View Full Version : Recent TX church shooting

01-09-2020, 10:53 AM
The recent shooting is a sad reminder to be alert. I know two people that perform church service security. They have gone through extensive and continuing training.

Now back on subject of the shooting. The incident was live streamed and I have watched the video dozens of times. A lot can be learned from watching how each person reacts. Some not at all, they just sat there. If you watch different people and their reaction one can understand the importance of getting the pistol out of the holster and if possible moving.

If you’re interested in understanding how fast an incident happens watch the video. It’s not graphic, less than a movie.

01-13-2020, 02:56 PM
I try to avoid large gatherings for this very reason. Church, sporting events, movies, etc.

02-27-2020, 01:24 AM
I have carried in church since about 2002 or so...

A neighbor is part of a "church safety team" and his chosen weapon is hard to shoot to well, small, and of caliber smaller than my minimum. He does not shoot it well and he seldom (if ever) actually shoots it. Frankly, if his "team" is on his level, it doesn't inspire much confidence.

I suspect that's probably the norm for such teams.

King Rat
02-27-2020, 03:05 AM
Trying to find information about Churches in the Us, it seems a rough estimate number of church buildings 300,000 Churches in the US. accommodating Christian congregations is approximately 37 million. And from the intenet it appears Churches across America are hiring trained guards, training members, and more people carrying firearms to service, advocating more fire power etc. Giving the small number of attacks I wonder if the gun community can be on the far right as the Anti-gun community is on the left when it comes to hype, both groups falling victims to over sensationalism and frenzy.
While I do not attend any organized Church or group, I persoanlly would not have any fear of doing so or concern about carrying any thing more more than the small weapon I do use on a EDC. And would not care about any armed or trained security present.

02-27-2020, 07:55 AM
Too many times people are trying to think too tactical and not common sense. I sat in a church security meeting one time led by a retired FBI agent and he made a very good point. He showed an old Superman video where Superman was being shot at by the bad guy and the bullets were bouncing off his chest. When the bullets were all gone the guy threw the gun and Superman had to duck to keep from getting hit.

The point was there are lots of opportunities folks don’t think about. If you’re unarmed and the bad guy is close to you and not looking and you have something near by like a chair, or even better a 10 pound microphone stand, pick it up and crack him across the skull with it and he’s going down. Body armor ain’t going to help him with that. Then when he’s down beat the he11 out of him and restrain him with belts, neck ties, mic cords, whatever. No stray bullets to worry about when you use a mic stand either.

He had another good point. If you’ve been shot your not dead, and if your dead you don’t know it yet. So if your in a bad situation and can’t get away, then fight. We’ve all seen the old movies where the old lady hits the intruder with a rolling pin or a frying pan and they go down. Don’t miss the simple opportunities.

King Rat
02-27-2020, 08:52 AM
I would worry more about the Cell Phone text messaging driver, or the idiot running his mouth on the cell phone, taking me out on the way to church or home from church more than a shooting inside of a Church.

02-27-2020, 10:39 AM
A local church had a crazy guy come in, pull a knife, and chase members around the chapel for a few minutes before police arrived.

Humans have a tendency to plan least for what's more likely and most for what's unlikely. It's just what we do.