View Full Version : Mirror Polish On A PM9 Slide

09-06-2010, 12:15 AM
I picked up a gently used “old style” PM9 Slide Assy the other day and decided to give it a mirror polish to match my P9. I still need to remove the sights to really get into it, but a couple more nights of work should finish it off. She still needs to be disassembled, cleaned and inspected and tested at the range after the polish. I’m actually considering selling this beauty once she’s complete to help fund some of an AR-15 build I want to begin.
After tonight’s polish I popped the slide on my EDC PM9 frame to see how she looks so far. ..I like it! It’s a shame I can’t keep it but I have an AR-15 bug burning a hole in soul. I’ll post more pics when she’s finished and I’ll run a thread in the for sale section.

Cell Pics..





Pics of my P9 it will be matching…



09-06-2010, 05:35 AM
that is really nice work..

09-06-2010, 10:25 AM

09-06-2010, 11:08 AM
Wow. I love it! If/when you decide to sell the polished chrome, please let me know. I would be interested! It looks great!

09-06-2010, 01:40 PM
Copper&Black: Do you mind telling exactly how/what you used to polish/achieve that shine?

09-07-2010, 07:47 AM
Copper&Black: Do you mind telling exactly how/what you used to polish/achieve that shine?

I started sanding the slide on a flat surface and by hand with 600 grit paper, then 800, then 1000, 1500, and 2000 will be the final sanding just before she’s complete. I have a bench top grinder in my shop with a soft polishing wheel and mid level polishing wheel mounted on opposite sides. So in between sanding paper gits I would pass over the slide with the mid-level wheel and then the softer wheel with polishing rouge to knock down the high points of the fine scratches left by the paper, working my way down slowly to a perfectly smooth surface with no tiny pores.

09-07-2010, 09:04 AM
Only problem I see - I don't see any copper on that firearm ;)

09-07-2010, 11:05 AM
Copper jackets come flying out the front! haha

09-07-2010, 11:11 AM
I was going to suggest an inlay.

09-07-2010, 01:19 PM
An inlay how so? Like an engraving? I don't want to do much other then polish this PM9 slide so it appeals to more people once she goes up on the auction block. But I'm all ears for ideas for my P9 b/c she stays. I put a Spikes striped AR-15 Lower on order so I'm committed to selling now.

This looks like the Lower I should be getting in by Fri...


09-07-2010, 03:35 PM
OK... Show & Tell time... Copper&Black, I gotta thank you for inspiring me... really... Went to AutoZone and got 3 packs of 3M WETORDRY paper... 600, 1000, 1500... Spent a couple of hours hand-sanding (in front of the TV) and this was the outcome... I wasn't trying to get a true mirror-like finish, just a little classier look. I don't think I'm gonna do the top... Kind of like the two-tone effect. Thanks again!:




09-07-2010, 03:48 PM
Looks awesome! If you are looking for a clear split line between polished and not polished, mask the area not being polished with some blue painters tape.

09-09-2010, 10:54 PM
You missed the most important part for functioning... now get busy on that barrel!!! As added caveat, mirror polished stainless is slightly more corrosion resistant than matte finished. So your efforts are functional as well as easy on the eyes.

09-10-2010, 07:07 AM
You missed the most important part for functioning... now get busy on that barrel!!! As added caveat, mirror polished stainless is slightly more corrosion resistant than matte finished. So your efforts are functional as well as easy on the eyes.

Machine polished (cotton whel + compound only) is much more corrosion resistant for carbon steel - found that out through personal experaince, fyi :)

09-10-2010, 07:26 PM
Finished up the majority of the polish, another hour or two and she’ll be flawless. Most likely goes up for sale tomorrow so if you would like to be PM’ed or emailed when it does let me know. Obviously I will be doing a detailed strip of the slide and cleaning and inspecting everything, then run the slide through a test run of a few mags (not the barrel or recoil assy, as the barrel is slightly different from the new style barrel, and I’m not sure it will damage my “New style” PM frame). Super close up picture will be provided of all internal part when the slide is stripped.






09-10-2010, 08:30 PM
Well I'm headed for the polishing bench with Tiny as we speak. Been wanting to since the first Copper & Black polish pictures. Started bit on my K40 and then got side tracked when the PM45 joinedthe family. Guess the K40 will ride with me again until Tiny is all pretty and shiney.
Cross your fingers, we'll see how this goes.

09-10-2010, 08:34 PM
Really nice! I'm impressed with how much a great polish job changes the whole character of the gun... Gives me a new appreciation of Kahrs in general.

09-10-2010, 08:34 PM
Nice work C&B, she's all pretty and ready to go dancing! I wish I had the talent/time to perform such a feat with my PM9. Maybe one day!

09-11-2010, 07:19 AM
Looks awesome! If you are looking for a clear split line between polished and not polished, mask the area not being polished with some blue painters tape.

C&B that slide is gorgeous. Just curious, can the trigger be polished as well?:confused:

09-11-2010, 07:46 AM
Beautiful... yes, but imagine a bright sunny day and being being momentarily blinded enough to affect your aim....:eek:
I could see leaving the top of the slide and the rear satin or matte to prevent that.:cool:
Bright and shiny just doesn't seem right for CCW... to me.
I guess it gives you a signal mirror or something to blind the BGs. :D

Sorry, just can't help thinking about stuff like that.:rolleyes:


Wynn:behindsofa::cool: :D:

09-11-2010, 09:38 AM
So far I haven't notice any issue with glare, then again I haven't shot it in beaming sunlight either. In fact so far it's been all positive, the polish on my P9 actually allows me acquire the target faster. In a standard matte slide the sights look apart of the gun as a whole, but after the polish I've noticed that now (to my eyes) they appear to be floating b/c the back of the slide below is reflective and doesn't allow for anything to focus on. In a sight acquisition drill I run at the range I find it much easier and faster to lock on and fire. I actually going to offer an option to lightly glass bead the top to whoever buys the slide if they are uncomfortable with the top being polished.

09-11-2010, 09:45 AM
I don't think glare is gonna be an issue. I think it's cool looking and besides I've already got about 3 hours into Tiny making him pretty too. I can now fully appreciate the effort that you put into yours. I'm a far far piece from even being close to yours and my goal at this point is just to get somewhere close. It sure takes the patience, one of my weaker points for sure, but I'm in it for the long haul, whatever it takes.
I took the time to bevel my stripper a bit as I've been putting that off for a long time. Didn't take long and I think it's gonna pick up the Gold Dots a whole lot better now.
I'm into 1000 grit, went from 320 didn't have nothing in between, might be too big a jump but elbow grease will prevail. Got some 1200 next, then I'll have to hit town for something finer.
Back to the sweat shop for now.

09-11-2010, 12:54 PM
Okay... just thinking about the emperor's clothes and all.

09-11-2010, 03:40 PM
Maybe Kahr should offer the polymer frame in "pearl" instead of black... Ha!!

09-11-2010, 03:53 PM
Only a pimp on a Louisianna river boat would carry pearl. I want Ivory.

09-11-2010, 05:13 PM
Well today I confirmed that I'm really a wood guy and not a metal guy. I also found that the word Mirror Polish and Bawanna aren't compatible in the same sentence.

SO, I adopted the term tactical polish after spending all day rubbing sandpaper and polishing wheels on my PM45. She's light years away from anything remotely close to what Copper & Black calls mirror but she looks pretty and good for me. I could see another week of full days to get near the mirror look and frankly I'm feeling like a darn copy cat anyhow so I put er all back together after doing a thorough detail cleaning which it sorely needed. Back on my person where she belongs for now.

I've enclosed a few pictures with my new camera, finally figured out how to get them from the camera into the crystal ball. Maybe someday now I can post some Alaska pictures.

Well I guess that was a waste of time, it looks a 100 times better in person than it does in the pictures. Don't look like I done anything. Everybody come over to my house so you can see the real thing.

The password is Don't shoot, I voted for the american.

Just call me a quitter I guess.

09-11-2010, 07:51 PM
Doesn't look too bad Bawanna. Again I don't have my glasses on....and my eyes are a little tired. Just kidding, keep on polishing.

09-15-2010, 12:22 PM
Looking good Bawanna

I finished up the polish on the slide assy. minus a quick once over before it ships to whoever. Tonight I am doing a detailed strip of the slide taking super close up pictures of all internals and then I'll test her out at the range tomorrow. So she'll be up for sale on Fri.





I challenge you guys to beat that! haha

09-15-2010, 12:29 PM
I do not accept the challenge. My hats off to you. You are the king of mirror polishing. I'm on my knees bowing to your polishing superiority. (Crap, somebody put me back in the chair, my knees are killin me.) I gave it a shot, my guys here are impressed, I like it. I did'nt show them the pictures of yours so they didn't have anything good to compare too. Some times if you want to look skinny you gotta stand next to a fat person.

Copper, you a salt racer by any chance? Couple pics back I could of swore I seen a salt car. Maybe just a cool street rod. Just gotta know if it ain't like a secret or anything.

09-15-2010, 07:24 PM
Bawanna35cal I polished some parts on my PM9. I rounded the slide release so its not so sharp on the corners and polished it and I polished the barrel. I used flitz polish and I highly recommend giving it a try.

09-15-2010, 08:01 PM
I actually have used alot of Flitz. It's great stuff. I should try that as a final polish and see if it helps. I'm pretty ok with it for now. I did use it when I polished my K40 barrel towards the end.

09-15-2010, 09:55 PM
You did a great job on that slide.

I love that look and have had it done to some of mine over the years. My only issue is that it doesn't stay looking that nice very long as it picks up hair line scratches incredibly fast.

09-15-2010, 10:06 PM
I was fearful of that myself. I guess since I didn't get it polished too far I got alot of material to keep polishing the scratches out. I carry this thing all the time but I'm pretty careful with my toys too. They are used but not abused.
I'm close to maybe sending my Hi Power off to Birdsong for a Black T finish. Sounds like its a real nice durable nice looking finish. Darn reasonable in price too. Guess I'll find out.

09-21-2010, 05:20 PM
As for the marks the hard part has been done, now for periodic maintenance all someone needs to do is get some stainless polishing compound and a microfiber towel and she’ll be gleaming again. Of course keeping it in some quality leather would help worlds with keeping the finish new.

Finally happy with the polish on the PM9 Assy. And I’m doing the detailed strip tonight. Hopefully get to the range tomorrow to test her out.






The camera focused in on the reflection. Haha


Next Project! P40 Slide, was black, maybe the top will stay that way?
Also probably going to sell it for AR funds...


09-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Nicely done C&B!

09-22-2010, 04:56 AM

09-22-2010, 07:23 AM
Thanks Guys! She's all clean! Everything looked perfect, and I'm off to the range today to make sure she functions perfectly and then to the for sale section she goes...




09-22-2010, 07:40 AM

Next Project! P40 Slide, was black, maybe the top will stay that way?
Also probably going to sell it for AR funds...

black on top and mirrored down the side would look sick

09-22-2010, 09:11 AM
Sick? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Seems like some of them jivers on the tele say sick when they mean good. I often wondered what happens if they go to the doctor and say they are sick. Is he ill or feeling fine?
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. It's a curse.

09-22-2010, 09:30 AM
Haha sick is a good thing, just like "bad" was a good thing when Micheal Jackson was popular and when the Beastie Boyz were popular "ill" would be the correct term.

And yes it would look sick, the challenge will be masking the black I want to stay and polish right next to the line....

09-22-2010, 10:03 AM
I tried the blue painters tape on my PM45 when I was polishing and it wasn't working too well. I found that if I just kept my sanding block flat on the side it gave me a pretty clean line right at the radius. The hard part for me was the polish wheel. I didn't really need the wheel much but didn't want to cross the line. Course your black will show goofs much more than unpolished stainless.
I agree the black on top with mirror polish on the sides will look

09-22-2010, 10:23 AM
yea, getting that straight line down the black will be pretty tough, but I have confidence in you C&B. About the only polishing I do is the barrel and feed ramp, and the feed ramp is the only one I put mirror quality effort into.

09-22-2010, 06:20 PM
Got to the range today, Perfect! Ran like a champ. I only tested out the slide portion, not the barrel or recoil assy just because they are not the same as my new style set, and don't know if it could harm anything on my frame. I ran 4 perfect clips through it and was able to pull this off @ 25' with no sights or laser (5" target)


09-22-2010, 09:49 PM
Looks like somebody had NPOA :)

09-23-2010, 01:33 PM
What? No love for the slide's parts??:boink:
That's a great deal and leaving the sights out will make it easy if you want to get night sights while you're dressing up your frame.
Good luck!
