View Full Version : Walmart

09-03-2019, 06:00 PM
Just saw on the news that due to the recent shooting in their El Paso store they will no longer sell hand gun and assault rifle ammo when the current shelf stock runs out and they are asking that customers no longer carry weapons in the store..... Good enough reason for me to never endure the Walmart shopping experience ever again!

09-03-2019, 06:31 PM
Yea, bummer.

09-04-2019, 04:17 AM
I read an article about it. They still sell handguns in Alaska, stopping that too. Per the article, Walmart had 20% of the ammo market. I find that hard to believe, the local one here was always out of everything, and no attendant.

09-04-2019, 04:57 AM
I read an article about it. They still sell handguns in Alaska, stopping that too. Per the article, Walmart had 20% of the ammo market. I find that hard to believe, the local one here was always out of everything, and no attendant.

I believe it... All the Wal-Marts in my area had a good selection of ammo. I purchased my carry ammo and most of the ammo I have stockpiled from Wal-Mart. This one kind of hurt and is a huge blow... IMHO, Wal-Mart kind of helped keep ammo prices down just like competition from Palmetto State Armory helps keep ARs priced reasonably.

09-04-2019, 06:50 AM
So much for being reasonable!
How are law abiding citizens suppose to protect themselves if this trend continues.

One gun grabber on Fox (Tucker's show) said the easiest way to control guns is to ban ammo!

09-04-2019, 08:32 AM
The Target in my area put up their no firearms signs. I quit doing business with them. Apparently, others followed suit. All of the signs are gone. Do the same with Walmart, and it could make a difference.

09-04-2019, 08:54 AM
I am happy they are making this virtue signaling statement. Cheap ammo, yep but they have destroyed the ammo sales of your LGS. It's long past time shooters in this country stop looking for the absolute lowest cost for everything and support the local stores that are struggling to keep their store going. I understand internet sales for those who buy thousands of rounds at one time but if you think your ability to continue to purchase ammo over the internet, you better make damn sure you go to the polls next year. In the meantime, support your LGS and thank them for being in business.

09-04-2019, 09:04 AM
..... Per the article, Walmart had 20% of the ammo market. I find that hard to believe, the local one here was always out of everything, and no attendant.

I agree. While My local Walmart has ammo they have had no decent help since the day after “O” was elected president in any department. A store about 50 miles south of me had no stock of hardly anything on the shelves to the point it made the local news. They rolled all the managers and that helped for about a week. Now it’s got to the point that about all we buy from Walmart is toilet paper and motor oil.

09-04-2019, 09:37 AM
Same with our Walmarts, no one would come open the locked ammo cases for customers, so they've had a de facto ammo "ban" for years. We buy next to nothing at Walmart.

09-04-2019, 09:47 AM
I’ve never bought ammo at any of the Walmarts near me.

My concern is that as the number of retailers dwindles, it becomes easier for them to be targeted by financial institutions.

09-04-2019, 09:56 AM
I used to buy at Walmart occasionally during the Obama Ammunition Shortage but because of crappy help and limited supply I stopped. There are 6-8 stores I can buy from within about 6 miles of my local Walmart so if I need some in a hurry I can run out and get it. Last couple thousand I bought were internet purchases. I don't see Walmart's move as an anti 2A move. I think it's more of a move to limit their liability exposure. They're still going to sell some firearms and ammo.

09-04-2019, 11:08 AM
I am happy they are making this virtue signaling statement. Cheap ammo, yep but they have destroyed the ammo sales of your LGS. It's long past time shooters in this country stop looking for the absolute lowest cost for everything and support the local stores that are struggling to keep their store going. I understand internet sales for those who buy thousands of rounds at one time but if you think your ability to continue to purchase ammo over the internet, you better make damn sure you go to the polls next year. In the meantime, support your LGS and thank them for being in business.

I agree with this support local theory. I always check with the local shops before an online purchase. It's a tough racket and not a lot of margin especially on guns. Where shops make their loot is accessories, holsters, cleaning stuff etc.
I usually am not buying new stuff and often times find stuff that local shops can't even get so at least the one shop doesn't mind doing the transfers.
Our other local shop quit doing gun transfers for online purchases all together, says he don't have the people to track down paperwork and stuff.
The downfall is they are almost always at least a 100 bucks higher than anybody else. I dont know how he stays in business but must be folks that don't do their homework buying there.
I can't afford to just pay the 100 bucks to support them. I don't blame any shop for making a profit, they have to but seems like they could spread it around a little more or something.

I've never bought ammo or guns from Walmart, usually no help around if I wanted to. Rarely buy from Cabela's, like to look there but usually lousy help and take a number for the help too. Then it takes forever to process the paperwork.

09-04-2019, 12:02 PM
Living in a rural area, Wal-mart is our main go-to store for groceries, etc.. We can drive to another town, but then you add in the commute, traffic, etc. Our other local grocery store is as likely to sell you expired food as not. Literally you have to check the dates on everything perishable.

For many folks further out, Wal-mart was their only ammo option. Mail order of course where legal, but many folks just want to run and buy what they need off the shelf. So the 20% of ammo sales cut off means many folks will not have local options for handgun ammo.

I think this is just the beginning. The trend now is gun owners are being made pariahs, and our rights do not matter. The antis are targeting us in the wallet. Banks closing accounts of gun shops/makers, credit cards blocking gun purchases, major retailers dropping our products. They know what they are doing. If a Dem takes the Whitehouse in 2020, we are in for the worst attack on our rights in the history of the United States. In particular if they also take the Senate. They already said they will pack the Supreme Court if it does not cooperate. All bets are off as to what they will do to us.

09-04-2019, 02:15 PM
I don't hardly go to any stores but my wife and daughter shop at Walmart frequently and will no doubt continue to do so. It's actually been a career aspiration to become a door greeter for them although they don't agree with my door greeting manual of arms as it were.
We almost have an officer there constantly for shop lifters and miscreants. I could stay in touch with my coworkers.

For many years we never had a department store in town, everyone was thrilled when we got a Fred Meyers which is kind of like a Walmart, you can get groceries and a pair of shoes or jewelry all in the same building. They have really gone down hill in my book. They used to have tools and hardware and even a little lumber, many of my first guns were bought at Fred Meyers, then they got out. Few years ago, they got back in and now just recently got out again.

Maybe it's a yo yo syndrome.

I agree with JohnH, we got a tough time ahead of us, I truly hope that Trump prevails over the what 30 contenders?

He reminds me of myself here at work, everyone agrees with me but no one admits it cause it's not politically correct these days.

Just yesterday we had an all city meeting and they were talking about growth and attracting business, and homelessness etc.
We include the population of our prison in our city which apparently the rules change when we reach a certain number. They are trying to make it so they don't count.

I couldn't hold myself back and made some suggestions. Told them we were big enough now that you can hardly get through town on a Saturday or any other day, if we exclude the prison we should add the homeless folks and the democrats to that prison population and keep them there. The homeless want to be homeless so they can do drugs and alcohol and not work. Offer them housing and they can't keep it cause they won't give up the drugs.
So put them in the prison where they aren't even allowed cigarettes anymore and it would be a perfect solution.

Lots of smiles and head nodding before I was excused from the meeting which was my goal all along in the first place.

09-04-2019, 02:49 PM
Great news for Rural King!!!!

09-04-2019, 05:12 PM
Bawanna, you speak the truth.....unfortunately these days very few what to hear it!

09-04-2019, 08:27 PM
I used to buy at Walmart occasionally during the Obama Ammunition Shortage but because of crappy help and limited supply I stopped. There are 6-8 stores I can buy from within about 6 miles of my local Walmart so if I need some in a hurry I can run out and get it. Last couple thousand I bought were internet purchases. I don't see Walmart's move as an anti 2A move. I think it's more of a move to limit their liability exposure. They're still going to sell some firearms and ammo.

How can it be a liability thing when they will continue to sell ammo and some firearms? The ammo they will continue to sell can be used in Assault Weapons. The AR15 does not come in a single flavor. In order for them to stop selling ammo for Assault Weapons they literally have to stop selling ammo period, or focus on the obscure calibers that wont move and they do not deal n anything that doesn't move.

In my opinion it is absolutely an attack on my rights. I am trying to figure out how not to shop there but in my opinion the issue is more what can I actually purchase? The soaps I use come from an anti corp... the foods I eat come from anti corps.. the bank I use gives or supports anti organizations.. nearly everything that isn't firearms related is somehow connected to an anti organization. What irks me more than that is the supposed gun rights supporters that don't actually support gun rights.. they tell me to conceal carry instead of open carry or turn in your AR because that isn't a hunting arm or good for self defense or that I don't need a Glock with a high capacity magazine when a 5 shot snubby will do.

09-05-2019, 07:34 AM
I read a meme that says "Wal mart failed to protect its customers, and now asks that customers stop protecting themselves."

09-05-2019, 09:12 AM
How can it be a liability thing when they will continue to sell ammo and some firearms? The ammo they will continue to sell can be used in Assault Weapons. The AR15 does not come in a single flavor. In order for them to stop selling ammo for Assault Weapons they literally have to stop selling ammo period, or focus on the obscure calibers that wont move and they do not deal n anything that doesn't move.

In my opinion it is absolutely an attack on my rights. I am trying to figure out how not to shop there but in my opinion the issue is more what can I actually purchase? The soaps I use come from an anti corp... the foods I eat come from anti corps.. the bank I use gives or supports anti organizations.. nearly everything that isn't firearms related is somehow connected to an anti organization. What irks me more than that is the supposed gun rights supporters that don't actually support gun rights.. they tell me to conceal carry instead of open carry or turn in your AR because that isn't a hunting arm or good for self defense or that I don't need a Glock with a high capacity magazine when a 5 shot snubby will do.

I didn't say eliminate liability exposure, I said reduce. Nobody can testify "I bought the ammo for my Glock I killed that guy with at Walmart."
I maintain it's not a 2A issue because there are lots of options to buy ammo from. I run a business myself and I get to decide what I sell or not...(It's not a bakery...)

09-05-2019, 09:40 AM
A small way to start your protests is to MAKE SURE you vote in Primary Elections as well as main elections. Usually the good guys get bumped out in the Primary's by the radical special interest.
Therefore only the extremes end up in the general election. Here where I live everyone whines about high taxes only to find out when a tax levy is rolled out it is in "off year" election where only about 600 people vote out of a population of about 60,000. Stay focused and vote out the radicals that are taking away our rights. Walmart only follows trends to appease the special interest with the LOUD MOUTHS.

09-05-2019, 02:17 PM
VOTE!!!!!! Amen.

Don't let them take our rights away. They are attacking our free speech 1st Amendment, and our 2nd Amendment! If they get their way they will COMPLETELY
transform America....................sad to say, it seems we are on our way!
I don't want that to happen!
If you don't vote you have no right to complain.

09-05-2019, 02:33 PM
Me personally, I don't feel that I owe my LGS any charity or welfare. I work hard for my money. I take time out of my life and away from my friends and family to be able to pay for things that I want. As such, I will go to who ever has the best price. Firearms at just about all of the LGS in my area are marked up from $100-$200 vs internet prices plus they charge tax. Ammo is marked up as well. I already have to pay by the hour to use their range as well as pay for ammo. If I have to buy their ammo, I'll use their range less often. When I was able to buy cheap ammo from Wal-Mart, I went to their range more. I grantee you they make a bigger profit from me going to their range vs me buying their high priced range ammo. I don't have and can't afford to keep going to the range on a regular basis if I'm spending $60 on a couple of boxes of ammo, $15-$20 per hour for a both, and $1.50 per target... I could get a both of 200 for under $30 at Wal-Mart...

With that said, for me and people like me, it's a huge loss. My only opinion now will be to save up, and buy in bulk online. I refuse to by ammo or firearms from my LGS until they drop their prices.

09-05-2019, 02:52 PM
I didn't say eliminate liability exposure, I said reduce. Nobody can testify "I bought the ammo for my Glock I killed that guy with at Walmart."
I maintain it's not a 2A issue because there are lots of options to buy ammo from. I run a business myself and I get to decide what I sell or not...(It's not a bakery...)

Ah but the people who caused Walmart to take this position are in fact attacking the second amendment and this is just one of the things they are doing.

They could reduce their liability by hiring some armed guards and protecting the customers. They may not be able to say he got the ammo for his Glock there but they will be able to say he got the ammo for his sniper rifle or his sniper rifle there until they stop selling firearms and ammo altogether.

Banks are refusing to service manufacturers and gun shops and other shops that sell firearms and related items. Eventually there will be no gun shops left.

09-05-2019, 02:58 PM
Me personally, I don't feel that I owe my LGS any charity or welfare. I work hard for my money. I take time out of my life and away from my friends and family to be able to pay for things that I want. As such, I will go to who ever has the best price. Firearms at just about all of the LGS in my area are marked up from $100-$200 vs internet prices plus they charge tax. Ammo is marked up as well. I already have to pay by the hour to use their range as well as pay for ammo. If I have to buy their ammo, I'll use their range less often. When I was able to buy cheap ammo from Wal-Mart, I went to their range more. I grantee you they make a bigger profit from me going to their range vs me buying their high priced range ammo. I don't have and can't afford to keep going to the range on a regular basis if I'm spending $60 on a couple of boxes of ammo, $15-$20 per hour for a both, and $1.50 per target... I could get a both of 200 for under $30 at Wal-Mart...

With that said, for me and people like me, it's a huge loss. My only opinion now will be to save up, and buy in bulk online. I refuse to by ammo or firearms from my LGS until they drop their prices.

Unfortunately just the opposite is going to happen.....range gouging is coming. I think the heat is on and the ranges are looking ahead to when they will have to close and are going to make as much as they can, while they can. LGS use to be for the gun owners and had loyalty to those of us that used them. After buying several guns at my LGS I was expected to take beating after beating when I traded my firearms for different ones. Now I am not stupid, I know they make a profit and that is their business, but being offered 30% of what I paid just 2 or 3 months ago on a gun I bought there trading for a new firearm that is 25% higher than online is just wrong. Ammo , targets, cleaning supplies just like you said...way to high. Membership and gun rental fees are high enough and should provide a large percentage of a profit margin to give members a sight break on the other items they sell. At least one of my ranges is not by the hour rental, and I do not have to buy my ammo there to use the range....yet!

09-05-2019, 03:44 PM
The range I frequent is not by the hour either, doubt I would ever do that. Also can use my own ammo.

The Pro Shop is pretty lean, haven't been there for quite awhile, not much inventory. It's a nice range and I look forward to being able to go there during the week with less crowds.

Here in Washington they made it so dealers have to charge tax even on out of state interstate sales. It's supposed to be that way for everything but guns are the only thing they can specifically track. So in essence they have made gun dealers tax collectors.

We got a few incredibly stupid new laws on the books. My favorite (NOT) is we can no longer show our CPL and walk out with a new gun after an instant check. All the checks have to go through LE now and have to wait a week at least usually for a mental check. This morning I had to take two guns I bought from a co worker to the shop, do the paperwork and I won't see them again for probably at least 10 days. This for guns that I've had for a month and shot last week.

I wouldn't even do the transfer but the seller being a Sgt insist we have to play by the rules.

Wyoming here I come. (I wish)

09-05-2019, 04:32 PM
Yea, I'm basically saying that if the price were only a small percentage higher than Wal-Mart and online prices, I'd happily support my LGS. When the price difference is ridiculous, I'm going to shop elsewhere.

Mike, I had the same experience. I purchased a gun from my LGS for $450ish. A month or so later I tried trading the same gun in like new condition to go towards another gun, and they only wanted to give me little over $100 for it. I've seen other seemingly desperate for money people come in and reluctantly sell their firearms for pennies on the dollar. A few times I've been tempted to pull them to the side to offer them more than what they were going to sell it for.

M&P Shield for example can be purchased for around $300 or so online; however, at most LGS in my area, they cost over $400. Ammo is usually more to. I just can't afford to give money away just because. There's a reason why many people buy online and turned to Wal-Mart for ammo.

I support my LGS by buying nic nacs and to using their services, e.g., range, classes, gunsmithing, etc.

09-05-2019, 04:37 PM
The range I frequent is not by the hour either, doubt I would ever do that. Also can use my own ammo.

The Pro Shop is pretty lean, haven't been there for quite awhile, not much inventory. It's a nice range and I look forward to being able to go there during the week with less crowds.

Here in Washington they made it so dealers have to charge tax even on out of state interstate sales. It's supposed to be that way for everything but guns are the only thing they can specifically track. So in essence they have made gun dealers tax collectors.

We got a few incredibly stupid new laws on the books. My favorite (NOT) is we can no longer show our CPL and walk out with a new gun after an instant check. All the checks have to go through LE now and have to wait a week at least usually for a mental check. This morning I had to take two guns I bought from a co worker to the shop, do the paperwork and I won't see them again for probably at least 10 days. This for guns that I've had for a month and shot last week.

I wouldn't even do etc transfer but the seller being a Sgt insist we have to play by the rules.

Wyoming here I come. (I wish)
The laws are going to get worse and even more stupid I fear. I don't understand a waiting period for people who have a permit and/or firearms already... I'm done trying to understand these laws and decisions these corporations are making... I've come to the conclusions that the goal is virtue signaling and to just make it as difficult and as costly as possible for people to own guns...

09-05-2019, 04:39 PM
The range I go to will allow you to use your own ammo unless you rent a gun then they make you buy their range ammo which is crazy high like 10 rounds of .556 for $7.50 so if I can't buy a 100 round box for $30 bucks or so from Walmart it's the end of my AR rifle shooting days because.75 cents a pop is way over my price limit...Without Walmart my shooting time will be much less often than before which wasn't that frequent anyway due to the cost...

The grabbers have always wanted to go after ammo and I think we will soon see the end of internet sales and I can see background checks and a special permit required for ammo purchases as well limits of a couple boxes a month...I think we will see an end to reloading supplies without an expensive and difficult to obtain Federal license of some kind....If the Democrats take the White House and Senate we will see 10 round magazine limits as well as the return of the Clinton assault black rifle (anything semi auto) ban and possibly confiscation of newly illegal weapons and magazines or Federal Prison time for resistance at which time things will get ugly...

So get out and VOTE, it's our only hope

09-05-2019, 05:29 PM
On the used guns you have to keep the LGS perspective in mind. Say a new pistol is 400, what would you pay for a used one of the same model 325, 300? So with that in mind, they are only going to offer maybe 175 to 200 for yours.

09-05-2019, 06:24 PM
I am happy they are making this virtue signaling statement. Cheap ammo, yep but they have destroyed the ammo sales of your LGS. It's long past time shooters in this country stop looking for the absolute lowest cost for everything and support the local stores that are struggling to keep their store going. I understand internet sales for those who buy thousands of rounds at one time but if you think your ability to continue to purchase ammo over the internet, you better make damn sure you go to the polls next year. In the meantime, support your LGS and thank them for being in business.

Nearest gun shop now will be 30 miles, my Wal Mart was two miles. Z gunshops areclosing their door An getting out of this over regulated business. Mail order has hurt ur local gun shops. When Wal mart stops selling an then when it gets down to one gun shop within miles, be prepared to get screwed

09-05-2019, 06:32 PM
Good to hear from you there sheep farmer!!!.....Don't stay away so long this time....

09-05-2019, 08:43 PM
That can't be Jocko, I read nearly every word and didn't even have to use my decoder ring.

I say imposter.

09-05-2019, 08:49 PM
Maybe he upgraded his device to one with spell check?

Good to see the old curmudgeon gracing the forum with his presence once again. :Amflag2:

09-05-2019, 10:15 PM
Walmart did not ban concealed carry. They did ban open carry because it makes many customers uneasy. That seems fair to me. As to what they choose to sell that is their decision just as it is ours as to where we spend our money.

Ralph III
09-05-2019, 11:28 PM
dustnchips is correct. They are banning open carry but are still allowing conceal carry.

In regards to the ban of many guns and ammo, it is a PR maneuver. They are simply pro-actively caving into the anti-gun crowd, IMO. It's ill conceived because it doesn't consider the law abiding citizens who purchase ammo for sporting or self defense reasons. Nor does it consider that law abiding citizens (who carry) thwart violent acts at an astonishing higher number on a daily basis in comparison to the number of criminals who use guns for violent purposes.


09-06-2019, 03:51 AM
I can’t help but think that Sam Walton is turning over in his grave over this (and some of the other Walmart PC things.)

09-06-2019, 07:52 AM
Welcome back Jocko

09-06-2019, 09:31 AM
Why am I getting jealousy pangs in the heart? It was always Jocko wasn't it AIR?

09-06-2019, 09:45 AM
Welcome back Jocko....

09-06-2019, 10:57 AM
Good one!

I'm starting a petition where by Jocko has to make at least one post every day! And get rid of the spell check, takes all the challenge out of it.

09-06-2019, 01:47 PM
They aren’t the only show in town. Choose who you deal with.

09-06-2019, 04:45 PM
Why am I getting jealousy pangs in the heart? It was always Jocko wasn't it AIR?

NO way, your the man!!

09-06-2019, 05:01 PM
I feel so much better now. Just couldn't picture you with a greasy biker like Jocko.....that should draw him out.

09-06-2019, 05:04 PM
Give him hell Bawanna!!
Seriously, we all miss Joko!

09-06-2019, 06:02 PM
He'll probably be happy to know that 20 or 30 of us are riding Gold Whiners now too.

And we're putting out a petition to get on the ballot to outlaw physical relationships with sheep! That will hit him where it hurts.

09-06-2019, 06:21 PM
They aren’t the only show in town. Choose who you deal with.
Correct. Plenty of other outlets fotvammo.

09-06-2019, 07:32 PM
He'll probably be happy to know that 20 or 30 of us are riding Gold Whiners now too.

And we're putting out a petition to get on the ballot to outlaw physical relationships with sheep! That will hit him where it hurts.

The convict used to ride a 1987 Harley low rider!

09-07-2019, 06:33 AM
Fokk wal Mart. I just took two gallons on new white paint that I bought there back for axrefund. Told the store manager who I have known for years that what wal mart did to us legal gun owners an to rural gun owners was a feel good decision an the hell with the legal gun owners . I did say I would be back when they stop selling liquor an cigs as they kill more in one year than gun have in 10 years. I received no comment. I think letting them know verbally in a polite factual way (which is always ol jockos way) is better than just not going back . Course doing both is correct. Thank AGod for rural king stores, they are all over my state of Indiana an announced no gun an ammo cut backs an open carry is ok. They actually are the most competitive gun an ammo store around. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

09-07-2019, 07:20 AM
[QUOTE=jeepster09;408982]Welcome back Jocko....[/QUOT

Wow, ur still here huh? Life must be boring🏋🏻*♀️🏋🏻*♀️😇

09-07-2019, 07:25 AM
That can't be Jocko, I read nearly every word and didn't even have to use my decoder ring.

I say imposter.

No it’s me, I could have had a bad day WhenI write that, butyou be nice or I will picture your PINK. Grips u made fro me👌

09-07-2019, 07:34 AM
[QUOTE=dustnchips;408975]Walmart did not ban concealed carry. They did ban open carry because it makes many customers uneasy. That seems fair to me. As to what they choose to sell that is their decision just as it is ours as to where we spend our money.[/QU

Totally agree, I was never fan of open carry ! It’s their store aBut I do feel this ammo. An was simply a feel good decision which will have no bearing on shootings let alone put legal owners in rural areas at a big inconvevidn! Thank God for rural king! With this country in a pickle anyhow over gun controls do we really need to shove our 2Nd amendment rights in their face? I do feel sticking ur firearm infer ur shirt or in ur pants can save more lives than exposing yourself

09-07-2019, 07:50 AM
Me personally, I don't feel that I owe my LGS any charity or welfare. I work hard for my money. I take time out of my life and away from my friends and family to be able to pay for things that I want. As such, I will go to who ever has the best price. Firearms at just about all of the LGS in my area are marked up from $100-$200 vs internet prices plus they charge tax. Ammo is marked up as well. I already have to pay by the hour to use their range as well as pay for ammo. If I have to buy their ammo, I'll use their range less often. When I was able to buy cheap ammo from Wal-Mart, I went to their range more. I grantee you they make a bigger profit from me going to their range vs me buying their high priced range ammo. I don't have and can't afford to keep going to the range on a regular basis if I'm spending $60 on a couple of boxes of ammo, $15-$20 per hour for a both, and $1.50 per target... I could get a both of 200 for under $30 at Wal-Mart...

With that said, for me and people like me, it's a huge loss. My only opinion now will be to save up, and buy in bulk online. I refuse to by ammo or firearms from my LGS until they drop their prices.

You are missing an important point:. Once all the LGSs close up, the only option will be to buy online. Then, when they shut down online sales, we all will be SOL. Everything will be unavailable at any price.

Best wishes.

09-07-2019, 07:51 AM
Yaaa exposing yourself just don't seem to work out....

09-07-2019, 10:03 AM
I’ve never bought ammo at any of the Walmarts near me.

My concern is that as the number of retailers dwindles, it becomes easier for them to be targeted by financial institutions.
Not really Wal Mart that is hurting local gun dealers, but these anti gun states like Illinois is putting local dealers out of business . Their new laws that went In effective in July now are 1500$ for 3 year license, bars on all windows an doors, alarm systems. When will this ever stop?? What Wal Mart really has started is gun control coming in the back door👍👍 Fokk um, take ur business elsewhere, but let um know to🙈

09-07-2019, 01:13 PM
Walmart has been criticized for destroying "Main Street" stores near their locations. While there are at least two sides to this, WMT reduces the US cost of living due to their scale, cost efficiencies and tough tactics. Several years ago some economists placed the annual savings at $2,300 per American family, whether they shopped at WMT or not, due to driving down prices of what they sell and forcing other retailers to follow. On the whole, I think this is good. An exception to me would be in the firearms and ammunition areas. Where there are local gun stores or larger retailers who do gun and ammo sales, I see benefits to having more business going to those who want to support Second Amendment products. I think having more retailers providing these items is better than fewer. There may be somewhat higher prices, but likely better selections.

09-07-2019, 02:00 PM
Walmart has been criticized for destroying "Main Street" stores near their locations. While there are at least two sides to this, WMT reduces the US cost of living due to their scale, cost efficiencies and tough tactics. Several years ago some economists placed the annual savings at $2,300 per American family, whether they shopped at WMT or not, due to driving down prices of what they sell and forcing other retailers to follow. On the whole, I think this is good. An exception to me would be in the firearms and ammunition areas. Where there are local gun stores or larger retailers who do gun and ammo sales, I see benefits to having more business going to those who want to support Second Amendment products. I think having more retailers providing these items is better than fewer. There may be somewhat higher prices, but likely better selections.

They're only factoring in the prices of things, and totally ignoring the number of people that Walmart and others have caused to become unemployed because of outsourcing manufacturing to China and other countries. Business forgets (or willingly ignores), the reason the north won the civil war and the US and its allies won WW1 and 2 was due to the US ability to produce armament, shipping, and all other war related necessities so quickly and in tremendous amounts. Heaven help us if we ever enter into another large scale war that is protracted. We would never survive the attrition.

So, while prices are lower in part because Walmart and others produce in China, our middle class has shrunk in size greatly because family wage jobs have decreased by tens of millions. And that has to be factored into the country's standard of living. Economists that are politically and/or biased in favor of big business are not going to tell us that.

09-07-2019, 02:55 PM
Our dependence on China is less the fault of US retailers and more the fault of US trade policy and the public's desire for low prices. Walmart and the others are just following the logical direction. Economists think automation and other productivity measures, making more from less labor input, and large scale illegal immigration, in addition to government policies, explain adverse employment and wage impacts.

The US will not likely fight a protracted WWII-style conflict in which multitudes of tanks and planes must be built over a sustained period. A nuclear war or something similar will involve weapons already in place. A protracted war, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, will not tax our productive resources beyond our ability to resupply our needs. That said, I think we should reduce dependence on China and other bad actors and enhance production here and in friendlier countries.

Again, my basic point is I want profitable firearm and ammo business to go to those who fully support the Second Amendment.

09-07-2019, 02:59 PM
I have pretty much been all over my state. The problem/issue that I see most is the fact that they(Walmart) move in to a town and either build a new store or take an existing building over and sometimes expand that. Then after a certain period of time, they move to another, usually larger location. This happens in towns that have populations of 30,000 people or less. In the past, these towns had one or two main places to shop. Most have/had been in business for a long time. There was plenty of business for 2 stores. The owners children attended school together. Now, they are both out of business. Many people lose their jobs. What happens to the old Walmart location? Nothing...……...forever...……….it's too large for anyone in town to have any use for the building, and too expensive if they did have a use. So, it sits, and sits. The parking lot is paved, taking up space, and not being used. They turn in to eyesores real quick. There are old stores in the northern part of my state that I can remember seeing 20 years ago that are still there, still empty, and still and eyesore, only worse as time passes. It hurts a community when they have such a large space sitting there......

09-07-2019, 03:15 PM
Our dependence on China is less the fault of US retailers and more the fault of US trade policy and the public's desire for low prices. Walmart and the others are just following the logical direction. Economists think automation and other productivity measures, making more from less labor input, and large scale illegal immigration are likely the reasons, in addition to government policies.

It is unlikely the US will fight a protracted WWII-style conflict in which multitudes of tanks and planes must be built over a sustained period. A nuclear war or something similar will involve weapons already in place. A protracted war, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, will not tax our productive resources beyond our ability to resupply our needs. That said, I think we should reduce dependence on China and other adverse actors and enhance production here and in friendlier countries.

Again, my basic point is I want profitable firearm and ammo business to go to those who fully support the Second Amendment.

On that we agree

09-07-2019, 06:35 PM
Went to Rural King today....plenty of ammo in stock...not as cheap as Walmart, but cheaper than the LGS and range.

09-07-2019, 06:37 PM
We don't have any Rural Kings round these parts. Being the new California North I suspect we probably won't see any either.

09-08-2019, 03:16 AM
Walmart has been criticized for destroying "Main Street" stores near their locations. While there are at least two sides to this, WMT reduces the US cost of living due to their scale, cost efficiencies and tough tactics. Several years ago some economists placed the annual savings at $2,300 per American family, whether they shopped at WMT or not, due to driving down prices of what they sell and forcing other retailers to follow. On the whole, I think this is good. An exception to me would be in the firearms and ammunition areas. Where there are local gun stores or larger retailers who do gun and ammo sales, I see benefits to having more business going to those who want to support Second Amendment products. I think having more retailers providing these items is better than fewer. There may be somewhat higher prices, but likely better selections.

I live in a small town of 5-6k people an I can tell u that when wal mart build here over 35 years ago, it was the best thing that happened. It brought chain restaurants here that would have never happened. Sure local business suffered an Wal Mart was blamed for it. It was the changing of times, k Mart was here before Wal mart ever became Wal mart. K Mart is gone- again changing times. Wal Mart was the rural shopping center for Anerica, they had everything. The sporting good line was massive, thry dold handgun, long guns , ammunition, archery equipment, you name it they sold it. Today it’s fishing equipment an now a very piss poor line of gun an even more now is ammo . Changing times. Illinois has all but run out the small rural gun dealer. Fees to stay in business are off the chart. Regulations are anti business-Chsnging time. I don’t have a good answer for what is happening to our gun industry , but it is sure not looking good. Changing times! What Zi do feel iscthat this ammo ban decision by the biggest ammo seller in the US, is what I call BACK DOOR GUN CONTROL, An this should be of a major concern to all of us. I really feel our concerns should be addressed to Wal Mart corporate in Bentonville, Ark.

09-08-2019, 06:47 AM
If the election in 2020 doesn't go our way there will be many changes.
Get ready, they want to require gun owners to pay for expensive liability insurance!
The poor folks in the inner cities will really suffer!

09-09-2019, 02:32 AM
He'll probably be happy to know that 20 or 30 of us are riding Gold Whiners now too.

And we're putting out a petition to get on the ballot to outlaw physical relationships with sheep! That will hit him where it hurts.

Any comment from northern komifornia has no meaning to people in the mid west🧕🏾

09-09-2019, 12:20 PM
My post on Facebook this morning after the White House ceremony:

I just watched the touching ceremony at the White House where President Trump honored the police who stopped the Dayton, OH, shooter, as well as the civilians who aided the El Paso, TX, Walmart customers as the gunman mowed down civilians in the store. The President honored the policemen with the nation's highest award for law enforcement... the Medal of Valor. He honored the civilians with Certificates of Commendation for their valiant actions that helped save lives.that helped save lives.
It's hard to believe that the only one to oppose him was throwing store merchandise like pop or water bottles at the gunman to distract him and took two bullets for his troubles. He's recovering in the hospital and his mother accepted his certificate. Texas... and no one was carrying a concealed weapon to defend themselves???
How sad. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6a/2/16/1f641.png

I'm sure there are better links, but here's one

https://external-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQC4RrZyw4mcL7VY&w=540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.journal-news.com%2Frf%2Fimage_large%2FPub%2Fp10%2FDaytonDa ilyNews%2F2019%2F09%2F09%2FImages%2Ftrump%2520cop. jpg&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQCdebIoHOjj_8DQ

About this website


President Trump calls Dayton Police officers ‘exceptional’ in Medal of Valor ceremony (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.journal-news.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fpresident-trump-calls-dayton-police-officers-exceptional-medal-valor-ceremony%2FrCrvpNVswReaqKi2v1X3PI%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIw AR3cPqDslwn-M2VWKP2WmL6wUrz4YME0H0Rzxw4LdrRGuUrOATyhAy5cAAM&h=AT0MT2FID2q7qOPOo-mH6P7mhfru9POppZwV_h09xgqVAmXZIJIuXiijdp7EirT1Mzc3 hxDjWPjx0nHo-61SOuLQgbP6IiP9fI4QXqDV5fBi1d6kPXpOmMQTErFBJp_h4iR Le5DnOU5dRi4ck_wgQBI)

09-09-2019, 03:01 PM
Well, there are only 1.2 million of us LTC holders in the Lone Star State and it is a big place.

09-09-2019, 03:23 PM
Perhaps most CCers are smart enough not to go to Walmart.

09-09-2019, 03:49 PM
Well, maybe THAT Walmart, anyhow! :D

09-11-2019, 06:43 AM
Just saw on the news that due to the recent shooting in their El Paso store they will no longer sell hand gun and assault rifle ammo when the current shelf stock runs out and they are asking that customers no longer carry weapons in the store..... Good enough reason for me to never endure the Walmart shopping experience ever again!

Screw me once Wal marts fault, screw be twice, ol jockos fault. Fokk um, I lived many many years without Wal mart, I think I can now make it my last remaining years. The Rural King farm store around the Midwest who sell a ton of guns at deep discounts announced their policy. WELCOME GUN OWNERS, no changes in our stores. I like their stores, they buy my sheep skins to make fur colors an motorcycle seat covers that keep ur ass cool. U biker guys know what I’m talking about, course for you hinder whiners I have a 24 page (with pictures) showing you how to use your motorcycle seat cover🧕🏾🧕🏾

09-11-2019, 07:22 AM
Instead of Cool Hand Luke, you're Cool Ass Jocko.