View Full Version : The upcoming Rchmond demonstration "for" the 2A could be a disaster.

01-12-2020, 10:44 AM
RICHMOND: THE MOTHER OF ALL BUFFALO JUMPS Posted by Matt Bracken (https://www.americanpartisan.org/author/matt_bracken/) | Jan 7, 2020 | Matt Bracken (https://www.americanpartisan.org/category/columnists/matt-bracken/), Uncategorized (https://www.americanpartisan.org/category/uncategorized/) | 46 (https://www.americanpartisan.org/2020/01/richmond-the-mother-of-all-buffalo-jumps/#comments) |

Richmond: The Mother of All Buffalo Jumps
The more I ponder the mass demonstration being promoted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League for the annual Lobby Day at the Richmond Capitol, the more it looks like a disaster in the making. I wish it were otherwise, but I see many times more downside risk than possible upside benefit.
Even if Virginia Senate Bill 16 is passed, banning nearly all semi-automatic firearms, the new law will be challenged in court, and given the potential dire outcomes, the case will rapidly ascend to the SCOTUS. This process will take years, and Governor Ralph Northam and the Democrat majority in the legislature may be voted out in the meantime, and the law overturned. So why, before all that happens, go charging into Richmond in just a few weeks? Will rabidly anti-gun urban Democrats be convinced to change their minds because of a mass rally by their despised deplorable enemies? Not a chance. Instead, it will only harden their resolve. Now let’s look at the downside risks, which I have divided into overlapping scenarios, from best to worst case.


https://www.americanpartisan.org/2020/01/richmond-the-mother-of-all-buffalo-jumps/ (https://www.americanpartisan.org/2020/01/richmond-the-mother-of-all-buffalo-jumps/)

01-12-2020, 05:51 PM
I think of all those past Virginia founding father figures that will see what's become of their state and the Constitution and weep in Heaven. What makes me weep is that these people were voted in. What's wrong with Northern Virginia. What socialist plague has infected so many otherwise rational and good people.

01-12-2020, 10:43 PM
It's so sad to see one of the original colony states go so far to the Left in leadership. I don't understand it, either, but it didn't happen by chance. :(

01-13-2020, 12:09 PM
So his solution is to sit on our butts and let them ban guns, and hope for the best? I don't think so.

01-13-2020, 09:08 PM
Just my blessed luck, I happen to live in one of the few counties in NoVA that flat out rejected a 2A sanctuary resolution. I don't like where I live as much as I used to. I'm a good upstanding citizen, so WTF did I do to deserve this scarlet letter treatment practically overnight? :(

01-13-2020, 10:23 PM
So his solution is to sit on our butts and let them ban guns, and hope for the best? I don't think so.

No, that's not what he said. He more or less suggested normal channels for getting stuff done, rather than playing into the other sides' traps... or herding... as the buffalo jump.
Remember what happened to the poor guy caught in the Antifa area... the one who's serving 418 years or something for running over one of the fat-assed Antifa idiots that got in his way while he was trying to escape a BAD situation.
It will be too easy for the bad guys with the help of bad LE and other government agencies with their own agendas and the the willing MSM to cover what's worse for 2A Rights.
There will be plenty of lard butts strutting around in cammy clothes with long guns and festooned with Confederate and swastika flags to represent the worst of 2A supporters.

01-14-2020, 08:50 AM
I get that, but how's that been working out for us? Rather poorly, I would suggest. The "other" side thinks nothing of breaking the law (THE Law of the Land, the Constitution), yet we still think that same law will be honored if we just say the magic words with the right inflection in front of robed government employees. I'm tired of it.

Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed 29 times. History isn't made by well-behaved people.

01-14-2020, 10:23 AM
I think of all those past Virginia founding father figures that will see what's become of their state and the Constitution and weep in Heaven. What makes me weep is that these people were voted in. What's wrong with Northern Virginia. What socialist plague has infected so many otherwise rational and good people.
Don't know the answer to that, but it's spread to all corners of our country. Sadly

It's so sad to see one of the original colony states go so far to the Left in leadership. I don't understand it, either, but it didn't happen by chance. :(
Soros is behind a lot, and maybe most of it, (not specifically or only in VA). He has a long-term goal. And is working toward it. His son will follow in his footsteps.

I get that, but how's that been working out for us? Rather poorly, I would suggest. The "other" side thinks nothing of breaking the law (THE Law of the Land, the Constitution), yet we still think that same law will be honored if we just say the magic words with the right inflection in front of robed government employees. I'm tired of it.

Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed 29 times. History isn't made by well-behaved people.
There is a chance here to set the socialists back on their heals. But it has to be done within the confines of the law, or at least without violence. For now they're trying to use the law to disarm people. Open rebellion in the form of bullets flying will only further their cause, not the 2A. If the gloves come off (eg they try to confiscate), then it's a different story. Because that would clearly be an un-Constitutional offence.
If the current protesting of their actions is done through numbers alone, and they are forced to back down it will set a precedent that will not only slow them down but also expose them and their agenda for what it is, an action that is not only unacceptable to a majority of law-abiding Americans, and rightly so. But also one that will not be tolerated. Just my $.02.

01-14-2020, 10:42 AM
Dao, you are right that Soros and others like him are behind a lot of this. They are the targets, not so much the government goons who get put in office by Soros-rigged votes. We can work against the government tyrants all we want, the Soroses will just buy more of them to keep wearing us down, in a long war of attrition.

01-14-2020, 08:15 PM
Soros is behind a lot, and maybe most of it, (not specifically or only in VA). He has a long-term goal. And is working toward it. His son will follow in his footsteps.


^^^ This right here. Remember BLM?

01-16-2020, 05:54 AM
And... Northam sidesteps “the system” and makes up lies to justify an emergency ban.

01-25-2020, 05:22 PM
And... Northam sidesteps “the system” and makes up lies to justify an emergency ban.
And even afterwards, he exhibits the narcissism and audacity to give himself and the capitol police all credit for de-escalating tensions involving good honest gun owners who were never the problem to begin with.

01-25-2020, 08:34 PM