View Full Version : It's Football Season

09-02-2010, 08:56 PM
Below is a letter to my daughter from her husband and my response. Thought some of you may get a kick out of these.

Son-In-Laws Letter:

My beautiful and loving wife,

It has been a great summer up to this point. Vacation was amazing. We have completed a lot of projects around our new house. We have enjoyed each others company. But alas, all things must come to an end and the summer is no exception. Now it is time to focus on new beginnings. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a glorious, all you can eat smorgasbord of emotions, highs, lows, sleepless nights, and celebrations that will change the dynamics of our home for the next 5 months. Yes, I am talking about the start of football season. From the moment that Ohio State takes the field tonight until the Super Bowl in February, there will be some slight changes to the way we go about our business. Because I care about the strength of our marriage and I love you as much as a man could possible love a woman, I thought I would lay the groundwork for the Fall and early Winter so that there are no surprises and we can emerge from this festival of awesomeness stronger than we were going in. The terms of this new 5 month “Bill of Rights” will be as follows:

1. Schedule – Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays are now off the board as it relates to scheduled functions, relatives, out of town visitors, road trips, birthday parties, funerals, school functions, and other couples obligations. These events will have to be scheduled for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays but must be cleared first as these are good days to break down the offensive and defensive schemes of Ohio State’s next opponent, talk to other Buckeye and Bengals fans about last weeks game, and read internet chat boards. Ohio State addendum – OSU does not play a game on November 6th so this date is negotiable for having friends or relatives over but only if the TV can remain on in the background.
2. The TV – The 55” TV downstairs now belongs to me. You may use it with permission (consult amendment 1). Otherwise you will be relegated to the 32” TV in the upstairs media room. You still will have HD capability, a comfortable couch, and access to HGTV, Lifetime, Oprah, Dr. Phil, and wireless internet. If the volume of the downstairs TV happens to permeate through the house and into the upstairs media room, you may close the door but no slamming.
3. During the games – You are free to venture downstairs during the games to get food, take the dogs out, or spend time with me. If you happen to sit with me, I may use language that is unfamiliar to you such as “did you see that safety coming on the blitz?” or “why are we running a single back formation on 3rd and short?”. These are rhetorical questions that I would be asking if you were in the room or not. A response from you is not required or expected. OSU addendum – During OSU games, there will be no talking or visiting, whatsoever. It is recommended that you vacate the house for that 3 hours for all of our own good.
4. Undesirable behavior – During this next 5 months there may be some increased and new behaviors that you may disapprove of. They include, but are not limited to, excessive cursing, nail biting, thrown pillows, couch punching, screaming, humming of the OSU fight song at random moments, trash talk, increased beer consumption, pacing around the house, coming to bed angry, clapping, and fist pumping. Let’s just conclude that these behaviors are the result of a disease and are totally out of my control. The sooner we can agree on this, the easier life will be. OSU Addendum – These behaviors will be off the charts during all OSU games. Again, I will refer to amendment 3 and recommend that you not be around during these games.
5. Sexual Relations - Just because it is football season doesn’t mean that I am not still very attracted to you. I will still submit to all of your sexual advances. I would prefer that these advances occur during halftimes and in between games but I can work with you on this. My advances will still occur at all hours of the day and night whether I am sick, tired, angry, or drunk. OSU Addendum – This amendment is determined to be null and void during all OSU games.
6. OSU losses – In the unlikely event that Ohio State would lose a game this year, it will be treated as if one of the dogs died. I will be in a state of depression for at least 2 weeks. We will wear all black for a period of 6 days and speak softly if we must speak at all. We will not accept visitors or phone calls. I will be grumpy and distant and will probably start fights for no reason at all. You are free to sleep in the guest room or kick me to the guest room for this 2 week period if you feel it is necessary. For the record, conducting the act listed in amendment 5 could do nothing but help the situation.
7. Commitment to Excellence – Although I may develop some new behaviors during the next 5 months (amendment 4), I am committed to maintaining a good home environment. Therefore I will continue to do certain things that you have become used to me doing. For instance, I will continue to cook dinner, although dinner time may become more inconsistent (amendment 1). I will continue to take care of that area around the house that you do not go in but may see on the way in and out of the garage. Most people call it a yard. I will still dust and vacuum (mostly to satisfy my own OCD). I will still do the grocery shopping. In addition to these services that I will continue to provide, there are some things that I will not do as a token of my appreciation for acceptance of my other behaviors. For instance, I will not break any household items in a fit of rage. I will not wear football jerseys at home. Yes I know I am a grown man. They will be relegated to use only at a football venue (see amendment 8). Despite my increased food and beer consumption, I will not gain weight during the football season. Hair loss, on the other hand, is unavoidable but it is a pre-existing condition and therefore I may not be dropped because of it.
8. Road Trips – I currently have 3 road trips planned this year. 2 For Ohio State and 1 for the Bengals. There is also the Bengals game here in Charlotte that I will attend. I am willing to lock these dates in stone and agree to not add any more. You are not required to attend any of these games but are certainly invited. If you do chose to attend, please be aware that there is plenty of windshield time involved and the behaviors listed in amendment 4 may be elevated and may cause embarrassment to the viewer (you). OSU Addendum – When OSU makes it to the National Championship Game, a road trip to Arizona after New Year’s Day will be permitted.
9. What You Can Do – During these next 5 months you will have carte blanche to go to the spa for treatments, shop for clothes, road trip with your girlfriends, get massages, and get your hair cut and colored as often as you want without complaint from me about cost or frequency. We are both reasonable people and we should both get what we want during the season.
10. Steelers-Bengals Amendment – Even though I love you dearly, I still hate your hometown’s pro football team with every fiber in my soul. I will be allowed to talk trash to you and your family without recourse. Again, this behavior is a result of a disease and is out of my control. You may return the trash talk if you feel the urge but only if you become more educated on your own team. You may not use Super Bowls from 30 years ago in an argument about the present. Any championships from the Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations don’t carry any relevance today and will be inadmissible. You may however use your 2 most recent Super Bowl wins. Since we have no Super Bowl championships, I will be much more inclined to debate on the merits of our current teams which as far as I can tell, is going to be easy pickings for me. I reserve the right to use the word “rapist” when describing your quarterback and you may use the words “thugs” and “criminals” when describing members of my team.

09-02-2010, 08:58 PM
My Response:

Is your husband on any drugs (legal or illegal)? Just in case he isn't aware of it, there is a Father-In-Law Bill of Rights:

1. I will visit my daughter any damn time I like. 1a. If you don't approve, remember, I have a gun and I know how to use it.

2. If I am at your house and the Steelers or Penn State are being broadcast in your area, the tv will immediately be tuned to that station. If you don't approve, see section 1a of section 1.

3. If the Steelers or Penn State happen to be playing the Bungals or OSU you will have the unfortunate pleasure of seeing the TERRIBLE TOWEL, and hearing many Pittsburgh chants during the game (as well as PSU chants). Addendum to this provision include mentioning ALL SUPERBOWL WINS! If your team had won any Super Bowl we would still be hearing about it today (even if the win were 40 years ago).

4. During the games, said Father-In-Law, hereunto referred to as FIL, may exhibit unusually bad and abrasive behavior. Please do not take this personally as said FIL has said same disease and is not responsible for his actions during heated sporting events.

5. There will be no sexual activity by anyone during my visit (unless I am not aware of it).

6. If your teams lose, (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt), there will be an unholy amount of **** in your face. Especially taunting, teasing, and down right meanness. Again, it's not said FIL's fault, he has a disease. Again if you don't care for this behavior refer to part 1a of section 1.
7. In the event FIL decides to visit said daughter and her decidedly questionable husband, I may invite my other daughter and future son in law and their 4 legged children so that we may all root on the Steelers and Penn State. Don't like it? See section 1a of section 1.

8. It never ceases to amaze me that the Cincinnati fans hate Pittsburgh so much since we don't seem to give a rats ass about the Bungals. But, in the spirit of the season, we will do our best to show the Bungals our deepest disdain, hatred and downright nastiness (while reserving the very worst for Cleveland).

9. Remember, it will be said son-in-laws responsibility to provide ample food and beverage for said FIL's visits. Clean sheets and towels are also a must, as well as anything else said FIL requests. Again, not in agreement? See section 1a of 1.

In the spirit in which it was intended, have a great season.

Notice that my bill of rights is much more direct and to the point. Apparently some people like to blow smoke up ones' ass and use flowery prose.

09-02-2010, 09:43 PM
That's funny!! Can I forward?

09-02-2010, 09:44 PM
That's funny!! Can I forward?


09-02-2010, 11:06 PM
My boys playin the foos ball!!!!

09-03-2010, 09:40 AM
My boys playin the foos ball!!!!

You a football fan Bawanna? What team(s) do you follow?

09-03-2010, 09:45 AM
Not really. I watch now and then if I can watch a whole game. Don't like to start part way thru. Theres some rabid cop fans in the office, one huge Steeler fan.
I lost my desire even more when the Steelers played the Seahawks and brought their own refs.
I like it just fine, just don't live and breath it.

09-03-2010, 10:29 AM
Not really. I watch now and then if I can watch a whole game. Don't like to start part way thru. Theres some rabid cop fans in the office, one huge Steeler fan.
I lost my desire even more when the Steelers played the Seahawks and brought their own refs.
I like it just fine, just don't live and breath it.

Yeah there's an unknown and rarely used rule in the NFL: If you win 4 or more Super Bowls, you can bring your own refs. Not too many other teams can qualify to use it. Now that the Steelers have 6 Super Bowl Rings, I'm sure there is another unknown rule only they can use.:yo:

09-03-2010, 04:53 PM
In my younger days I would sit down in front of the TV at noon on Sunday, and get up at 7:00. [or when the last game ended] Today I watch one game each year in late Nov. or Dec. - Army v Navy. Alma Mater and all that you know. We've won the last eight!!! If it's a REALLY big Tennessee game, I might pick it up in the third quarter [no one ever won a game in the first half] or maybe not.

Pro ball? I haven't watched a game since Staubach and Landry retired.

09-03-2010, 07:50 PM
I despise football and especially, pro football. I think they are a bunch of overpaid school girls. I mean they play 16 games a season, and whine when they hurt their little finger, never mind their off field activities. Personally, even as much as I love hockey, I just don't get that wrapped up in sports. If I had a family member that came up with that kind of deal, I think I would have to put a few rounds through the tv. Sports are fine, and I encourage the young especially (it's more pure then, and there are many valuable life lessons (I also detest everyone getting a trophy just for showing up) to be had) to play them. I have never understood how or why some people get so wrapped around the axle that their world revolves around their team. enough of my rant. It's time to light the grill again.

09-04-2010, 11:14 AM
I despise football and especially, pro football. I think they are a bunch of overpaid school girls. I mean they play 16 games a season, and whine when they hurt their little finger, never mind their off field activities. Personally, even as much as I love hockey, I just don't get that wrapped up in sports. If I had a family member that came up with that kind of deal, I think I would have to put a few rounds through the tv. Sports are fine, and I encourage the young especially (it's more pure then, and there are many valuable life lessons (I also detest everyone getting a trophy just for showing up) to be had) to play them. I have never understood how or why some people get so wrapped around the axle that their world revolves around their team. enough of my rant. It's time to light the grill again.

Sports today serve the same purpose today as the "Circuses" during the Roman era. The people are too distracted by their favorite team to notice what Congress and the President are doing to them. Obviously, the politicians love sports.

09-04-2010, 02:33 PM
I never thought of it like that, but you just may be onto something there.

09-07-2010, 12:33 PM
I still watch football some but pro ball players today make so much money and think the world should bow down to them because they happen to be able to catch, throw, or tackle sombody it makes me sick...A good many are simply over paid thugs.... Take Albert Haynesworth... Now here is a guy with a 100 million dollar contract and he can't even run up and down the field a few times in order to pass the NFL required physical and then has to take a few days off to rest his knee before trying again, give me a break...Now he is complaining because he lost his starting job due to poor play in the pre season...I think I'll stick to watching the history channel and discovery on weekends...

09-07-2010, 01:42 PM
I thought all the thugs were in the NBA. There was a story going around Dallas a few years after Landry retired that the Cowboys weren't allowed to huddle, because it would violate their parole. You know, no association with other felons.

09-07-2010, 01:59 PM
O'Dell, you are correct about the NBA...Last season the Atlanta Hawks made the playoffs and the going price of tickets for nose bleed seats was $85.00 and up and forget about good seats...Well Mr Big star Joe Johnson must not have felt the team and fans needed his best effort and they went 4 and out vs Boston...Johnson didn't even try and wouldn't talk to reporters after the games...So goes all of pro sports today and much off college football especially in the SEC... I'm going to keep my hard earned money and find something else to watch and thats all I got to say about that....

09-07-2010, 02:13 PM

I did see a football game in a movie once where the guy carrying the ball was tripping... and armed... and shot anyone trying to tackle him. Now that's an interesting sport concept! :D

09-07-2010, 03:58 PM
Just got this via email, thought it was appropriate for this thread.

It has finally arrived...the 2010 football scouting report.
The following is currently making the rounds of Division 1 football coaches:

Wayfron P. Jackson:
6' 6", 215 lbs. Wide Receiver. Hottest prospect from Texas in the last ten years.

Loves rap music. Will demand a mini-cassette in his helmet.
Currently holds world record for the most "you knows" during
an interview (62 in one minute). Wayfron can print his complete name.
Signed with Tennessee.

Quinticious Jenkins:
6' 3", 220 lbs. Running Back. Set state scoring record out of Triton High School, Dunn, N.C.

Also led the state in burglaries, but has only 9 convictions. He
has been clocked at 4.2 seconds in the 40 yard dash with a
19" TV under each arm.
Signed with Auburn.

Roosevelt "Dude" Dansell:
6' 1", 195 lbs. Running Back.. From Tyler, Texas.
Has processed hair and imitates Billy Dee Williams very well.

Before he signed his letter of intent, he wanted the school to change colors to chartreuse and pink. Listed his church preference as "red brick."
Signed with the University of Houston.

Woodrow Lee Washington:
6' 8", 310 lbs. Tackle.. From a 4th generation welfare family. At 19 he's the oldest of 21 children.

Mother claims Woodrow and child No. 9 have same father.
He has a manslaughter trial pending, but feels he will be found innocent because: "The dude said somethin' bad 'bout my Momma." On his entrance form, he listed his I.Q. as 20/20.
Signed with the University of Oklahoma.

Willie "Night Train" Smith:
6'4", 225 lbs. Quarterback. Born on an Amtrak train. Birth certificate indicates he is 27 years old.

Thinks the "N" on Nebraska 's helmets stands for "Nowledge," but still meets this school's stringent entrance requirements..
Insists on wearing No. 32 jersey since it matches his score on his SAT's.
Signed with the University of Alabama.

Tyrone "Python" Peoples:
6'10", 228 lbs. Wide Receiver. Has a pending paternity suit and two rape trials, but hopes none of his other 9 victims will file charges.

Tyrone had already signed letters of intent with six other colleges, but was also willing to sign with us. Likes wild women and red Cadillac's. Thinks Taco Bell is the Mexican Telephone Company.
Signed with University of Montana.

Abdul Hasheen Abba Ali:
6'10", 305 lbs. Guard. Played high school ball under the name Sylvester Lee Jones until he discovered religion.

Abdul thinks Sherlock Holmes is a housing project in Jacksonville.. Doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear." (Doesn't know the meaning of many other words, either.)
Signed with the University of Florida.

Note: College track coaches intend to use several of the above signees in their track programs. However, instead of using a starting gun at track meets, the NCAA has now agreed to use a burglar alarm

09-07-2010, 04:27 PM
Now thats funny right there, I don't care who you are.... You know why Tennessee and Clemson wear orange? So their graduwits will be use to the correctional systems uniform colors when they go to prison......:D

09-07-2010, 06:06 PM
Just got this via email, thought it was appropriate for this thread.

It has finally arrived...the 2010 football scouting report.
The following is currently making the rounds of Division 1 football coaches:

Wayfron P. Jackson:
6' 6", 215 lbs. Wide Receiver. Hottest prospect from Texas in the last ten years.

Loves rap music. Will demand a mini-cassette in his helmet.
Currently holds world record for the most "you knows" during
an interview (62 in one minute). Wayfron can print his complete name.
Signed with Tennessee.

Quinticious Jenkins:
6' 3", 220 lbs. Running Back. Set state scoring record out of Triton High School, Dunn, N.C.

Also led the state in burglaries, but has only 9 convictions. He
has been clocked at 4.2 seconds in the 40 yard dash with a
19" TV under each arm.
Signed with Auburn.

Roosevelt "Dude" Dansell:
6' 1", 195 lbs. Running Back.. From Tyler, Texas.
Has processed hair and imitates Billy Dee Williams very well.

Before he signed his letter of intent, he wanted the school to change colors to chartreuse and pink. Listed his church preference as "red brick."
Signed with the University of Houston.

Woodrow Lee Washington:
6' 8", 310 lbs. Tackle.. From a 4th generation welfare family. At 19 he's the oldest of 21 children.

Mother claims Woodrow and child No. 9 have same father.
He has a manslaughter trial pending, but feels he will be found innocent because: "The dude said somethin' bad 'bout my Momma." On his entrance form, he listed his I.Q. as 20/20.
Signed with the University of Oklahoma.

Willie "Night Train" Smith:
6'4", 225 lbs. Quarterback. Born on an Amtrak train. Birth certificate indicates he is 27 years old.

Thinks the "N" on Nebraska 's helmets stands for "Nowledge," but still meets this school's stringent entrance requirements..
Insists on wearing No. 32 jersey since it matches his score on his SAT's.
Signed with the University of Alabama.

Tyrone "Python" Peoples:
6'10", 228 lbs. Wide Receiver. Has a pending paternity suit and two rape trials, but hopes none of his other 9 victims will file charges.

Tyrone had already signed letters of intent with six other colleges, but was also willing to sign with us. Likes wild women and red Cadillac's. Thinks Taco Bell is the Mexican Telephone Company.
Signed with University of Montana.

Abdul Hasheen Abba Ali:
6'10", 305 lbs. Guard. Played high school ball under the name Sylvester Lee Jones until he discovered religion.

Abdul thinks Sherlock Holmes is a housing project in Jacksonville.. Doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear." (Doesn't know the meaning of many other words, either.)
Signed with the University of Florida.

Note: College track coaches intend to use several of the above signees in their track programs. However, instead of using a starting gun at track meets, the NCAA has now agreed to use a burglar alarm

That's funny Bawanna. What makes it so funny is the grain of truth that runs through it.:yo:

Canine Dave
01-02-2021, 05:13 AM
go Bucks'!

01-02-2021, 10:05 AM
I'm proud to say I have not watched a single football game this year. Often curious how the Seahawks are doing but then I realize I just don't really care. Wilson the QB has done some decent community things but I heard he wore some shoes to protest the shooting of somebody who deserved to be shot so still no football for me. Don't really miss it, never was a devout fan anyhow.

01-02-2021, 03:07 PM
Haven't seen an NFL game now for three years, nor do I see any reason to. I have watched a number of college games, mostly LSU and SEC games. Watching Oregon/Iowa St. at the moment.

01-02-2021, 03:14 PM
Was glad to see Tom Herman get fired today by Texas. Paying him 6.5 million a year for mediocrity doesn’t cut it in Austin. Big money donors are paying for his $24,000,000 buyout.

01-02-2021, 08:07 PM
Watched the Sugar Bowl yesterday between Clemson and Ohio State which was a pretty good game....I thought Clemson would win but Ohio State and QB Justin Fields played very well and looked like a decent match up to Alabama in the National Championship game next week....Football has changed and I understand that they are trying to keep the players safe but there was one play where Fields dropped back to pass then took off running for about 15 yards until he ran into a Clemson linebacker who to me made a textbook tackle, not low around the knees or helmet to helmet but a shoulder pad right to the ribs and Fields went down like he was pole axed.....It should have been a great tackle by the Clemson player but the ref threw a flag for unnecessary roughness and ejected the Clemson player from the game for targeting......I respect the job the ref’s do but what do you think about this play? https://m.YouTube.com/watch?v=H0t_9pZa1Co So I guess it’s ok to make a good hard tackle unless it’s the QB because they are “special”.....If you ever want to read a great football book from a time when the game was played like it was supposed to be before all the rules got in the way get a copy of “Fatso, Football when men were really men” by Art Donovan who was an all pro defensive lineman for the Baltimore Colts in the late 50’s.....Watch this interview of Art on Johnny Carson back when late night TV had some class.... https://m.YouTube.com/watch?v=7HDRLnoAY9E They don’t make um like Art anymore and those guys didn’t pull any punches in a game back then and you were expected to play hurt for very little money because if you didn’t there was always another guy waiting to take your place....Art tells of one playoff game where he was in for the entire time with a broken ankle but he played anyway because he was getting paid....it was a very different game back then.....Atlanta Falcons all star wide receiver Julio Jones who makes 22 million a year missed 9 games this past year with a tweaked hamstring.....Things just ain’t the same no more....

01-03-2021, 08:03 AM
I'm going to watch an NFL game today. A social occasion with a couple of close friends. I watched a half of a game earlier this year to. I've watched a few collage games to. I will never be the football fan that I use to be again though.

01-03-2021, 09:59 AM
If they're still kneeling they're still dead to me.

01-03-2021, 10:50 AM
I don't know if they are kneeling or not. What did it for me was when they would not sell a super bowl ad to a veterans group because it had the contraversal line, "Please stand for the flag" The home team playing for a first round buy against an old time rival and good friends getting together I am making an exception today.

01-03-2021, 02:49 PM
watched the sugar bowl yesterday between clemson and ohio state which was a pretty good game....i thought clemson would win but ohio state and qb justin fields played very well and looked like a decent match up to alabama in the national championship game next week....football has changed and i understand that they are trying to keep the players safe but there was one play where fields dropped back to pass then took off running for about 15 yards until he ran into a clemson linebacker who to me made a textbook tackle, not low around the knees or helmet to helmet but a shoulder pad right to the ribs and fields went down like he was pole axed.....it should have been a great tackle by the clemson player but the ref threw a flag for unnecessary roughness and ejected the clemson player from the game for targeting......i respect the job the ref’s do but what do you think about this play? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h0t_9pza1co so i guess it’s ok to make a good hard tackle unless it’s the qb because they are “special”.....if you ever want to read a great football book from a time when the game was played like it was supposed to be before all the rules got in the way get a copy of “fatso, football when men were really men” by art donovan who was an all pro defensive lineman for the baltimore colts in the late 50’s.....watch this interview of art on johnny carson back when late night tv had some class.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7hdrlnoay9e they don’t make um like art anymore and those guys didn’t pull any punches in a game back then and you were expected to play hurt for very little money because if you didn’t there was always another guy waiting to take your place....art tells of one playoff game where he was in for the entire time with a broken ankle but he played anyway because he was getting paid....it was a very different game back then.....atlanta falcons all star wide receiver julio jones who makes 22 million a year missed 9 games this past year with a tweaked hamstring.....things just ain’t the same no more....
getsome.. I dont think the issue was that it was a " a good hard tackle" but if you looked at the slow mo replays he drove the butt of his helmet straight into his back.. Was a good game though and as a former ohioan was excited to see the buckeyes get revenge from last year. Although i'm not as "invested" in football as i used to be was also excited to see the browns finally get back into the playoffs after a very long drought. :d

Canine Dave
01-03-2021, 03:24 PM
getsome.. I dont think the issue was that it was a " a good hard tackle" but if you looked at the slow mo replays he drove the butt of his helmet straight into his back.. Was a good game though and as a former ohioan was excited to see the buckeyes get revenge from last year. Although i'm not as "invested" in football as i used to be was also excited to see the browns finally get back into the playoffs after a very long drought. :d

Some refer to that as the crown of the helmet. Although he was a butt head. At that point, Ohio State should have been allowed knives.