. So I normally carry a PM9 without a spare mag. Interesting that before the Kahr I usually carried a 442 with five extra rounds in a speed strip in my offside front pocket. Don't like doing that with a spare 9mm mag.
12-28-2010, 02:45 AM
i now wear tube socks and put 3 spare mags in each sock:33:
12-28-2010, 11:28 AM
I usually carry at least one extra mag.
Listening to Armed America Radio ( last Sunday, 26 Dec and they had an interview with Ted Nugent. Besides being a musician, he's a very strong 2nd Amendment advocate, hunter, and excellent speaker. Surprise to me that he's also a sworn law enforcement officer in two states.
He noted a majority of losing police gun encounters is the result of carrying too little ammo (empty gun). For CCW he is the opposite end of the spectrum and carries and extra six mags!
Listen to the interview and form your opinion. Podcasts are available via iTunes on via on the right side of the page.
12-28-2010, 11:49 AM
Personally Ted does nothing for me. His gun stance gets many frowns from NRA people or should I say his methods of translating his stance leads many to frown. He is defijnitely a 2nd amendment person, so IMO that doesn't make him a bad person either.
If you had to march into the white house, would you get behind Wayne LaPiere or behind Ted??
12-28-2010, 12:54 PM
My carry is a Kahr E9, and is carried strong side IWB, I have a cheap nylon Multi-purpose (convertible) holster that has on the barrel side a kangaroo pocket. I honestly don't notice a weight difference or balance difference if it is there or not, so I always have it along for the ride.
12-28-2010, 01:16 PM
If you had to march into the white house, would you get behind Wayne LaPiere or behind Ted??
Who's bigger? :D
Problem is that spare magazines have to go someplace and in lightweight clothing the arm itself is already an issue. So I normally carry a PM9 without a spare mag. Interesting that before the Kahr I usually carried a 442 with five extra rounds in a speed strip in my offside front pocket. Don't like doing that with a spare 9mm mag.
I wear jeans just about year round, so I don't notice a mag. Warmer climes will require different measures. We all make our choices - mine is I am not going to die from a lack of shooting back. ;)
12-28-2010, 04:14 PM
Who's bigger? :D
sure wayne. faster would be Ted
I wear jeans just about year round, so I don't notice a mag. Warmer climes will require different measures. We all make our choices - mine is I am not going to die from a lack of shooting back. ;)
I guess, but I have different thoughts on the subject. Never go unarmed. Shoot first. Hit what you're aiming at. Then short of a war it isn't a problem.
12-31-2010, 12:44 PM
Just a thought!!!!!
For those who carry a spare mag in hip pocket with handkerchief----During this cold and flue season check your mags nightly. The moisture and acidic nature of mucus will promote corrosion/oxidation very quickly. Put this here ---sort of on topic---
01-01-2011, 09:17 AM
Like the weapon, I guess I think it's better to have the spare mag and not need it than to need it and not have it!
01-01-2011, 10:24 AM
+1 Yep your most likely dead especially if its the round that is the failure. That must be the scariest thing ever to have to use your gun and just hear click on the first shot.
Why would you drop your whole mag for a malfunction? Why wouldnt you just manually rack the slide as hard and as fast as possible to eject whatever caused the failure and cycle the next round into the chamber?
Only a type three or double stack malfunction would require you to strip the mag out. A type one or two as you have described would simply require the tap, rack, re-engage as you and others have correctly pointed out. A type three malfunction in a gun fight would be really bad and you best be moving for cover while taking care of the problem and hoping the BG is a BS as well.
Jocko...Just one question. If you don't carry a spare mag, why did you cut your hand grip out on your PM9 for easier access to the magazine? That is just the type of mod that would make stripping a jammed mag out of the mag well during a type three malfunction much easier! Grabbing that 5 round mag to strip it out of the well without your mod would be pretty difficult as there isn't much to grab. It would also make it easier to strip an empty mag out if it didn't drop free for some reason!
I guess, but I have different thoughts on the subject. Never go unarmed. Shoot first. Hit what you're aiming at. Then short of a war it isn't a problem.
Most people are mediocre pistol shots at best, and an excellent shot on a range is likely to become a mediocre one when in a life or death situation. Given the statistical number of misses in any given gunfight, even by trained professionals, and the fact that pistols are mediocre manstoppers at best, the odds of needing more than one mags worth of bullets in an actual shooting situation increase.
You are highly likely to never have to draw a gun at all, you are highly likely to have the felon break contact on presenting a gun, but in the rare instances when shootings actually do occur, most guns are fired until the slide locks back.
You are comfortable with one mag of a single stack, and you are the only judge of what makes you comfortable - far be it for me to gainsay your personal choice. When the rubber hits the road in a bad situation in the real world, the statistics are against ending a fight with a single small capacity magazine, especialy of less than .40 caliber.
What happens if there is more than one assailant, in example? I've had people answer that "Well, then I am dead anyway, and there is nothing I can do about it", which would be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Me, I am not giving up fighting back - ever - as long as I can draw breath in a life or death situation. I owe that much to my family, at the least.
01-01-2011, 03:47 PM
smokey 337. I did it for two reasons, one is none of my magazines ever dropped fully out of my PM9, and personally I was cool with that to. Being that they dropped partially this mag well cut out I figured would be of no disadvantage to me having it there, and what the hell I was tickering around one evening with my trusty dremel and the PM9 was laying close and well u know they just had to get together.
I also put mag well cut out on my P380 and those magazine fall free every time, again , just one of those dremel things.
Probably not necessary on any semi, if truth be known. I never carry a spare magazine, carried for over 48 years and never had to draw in anger or for any reason. I have for me increased my rounds from my model 60 smith of 5 rounds and no spare rounds on me to now 7 wityh my PM9. With my PM9 taking my entire left pocket, I just ain't gonna jam any more stuff in what pockets I have left when the odds are way way on my side that I will never have to draw the gun in defense, and odds are more than with me that if I can't do the job in 7 then probalby I am dead. I really don't worry about it or get paranoid about not having a spare magazine. The fact that I carry 24/7 puts me way ahead of most.
The fact is that for every one of us there will be a "TODAY" that will be your last day..
01-01-2011, 04:57 PM
Jocko..whether you carry an extra mag or not is your choice, but that mag well cut out is a GREAT idea for those who do carry extra mags and that is really my point! BTW that PM9 of yours is an outstanding carry weapon. Really well thought out!
01-01-2011, 07:09 PM
I always carry a spare or two no matter which gun I am carrying. I have heard plenty of bad stories about running out, here's one I remember vividly:
A story related in Chris Bird's wonderful tome "Thank God I Had A Gun" relates the story of Rory Vertigan, he was involved in a shooting (trying to save a cops life no less) in Phoenix, he ran through everything in his Glock 31 (15 cap', I think he only had 14 in it). Then things got real hairy. It should be noted that the cop killer had emptied his 357 revolver and was trying to obtain a loaded Ruger 9mm auto on the floor of his car when Mr. Vertigan was fighting him hand to hand. Unfortunately, Mr. Vertigan was not carrying any additional ammo. Inspite of these setbacks he prevailed and captured the murderer. He was lucky, but after reading his story in that book I think he would have traded anything for 15 more rounds of 357 Sig in that fight...Some cops in Phoenix refer to those who are carrying (off duty I'm sure:cool:) without extra ammo as 'doing the Vertigan'.
I'd just rather have more than I need; when you are trained to shoot in controlled pairs and triples, even the 13 rd mags in my Glock can run dry in under 6 seconds. I usually carry two spares, when I end up pocket carrying I'm down to one generally.
I signed on in the '60s, well before "spray and pray", and believe in the concepts of training, marksmanship, and self discipline/control under stress.
The Glocks in the console of each of my vehicles have two spare magazines. The arm on my hip does not.
I'd rather have more than I need also. But I now carry solely for my own personal protection and don't feel the need to equip on every trip to the grocery store for a full on firefight. I'm with Jocko on this one.
01-12-2011, 07:15 PM
I voted yes, most gun failures are mag related.
I voted yes, most gun failures are mag related.
Not to mention it seems statistically that single stack mags are more prone to failure.
01-13-2011, 11:39 AM
I voted yes, most gun failures are mag related.
Not to mention it seems statistically that single stack mags are more prone to failure.
Not sure I agree with these statements. Any link or reference to back up or verify these points?
Seems to me it depends more on the particular, gun, the particular magazine, and a thousand other variables involved. Blanket statements about reliability in general need some verifiable emperical data, otherwise it is opinion.
01-13-2011, 11:52 AM
I used to carry a spare for my P9 everywhere I went. I recently got an LCP and now that resides in my front pocket instead of a spare mag. If I decide not to take the LCP the spare mag goes back in the pocket, but with a BUG that weighs little more than a spare mag that rarely happens.
01-23-2011, 09:17 AM
The PM9 is the "spare magazine" for my H&K P2000.
03-01-2011, 09:25 AM
I think carrying a handgun, and not having at least one reload for it is the height of optimism. Especially 5-shot revolvers. Speed strips are so flat and easy to carry.
I guess a story I read once about an off-duty officer who got caught up in a bar holdup sticks in my mind. Whenever this topic comes up, this story pops into my mind.
I know, nothing good happens in a bar, but this could have been a drugstore, or any of several types of businesses.
Out for a pleasant evening of dinner and drinks with his wife, and wouldn't you know it, the bar they were in got held up by 2 guys.
The officer's wife, a little under the influence, and thinking she was whispering, said to the officer in stage whisper "Don't draw your gun!". The officer, not really under the influence, seeing that she had been heard, and realizing he had been revealed, drew his .38 snub revolver, and attempted to engage both robbers with it. He emptied the pistol, and succeeded in wounding one of the robbers.
Sadly, he was then executed while lying on the floor.
I believe holdups involving multiple perpetrators are becoming more common. We all know there are people who wake up every day, and need to commit robbery to support a drug habit, or any habit for that matter.
I realize the reload might have done him no good in this case, but it created a paranoia in my mind. He might have managed it. The image of standing there with an empty pistol, and not even have a chance to reload is something I'm not prepared to ever consider.
I guess everybody that has ever been caught up in a gunfight didn't expect it to happen that day.
03-01-2011, 09:56 AM
#1 u ain't gonna go wrong in carrying a spare mag. #2 u ain't gonna go wrong if u don't either. #3 if you dont carry then u done gone wrong!!!
99.995% of all of us posters will never have to draw and use our ccw gun. to me it is not the amount but where those first couple of shots GO. Some statists. years back showed the NYPD officers who fired their gun under 6 feet mssed over 60% of the time.
For me, I love to shoot my PM9 for it is a fun gun to shoot BUT it is my life saving gun and I carry it 24/7 so I want to know every litlte quirk about it and I want to know exactly what to do if I need to draw it. Carrying different guns "just because" u have them tends to changes ones grip, sight picture,magazine release, safety features. I love to shoot my G19 but it gets rounds through it about one in 5 compared to my PM9. I never was paranoid about carrying either. Where I live, violence is just not like in most places, but I have carried for 48 years because I can and I certainly don't move near as fast as I used to 40 years ago either..
Kahr Carrying Infidel
03-01-2011, 10:19 AM
Nope. :53: I carry TWO.
03-01-2011, 11:50 AM
03-01-2011, 05:49 PM
There wasn't a box for "not yet." ..... When carrying my G-23, I didn't carry a spare.
With my CW40, I feel very underpowered, and as soon as my spare mags arrive that have been ordered, I'll carry at least one... possibly two spare 6 rounders.
03-01-2011, 06:48 PM
cw40, ur not under powered, maybe under loaded!!
Chief Joseph
03-01-2011, 07:55 PM
I happened to have been given a Buck Knife years back by my late step dad that I never carried. My 7 round mag fits in it's carry case nicely, so I do carry a spare mag in my Buck case.
03-02-2011, 11:04 AM
@ Jocko.... yeah... you're right... wrong words.... I feel VERY secure with a .40 along for the ride..... Just wish that my cw40 was as good as some of the guns they show on TV.... unlimited rounds which will knock a bad-guy through a window when they are hit!! :-D
03-07-2011, 02:15 PM
I carry one spare six rounder in a mag packer.
first I must say that I carry 24/7, even while at home...just like putting on a pair of pants or a shirt, it's just a part of my wardrobe.
Usually I carry a spare magazine, but lately been over the road quite a bit and been carrying two spare magazines for my PM9.
Know when I go affot with my 45 ACP usually just one spare mag.
03-11-2011, 09:48 AM
I Always carry at least one extra mag in my weak side pocket. Better safe than sorry.
03-15-2011, 08:20 PM
I carry 2 spare six rounders for the PM9, but only to church. On the street, I'm okay with just one.
03-15-2011, 08:43 PM
yes, because it's a paper weight without it
03-15-2011, 09:18 PM
I carry 2 spare six rounders for the PM9, but only to church. On the street, I'm okay with just one.
Classic line, Willieboy. And I know it's the truth!
03-15-2011, 10:52 PM
You know Mikey, at church, I feel a responsibility to protect the sheep. So many innocents including many children whom I love. I can envision a scenario in which multiple magazines could be required and may not be enough.
I'm an old guy who's had a full life. On the street, I would likely be protecting only myself. If I go down, it's not as big a deal, I'm insured.
By the way, a guy named Mikey gave me my first bloody nose. I was ten years old.
Being from Maryland I don't get to carry too much. But when I do, I'm sorta on both sides of the fence on this one:
* I strongly believe good shot placement is Rule #1. Rule #2 is see Rule #1. It doesn't matter who fires first, or who fires the most, but rather who hits what they want and where. Control under stress. I mentally prepare myself frequently, play "mind games" and "what ifs", and at the range practice like it were real life. So from that perspective I plan to never need a spare.
* On the other hand, Murphy and I are good friends, very good friends indeed. So when I do carry, I bring along a spare 'cause ya just never know... (And my spare is a normal 7-round standard magazine for my CW9. I don't want the grip and feel changing in the middle of a firefight (see Rule #1) just to get one extra round with the extended magazine.)
* But when I can *afford* a BUG (which will be the CM9) then I'll forego the spare magazine in favor of the BUG instead.
03-16-2011, 01:48 AM
You know Mikey, at church, I feel a responsibility to protect the sheep. So many innocents including many children whom I love. I can envision a scenario in which multiple magazines could be required and may not be enough.
Totally understood, and I do the same in my responsibilities. I was only commenting that it was a "classic line" just looking at the line itself. Any casual reader to the forum, without knowing your background and responsibilities, would wonder why you go to a church where you need the extra magazine!!
By the way, a guy named Mikey gave me my first bloody nose. I was ten years old.
I promise that it wasn't me. I'm probably young enough to be your nephew, maybe even grandson. On behalf of all Mikeys, I do ask for your forgiveness.
03-16-2011, 10:35 AM
Agreed, probably a different Mikey. Maybe it was that cereal taster dude.
03-16-2011, 01:45 PM
I understand Mikey. The line does sound funny. Down in Texas though we have those Christian conservatives, and they're a tough bunch.
Regarding the bloody nose, I probably deserved it. It was the first but not the last. Life bloodies all our noses from time-to-time.
iT'S A matter of personal preference. I carried a model 60 (5 shot) for 30 years and never had a speed loaded with me or 5 rounds shuffling in my pocket. I figure with my PM9 now with 7 rounds, I have certainly upgraded in firepower for about the same weight and size. No offense to anyone who carry more magazines and extra guns. I am not paranoid. I don't look around every corner (maybe I should) I try to avoid trouble spots which in my area we don't have much of that at all. I am 67 married for 25 years, so I don't bar hop anymore or carouse around half the night where trouble might be. BUT I do carry 24/7 even in states that don't allow it, as I will not be a victim either, that is about as far as paranoid as I will go. Common sense will keep 99.995% of us all out of harms way.. that other .005% might just need that extra magazine and extra gun taped to their leg.
a nice survey wn't change anyones mnd either but it will let most know how others thinks towards the question. Put me down for a NO..
I agree with Jocko. I never carried a spare speed loader when carrying the wheel gun so why carry a spare mag when I carry the PM9? I figure if I need more shots then the gun will carry on its own, I am probably already dead. :madgrin:
I am not going to war, just want to deter someone from harming myself, loved ones or property. ;)
03-16-2011, 02:38 PM
I've gotten much less paranoid as my mileage is adding up too. I no longer take my gun in the shower in the double zip lock bag since I probably couldn't hear the end of the world anymore anyhow. It just sits on the counter under a towel.
I do carry 2 extra 1911 mags which is no doubt overkill along with the PM45 on the ankle. I'm not the Taxi Driver anymore, but I tend to not look the other way and get involved sometimes when I should just keep on going.
Damsels in distress, guys outnumbered, miscreants causing damage, I just can't turn the other cheek.
03-16-2011, 03:14 PM
I own a spare, it has bullets in it. I never carry it.
04-25-2011, 05:55 PM
no I don't carry a spare mag, not sure thats to smart but thats what I do.
04-25-2011, 09:35 PM
Here is the way I see it: In 20 years of carrying a gun professionally, I have never met a guy who said, "Let me tell you about this time that I was so glad that I did not have a spare magazine on me!". On the other hand, I know of several who wished they had more ammo when they really needed it. :D
04-25-2011, 10:29 PM
Since a mag is often a cause for a semi-auto to fail, why not carry a backup, they're so small on a PM9
07-14-2011, 05:31 PM
I carry twin 6 round extended mags for my MK40.
Use DeSantis.
Either twin Mag Packers
or a twin mag ankle rig.
Plus sometimes I carry a S&W 342 ti as well.
(The fastest reload may well be drawing a second gun!)
07-15-2011, 12:48 PM
I took some defensive training a couple of weeks ago and it quickly became obvious (at least to me) that 7 + 1 in my CW9 was only the Minimum Daily Requirement. It would proably be enough but was too close for my comfort.
07-15-2011, 01:33 PM
I couldn't agree more. That's why I carry a spare magazine. I believe that it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. That's why we all carry a gun in the first place right?
07-15-2011, 05:09 PM
I took some defensive training a couple of weeks ago and it quickly became obvious (at least to me) that 7 + 1 in my CW9 was only the Minimum Daily Requirement. It would proably be enough but was too close for my comfort.
I keep thinking I could empty my gun gaining cover and be sitting empty with no reload. Just a stainless steel club getting ready for the fine art of pistol whipping. Now I carry two mags all the time.
07-15-2011, 08:41 PM
why WOULDN'T you carry a spare magazine for your pistols? Heck, jlottmc has 3 magazines for his Taurus 750 Slim. He prefers to keep it even numbers but they are so messed up with inventory right now at Taurus and didn't include one when it bought it brand new, I called and did a little bitching...
07-16-2011, 09:50 AM
when I carry the Kimber Compact Stainless II I usually have 2 extra mags on me totaling 22 rds, but could easily carry a 3rd extra totaling 29 rds.
when I carry the XDm9 3.8 Compact I always carry 2 extra mags, bringing the total ON ME to 46 rds.
07-16-2011, 10:17 AM
I carry 2 spares in my normal carry pants. I might only carry 1 spare but the pants are designed for two so why not. In my pocket carry "work around the house" pants - no spares. I'll also add I use to have a pair of 10 round mags for the 45 for spares, but those puppies were too heavy and made my suspenders sag (along with the 2+ lb gun).
07-16-2011, 02:28 PM
I have a springfield XD 45 service model that I carry when I'm not carrying my CW45. Even with the XD holding 13 rds I still carry an extra magazine. I have been in law enforcement for 13 yrs and also in the military in the desert. I have never once heard of anyone saying "boy Im glad I dont have more ammo."
Perfect example I will try to point out is this, when there is an officer related shooting how many times do you hear that the officers shot 4-40 times. Tons, we just had a shooting where 4 officers shot 40 shots. You always have the Monday quaterback who wants to know why they shot so many times but it is a proven fact that even when the most experienced officer is involved in a shooting 98% of the time they do not know how many rounds they have fired due to adrenaline and tunnel vision. When thrown into a shoot scenerio that is actually endangering your life you will shoot until the threat is stopped. I would hate to realize that I just shot 6 rounds and hit him once.
People can say thats why they practice so much, to deal with situations like this but when it boils down to it your not going to run at 100% efficiency when put in a dangerous situation.
So to once again yes, I carry an extra magazine.
07-16-2011, 03:10 PM
yep, How about WhyNot!
07-16-2011, 04:07 PM
I'd say half the time. I often carry my Sig P238 in a Remora which I ordered with a spare mag holder all in one unit. If one carries IWB, there is certainly room in a pocket for a mag.
Just one mag in my CW9. As a backup, I have my wife with her S&W 642 revolver.:D
07-19-2011, 07:16 PM
Just one mag in my CW9. As a backup, I have my wife with her S&W 642 revolver.:D
That's one sweet backup - cudos.
07-22-2011, 06:49 PM
I don't feel like I need to but my holster has a spot to carry one so I don't see why I shouldn't.
07-22-2011, 08:30 PM
Most always carry one spare on my weak side when using my IWB hoster as the carrier looks like a knife case and drawn no attention behind my phone case. I carry two when I pocket carry just because my mag holder is a double and has room for 2 mags. I have found that it stays in the correct position in weak side pocket much better than a single holder
07-28-2011, 11:16 AM
As long as I have a second (or third) magazine for the gun I carry at least one spare. They don't take up that much room and you never know when you might need one. It's better to have a spare and not need it, than the alternative.
07-28-2011, 12:21 PM
I always carry a spare with any S/A pistol. Mags are responsible for as many pistols as the pistol. A spare is a must especially with a CM9 with 6+1.
07-28-2011, 12:29 PM
I'd say half the time. I often carry my Sig P238 in a Remora which I ordered with a spare mag holder all in one unit. If one carries IWB, there is certainly room in a pocket for a mag.
Carrying a spare is nice... I do, but opposite side. If you have a problem, is it going to help having to juggle your gun and retrieve the magazine with one hand... adrenalin pumping... tunnel vision... degraded motor skills, etc. FROM YOUR POCKET??
It would be easier with a belt mounted mag carrier... weak side, which is what I do. Putting all of your eggs in one basket, or pocket, could be hazardous to your health. A lot of you guys probably do that, but have you REALLY thought about having to use that reload in a hurry... very time-critical moment??
Just a thought....
07-29-2011, 02:59 PM
Another thought:
Remember that your first concern should be not getting shot... not standing there in the open trying to juggle a gun between hands and trying to paw the reload out of your gun-hand pocket! And, if you're diving for cover in the meanwhile without all of those fine motor skills you were counting on... just consider the guy in that classroom clip by ABC(?) with the t-shirt tangled in his gun standing there like a deer in the headlights... still laughing at him?? :blah:
Arm-Chair philosopher and hind-sight tactician.
07-29-2011, 05:01 PM
My edc holds 15 rounds and I usually don't carry a spare mag, however when I carry the pm9 I throw an extra 7 round mag in my pocket.
07-29-2011, 11:01 PM
I carry a CW9 with the 7 round mag in it and 2 8 round extended mags as back up. Just a habit. Every gun I carried concealed had either 2 extra mags or 2 extra speedloaders if it was a revolver.
07-29-2011, 11:52 PM
The "Zombies" are coming at us in larger groups and are carrying better hardware than they did when I was a rookie. Due to the popularity of meth the bad guys need a lot more shooting than they used to, except for the old pcp users. I am glad that ammo has progressed as much as it has, but I personally feel better for having a bit more of it with me when I'm out and about.
MW surveyor
07-30-2011, 06:25 PM
I carry a spare 8 rounder when I can find the dam thing! Been "lost" now for at least 1 month. :(
08-03-2011, 04:54 AM
Hate to beat a dead horse but I always carry an extra magazine. Being in law enforcement they teach you in an ambush, you need to move and shoot. Shot placement on the first few rounds then fire as you make you way to cover, so as long as your backstop is clear. Get to cover and have more lead to send down range. Our bi-annually qualifications are all moving and shooting. I am a firm believer that although probably a hard task for the average CHL holder, they should implement this training in CHL certification classes. By standing in one spot you are making yourself an easy target. Teaching CHL holders to stand in one spot and shoot is impractical. Almost everyone can shoot decent standing still but shooting and moving is a whole new ball game.
08-03-2011, 10:36 AM
Amen... or ditto! While diving for cover, throwing a few rounds to make the bad guys duck or throw their aim off is a good tactic... but these single-stack mags might leave you a little short. This use and possible magazine malfunctions... the mag or it falling out of your pistol... stuff happens... especially in scuffles... close contact stuff.
Hate to beat a dead horse but I always carry an extra magazine. Being in law enforcement they teach you in an ambush, you need to move and shoot. Shot placement on the first few rounds then fire as you make you way to cover, so as long as your backstop is clear. Get to cover and have more lead to send down range. Our bi-annually qualifications are all moving and shooting. I am a firm believer that although probably a hard task for the average CHL holder, they should implement this training in CHL certification classes. By standing in one spot you are making yourself an easy target. Teaching CHL holders to stand in one spot and shoot is impractical. Almost everyone can shoot decent standing still but shooting and moving is a whole new ball game.
This is so true. My most recent defensive pistol class focused on moving and shooting and it is a whole new ballgame when you try and do that. It takes a lot of practice.
slick slidestop
10-06-2011, 06:20 PM
I voted no...None on my body but carry spares in my vehicle.
les strat
10-06-2011, 06:39 PM
I carry one in the truck, but not on me, so no. I figure if that can't get me away or back to the truck, I'm screwed anyway.
If I feel the need to carry more than 6+1 on me, the Kahr is not the weapon of choice.
10-06-2011, 07:02 PM
2 six round mags
11-09-2011, 08:40 AM
Hate to beat a dead horse but I always carry an extra magazine. Being in law enforcement they teach you in an ambush, you need to move and shoot. Shot placement on the first few rounds then fire as you make you way to cover, so as long as your backstop is clear. Get to cover and have more lead to send down range. Our bi-annually qualifications are all moving and shooting. I am a firm believer that although probably a hard task for the average CHL holder, they should implement this training in CHL certification classes. By standing in one spot you are making yourself an easy target. Teaching CHL holders to stand in one spot and shoot is impractical. Almost everyone can shoot decent standing still but shooting and moving is a whole new ball game.
I was fortunate that my CHL instructor is an ex-Navy Seal and ex-SWAT member. While the testing portion of the CHL was stand and shoot, he did incorporate several move and shoot drills into the session. We shot moving forward, left, right and even backward. For that, I am grateful.
I should get my plastic sometime later this week, so I haven't answered the poll yet. However, I suspect that I will carry an extra magazine for my CM9.
Not only do I hope that I never have the need for the extra mag, I also hope I never have to use the first mag to begin with, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't carry at all.
One extra mag is a good idea.
Per Murphy's Law, "One is none and two is one"
02-18-2012, 12:02 PM
I lived in an area that had plenty of crime, but was nearly impossible to get a CCW. Now I live in a much safer area and the possibility of getting a CCW is much higher. I my pursue it.
That all being said and done. I agree that the chances of one needing a spare mag is astronomical. I would also contend that in many cases being armed is not going to do you any good.
I've been victimized 2 times by others with guns and they always had the element of surprise and the initiative. I was in a very disadvantageous position from the get go. There is also a psychological aspect to the threat and use of deadly force. Unless you've been there you don't really know what you're really dealing with.
There was also a period where we had a string of robberies and they involved 3-4 guys armed with shotguns and pistols storming establishments, robbing people and taking off.
I've had co-workers who got snuck up on, had a gun placed on the back of their head and had their possessions taken. A gun in that situation just becomes another thing that gets taken.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the right to carry and would like to see it become the law of the land. I just don't harbor any illusions about what it may or may not bring about.
My greatest weapon is my head. For every bad situation that I found myself in there were dozens if not hundreds more I avoided by using my head and keeping my eyes and ears open and being aware of what was going on and just walking the other way.
I also learned that in spite of growing up shooting and being an avid gun owner, I was totally unprepared for the reality of violent force and the psychological aspects involve during and after such an event.
02-18-2012, 12:18 PM
hell move to Indiana, we have alot of crime and we have easy access to ccw permits. They kinda go hand in hand here, no crime whey do u need one???
02-18-2012, 12:21 PM
There was a time... late 60's and early 70's, that I had to carry two spare tires. I used cheap tires and recaps back in college. The speed limit was 70 and I usually was around 90 or so. The recaps would heat up and fly off. They would be replaced, but my trunk usually had two spares, and a few times I used them.
I use the best tires and keep them in good shape and still carry a spare tire... haven't used one in a decade or so!
I always carry a spare mag now and I, too, hope that I never have to use my gun. BUT, it's one of those things that you might need and you can't call time out in a fight for your life. It's often said that those who have had an incident never complained about having too much ammo. There are no "fair" fights when being second could be being dead. Malfunctions happen and things happen under stress... dang! Where did that mag go??:eek: It's nice to just reach for your spare... while using all available cover AND ducking and dodging fire.
And, yes, your brain IS your best weapon... SITUATIONAL AWARENESS... what if 24/7.
02-18-2012, 12:26 PM
I live in a low crime area, but often have to go to areas that are less than desirable. A gun could be useful as a last resort if avoidance or pepper spray doesn't work.
02-18-2012, 12:36 PM
If I'm not carrying a back-up I carry a spare mag. My normal mode of carry is CM9 AIWB and a P3AT strong side pocket. If I want to go light it's the P3AT and a spare mag. Now that the bugs seemed to be worked out a P380, it will soon replace the P3AT.
02-18-2012, 12:49 PM
That kind of thinking might leave you unarmed with no choices when attacked in "nicer" areas. It's not by accident that the BG's go where the pickings are better.
CCW should be a full-time commitment for real protection. If it's an undesirable area, a better plan would be not to go there! That's like not having car insurance because you're a good driver and don't take chances. You take chances every time you leave the house. The roads are full of people speeding and driving with their attention focused on their gadgets or buddies in the back seat. They're multi-tasking! What they are doing is diverting most of their attention to the conversation or texting, when driving is an intensely multitasking job requiring all of your attention, IF you're doing it correctly. Most people act like they are sitting on their living room sofa instead of piloting a two-ton somewhat-guided missile in traffic, when they should be paying attention to the road and developing conditions... the traffic ahead and the cars all around them. They should always be watching for impending accidents and planning on how to cope with them. If the lane you need is blocked or some Yahoo is on your butt, you need to use all available space for braking... not just slam on the brakes and let the other moron behind you ruin your day when he runs into you!
With weapons, you have choices...without them you have choices, too, but then you're dependent on the whim of the guy with the weapons and the advantages.
Dang... get carried away... all of the time!:rolleyes:
I think I've posted in this thread before that I don't routinely have a spare mag on my person for casual personal defense carry. That's both because I live in a very low violent crime area and naked mags in a pocket are rather a pita...a bit bulky and subject to having the top round knocked loose.
That habit changes with J-frames...a speed strip or two in front, off-side pants pocket. Just 'cause it's simple and easy.
02-18-2012, 07:23 PM
I had to go into an area with a lot of crack houses and burned out homes a few days ago. It was Beretta on the right hip, Sig P238 in the left pocket.
Normally I don't carry a spare but have on occasion.
I voted NO
02-18-2012, 07:50 PM
I usually carry a spare. If I had a little BUG I'd likely carry that too.
Hmmmm...interesting points of view here. I didn't read every post but it seems like the consensus among those that don't carry extra is that it would be a 1 in a million chance that you would need that spare mag. It's also unlikely that you will need your gun period, so why carry at all? Don't answer that, just playing devils advocate. I'm all about carrying an extra mag at the very least. Although, I'm a cop and not that I go looking for trouble off duty but I feel I have more responsibility to get involved if trouble finds me. A spare mag has always been a must for me as long as I've been on the job. Interesting points of view though.
02-19-2012, 05:49 PM
I don't carry because I am scared!! I carry because I am not scared!!! There is a difference. I have carried for over 48 years and never one time have I had to ever draw in anger or even being close to drawing in anger. IMO nothing wrong in carrying a spare magazine. One decided his own method of carry, Main this is TO CARRY.
02-21-2012, 08:07 PM
Much depends on where you live and the environment you live in. No one simple hard and fast answer and you have to be prepare to adapt to your surroundings and environment.
Living in a urban environment is going to present a far different set of conditions and challenges than a country or suburban one.
You also have the social and political norms to deal with. Some places give you the right to carry and the right to self defense. Other areas are more restrictive and if you're a law abiding citizen, that is in the back of your mind.
Criminal don't care....
I would not hold it against a cop or some other trained individual with combat experience if they too did what my co-worker did when a bunch of guys on a month long rampage did armed with shotguns and pistols and busted into the restaurant did-hide under the bar.
02-21-2012, 08:20 PM
How could there be anything WRONG with carrying a spare magazine? It's like having a spare tire in your car... only more apt to SAVE YOUR LIFE. It's not about being bloodthirsty or planning on spraying and praying... it's about being prepared for malfunctions and loss of fine motor skills in stressful situations. You could accidentally release the magazine or lose it in a scuffle with help from the bad guy, or you might have to use "covering or diversionary fire"... shooting in the general direction of the bad guys, to throw off their aim while you seek cover. This can be a good tactic... while standing there like a target at the range will get you dead quickly. That's why I don't practice trying to get tiny groups at long ranges... greater than 7 yards. I want to be confident that I can point and shoot reliably and hit a sheet of paper... Center of Mass at about 7 yards without taking my time and controlling my breathing, etc. I shoot rapidly and point after the first few shots. I'm happy with fist-sized groups at 7 yards... and getting on a sheet of paper at 15 yards... the max range at the range I use. The paper targets don't shoot back, nor move, the bad guys do.
I carry one reload... the highest capacity for the Kahr I'm carrying... 8 for 9mm, and 7 for .380, .40, and .45. Maybe I won't need the extra rounds, but there are no prizes for coming in second in a fight for your life. NO one has ever complained of having TOO MUCH ammo in a gunfight!
02-21-2012, 08:42 PM
Always a good idea to carry a spare. Even if you don't need the firepower, it could be a lifesaver in the unlikley event of a jam. Murph's Law and all.
02-21-2012, 08:43 PM
No I didn't intend to say a spare mag is useless. I agree the more the better.
Although, I'm a cop and not that I go looking for trouble off duty but I feel I have more responsibility to get involved if trouble finds me. A spare mag has always been a must for me as long as I've been on the job. Interesting points of view though.
As a civilian, I have the responsibility to withdraw as soon as possible. That's my plan... shoot & scoot.
Yes, I know every plan goes out the window after the first shot. But, a plan, any plan, is better than just being armed with only a bad attitude and harsh language.
02-28-2012, 01:48 AM
Carry spairs for whatever I am carring.
02-28-2012, 07:05 AM
If I'm not carrying a back-up gun, I carry a spare mag. I carry a spare mag on those occasions when I'm not carrying a back-up for the same reason that I carry a gun. I'd rather carry a spare mag and not need it, than to need a spare mag and not have it. I think that the chances of me needing a gun at all are astronomical. I carry a gun to protect me from that one in a million chance. Before I began shaving someone once told me to "be prepared". I've always hung on to the scout motto and it has served me well.
Old Salt
03-17-2012, 05:03 AM
I not only carry a spare magazine for my CW9 on my hip but I also carry a PM9 in my pocket. The spare magazine is an 8 rounder that works just fine in both my CW89 or my PM9.
04-16-2012, 09:47 PM
Wheather I'm carrying the CW40 or the P380 I've always got the spare.
Hey, the mag is easier to hide out than the gun, so why not.
04-16-2012, 10:37 PM
I carry a spare magazine in an old cell phone holder that clips horizonally on my belt. Hardly know it's there, and doesn't look out of place.
05-01-2012, 06:07 PM
I carry one but not for the extra round count. I carry it because the most likely points of failure in a properly maintained semi-auto are either the ammo or the magazine. I think of it more as easily changed spare parts than extra rounds to take on an al Queda cell. ;)
05-06-2012, 07:58 AM
Yes I always carry one at least.
Yogi 117
05-06-2012, 09:44 AM
Today, the criminal element often travels in pairs/groups, so I always carry at least one extra mag. Sometimes I carry 2 concealed guns, both with extra mags. Stay alert & be prepared. YMMV! :)
05-06-2012, 12:36 PM
I always carry a spare for my CW9 in a sweet little mag carrier that Paul from PJ Holsters custom made for me. It's just like a kydex pocket holster but it carries my mag instead. It's super slim and I don't have any excuse not to carry a spare with something so functional. Like my dad always said: "Son, every job is easy with the right tool". That mag carrier is the right tool for me.
Im personally terrified of going up against a couple guys with guns and running out if ammo. IMO its better not to even use your gun than to start a gunfight you can't finish. I know everyone has there one opinion. I also know that statistics say that most violent encounters are over in 3 seconds and only 3 shots are fired. However, I started carrying to have as many options to defend as practically possible so it makes logical sense to carry a spare. My everyday clothes don't really allow for a 2nd mag in my system otherwise I'd carry 2 mags.
05-08-2012, 08:56 AM
Probably already answered this, but I'm bored - LOL!
I always carry dual mags when carrying an auto.
With revolvers, usually I've got dual J-Frames for the infamous NY re-load.
Along with two speed strips and an 2X2X2 ammo pouch on my belt.
07-25-2012, 09:40 PM
I carry one 7 round mag with my K9. Heaven forbid I ever get in a scrape that requires me to have to reload. But I'd rather have it and never need it than need it and not have one, just sayin...
VN Vet
07-26-2012, 11:04 AM
Yes, I carry a spare and like the saying goes: Have it don't need it vs Need it don't have it
07-26-2012, 11:31 AM
I've had a change of mind in the last couple weeks. I started out always carrying spare mags, then a change of pants giving up the extra pockets made it uncomfortable, so I got an IWB mag holster. I discovered the mag holster is uncomfortable despite being very well designed and constructed, so I stopped carrying a spare. Now I've convinced myself to side up with Jocko on this one.
Has anybody here ever read of an incident where a concealed carry person needed their spare mag? I haven't and while the risk analysis shows the consequence of needing one and not having it very severe, as long as it's uncomfortable I will accept the risk. Keep in mind I'm not a warrior and I'm definitely not trying to convince others. If I resume wearing pants that are comfortable carrying spares I will likely carry them, but until then, no.
07-26-2012, 11:55 AM
No, but I should. I purchased one and ended up misplacing it :( I was having a hard time finding a comfortable place to keep the extra mag. One thing IWB was fine but once I put a mag on the other side my body/belt felt weird.
07-27-2012, 11:42 AM
I carry an extra mag. Reason being same as carrying a pistol. Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Been carrying a MK9 IWB. Didn't want to add any more IWB. A belt mag holder was difficult to conceal. Ended up with a holder similar to the back pocket mag holster at . No more fishing for that reload in the bottom of my pocket.
07-27-2012, 01:52 PM
Like the answer to most questions in life......It depends!
I like to have at least 10 rds on me, if I carry my cm9 or cw45 I normally carry a spare mag (but not 100% of the time)
If I carry my glock 23 (13+1) then no. I base my logic on this (and this is all anecdotal evidence so don't hold my feet to the fire.
1. Over 50% of shots in a SD situation are misses
2. A significant portion of crimes are committed by at least 2 or more people.
So figure if two guys jump you in a parking lot and you have a 6 rounder you can burn through that pretty quick. (not that a third guy would say “Hey that’s a cm9 with the short mag, you only have 6 rounds!” - but you get my point.
Now I realize you can extrapolate this out to the nth degree and say that why you should leave the house unless you have 37 rounds and backup gun but the 10 round rule will cover 90% of the situations a regular citizen could find themselves in.
07-27-2012, 02:18 PM
No. While the reasoning behind carrying a spare is sound, the probability of needing one as a civilian are astronomical. I'd rather carry a spare gun if I felt the need. I put all my faith in my one gun, one mag.
The chances of needing a gun are astronomical, but you carry one of those, don't you? I carry a spare gun to eliminate the need for a spare magizine. I take concealed carry seriously. :)
07-28-2012, 01:37 AM
When I was a LEO I learned one very important lesson, that is "UNDER STRESS YOU WILL REVERT TO YOUR TRAINING"!!
Early in life I made a choice to make every effort to "NOT BE A VICTIM"!
I am older, slower, and not able to move as well as I once did!:D:D:D I still carry a gun and at least two reloads, after all that is how I was trained!!!:D:D That's my story and I'm stick'n to it!;)
Dirt doc
07-28-2012, 04:53 AM
Yes because my Kahr doesn't work without bullets and customer service can't fix that.
07-31-2012, 09:41 AM
I always carry an extra or sometimes 2. I carry for the extra rounds as well as if I have a function problem and tap rack fight doesn't fix it. Then the fastest way to remedy it is to swap magazine. We never know when our time will come or what we will need if I did I would just stay home that day.
A gun is comforting not comfortable.
Sent from my evil black iPhone using Tapatalk
Longitude Zero
07-31-2012, 10:02 AM
The probabilites of a CCW gunfight are extremely remote. The need for a reload even more so but we all agree to at least carry a gun in the first place so why turn up your nose at a spare mag?
At least I will not have the agony of explaining to my family why a family member died or was injured except for one more shot...
A spare mag is like a parachute or blood transfusion. If it is not there when you need it chances are that you will NEVER need it again.
08-01-2012, 06:47 PM
When I carry a fullsize Beretta 92, I do not. When I carry my M&P Shield, I do have another magazine in my other pocket (because of the lower capacity)
Hey MUGGSY sounds to me you are an advocate of the New York Reload proceedure.
deputy tom
11-13-2012, 07:34 PM
I was trained to carry two reloads on duty and one reload off duty. I still adhere to that idea. If I have a revolver I have a speed strip on my belt. With an auto I have a second mag in a belt pouch. With the auto the extra mag is usually a larger capacity mag than the one in the gun. YMMV. tom.:cool:
11-13-2012, 08:20 PM
I voted no. But it does depend on were I am at. I don't carry an extra mag for everyday carry, but when I go on a long hike or a mountain bike ride in the mountains or hills I like to have an extra mag or two. Not from fear of animals but I have it in my head that if someone was going to rob me it would be out in the middle of nowhere.
11-13-2012, 11:02 PM
Normally I don't have one on me if I'm carrying my CW9 on my person, but I have one or two in the truck console. If I don't like where I'm going (unusual for me) I'll drop another mag in my left pocket.
11-13-2012, 11:28 PM
Normally I don't - but Sunday we were at church an I asked my bride if she could give me some cash for a special offering. She responded with a shocked look and said she had left her wallet at home. After a quick trip to an empty classroom, I didn't carry a spare mag but had her S&W Bodyguard 380 in my pocket and my CM9 IWB. Better for me to have two guns than to have to visit her in jail. ;)
11-14-2012, 12:44 AM
When I first ordered magazine holders from Tactical Kydex, I got at least one each IWB and OWB for each caliber Kahr. I found the IWB to be uncomfortable and added a vinyl or Kydex flap to keep the magazine off my skin for the OWB holders. I wear my shirts untucked and a magazine isn't too big that it shows on my opposite side... behind my phone case.
I also trimmed the clip off one each extra holder for pocket carry, but I don't like the heavy weight in my shorts, so I only carry a spare OWB, but the largest capacity mag that my pistol will accommodate. The one in the pistol is a flush-fitting base... metal for all but the .45.
I don't want to lose a gunfight for lack of ammo or loss of a magazine... however small the chance of that may be... the need or the lack/loss!:D I've dropped a loaded Kahr pistol and the magazine base plate came off and everything came out of the tube except the follower. Murphy is your copilot and will do his worst to "help" you!
11-14-2012, 12:45 AM
I carry a extra mag always. If there is a issue it's going to be with the mag usually not the gun just my 2 cents
I'm surprised by the percentage of folks who claim to carry a spare mag. I'm left wondering how frequently/regularly these people practice emergency reloads.
11-14-2012, 09:59 AM
I'm surprised by the percentage of folks who claim to carry a spare mag. I'm left wondering how frequently/regularly these people practice emergency reloads.
I carry two reloads on a belt.
You just drop the mag with the release.
And pop a fresh one in from the belt.
Whats to practice?
Grabbing a fresh mag off my belt, or off the bench at the range,
doesn't make any difference to me.
I cut all the retention crap off my mag pouches and holsters.
So drawing my gun, or reloading, is fast and easy.
I'm not LE, so retention really isn't so much of an issue.
Longitude Zero
11-14-2012, 07:16 PM
If you do not carry a secondry and tertiary mag then you have woefully over estimated your ability with the weapon or the calibers effectiveness. Not many turds go down with one, two, or even three shots. Knowledge gained from several personal encounters.
11-15-2012, 12:00 AM
You should try reloading your pistol under pressure... or with some urgency. With practice, you develop some "muscle memory" and your hand and fingers help identify and orient your magazine as you drop the empty, grab the fresh reload, and insert it into the pistol. Then you can do the slide lock release... or a hard, fast rack for positive reloading.
Here's an example... I'm only a bit slower than this guy... 3 or 4 seconds.:rolleyes:
11-15-2012, 05:29 AM
You should try reloading your pistol under pressure... or with some urgency. With practice, you develop some "muscle memory" and your hand and fingers help identify and orient your magazine as you drop the empty, grab the fresh reload, and insert it into the pistol. Then you can do the slide lock release... or a hard, fast rack for positive reloading.
Here's an example... I'm only a bit slower than this guy... 3 or 4 seconds.:rolleyes:
My HK mags have finger extensions so I can feel that I have them positioned properly to load without looking at them.
Cut off all retention straps on my mag pouches for speed.
Also always have them in the same position in the pouch on my belt for positive loading.
Basically I'm dropping the empty mag with my right hand while
simultaneously grabbing and loading a fresh mag with my left.
Then drop the slide with the right immediately when loaded.
Smooth and fast without taking my eyes off the action.
Thanks for the video, but I'm good...
I can easily reload in ~1 second on a bad day.
BTW Ambi mag and slide releases really do work well
deputy tom
11-17-2012, 04:32 PM
I'm surprised by the percentage of folks who claim to carry a spare mag. I'm left wondering how frequently/regularly these people practice emergency reloads.
I do every range trip. tom.:cool:
Longitude Zero
11-17-2012, 04:58 PM
I even practice running the weapon, reloading and whatever I need to do with one hand disabled. First my dominant hand and my non-dominant hand. When you do that you will really learn about your kit and choices you have made ie. where you wear your holster, spare mags, choice of belt etc.
03-01-2013, 07:25 PM
2 reasons to carry extra magazines. 1 is that if you are in a situation where there are multiple attackers, you may need it. 2 is that one magazine may fail and you need another fast.
I understand the odds are high that you will not need extra ammo, but in the case of staying alive, it is best to play the "what if" game. Most instructors will recommend carrying a spare magazine if not 2.
03-01-2013, 08:31 PM
Situational awareness needs to be honed and paramount. You need to be aware of threats and able to reload without being unduly distracted by careful placement and retention of the empty or used magazine, or making too much noise if trying not to attract attention! There are no timeouts and if you don't come in first, it's more than a game you could lose. Second place sucks in a fight for your life!
03-01-2013, 08:44 PM
I carry a spare magazine with any semi auto type pistol. It's a training thing for me. 18 yrs of tap, rack, fire and if that fails load a fresh mag has been drilled into me. Add to that the 6+1 capacity of my CM9 and I think it's a must.
I have a small leather pouch from Recluse holsters that I drop in my pocket and forget it's there.
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03-09-2013, 10:28 PM
I've been through several active-shooter drills with Simunition and such. While generally police oriented, at least one was set up for "You're off duty ..." and in all the most recent ones, through either the Sim-guns breaking or ammo shortages, we were limited as to only a few rounds on board (5 or 6 usually, or as I say, "Gee, thanks for turning my SIG into a revolver").
What we learned was that as soon as the bad guy turned and especially once shots started coming our way, 5 or 6 rounds went ReallyReallyFast. Plus there are stories galore of bad guys soaking up several shots and not killing over. The beauty of tiny single stack mags is that they drop into a pocket (a couple of my jeans have watch pockets deep enough for the 5-round PM40 mags).
Also, okay bad guy is down and out. Are you SURE, absolutely bet-your-life positive that there's not another bad guy? Predators tend to work in pairs. Even in my neck o'the woods, we see violent crime often carried out by 2 or 3 perps. I teach "Reload, Secure the scene, dial 9-1-1."
I often don't "feel" the need for a spare mag (usually have two and/or a spare piece [after a shooting I'd like to have something to go home with since the local constabulary will need the shootin' iron I just used]). I don't "feel" the need to go armed, either. Feelings are funny things and 100% subjective. The times I've needed a weapon I did not leave the house thinking "Gee, I feel like I might get jumped today, run into a wanted fugitive, or otherwise need a firearm."
Just food for thought.
Very informative post, CeltKnight. Thanks for your contribution. It is indeed food for thought.
jg rider
03-10-2013, 12:34 PM
We carry a spare mag for several reasons
1- To balance us out so that we don't lean to one side
2- Something we can throw at the bad guy to distract him or her
(LTM) :)
Seriously though we do carry a spare for our Kahrs or my 1911 because
I- It may take multiple shots to take a bad guy or guys down.
2- In case of a malfunction like a double feed, stove pipe etc. that calls for us to drop the mag, clear the chamber and reinsert a new mag.
3- Accidently hitting the mag release button. Also some of the older PM9s were notorious for dropping the mag under recoil because a weak mag release spring and the older polymer button with steel insert.
Although none of the above scenarios have happened to us in practice, that's not to say it couldn't in real life. That's why we practice shooting at a 8" steel plate at 10 yds with the PM9s . We draw from concealed carry, fire one drop the mag, reach for the spare concealed mag, insert and fire one.
Carrying a spare 9mm Kahr mag in a pocket doesn't work for us. Because of the short mag lips the top round slips out of the mag. IOHO mag pouchs with tight or rounded bottoms are the way to go.
I carry a spare mag in a Don Hume pouch. I think this is a great design. The only down side with my pouch is it has a steel retention clip that will scar a reversible dress belt. When Hume inally catches up on orders I will order one with a loop.
Or I mostly use a shrunken Galco pouch that has a plastic? clipthat dosn't scar up my belts. It ain't pretty but it works
The wife use a custom made pouch with a snapped belt loop
We draw from concealed carry, fire one drop the mag, reach for the spare concealed mag, insert and fire one.
Outstanding. That's a great drill. I use a similar drill and incorporate double taps. Double tap, emergency reload, double tap, etc.
There's not much talk of training on this site. I wish there was more.
So, how do I vote, I carry the CM9, but no spare mag, just a S&W 442 with BB 156gn. SWCHP's, ( there about 3/4 of a 357mag. round ). I never was good at math, figure 2 is 1 and 1 is none.
03-12-2013, 05:45 PM
Didn't realize this was such a vintage thread, clear back to September 2010.
I lean towards the paranoid side I reckon. I carry a 1911 with two spare mags on the off side, a PM45 on the ankle with a spare mag for it in my chair bag up front.
I'm saving up to get a Garrett 7 mag pouch a spring loaded kydex affair that holds 7 1911 mags. Doubt it will see everyday use but when the UN approaches the front porch it might come in handy.
I am getting easier though, I have a beautiful single mag pouch with a clip enroute from Beardog. He sent me a picture and it's a thing of beauty like all of his stuff that I have seen.
It'll be handy when undressing (except for the ankle gun shhhsh) to enter the dept as a lowly sheep.
sas PM9
03-12-2013, 05:55 PM
Not always, not even most times. Probably around 15-25% of the time.
I feel pretty good about the 7 rounds i'm carrying in the pistol.
Two more than in the 2" SS revolver I had depended upon previously.
03-12-2013, 06:32 PM
indeed, I carried a Model 60 for 20+ years, never really give it any thought about carrying extra rounds. I guess if armagen came I might regret it but my loaded PMJ9 is enough carry for me. I try not to get to carried away with this stuff. but again it is an individualo choice and I am sure ones location might dictate also if u wanna carry alot of spare rounds. If I lived in some chicago areas. a body armour would be part of my dily dress also.they value life there like nothing I have ever seen. When u shoot a darn baby 5 times while his dad is changing his diaper, then urjust not worthy a sh!t
03-19-2013, 05:50 PM
I "usually" carry one spare 8 round mag for my CM9. I also always have the 7 round mag in the CM9. I've had zero failures so far with the 7 and 8 round mags, although I had to buy 3 of the 7 round mags before I got one that works. The easiest way to carry the extra mag I found is in my pocket with a RJ Hedley pocket mag pouch.
03-20-2013, 08:33 AM
Heck, I'm just glad all you guys carry spares!
It's probably the best defense for the word to get out that everyone does.
03-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Here's Massad Ayoob's take on carrying spare reloads:
03-22-2013, 12:52 PM
Excellent article, Wynn! That SnagMag looks interesting, but he doesn't have a working website to purchase from, just Facebook and Twitter accounts and a placeholder to secure the website name.
03-30-2013, 07:14 PM
hwll I got two cars with no spares. no big deal. If I can't do it in 7, then I am probably dead anyways.
03-30-2013, 07:50 PM
I don't carry A spare mag, I carry 2 or more.
03-31-2013, 04:55 PM
day to day i do not. half the reason i got the cm9 was that i could carry it in my back right pocket and ppl havent been able to tell me which one is my gun and which is my wallet.
then again i do always have ammo in my truck and some next to my bed where i keep the cm9. i figure in most cases youll only need a couple shots and its over. if i need more the 6 shots i carry should be enough to get me to my truck/room to grab my shotgun or more 9mm. if i was worried about having more ammo on my i would get a xdm subcompact with a 15-17rd mag and carry it
04-01-2013, 12:47 PM
I carry two 10 round Elephant Foot HK45CT spare mags.
And have upgraded my 8 round mag in the gun to a 10 round too.
04-01-2013, 12:52 PM
Elephant Foot, indeed!:eek:
That must really aid in concealing the rest of the elephants!
I think that my G23C with a 22-round mag could be more concealable!:boink:
04-01-2013, 01:01 PM
Just for grins... not my most voluminous T-shirt... and I had to cant the rig a bit more... no belt, either. That was with one in the chamber and an empty 22-round mag. A full one would have dropped my shorts a lot lower... drawstring support system... usually just supporting my P380 in an Uncle Mike oldie holster.
04-01-2013, 01:10 PM
I carry cross draw and can pack some heat if I want.
Example P220 with 5.10" ported barrel and four 10 round extended reloads.
04-01-2013, 02:29 PM
Yes, always a spare 6rounder.
04-08-2013, 01:27 PM
I carry an extra mag because I'd rather have it and not need it. Than need it and not have it.
04-10-2013, 09:41 AM
I try to mimic my local LEO and carry a basic load of two mags plus my CW. I also carry the same ammo (40 s&W gold dot) as my local LEO. Other than the capacity handicap comparing a T40 and a M&P 40, I am equipped the same. While I rarely carry a BUG, I will carry my T40 on my hip and a K40 in a shoulder rig if I am going to be in sketchy parts of town. Magazine interchangeability is a goooooood thing.:biggrin1:
04-21-2013, 06:25 PM
I carry with the extra magazine 13+1.
04-24-2013, 07:23 AM
Elephant Foot, indeed!:eek:
That must really aid in concealing the rest of the elephants!
I think that my G23C with a 22-round mag could be more concealable!:boink:
My HK45CT and twin Elephant foot realoads conceal just fine thank you - LOL!
05-27-2013, 12:46 PM
Yes always carry an extra mag.
06-11-2013, 09:01 PM
Yes I do and speed strips for the snubnose.
06-15-2013, 02:30 PM
W/my S&W M&P 9c, sometimes (it's already 12+1, but I sometimes carry 1 or 2 spare mags depending upon dress & the situation).
W/my CM9, I always carry a spare mag (my best friend is a retired cop and he said after a gunfight he's never heard of anyone complaining about having carried too much ammo).
06-26-2013, 03:24 PM
I only carry extra mags when traveling.
06-26-2013, 03:40 PM
No I don't. The state of CA has determined I only need 10rds and they MUST be smarter than everybody else so I carry 1 10rd mag. Same guys that say I only need drive 65mph, and other life altering stuff.
06-26-2013, 03:53 PM
Can you still drink large soda's or have you caught up with NY on that one/
06-26-2013, 05:46 PM
No, since CA is a caring, empathetic State they say eat all the fries and greasy hamburgers and sodas you want. We'll take good care of you when your heart gives you trouble. It's just those no good gun owners that get in the way of success driven your bad guys that we cannot tolerate.
06-26-2013, 07:22 PM
A lot of your neighbors are movin' over here in recent years.
Hope they don't bring all that caring & empathy with them when they register to vote. :D
Bad news for CA. Illinois has undercut them for the worst credit rating of any state. They've lost the Title. They're now only #49.
06-27-2013, 10:32 AM
A lot of your neighbors are movin' over here in recent years.
Hope they don't bring all that caring & empathy with them when they register to vote. :D
Of course they are part of the "Make Em All Blue" campaign. Since CA is firmly locked into the the Blue States, they want to migrate to Reds and turn them Blue. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dems are moving them for free.
03-16-2014, 07:49 PM
1 but keep 2 in a cell hone case nearby.
03-23-2014, 10:48 AM
No, I carry at least two and usually a second gun, but then, I was trained that way.
03-23-2014, 11:57 AM
I don't trust the 2 1911 mags I have for my CW45.
So no, I don't carry a spare right now. But I plan on getting a higher capacity spare mag.
03-23-2014, 02:13 PM
I do carry an extra mag for both my cw9 and cm9.
03-23-2014, 02:23 PM
When I was a LEO I learned one very important lesson, that is "UNDER STRESS YOU WILL REVERT TO YOUR TRAINING"!!
Early in life I made a choice to make every effort to "NOT BE A VICTIM"!
I am older, slower, and not able to move as well as I once did!:D:D:D I still carry a gun and at least two reloads, after all that is how I was trained!!!:D:D That's my story and I'm stick'n to it!;)
Amen Brother.
03-23-2014, 05:06 PM
Amen Brother.
Agreed. I carry a spare mag, because....
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03-23-2014, 05:14 PM
Never carry a spare. Sometimes don't carry a gun.
03-25-2014, 07:54 PM
I always carry two spare mags.
And often carry a BUG with two reloads.
Plus at least one blade - and often two.
I'm a third degree Black Belt as well.
But that's just me...
05-11-2014, 06:41 AM
One of the things I learned in training classes, and life, is the extra mag is not always for the issue of running out of ammo. It could be Mr. Murphy hanging around.
Things like accidently hitting the mag release and loosing the mag at the wrong time. Could be faster to pull the extra mag than look for the lost one.
Also finding that you grabbed your carry gun as you are leaving the house in a hurry, but never did a mag check (and press check ) only to find out, no mag in gun. Quicker to retrieve the extra mag(even if it is always in your vehicle lockbox) than return home, or to carry a empty gun.
05-11-2014, 12:38 PM
I guess you should have one of these and not worry about spare mag....
Hell yes I carry a spare sometimes two along with a small Bug.
Yes, in a pocket or sometimes in a briefcase. Small mag for a P380, I carry it in a canvas pocket knife sheath to keep it clean of pocket lint, etc...
08-02-2015, 01:18 PM
CM9 or MK9 with 6rd then one or two mags in vehicle or in a computer bag that I have with me.
Rarely on person but once in a while when going to be away from vehicle or bag for extended times.
08-02-2015, 09:28 PM
I usually carry an extra 7+1, and 8+1 in my work bag as it's always not too far from me most days of the week. On my person is usually the CW9 and a foldable pocket knife. Great for impromptu range trips when I have dead time at work
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08-03-2015, 08:42 PM
What's the greatest likelihood point of failure ? The magazine.
08-03-2015, 09:40 PM
What's the greatest likelihood point of failure ?
I was thinking the person behind the trigger.
Normally carry an extra magazine just to be on the safe side .
I reason why I carry is for personal self defense, one pistol, one mag. Statisically speaking, all defensive shootings being & end in seconds and in all honestly, I live my life not worrying about it. I do keep loaded spare mags at home, that is my castle...
10-01-2015, 09:08 AM
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10-01-2015, 12:07 PM
I carry a spare mag with my cm45 and cm9
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10-01-2015, 12:52 PM
After carrying around a CW380 for a couple of days, I think I would just throw it in as a spare pistol rather than carrying a spare magazine since it isn't much different size than a mag in a carrier. I think Muggsy suggested that eons ago.
I learn slowly sometimes...
10-01-2015, 05:49 PM
1 mag in firearm and 2 mags spare here.
08-30-2016, 08:49 AM
Always have and always will, at a minimum one, but usually one in pistol, one on my support side, then one in middle of back. My experience has been when a pistol goes down it is 80% magazine issue, so cheap insurance.
08-30-2016, 11:10 AM
If I didn't carry a spare mag, I'd just carry a revolver.
09-04-2016, 04:21 PM
Always carry two spare mags.
Even with my Ruger LC9s Pro in my front pocket.
my CM9 is my EDC gun with a 7rd. extn. mag on the belt because "they go together like peas and carrots" (Forrest Gump).
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