View Full Version : Introducing a Brit to revolver shooting

11-05-2019, 10:33 AM
Our houseguest from Wolverhampton expressed a desire to shoot a handgun at a local range. She has fired a semiauto 9mm before in Nevada and her late husband was a trap shooter back in England, so she has some familiarity with firearms.
After the basic refresher on safety & gun handling, I started her with my Ruger Bearcat, then she put a couple dozen .38 Specials through my New Vaquero .357. She did ok - all 50+ rounds on the paper except for two fliers.

11-05-2019, 11:47 AM
Nice that she has the desire...……………………...also shows her what it's like to live in a free country where they actually let their police officers carry firearms. My wife's sisters husband used to be a police officer in England. He lives here now:p

11-07-2019, 10:25 AM
We get quite a few opportunities like this at our range. I am reminded of the night a group of ten French foreign exchange students who, on their last night in the US, wanted to "shoot a real gun". Their sponsors brought them in the hope someone would have a .22 that they might be kind enough to let these kids get some instruction and shoot a few rounds downrange. Well, myself and a couple of other RSO's gathered everything we could get our hands on and one on one in the bay, gave them an experience they will never forget, only to be added to by our customers who contributed everything from AR's to SIG 9mm carbines. The night ended with them all gathering with their targets for pictures under the giant American flag on our wall. One regret is, I never got a copy of the pictures but smiles on their faces will remain in my mind forever.