View Full Version : New CM9....

08-03-2019, 03:57 PM
After having carried an MK40 since 2000 the weight became too much.
i bought a CM9 for $255 shipped off Gunbroker.
Yesterday I put 150 rds through it.....Holy cow , what a firearm.
shot great, ragged holes at 20 yards.handled great, trigger got WAY smoother .slide release easier too with full mags

I wish I bought one sooner....

.380 is next

08-03-2019, 04:20 PM

08-03-2019, 05:07 PM
They are good pistols. Congratulations.

08-03-2019, 06:33 PM
Glad you are happy. I'm well pleased with the one I have. I used to carry a five shot Airweight...like the CM9 better for pocket carry.

08-04-2019, 08:39 AM
Good for you.....glad you decided to buy a CM9. I think they are a very unrated handgun in the public's eyes......as are most Kahr firearms. You may not want or need them, but the two items I added made my CM9 even more near perfect than before. A front fiber optic sight and a beaver tail grip. 16194

08-04-2019, 10:16 AM
Love mine, glad you’re having the same experience. Kahr’s are always a solid choice.

May have to give that beaver tail grip a try Mike_usn_ret

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08-12-2019, 04:22 AM
Hi Mike,
Thanks for posting that picture. Whose beavertail grip add-on is that..??
I need better "fill" in my hand with the CM9. That might be a good choice.
Still trying to manage a good double-tap beyond 3-4 yards. The loonnnggg trigger pull, and thin grip is giving me problems.
I'm also going to try a 7 round magazine for more length...better control between shots.
My first shot is always good thanks to the great trigger pull but keeping that second shot where I want it in a double-tap is a problem.

08-12-2019, 07:23 AM
Not sure what grip Mike is using but a Hogue handall jr. works well on my CM9. Provides just a little palm swell to fill the hand.

08-12-2019, 09:05 AM
I prefer the Pachmayr grip sleeve...…………..doesn't have the finger grooves. If you like the beavertail idea, I use a Limbsaver on my HK. The Pachmayr swells nicely in the palm.

08-12-2019, 12:19 PM
I wonder if the users of sleeves w/beavertails could comment on if they felt any difference in the recoil sensation. I would think anything that raises the gun higher in the hand may increase (just guessing) recoil . I use my CM9 as a competition gun besides as a EDC, and have kind of given up on double taps beyond 5 yds. prefering to stick with controlled pairs out to 30 yds; the difference in 1/1000th. second between shot splits is not worth the 1, 3, or 5 sec. of added time because of a less controlled second shot. as a carry over from my Service Rifle Match days, I unconcousely :) stage my CM9 trigger .



08-12-2019, 12:52 PM
I am using the SKU 18400 (18300 is the one recommended but I like the lower cutout portion for the mag on the 18400) from the Hogue website .. ... https://www.hogueinc.com/grips/handall/beavertail/m-p-shield made for the LC9. A bear to get on but is worth the trouble. As far as better recoil...not sure if it makes that much difference...just feels great though and gives the hand more control.

08-12-2019, 06:35 PM
I like the grip sleeve on my Kahr because it allows me to put a tighter squeeze on, without hurting my hand. Fattens up the grip a bit and makes it feel more comfortable, not so hard. I had Talon's on my HK and when it was replacement time, I decided to give the beavertail type a try. I shoot .40 cal. and they cushion the web of your hand nicely. Also again, makes the grip more comfortable. If the grip height difference made a difference, I didn't notice. It's a pretty smooth shooter for it's size. shoots larger than it is...…………………………………………...let's face it, double taps with a Kahr start at difficult:p:p

08-13-2019, 08:30 PM
Underated guns, I'll take quality over a big name any day

08-13-2019, 09:21 PM
I like the grip sleeve on my Kahr because it allows me to put a tighter squeeze on, without hurting my hand. Fattens up the grip a bit and makes it feel more comfortable, not so hard. I had Talon's on my HK and when it was replacement time, I decided to give the beavertail type a try. I shoot .40 cal. and they cushion the web of your hand nicely. Also again, makes the grip more comfortable. If the grip height difference made a difference, I didn't notice. It's a pretty smooth shooter for it's size. shoots larger than it is...…………………………………………...let's face it, double taps with a Kahr start at difficult:p:p

Which H&K are you shooting with the beavertail grip?

08-15-2019, 07:37 AM
Up to 350 rds, not one failure of any kind. Very pleased !

08-15-2019, 10:10 AM
Which H&K are you shooting with the beavertail grip? Look back at previous post...………………………….

08-15-2019, 10:59 AM
I see the picture but no mention of what model that might be.

08-15-2019, 04:01 PM
Sorry...…………….HK P2000SK.

08-16-2019, 03:58 PM
A Sgt just dropped off 4 guns he wants me to help him sell. Sure enough one of them is a HK P2000SK in 40. Never held one before.
Needs some cleaning up, like the other 3 but I look forward to the challenge.

The winner in the pile and hard one for me is a Wilson 1911. I saw it when it was brand new and I think it's been sitting neglected since 2006 or so.
I really needs cleaning I didn't even recognize it as a Wilson. I'm gonna try to bring that one home for good if I can put it together, not sure how but I firmly believe if one want's something bad enough they will find a way.

The others are a Beretta 96 Inox 40 and a Smith 642 38. The smith is a little rough but looks sound. It was a back up gun apparently. I just got one of those from the deputy chief a few months back.