View Full Version : Having a tough time field stripping new CM9

11-02-2019, 05:12 PM
Hey Guys,

So I lined up the markers with the frame and slide and I cannot for the life of me get that pin to push through...I'd tried pushing it with a few things and no luck. Any tips?

11-02-2019, 05:45 PM
I line up the marks or that back of the take down lever which puts it in the same spot and then tap it with a soft face hammer.
A screw driver handle or just about anything. It's just that initial little bit that's hard getting it past the spring and then its easy.
Mine is very difficult to just push, I can do it but a little tap is easier.

Give it a try and get back to us.

Ed M
11-02-2019, 07:55 PM
Use a Sharpie marker.

Hold the gun horizontally and put the concave tip of the Sharpie on the round end of the slide stop.

While keeping slight downward pressure on the gun so the marker doesn't slip off, align the witness marks on the slide and frame.

Push down on the gun and the Sharpie will push out the slide stop enough to get it started.

I use a gun cleaning mat to help hold the marker in place while I line up the witness marks.

After ,you get the slide stop out, lube up the shaft and run a q-tip saturated with lube through the holes in the frame that the slide stop goes through.

After a few times of using the Sharpie trick, you'll be able to get the slide stop started with a fingertip.

11-03-2019, 12:17 PM
One more thing, make sure you reinstall the lever correctly with the spring on top of the take down lever.

11-04-2019, 11:19 AM
One more thing, make sure you reinstall the lever correctly with the spring on top of the take down lever.

Thanks guys, I'll let you know once I'm able to try. My kid has been keeping me busy. Not sure what Kahr was thinking with that design, but I'm kind of hoping later on they switch it to how you take the shield apart or a sig.

11-05-2019, 05:33 PM
It is a bear until the gun loosens up. I hold it in one hand gripping Frame with slide pulled back. With the other hand push a pencil (eraser end) against slide stop. It should push out enough to pull it out on other side.