View Full Version : Anons

12-08-2019, 05:16 PM
Ever wonder what happened at the Las Vegas mass shooting? And other things going on... good and bad.
I'm reading the Kindle ebook by Neon Revolt... Revolution... about QAnon and the 2nd American Revolution. OMG! I'm a quarter the way into it and I'm just aghast with what has happened and going on... so sick!:eek:

The book starts off with a pretty prissy "self-elite" thing about how much more intelligent the Anons are than the "normals", but after you get past that stuff, you'll be amazed. I'm just past 22% or so and the emails about the Las Vegas Mass Shooting that was never explained to us. I'm amazed and shocked, but it seems entirely believable based on things that have been happening and the coverups. :eek:

Jesse Watters mentioned in discussion with someone about QAnon last night. Saturday, Dec. 7. I believe you will hear more about this... and wonder about what is happening right now... Pensacola kind of comes to mind.


12-08-2019, 08:39 PM
I’ve been following Q for quite a while, but I take him with a huge grain of salt. I hope it’s real, but I’m not counting on it.


sas PM9
12-09-2019, 03:00 PM
Ever wonder what happened at the Las Vegas mass shooting? And other things going on... good and bad.
I'm reading the Kindle ebook by Neon Revolt... Revolution... about QAnon and the 2nd American Revolution. OMG! I'm a quarter the way into it and I'm just aghast with what has happened and going on... so sick!:eek:

The book starts off with a pretty prissy "self-elite" thing about how much more intelligent the Anons are than the "normals", but after you get past that stuff, you'll be amazed. I'm just past 22% or so and the emails about the Las Vegas Mass Shooting that was never explained to us. I'm amazed and shocked, but it seems entirely believable based on things that have been happening and the coverups. :eek:

Jesse Watters mentioned in discussion with someone about QAnon last night. Saturday, Dec. 7. I believe you will hear more about this... and wonder about what is happening right now... Pensacola kind of comes to mind.



I really, really hate to sound ignorant, but I have no idea what the above post is about. I am not sure that I will even google the names or organization mentioned due to possibly being red-flagged by the overlords for even looking into it.
Can you explain the situation a little bit more?

12-09-2019, 03:31 PM
Not in a short bit of time. That's why I'm reading the book... to find out more. I'm not a tinfoil-hat-wearing "conspiracy theorist", but I find some possible answers for stuff like the LV massacre that was never 'splained... a big coverup with diplomacy and LE/intelligence involved.

Also the Anons are accredited with helping Trump get elected, which hopefully, they'll do again. There's a lot of Deep State stuff still going on and things breaking a bit, but still too many coverups from entrenched partisans left from the previous corruptocracy.

sas PM9
12-09-2019, 05:15 PM

10-4, thanks.

12-10-2019, 07:01 AM
You're on a gun forum - you're already on a list :D

12-10-2019, 11:17 AM
GT and KT, among others, but most active on these two. I've been in FB jail a few times... mostly for saying or mentioning the words muzzie goat-humpers!

12-10-2019, 12:02 PM
I've only been on facebook a few weeks and haven't been to facebook jail yet, rather surprised and I look forward to it.

12-10-2019, 12:49 PM
It's hard to "play nice" there when they allow the Liberal agendas, but discourage or censor Conservative or "non-PC" comments/posts.

It is a good war to connect with friends and old acquaintances... lots of military groups and other groups.

12-10-2019, 02:42 PM
If you just tell yourself that Facebook was a government designed and funded program that Mark Zuckerburg was placed in charge of because he's a manipulable idiot, and that Facebook's purpose is to gather intel on everyone so they'll know how large the internment camps need to be, everything makes perfect sense.

12-10-2019, 10:45 PM
Like gun chat rooms where people list and post pictures of weapons they have. I sure don't make threats of any kind! I don't trust that the big NSA "vacuum cleaner" facility in Utah is shut down.

12-11-2019, 10:39 AM
Facebook..........................the largest virus on the web. I stay off of the dark side and have never partaken in the foolish wisdom of Facebook, and all of the bored soccer moms documenting their every step throughout the day and night, because they don't have a life and their husbands don't give them any attention. Posting while at the grocery store, driving, doing laundry. Talk about the dark side. Stepford...…………………………...

12-12-2019, 10:24 AM
Facebook..........................the largest virus on the web. I stay off of the dark side and have never partaken in the foolish wisdom of Facebook, and all of the bored soccer moms documenting their every step throughout the day and night, because they don't have a life and their husbands don't give them any attention. Posting while at the grocery store, driving, doing laundry. Talk about the dark side. Stepford...…………………………...
Very well said. The same for twitter and instagram.

12-13-2019, 07:40 PM
Hey Wyn, I ordered a copy of the book "Revolution" by Neon Revolt about QAnon you posted about and you are right, it's hard to put down once you get into it, very eye opening....I ordered it last Tuesday and it arrived yesterday which is pretty dang amazing but what's really odd is that the delivery guy wasn't driving a gray or white Amazon van but was in a new black Chevy Tahoe and he keeps parking across the street all the time, is that normbal?....:eek:

12-13-2019, 08:32 PM
Oh man you are so on the list dude! You should have went with the Amazon special wrap so the xray machine couldn't read what was inside. Hope the black helicopters don't keep you up at night. One bonus to being deaf, I take out the hearing machine and the whap, whap, whap of the copters goes away.

12-13-2019, 10:32 PM
My son had ordered the book for me before it was out, but I got hime to cancel the hardback and we downloaded it the day it came out. He still got the hard copy as well, I think.

I just read books on my phone... handy and always with me if I get a chance to read. Plus, I can do research as well... look up the big words or references. :D

Large black vehicles can be bad... especially if there are more than one... then the helicopters. :eek: The drones are quieter, but the bigger ones are scary... the ones with the hangy down things on the wings.

I wonder about Alexa sometimes, but she only responds to her name... supposedly.

12-14-2019, 07:52 AM
You’re used to hearing large helicopters going up and down the river. They’ve acclimated you so you won’t suspect it when they come for you!

12-14-2019, 10:07 AM
Yes, I see all kinds but most aren't black, and I can hear them because they're noisy.

I know there are drones that can pass for birds, too. I'm starting to wonder about some of the birds that "visit" me while I'm on my computer. Maybe I'll ask Alexa if she knows them.

I just got my third FireTV Stick, but this one's a 4K for future upgrades. I have a Roku, too, but it's not quite as easy to use and I can't talk to it. I got a Firecast with 4 over-the-air tuners and 1TB storage, so we can drop DirecTV after the New Year. The FireTV Stick is used to control and program the Firecast which gives WIFI streaming for what it records throughout the house, whenever I get it all set up.

The remotes all need you to push a button to talk to Alexa, but who knows?? Once in a while Alexa says something because they talked about her on the radio or TV!! :eek:

12-15-2019, 06:32 PM
All that connectivity, they don’t need drones to monitor you!

12-16-2019, 12:15 AM
I asked Alexa if she was monitoring me. She said she's sorry, but not sure. :D

12-16-2019, 10:54 AM
I once asked Alexa what she was wearing, her response was what makes you think I'm wearing anything at all?

Who invents this stuff anyhow.

12-16-2019, 11:45 AM
Yes, I see all kinds but most aren't black, and I can hear them because they're noisy.

I know there are drones that can pass for birds, too. I'm starting to wonder about some of the birds that "visit" me while I'm on my computer. Maybe I'll ask Alexa if she knows them.

I just got my third FireTV Stick, but this one's a 4K for future upgrades. I have a Roku, too, but it's not quite as easy to use and I can't talk to it. I got a Firecast with 4 over-the-air tuners and 1TB storage, so we can drop DirecTV after the New Year. The FireTV Stick is used to control and program the Firecast which gives WIFI streaming for what it records throughout the house, whenever I get it all set up.

The remotes all need you to push a button to talk to Alexa, but who knows?? Once in a while Alexa says something because they talked about her on the radio or TV!! :eek: I'd sure like to drop the cable part of my DT. How do you like the Roku????????????

12-16-2019, 10:53 PM
I just have a plain Roku, but the FireTV Sticks are easier to use, especially for Amazon Prime. I'll try dropping DirecTV after we get back from our Christmas travels next year... leaving tomorrow.
I got good deals at Amazon on Prime Day and Black Friday... on an over-the-air 4-tuner Firecast DVR with 1 TB storage and WIFI streaming... can't wait to try that when I get back... to supplement some knid of streaming service... already have Prime... lots of content.

12-17-2019, 11:06 AM
I just have a plain Roku, but the FireTV Sticks are easier to use, especially for Amazon Prime. I'll try dropping DirecTV after we get back from our Christmas travels next year... leaving tomorrow.
I got good deals at Amazon on Prime Day and Black Friday... on an over-the-air 4-tuner Firecast DVR with 1 TB storage and WIFI streaming... can't wait to try that when I get back... to supplement some knid of streaming service... already have Prime... lots of content.

I have no idea what you just said. I got prime but that's about it. Think I got Roku now that I ponder it.

12-17-2019, 04:23 PM
Too high tech for me too Bawanna, I remember when there were only 3 network channels and PBS if you were really bored and then somebody invented UHF where you had the little round antenna you put on the back of the TV along with a piece of tin foil and it sometimes came in pretty good if it was clear weather....I thought that was the best thing ever until somebody thought up running a cable to your house and for a very small charge you could get all of the above but with great reception and the best part was NO commercials....Now I'm paying out the yang yang for 4000 channels with nothing on them and the few I do watch is nothing but commercials....What a scam, make um pay big bucks to watch our commercials about whatever new drug big pharma comes out with to treat problems you never knew existed!!!...:crazy:

12-17-2019, 04:33 PM
Too high tech for me too Bawanna, I remember when there were only 3 network channels and PBS if you were really bored and then somebody invented UHF where you had the little round antenna you put on the back of the TV along with a piece of tin foil and it sometimes came in pretty good if it was clear weather....I thought that was the best thing ever until somebody thought up running a cable to your house and for a very small charge you could get all of the above but with great reception and the best part was NO commercials....Now I'm paying out the yang yang for 4000 channels with nothing on them and the few I do watch is nothing but commercials....What a scam, make um pay big bucks to watch our commercials about whatever new drug big pharma comes out with to treat problems you never knew existed!!!...:crazy:

I think you’re living my life..... past and present. I’ll keep an eye on your post to see my future.;)

12-17-2019, 07:34 PM

12-17-2019, 07:53 PM
Naw your right on time, I heared of them fire starting sticks too. Must be some truth to it, on account of us both hearing of it.

12-19-2019, 02:57 PM
I tried to ask Siri out for a beer and she got all nervous. Kept playing hard to get.

12-22-2019, 02:14 PM
I really, really hate to sound ignorant, but I have no idea what the above post is about.

Oh, Steve. Clearly you need to get woke.

I don't have time to read books on the Conspiracy Theory Du Jour.
If it made a lick of sense, it could be summarized right here.
If someone can't explain it themselves and tells you that you have to read
the book, go to the web page, or google on it, then it's probably a waste of my time.