View Full Version : Dealer pushing their gunsmith?

08-27-2019, 01:55 PM
So... of all my Kahr's, the one Kahr that I'm having issues with is my CW40. At this point in time, I'm pretty sure it's not me, especially since I can't repeat the problem with my other Kahr's (although none in .40). I've only tried 3 brands of ammo (AE, WW WB, and Hornady CDef), and the part of the issue seems to be minimized with 2 of the brands. However, this is not why I'm asking for advice.

So here's the thing. When I brought up the issue to my local dealer, they suggested that I let their gunsmith look at it before I send the gun back to Kahr. They always push their dealer warranty when purchasing (which i always turn down). Now, in this neck of the woods, the dealers are relatively sparse, and increased restrictions on top of low competition means that unpleasant experiences pop up frequently at many dealers in a 25 mile radius. My question is, do I let their gunsmith check it out first or do I insist on sending it back in to Kahr? I don't really know how competent their gunsmith is, and I have been a little annoyed in the past when I asked (who I thought was the owner) about availabilty of parts for my 1911 and using their gunsmith... and yes, I purchased both the 1911 and the Kahr in question from that dealer. Their salesman, range counter, and even check out staff have been hit or miss over the years, too. I'm pretty sure that I need to use an FFL for shipping (at least on the return) so I figure I might as well do everything through them.

For those interested in the issues (mentioned in another post), I notice the slide bouncing twice on AE FMJ as the cartridge sticks on the feed ramp, bounces the slide back a second time, which then feeds the round off the second bounce... or it FTF entirely. On the WWB and Hdy CDef, the problem is barely noticeable, but there. On top of that, with all ammo, my groups are around 12" at 7 yards. In contrast, my Kahr's in 9 and 45 (both standard and +P) are usually closer to 2-3" at that range when casually shooting (most of my range trips recently have been general function testing and POA/POI testing for different brands/types of ammo). I've put around 400 rounds through the gun (bought new). For the record, I'm not averse to a little recoil, as every range session I've been shooting my 2 3/4" 357 mag with Rem UMC ammo without any recoil issues, and with 6 shot DA groups in the 1.5-3" range when casually shooting at 7 yards.

08-27-2019, 02:20 PM
First of all, it's normal they would encourage their gunny to look at it. Some here have been disappointed in Kahrs work saying they didn't fix the problem. An unassociated look may identify and document 1 or more issues that you can direct Kahn to address. If the dealer were me, I'd also ask you to allow my gunny to review Kahrs work afterward to form an expert review. Let us know how it turns out.
In my past life with several hundred telephone tech's on calls under time restraints, we kept hammering that they fix all the problems, not just the reported one. Once at the site a 3 minute "preflight" inspection of equipment, wiring and feed lines saved us a lot of new and repeat calls - and money.

08-27-2019, 04:44 PM
I'm with Old Lincoln (who I've was just wondering about for the last few days). No harm in letting their smith? look it over.
If its beyond them they can send it back to Kahr.

If you have no faith in their smith you might call and see if Kahr will send you a shipping label. You can ship it yourself to the manufacturer but generally a dealer can ship much cheaper.

Sounds like you have a barrel issue if the groups are that large. I had an MK that a deputy dropped in salt water while crabbing. Couple of our guys who scuba dive recovered it intact in it's holster. Went right into an oil bath from the water.

Cleaned up good but sent it to Kahr to replace springs and check it all out. Got it back looking prime in a new factory box the whole deal. Couldn't hit a paper plate with the thing at 3 yards. Apparently the salt did enough damage to the polygonal rifling that it just wouldn't shoot.

Kahr sent me a new barrel and she's a tack driver. Deputy didn't want it back, took it as a lesson to secure his gun better when crabbing I guess. One of the divers got it, we kind of use it as a pass around gun.

Incidentally back then Kahr went through it and sent the barrel all no charge. Mighty nice of them.

08-27-2019, 09:49 PM
I would call Kahr. They will probably send you a prepaid shipping label, and you do not need to go through a FFL (either direction).

08-27-2019, 11:57 PM
I would call Kahr. They will probably send you a prepaid shipping label, and you do not need to go through a FFL (either direction).

+1 on what zamboni said.

Kahr will send a prepaid FedEx shipping label. You can then drop it off at a FedEx shipping center (not a FedEx store. The FedEx stores are individually owned, and will (conveniently) not have the necessary label that needs to be applied to the box. Interestingly, you can print this label at home and tape it to the box, but the FedEx store will still refuse to ship the firearm.). HOWEVER, you can take it to a FedEx shipping center. They won’t blink an eye. That’s easy. BUT, wanna know what’s even easier if you can make it happen? Find a FedEx driver in the middle of his drop-off route, and tell him you have a package with a pre-paid shipping label on it that you are about to drive to the shipping center. Ask him/her if he/she will accept the package. He/she will. Let him/her know that you printed the blue firearm label and applied it to the package already, and let him/her know the package contains a firearm. Again, he/she won’t blink an eye, and will accept the package. This scenario played out for me, exactly as I outlined, as I was about to start my drive to the FedEx shipping center. Amazingly, a FedEx driver showed up, and the conversation took place. Saved me an hour.

Now, let’s discuss the return (from Kahr to you). I expected to receive an email letting me know the package had shipped from Kahr (I did). I expected to receive some kind of notice from FedEx letting me know that I needed to pick the package up from the FedEx shipping center (I did not.). I did, however, receive a package at home, from Kahr. It contained my P380 (inside the tiny yellow Pelican case I shipped it in, which was inside of the FedEx box that was given to me by the FedEx store that told me they were not allowed to ship firearms), with a Lakeline striker (installed), a set of new recoil springs (installed), a new striker spring (installed), a new magazine spring (installed), and a new magazine follower (installed). I was charged for a Lakeline striker.

(Cue the applause for great customer service, and a wonderful experience of shipping my P380 back to the mothership.)


08-28-2019, 05:06 AM
Thanks all for the replies. I will contact Kahr within the next week or two and take it from there.

08-28-2019, 10:40 PM
Just because some jamoke works at a gun store doesn't mean he's a gunsmith. Call Kahr, get an RMA, and you won't have to worry that Bubba at the gun store will screw up your gun.

You mentioned that there aren't many dealers in your area. No worries. Gunbroker.com is available from anywhere you can get an internet connection.