View Full Version : Front Sight Options

10-30-2019, 06:10 AM
Folks: for either the S or C series (value lines with the plastic front) what are the night sight options for these. I like the rear and can black it out (on the ST for example), but would like a front like Tru Glo offers in their pro series (not fiber optic). What are the options? Thanks.

10-30-2019, 09:03 AM
Folks: for either the S or C series (value lines with the plastic front) what are the night sight options for these. I like the rear and can black it out (on the ST for example), but would like a front like Tru Glo offers in their pro series (not fiber optic). What are the options? Thanks.
For "C" and "S" series pistols, sans having a dovetail cut, Kahr is pretty much the only source for night sights.
Options are:
CM/CT/CW Series Trijicon Night Sights (https://shopkahrfirearmsgroup.com/sights/kahr-cwcm-trijicon-night-sights-kwtnskt.asp)

CM/CT/CW Series Trijicon Front Sight Kit (https://shopkahrfirearmsgroup.com/sights/kahr-ctcwcm-trijicon-front-sight-kitkwtfnskt-kwtfnskt.asp)

Meprolight FT Bullseye Fiber & Tritium Night sight (https://shopkahrfirearmsgroup.com/meprolight-ft-bullseye-fiber-tritium-night-sight/)

Dawson Precision (https://dawsonprecision.com/sights/kahr-arms/) used to have night sights listed for the "C" series, but does not do so currently.
They still list black front sights and FO front sights for the "C" series, so you might inquire of them about a night sight option.


10-30-2019, 09:21 AM
Thank you sir! Maybe a vote in the direction to premium series. I suppose Glock fronts do not work?