View Full Version : New P380 - Any Special Fluff and Buff Considerations?

09-04-2010, 08:49 AM
All - I just purchased a new P380. Are there any special fluff and buff considerations with this gun vs. the PM9? I have a PM9 and it functions great. I did the recommened fluff and buff on that one when I purchased it 8 or 9 months ago. Do I need to do anything special with the P380 before the first range visit? I have polished the feed-ramp, properly cleaned and lubed it, made sure the frame and frame rails are smooth and racked the slide several hundred times. Anything else I should do?

09-04-2010, 09:36 AM
That should about do it. Watch your re-assembly then shoot it, shoot it more, rinse and repeat. If you followed jocko's proper prep thread then life should be good. http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/1521-proper-prep-new-kahr-5.html#post34202

09-04-2010, 10:20 AM
This should be part of any "sticky" on Kahr preparation, because often this little spring is "abused" without knowing and causes troubles with slides locking back or not.

One of the trickiest parts of re-assembly is getting the slide lock pin back in place without damaging the little spring that holds the pin in place and the slide lock down until the follower pin pushed it up to lock the slide lock back on empty magazine. This causes more problems than most anything else. Check out how the spring looks and works:


And another set showing the parts in place:



09-04-2010, 11:47 AM
This should be part of any "sticky" on Kahr preparation, because often this little spring is "abused" without knowing and causes troubles with slides locking back or not.

One of the trickiest parts of re-assembly is getting the slide lock pin back in place without damaging the little spring that holds the pin in place and the slide lock down until the follower pin pushed it up to lock the slide lock back on empty magazine. This causes more problems than most anything else. Check out how the spring looks and works:


And another set showing the parts in place:



it done, your information on the slide stop lever and spring etc, is now added to my PROPPER PREPPING OFYOUR NEW KAHR. I have asked to get this inserted as a sticky numerous times and never received a reply back. It would certainly save alot of time for us forum members to always have to refer a newbie to this thread. So wyn, it is on my thread and that is all I can do for you and the forum members. The Proper prepping of your new kahr is themost read thread on this forum by a margain of almost 2 to 1???????????:7:

09-04-2010, 03:28 PM
I would go for that number, and I say it should be a sticky. I'll start a poll and see if we can't prod it there.

Flint Ridge
09-04-2010, 05:00 PM
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Sticky.... Sticky.... Sticky....
Well you get the point, it would make a nice reference.