View Full Version : PayPal Strikes Again

08-28-2019, 11:40 AM
For those of you that still use PayPal, you should stop immediately. While in the past we were forced to use them on eBay, they shut down our payment processing and seized around $13,000 in our account saying we had violated their Acceptable Use Policy. Here's the thing, nothing we sold on eBay violated that, because well they use the blanket statement "Certain Firearm Accessories and Parts are banned from Sale". Don't tell you what parts, because then they can choose at whim what to shut down a small business for. Held our money for six months, well last week they changed their policy stating they would no longer absorb violation fees that they pay to the U.S. Government. Oh and these "violations" are $2500 a pop. They have NO ACTUAL PAPERWORK on what we violated, and refuse to give us anything. Only $2500 violation I can think of would be ITAR, and we don't ship outside of the US. So they kept our $13,000 dollars saying it was fees for violations, haven't told us what it was nor will tell us, and because of the current political climate we can even get our own Sheriff's Department to file charges. They say somewhere buried in the legalese will be clauses that they can do this. Add in that PayPal is super friendly with our current governor and they are in the same f'ing building as our state Attorney General means that money is gone forever. A few months payroll for one employee gone. Bonuses for employees gone. All highly criminal behavior, but completely legal because our illustrious Government has allowed corporations more rights than actual people. Think we were the only ones? Nope, everyones favorite grip appliqué Tractiongrips, Type 01 FFL Dealer (https://www.facebook.com/Tractiongrips1/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARAVHbTF-wd1n-8ubWP1PFvCO7_nwMaLq23G4KuD1mTy3A_yUqk2eTa0t7IGaxUK XUG8CLe0lBs2z0eX&fref=mentions&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC6--OrkrQ-viUyfG1iZIDEiVGH49hV2ettjuuHkGJi31ajj4CjF1CWpQqLqk EnwaA4A942msIsbl4GBzO6bvsX4aurUa7200eGothcZQ3IfVpJ xLwHql7Ihz-zRlTItDv24XBaXSpjx_ByJY-tIVEkGg4qeBQpPnjN0tkUjk6UPnzDiO-wW-OB8nvtKaHutna_AEBIASVZN-aTT1MkvsfRZXPNmJGJ-1DADxTj9Dzx79y4y2UZLVDIuO6IrCt9qL2EHceEH8JlIGjy3tU 92JwM8-O42nD_moIufm1x6KnB8qlzIR4JqVmyQaxdxAje) has had their eBay account suspended, and I would guess at this point their account drained as well. Don emailed us this morning with Google Ad Sense terminating his account without ANY PRIOR VIOLATIONS OR REASON, stating it is due to a change in their policies. Wake up people, Big Brother doesn't have to ban ****, they're getting their corporate lackeys to do all the work for them.

Ken L
08-28-2019, 05:20 PM
That seems absolutely wrong and is theft, and should be charged as so. Any way to get other LEO like the FBI involved? I know they're a cluster also, but it seems highly suspicious that eBay would only target Galloway. I've seen rifle stocks and a lot of other "gun parts" that even a moron could identify as gun parts on eBay. Just last night in fact.

08-28-2019, 05:44 PM
They need some ambitious Law Firm to file a class action against them for all money, damages, loss of income, and their legal fees.

08-28-2019, 11:41 PM
Haven't used paypal in over ten years. Nor have I used ebay in the same time frame. Nor will I use either one of them ever again.

Truly hope you can find some recourse against them, the has to be a lawyer somewhere that will take your case.

08-29-2019, 08:17 AM
This is a known "issue" with paypal, you're not alone.

There should be a legal channel to prosecute them for confiscating money from you when you've delivered a product a customer paid for. The vague nature of their limitations shouldn't allow them to act like mafia gangsters. Contact a lawyer or your state attorney's office.

I know of one person who asks for donations to fund his website, and offers a newsletter in exchange for paypal payments, and he says paypal just takes the funds with no explanation and won't give him his money. In his jurisdiction (outside the USA) he says he is having them prosecuted for theft for stealing his customers' payments.

King Rat
09-06-2019, 02:06 AM
This is nothing short of a Crime. Even though the attorney General is in the same building as this scum bag, I would write to him and get him on record. If the Governor and state Attorney are condoning this practice then there could be a fallout for them. So whose pocket is the $13,000 going into? Is Pay Pay a contributor to the Governors campaign fund? Would the NRA be of any help. At least notify them that this is going on. What state is this. I would post this on every gun forum I could find. It is scary to see what the Liberals are doing these days. Seizing money and property was something we saw done in past history. And they seem to be repeating the same thing. I certainly wish you the best and hope things work out. I would love to see a petition started. At least get some more awareness to this scam.

09-06-2019, 03:46 AM
Why would you leave $13k in your Paypal account????

09-06-2019, 11:33 PM
Why would you leave $13k in your Paypal account????Oh goody, victim-blaming...

Longitude Zero
09-13-2019, 11:30 AM
They need some ambitious Law Firm to file a class action against them for all money, damages, loss of income, and their legal fees.

Pouring money down a rat hole. They are a huge corporate conglomerate. Who is foolish enough to think they would prevail against them?