View Full Version : One P380 left
01-04-2020, 12:22 PM
I recently picked up a new P380 at Target Sports USA for $375 and they sold out pretty fast. I noticed today they have one more left. Thought somebody here might be looking for a good deal.
01-06-2020, 06:22 AM
Out of stock now. I think I paid a LOT more.
01-12-2020, 04:08 PM
Ca p380s. cost over double! :-(
03-14-2020, 08:51 AM
Shoot Straight showing 50 in stock with 3 mags....
03-14-2020, 09:35 AM
That seems a little weird that they suddenly found 50. But who knows.
Earlier this week they showed that they had 10 Sig P365XL with the Romeo 1 optic in stock. I checked back a little later and they were out of stock.
03-14-2020, 11:43 AM
Wow, looks like I overpaid! lol
03-14-2020, 12:41 PM
That seems a little weird that they suddenly found 50.
TargetSports & Shoot Straight 2 different companies.
03-14-2020, 01:44 PM
TargetSports & Shoot Straight 2 different companies.
Yes but there was another post earlier about P380s at Shoot Straight for $299. I checked and sure they had them but I thought it was less than 50. I’ll find the link.
49 available now. Great deal and Shoot Straight is legitimate.
P380 deal alert %2Ephp%3Ft%3D33238&share_type=t&link_source=app
03-14-2020, 08:28 PM
I hope to receive my P380 from Shoot Straight on Monday. My FFL was slow in responding to their request, so it’s taking a week+ to get the thing. That’s okay, I was just informed that my school is shut down for two weeks so I’m sure it will see the range this week.
03-16-2020, 07:48 AM
Yawn, been enjoying mine for close to ten years now.
I bought a PM40 for $425 abpit 6 months ago and considered it a screaming deal. Not so sure. Kahr prices seem to be dropping.
03-17-2020, 04:28 AM
I ordered the P380 yesterday from Shoot Straight to be picked up at their local store. It's due in Friday.
King Rat
03-17-2020, 06:11 AM
I ordered the P380 yesterday from Shoot Straight to be picked up at their local store. It's due in Friday.
Bravo! Congrats!!! Know you are going to love it.
03-17-2020, 06:34 AM
I ordered the P380 yesterday from Shoot Straight to be picked up at their local store. It's due in Friday.
48 left
King Rat
03-17-2020, 11:14 AM
48 left
Make that 47 thanks to you. You just had to go and wiggle that last bit into my face.:Amflag2:
Yep, could not afford it. But sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do. Heck, I was planning on getting another one anyway. And I was also planning on buying more mags for the present one I have. Plus these are NOT throw away 380's, they are built to last a lifetime. The New P380 will also give me a Lifetime warranty. Now 3 Pico's 2 Kahr 380's 3 Pico's, 2 Nano's. 2 Kahr CM9's.
I do not need another gun for the rest of my life.
03-17-2020, 11:49 AM
I do not need another gun for the rest of my life.
Famous last words. I have a safe full of the last guns I’d ever need. I think i started saying that at gun number 2. LOL!
King Rat
03-17-2020, 03:58 PM
Famous last words. I have a safe full of the last guns I’d ever need. I think i started saying that at gun number 2. LOL!
This time, I mean it.;)
This time, I mean it.
By the way, anyone know what the Black finish is.
Good luck with the "I mean it" thing. I meant it too, and I suffer from the same affliction as yqtszhj. We even "help" each other with it...
The black finish is DLC - stands for diamond like coating. Good stuff. Very durable - google it.
King Rat
03-19-2020, 05:48 AM
Good luck with the "I mean it" thing. I meant it too, and I suffer from the same affliction as yqtszhj. We even "help" each other with it...
The black finish is DLC - stands for diamond like coating. Good stuff. Very durable - google it.
I do not know why I asked a dumb question. I have two Nano's that have a similar coating on the stainless steel. Since the P380 will have combat sights, I am wondering if it will accept the TRUglo sights? Personally I prefer just a front night sight, so might go with just a standard sight if I can find one.
One interesting note off topic. Here is a strange thing that happened to my LCR9mm. I had to send it back three times. Finally they either put in a new cylinder or just stripped the coating and reblued it. I have to say it looks nice. Same bluing as on my LCR22.
03-20-2020, 05:11 AM
Went to pick up mine at Shoot Straight yesterday and stood in line for 1 1/2 hours & then was told that the background checks were taking 3 hours!
I wonder how long I'll have to stand in line today.
King Rat
03-20-2020, 06:08 AM
Yep that sucks. Ordered mine on the 17th, figure I will get a tracking number at the end of the month. The the way Virginia works, probably another two weeks to get the back ground check. Please post with picture when you do get it. Good Luck!
03-20-2020, 07:49 AM
Went to pick up mine at Shoot Straight yesterday and stood in line for 1 1/2 hours & then was told that the background checks were taking 3 hours!
I wonder how long I'll have to stand in line today.
I picked up my 365XL ordered from Buds at the West Palm store Tuesday. Forty minutes in line. They said the background check would take 90 minutes. It came back in 30 seconds. Better get yours today as I think today is their last day open.
03-20-2020, 07:53 AM
Yep that sucks. Ordered mine on the 17th, figure I will get a tracking number at the end of the month. The the way Virginia works, probably another two weeks to get the back ground check. Please post with picture when you do get it. Good Luck! By the way, there is a guy on another forum that is saying the P380 is discontinued by Kahr. I called Kahr and they just laughed and said no. Of course this guy is known for being a troll. But there is a very short supply of them for sell on the internet.
40 remaining in stock at Shoot Straight. Their site says to expect delays fulfilling orders.
King Rat
03-20-2020, 10:22 AM
40 remaining in stock at Shoot Straight. Their site says to expect delays fulfilling orders.
Worth the wait. Saw 53 vendors selling the P380 with the lowest price of $545 Plus shipping.
On a flip note. Ordered 1,000 rds of Mixed ammo from Target sports on the 16th. Already in transit. Big notice today say's a 15-15 day delay, and of course they are out of most 9mm and 380. Looks like I made it just before the door closed.
Also ordered a 1,000 rds of 380 from Freedom ammo on the 15th and they are still in the waiting for fulfillment process.
Lol, as soon as I posted this, Shoot Straight just sent me a email. Gun in shipment due to arrive tue via Federal Express. Now as long as Virginia can get the act together everything will be ok.
03-20-2020, 10:54 AM
Gallery of Guns no longer taking online orders.
King Rat
03-27-2020, 06:50 PM
Range Report New P380 lubricant Ballistol--- Out door Range totally Empty-had it all to myself
200 RDs Flawless
*One failure, shooter error when toward the end, I shot one handed OFF Hand. First rd. Limp wristed. Some thing I have to work on with the off hand. I am blaming this on the shooter, not the gun.
*90% of all rounds fired were rapid fire.
Put the P380 in the normal Incubation period of 48 hrs with silde pulled back to let the recoil spring take a" SET".
Then next step was to rack the slide for 200 rds. I notice that the pistol felt dirty and knew someone had at least fired the gun before sending. And he had a gritty feel. But left it that way, I wanted the grit to help wear in the gun.
Took the gun down and it was very dirty.
Cleaned the gun. Almost put it into a sonic cleaner, but decided not to.
Then raced the slide again for 200 rds.
Then took a Dowel and moved the Striker spring up and release over and over.
Left new mags at home, they need some polishing. The mags pictured are broken in mags with two of the having the Magguts.
First up was 25 rds of PrecisionOne Plus P XTP (my favorite ammo) Flawless
Then a mixture of Remington, and American Eagle Flawless. Another 25 rds of PrecisionOne standard FMJ
Man, I need to start reloading again. Will have plenty of time for it now.
Came home and another box of 500 rds of 380 was sitting on the porch just hot of the press.
Finished up shooting the LCR22 to a staked rubber target on the 50 yds Bern. One of my favorite pastimes. Man I love that and such a great way to get DAO trigger time.
03-27-2020, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the report! Congrats.
King Rat
03-27-2020, 11:52 PM
Thanks for the report! Congrats.
Thanks for the report! Congrats.
One interest note. I took the new Mags down to polish and hone the lips which seemed rough. On one magazine, I could not get the Plate off. I struggled with it for quite a while. When I got it off I would see it was way out of tolerance. I had to work really hard to try and get in back on by using a number of tools to try and get it straight. Had to do quite a bit with a small file. Really bad workmanship. Should have just sent it back. I also think moving the striker up and down and letting it smooth out and get that spring relaxed helped as well. I had thought about taking the gun all the way down and honing the striker channel. Personally I believe that is where a lot of problems come from. I did not have this performance with my CW. I did not do all of the above and it did have many failures until it broke in. (Now runs fine, the biggest problem I had with that gun was receiver would stick and I would have to push it on a number of occasions.z(not lock back) I was very delighted to see this gun perform so well. I really did not think I would get these results.
Also, I normally can get very good groups with the CW, but this gun shot differently, I was shooting very low. Although I was not shooting for any reason other than to break the gun in. I am going back Tue and Wed to shoot for Accuracy. I plan on bringing the CW to shoot side by side. Also the coating they use was on the inside of the receiver and really thought this would hinder good performance. Obviously this was not the case, and already you can see it wearing off. Another thing that was interesting, was that it is my experience that these small pocket guns will usually start to struggle when they get dirty, usually around 150-200 rds. This gun seemed to be not having any problem and all. Wish I could have keep shooting, but was out of ammo. And it was plenty dirty when I got home and broke it down.
*Also be sure and note from previous post, that I did not take any new mags with me and used mags already broken in. And note that I took Two magazines with the MagGuts. I thought this might be risky with a new gun not broken in, but they worked just fine.
03-28-2020, 03:32 AM (
Found this pitting in the chamber, Kahr wants it back.
King Rat
03-28-2020, 05:59 AM (
Found this pitting in the chamber, Kahr wants it back.
Thanks for posting that. I just cleaned mine after letting Ballistol soak all night and noticed I have the same thing. Does Kahr want the Pistol back or just the Barrel? I do not want them messing with the gun since this one shoots just fine other than the accuracy. I will try and get a pic posted later today. I am wondering if this is why the accuracy on this gun just did not seem right.
Glad you pointing that out. Thanks
03-28-2020, 09:15 AM
I assume they want the gun back - this is what they sent:
Thank you for contacting us! After reading through your case, I would recommend sending it in to our Gunsmiths. Please fill out the return form below. Once the form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation along with return instructions.
I imagine I'll get the email with instructions on Monday.
King Rat
03-28-2020, 10:14 AM
I assume they want the gun back - this is what they sent:
Thank you for contacting us! After reading through your case, I would recommend sending it in to our Gunsmiths. Please fill out the return form below. Once the form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation along with return instructions.
I imagine I'll get the email with instructions on Monday.
I do not want to risk sending in the whole gun at this point. Too much doubt if they will stop gun shops from even opening. I will plead with them to just let me send in the barrel or just replace like any other part. If not, I will just wait until I can shoot the CW380 next to the new P380. I can get fantastic groups with the CW. If this gun cannot do the same then the barrel and gun will definitely go back asap and just have to take a chance.
03-28-2020, 01:23 PM
Looks like that is just the nickel plating peeling a bit in the chamber. In the past they have always said that was just normal and didn't want the gun back.
I also would wait till the world returns back to somewhat normal (if it ever does) before sending it off. I don't think it will be an issue and certainly won't effect accuracy. Feeding and extraction maybe but unless there's something going on further down the barrel it should shoot.
King Rat
03-28-2020, 01:46 PM
Looks like that is just the nickel plating peeling a bit in the chamber. In the past they have always said that was just normal and didn't want the gun back.
I also would wait till the world returns back to somewhat normal (if it ever does) before sending it off. I don't think it will be an issue and certainly won't effect accuracy. Feeding and extraction maybe but unless there's something going on further down the barrel it should shoot.
Good point. For sure I am not having any extraction/feeding issues. I do want to spend some time and see if it has migrated down further and how it shoots for accuracy which I stated. I did a little research and it seems to be a fairly common issue with other manufacturers as well. And most seem to feel like you do. Way to many post on this issue to know for sure what or why it is there. If it runs, it runs. We shall see. Time to sit back and take a deep breath and give it the opportunity to prove itself.
King Rat
03-28-2020, 04:20 PM
Good point. For sure I am not having any extraction/feeding issues. I do want to spend some time and see if it has migrated down further and how it shoots for accuracy which I stated. I did a little research and it seems to be a fairly common issue with other manufacturers as well. And most seem to feel like you do. Way to many post on this issue to know for sure what or why it is there. If it runs, it runs. We shall see. Time to sit back and take a deep breath and give it the opportunity to prove itself.
Lol, well now. I guess I will not be finding out for quite some time. My outdoor range sent renewals out for payment two days ago, collected the money and today announced they were shutting down because of the virus. During the week there is hardly many people at the range and in winter, most of the time, I am the only one during the week.
03-28-2020, 05:25 PM
If they repair your gun, it will be shipped directly back to you. If they replace the gun, it will have to go through an FFL.
03-29-2020, 06:41 AM
Lol, well now. I guess I will not be finding out for quite some time. My outdoor range sent renewals out for payment two days ago, collected the money and today announced they were shutting down because of the virus. During the week there is hardly many people at the range and in winter, most of the time, I am the only one during the week.
My LGS Shoot Straight is still open but the indoor range is closed, not that I would go if they were open. It will be awhile before I can break in my P365XL.
As I’m close to retiring I was contemplating buying a membership there but I’m glad I didn’t.
King Rat
03-30-2020, 02:21 AM
Looks like that is just the nickel plating peeling a bit in the chamber. In the past they have always said that was just normal and didn't want the gun back.
I also would wait till the world returns back to somewhat normal (if it ever does) before sending it off. I don't think it will be an issue and certainly won't effect accuracy. Feeding and extraction maybe but unless there's something going on further down the barrel it should shoot.
Just to reiterate Bawanna's post. I spent quite a bit of time researching this issue and IMO have found out that it is in fact nothing to worry about and is just the nickle-plating in the chamber. Seems to be common in a lot of guns, (including Glocks if that matters). I noticed it in my CW as well and know for a fact that gun is very accurate. So with that to say, I will not be sending the gun back.
03-30-2020, 05:09 AM
I have not had any accuracy problem with the gun and I don't see the chamber causing the multiple failures to extract. I have never had a new gun with that type of failure and it may well be that break in will cure that. I should get the email with shipping instructions today & I'll send it back just to see what happens.
03-30-2020, 06:24 AM
Shoot Straight came through with mine. Its a little beauty, but I want to wait until .380 is more available again before breaking it in. Cleaned it, treated with Balistol, and put it away. So happy I checked in here. I doubt we'll see that price again.
03-30-2020, 07:12 AM
I do not want to risk sending in the whole gun at this point. Too much doubt if they will stop gun shops from even opening. I will plead with them to just let me send in the barrel or just replace like any other part. If not, I will just wait until I can shoot the CW380 next to the new P380. I can get fantastic groups with the CW. If this gun cannot do the same then the barrel and gun will definitely go back asap and just have to take a chance. I have a feeling they will just ship a new barrel upon return. Unless of course there is something going on with the coating that caused this problem Personally I like the CW better.
Side note: the internet rumor mill is saying that the Trump administration folks at theDHS have stated that gun manufacturers and gun retailers are essential services at this time of crisis. :laser:
03-30-2020, 11:25 AM
Just checked on the gundeal site and they will now notify when the P380 is back in stock.
03-30-2020, 07:50 PM
Shoot Straight came through with mine. Its a little beauty, but I want to wait until .380 is more available again before breaking it in. Cleaned it, treated with Balistol, and put it away. So happy I checked in here. I doubt we'll see that price again.
21.99 for 100 rounds of Armscor, 124 units in stock.. this should run like butter in your new P380
03-30-2020, 07:51 PM
Side note: the internet rumor mill is saying that the Trump administration folks at theDHS have stated that gun manufacturers and gun retailers are essential services at this time of crisis. :laser:
My LGS/range in NC is open.. Its essential!!
03-30-2020, 08:54 PM
Most of our gun shops are open, ranges are not.
03-31-2020, 06:36 AM
21.99 for 100 rounds of Armscor, 124 units in stock.. this should run like butter in your new P380
Thanks. Saved a bit on shipping by doubling the order at the end.
03-31-2020, 11:17 AM
Virginia Citizens Defense League is preparing to sue VA to get gun stores and gun ranges reopened. I know NJ reversed itself on that matter and the IL governor was vocal about gun stores being "essential."
WV gun stores are still open as far as I can tell. Myself, I won't be going to the gun range as I understand the need to stop the spread of the virus. I am pretty happy with my current gun collection and I haven't bought ammo from gun stores since I learned I could order it online about 25 years ago.
04-05-2020, 07:00 PM
Just checked on the gundeal site and they will now notify when the P380 is back in stock.
They must've found another bunch showing 36 in stock.
04-05-2020, 07:40 PM
When theses first came out I wanted one....
04-06-2020, 11:00 AM
I became a hoarde this morning. I ordered two of them. One for myself and one for a girlfriend. Just too good a deal to pass up. I love my CW380 and carry it whenever I leave the house. I just thought it would be good to have a backup.
04-06-2020, 06:06 PM
Agreed... for $299... you can't go wrong.
04-06-2020, 10:01 PM
Virginia Citizens Defense League is preparing to sue VA to get gun stores and gun ranges reopened. I know NJ reversed itself on that matter and the IL governor was vocal about gun stores being "essential."
WV gun stores are still open as far as I can tell. Myself, I won't be going to the gun range as I understand the need to stop the spread of the virus. I am pretty happy with my current gun collection and I haven't bought ammo from gun stores since I learned I could order it online about 25 years ago.
I know other places closed gun stores altogether as being nonessential. The governor only closed ranges (VA). Gun sales, background checks, carry permits, ammo sales, etc have not been blocked. Range access isn't needed to obtain a permit as well. It's a crapshoot whether they have a case of not. Depends on which judge rules on it. Now if he stopped gun sales and closed down all gun shops, then I'd be a slam dunk case on the part of gun owners IMHO...
I've been to the range a couple of times right before the governor shut it down, and it was moderately busy. Still lots of people in the gun stores walking around. Just went again a couple of days ago, but didn't buy anything as they raised all the prices...
04-06-2020, 10:15 PM
The P380 went on sale for $300. A few months back, the K40 was on sale for $300 at BudsGunShop... I wonder under what circumstances are these deals coming about? I don't own any polymer kahrs, but I'm keeping an eye out for a P or PM series in 9mm or 40 in the $300 range.
04-07-2020, 12:33 AM
Good deals on Gunbroker come up on the P9 series and I nearly bid on a few. However, my P9 Covert fits the bill just fine, especially with extended grip magazines.
If I did not have a P9 Covert, I'd get a standard P9.
04-07-2020, 05:03 AM
On the Kahr site, it is listed as - (Closeout-Limited Quantities Available)
04-07-2020, 07:06 AM
The one on the Kahr site has night sights, the ones on sale do not. I figure if they are close enough to be a danger at night I won't need sights anyway. I have them on my CW380, but doubt they will be added to the new gun. My SD philosophy has moved away from sites to point and shoot. I don't think there will be time for a sight picture when the SHTF.
04-09-2020, 05:11 PM
Got my P380 back from Kahr today, 9 days, not bad.
Nothing was written about the peeling plating in the chamber so I called them. The rep went and asked the gunsmith & he said that nothing was wrong - as was predicted here.
The multiple failures to extract were cured, text said "fitted extractor". Several failures to lock back on last round were apparently addressed - "magazines: 1 K387G, 2 K386". The rep said he thought that meant they were replaced, but the gunsmiths had just left. They fired 6 full mags though it.
I went out back and fired 81 rounds through it, had no failures to extract, and it was dead accurate, but 3 failures to lock back out of 13 mags.
No complaints here, I'm happy and there's no way I could have shot my LCP or RM 380 that much and not been in pain.
King Rat
04-11-2020, 05:12 AM
Just checked. It appears that Straight shooter just got in a new batch. 28 left.Heck of a great Deal.
04-12-2020, 03:36 PM
I just ordered one. I love my Kahr 9mm handguns. I didn't have good luck with the CT380 I owned. I hope this one performs well.
04-13-2020, 03:52 AM
21.99 for 100 rounds of Armscor, 124 units in stock.. this should run like butter in your new P380
It did. Thx. 100 rounds, zero issues with any function from the start. Tried a couple mags of jhp, fine. Never before had a Kahr with no break in period problems at all. Super happy.
04-13-2020, 06:05 AM
It did. Thx. 100 rounds, zero issues with any function from the start. Tried a couple mags of jhp, fine. Never before had a Kahr with no break in period problems at all. Super happy.
That’s great to hear. My CT380 needed no break in.
04-19-2020, 04:59 PM
My FFl guy has my two P380s and I will pick them up this week. I have Lakeline strikers on order along with Pachmayer sleves and a sticky holster. I'll be glad to get my hands on them and tear them apart for polishing and cleaning. Since ranges are closed I don't know when I'll get to shoot them.
06-06-2020, 12:21 PM
P380's are back in stock at Shoot-Straight ( and are still $299 with three magazines.
06-07-2020, 12:04 AM
P380's are back in stock at Shoot-Straight ( and are still $299 with three magazines.
06-07-2020, 12:49 AM
When I marry tiny Asian Persuasion GF....might give it a look.
06-07-2020, 01:09 PM
Ordered one ;):amflag:
06-08-2020, 02:15 AM
Now if only .380 range ammo was also back in stock.
06-08-2020, 06:35 AM
I bought some Precision One a month ago at a pretty good price. Runs fine in my 380s.
06-08-2020, 06:46 AM
I just checked Precision One, all range ammo out. Cheap Ammo has some brass cased starting @$12 for 50.
06-08-2020, 07:14 AM
Now if only .380 range ammo was also back in stock. Gunbroker has tons of .380 ammo for sale......................................
06-08-2020, 11:34 AM
Now if only .380 range ammo was also back in stock.
Check gun-deals daily. 380ACP ammo (
06-11-2020, 03:11 AM
Good sources but nothing reasonable today. I bookmarked the sites to check. I still have enough on hand for a few more range trips.
I should also use up some older boxes of self defense rounds. Only one mag of that through the new p380 so far.
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