View Full Version : Stupid flinch..

09-12-2019, 06:19 PM
Finally got back to the range and did 150 rounds. The last 8+1 set at 10 yards wasn't too bad except that one flier (lefty flinch, anyone).

09-12-2019, 07:06 PM
Never admit a flinch, I'd call it a wicked downdraft that pushed the bullet down while deflecting the target upward very quickly. Tried to compensate but just wasn't possible.

09-12-2019, 09:48 PM
Well if I could flinch that good I'd call it a day...Welcome to Kahrtalk friend.....

09-15-2019, 07:51 PM
Some bad ammo

01-17-2020, 01:05 AM
No fliers today in my last 8 rounds target at 20ft. Getting better at my consistency.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200117/3f585429d8e2a458ebc71bbc4ee95171.jpg

Old No7
01-17-2020, 07:09 AM
Nice shooting.

By the way, for those who view this post -- those GLOW SHOT targets are a really affordable alternative to the Birchwood Casey "Dirty Bird" ones which are getting really expensive. My son has Amazon Prime (he orders supplies for work with it) and ordered me a couple seasons supply of Glow Shots in different sizes, with no shipping.

Old No7

01-18-2020, 04:55 AM
Nice. I usually just print out targets on my printer. I'm partial to the 5 bullseye targets for the indoor range, but you can find whatever you want. I got them from: http://www.mytargets.com/

01-18-2020, 10:28 AM
Thanks for the tip Old No 7. I ordered 100 of the Glow Shot Targets. Got the biggest ones they showed so there might be a chance I could hit it. I like not having to struggle to see if I actually hit the target.

Warehouse 13
01-26-2020, 10:12 AM
+1 Thank you! Just ordered some.

Old No7
02-02-2020, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the tip Old No 7. I ordered 100 of the Glow Shot Targets. Got the biggest ones they showed so there might be a chance I could hit it. I like not having to struggle to see if I actually hit the target.

+1 Thank you! Just ordered some.

You're welcome guys! That's we do here at Kahr Talk...

Kahr owners helping Kahr owners.

Old No7