View Full Version : My Mossberg Addiction

01-21-2020, 03:11 PM
Several years ago I stumbled on a Mossberg Military training rifle at our local gun show. It just felt good and turned out to be a tack driver. Since then I've been kind of on the hunt for the different models. My son also is a Mossberg hunter and he's got his wallet out a little quicker or had loot in his wallet when I didn't and got a few I missed.
Recently my old Chief acquired some guns and had me clean them up and see if I could sell them.
Of course one of them was a Mossberg 146BA. Pretty nice shape, missing a front sight which I found for 50 bucks.
Thought I had this one already so tried not to look at it too much. Keep bugging me though, I'm a Mossberg Hoarder.
So I check and sure enough I didn't have this one, so I tossed a slightly low ball offer of 100 bucks and I'd pay for the front sight and he accepted. Good guy........
Here she be.
https://i.postimg.cc/7L1TQxvD/Mossberg-6a.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Pondering sanding this one down and putting a nice oil finish on it, you never know just what's under that original finish. In some ways this is sacrilege especially for resale but I as a rule don't resell. I should but regret it every time. I did this to one and found some beautiful figured walnut under that stock finish. Beautiful thing, maybe I'll get lucky again?

Here's a shot of it bonding with it's new mates.
https://i.postimg.cc/8Cg6H70t/Mossberg-6.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
Pictures probably sideways, I gotta figure out how to fix that someday.

01-21-2020, 05:27 PM
Looks great, Bawanna!

Not that you asked for my opinion, but I say, “Sand Away!”


01-21-2020, 05:55 PM
Your opinion is always appreciated. I was chomping at the bit even before I even made the offer so I'm well on my way down to clean wood.
Everyone of these things is just a shooter, delightfully accurate. I hope this one will be too. So far I haven't found any exciting wood grain on this one but sometimes a little stain or oil makes em pop (or not). We shall see.