View Full Version : Smitten with NAA .22lr

Ken L
01-22-2020, 06:13 PM
I'm going to take the plunge and pick up one of those tiny North American Arms 22lr revolvers. Likely for all the wrong reasons like I'd like one to throw in with my fishing stuff, even though I'll be carrying a 44 or 10mm when I do go, and because it's small, and because I don't have something like that yet, and the list goes on. Anyone have any experience with these? They appear pretty well made, and I think it would be fun to try to hit a gong with something that small.

I'm going to get the basic 22lr, not the magnum. I already have plenty of 22 ammo, and I don't have the need for a 22 mag at this point. I have 2 223s to cover that duty :D

Anyone have any experience with these little guys?

01-22-2020, 07:08 PM
I’m often tempted by them too. I’d kinda like the top break model. Like you, I want one just because.

01-22-2020, 07:16 PM
They are cool little guns....I had a basic .22 long rifle with stag grips...I tried to hit a paper plate at 10 yards but only hit a couple but at 5 yards it would stay pretty much on target which is pretty good for such a tiny little gun...It shot better with copper plated bullets but it is what it is, a tiny little last ditch weapon...You have to be very careful how you hold it when you pull the trigger because it would be very easy for mister finger to meet mister bullet if you get careless...I traded mine back when .22 got so hard to find and like you it was a gun I always wanted but the novelty wore off pretty quick and I decided to get a better bug out gun so I swapped it for a Beretta Pico .380 for those few times when I couldn't carry my PM9 for CCW duty....When you look for one look at used because lots of folks think they want one but never shoot it so they trade it like I did so there are lots of very low mileage NAA revolvers out there....Good luck and if you do get one tell us how you like the little thing...

01-22-2020, 07:51 PM
Same with me, I wanted one. They are a cute novelty. I couldn't hang onto mine even with just 22 LR. Shoot and catch system I guess. Next to useless for any meaningful purpose but I do know a few who have them on them all the time. NAA in the pocket is better than a 1911 in the drawer I guess.

That being said I'd probably get another just cause they are a cute novelty, oh I already said that.

01-23-2020, 04:03 AM
I bought mine ( .22 LR) in the mid-1980's. It got carried a whole lot more than it got shot. Eventually though, it needed some work. Sent it to the factory, paid shipping and they returned it to me, like new. If you look around, there are some UTube videos of guys holding the trigger and "fanning" the hammer for 5 fast shots. I've never tried that so I can't speak to how practical it would be. I carry CCI Stingers in mine.
Trying to shoot it at 10 yds is a waste of time. Shooting it at 5 yds isn't a heck of a lot better, especially if you add in any sort of speed or stress factor. I've carried it in the past just to have SOMETHING in my hand if needed. Appropriate Use..??? Arm's length..stick it in someone's ear.
That said...I can relate one incident where the mere presence of the NAA .22 served to resolve a potentially bad situation. 3 guys accosted an individual for his wallet. Simple physical assault, they had no weapons in their hands. The old guy pulled out his NAA .22 and asked "Who wants the first one..??" Turned out there were no volunteers.

01-23-2020, 04:32 PM
Bought myMini magnum about 35 years ago, and as noted above, these neat novelties ain’t for the deadeye shooters. They are cool little pieces of jewelry that belch a lot of fire and make a big noise.

01-23-2020, 06:41 PM
I have the predecessor to the NAA .22lr, the Freedom Arms .22lr. Not a lot of fun to shoot, but there is a video somewhere on the intertube that shows how to actually hold it to where you can shoot it "effectively." It's been so long since I've shot mine that I've forgotten the grip. I will say it is a great gun to bring out in the woods with your buddies, they all have to shoot it. As been said, don't even worry about accuracy, this is a belly gun, plain and simple.

And I still have mine with no plans on ever getting rid of it. Its just so dang cute!

01-23-2020, 07:09 PM
Only reason I parted with mine was a member here local to me wanted it and I swapped for a derringer which turned out to be about the same category. Weighed as much as a K9 with only two shots and it was 38. I don't recall ever shooting it. Traded it in on a J Frame for my wife.

01-23-2020, 09:20 PM
I had the most basic .22LR model with plastic grips... that split... and I had to epoxy them. I carried it when I first got to Florida in a velcroed coin purse in my pocket. I switched to a .22LR SS Walther TPH after I got my license. I carried CCI Stingers in both, as they were the most effective out of short barrels... not that they would expand at all, but I read that was the best round to carry for such pistols.
The NAA was a terrible shooter for me... gut gun for sure.
I tried to shoot something about 6 feet away and have no idea where the rounds were going... plus the cylinder edges were almost razor sharp and tended to cut your thumb when firing it! I would advise gloves for a first firing.
My buddy here was still carrying with a setup as I had... in a velcroed coinpurse. I made a lot of fun about how easitly the pistol could be drawn and fired! He always said that he could see when something was happening and get the pistol ready.
My standard is IWB with a real gun belt and ready to draw and fire one-handed... something that's hard to do with a tiny single-action revolver in a coinpurse, deep in your pocket! :D
I sold mine in a garage sale soon after getting my carry permit here over 22 years ago. Years later, after I had problems with .22 LR ammo, I sold the TPH, too. My P380 is the least I will carry, and with +P Gold Dots, and 6+1 in an IWB holster, ready to fire one-handed. Center-fire ammo is much more reliable than .22LR when your life is on the line.

I finally remembered that Stingers were the best for short-barrel carry.

01-23-2020, 09:52 PM
These are very cute guns, they are very reliable and well built for what they do. My Brother carried his .22 mag as an EDC for ten years. He finally "traded up" (??) to an RM380 last year. The only reason was ammunition based misfires of his carry ammo.
When he and I go to the range, I always draw my carry gun, from the holster and shoot the old carry ammo, replacing it with new ammo after cleaning. My brother would do the same with his NAA .22 mag, but we kept having misfires. During our last try he had two misfires in five rounds...

With every bad round, we found that the rim showed a solid firing pin hit, so this was never a gun problem. Reinserting the rounds into the gun and "re-clocking" the cartridge so that a different spot on the rim took the next hit was always rewarded with a nice bang. In each case the ammo had ridden in the gun/pocket for several months before they were fired. Our final thoughts are this, Rimfire ammo will not stand up to a rough and tumble life of (his) pocket carry.

These rounds were all high end .22mag "hunting HPs",not some off brand bulk "bucket of bullets', but Winchester or CCI brand ammo.
Not at all a knock on the little NAA guns, they are very nice. I only say this as an FYI, relating our families experiences in daily carry of .22 mag ammo.

Your mileage may vary...


01-23-2020, 10:02 PM
In one of our last get-togethers at the range, my buddy tried to shoot his Berreta knockoff tilt barrel semi-auto... Taurus? He had over 50% of his ammo fail. I think that convinced him to switch to centerfire pistols when his life was at stake.
I switched to .380 when the P380 came out because I had several failures with .22LR as carry ammo, even CCI Stingers.

Ken L
02-10-2020, 06:12 PM
I picked it up today. LGS had to order it; it came in last week but I was traveling for work and couldn't pick it up until today. Cute little fella. I'll get some pictures soon. Might get to the range with it next week, I'm looking forward to shooting it. I don't think it will ever be an EDC gun for me. Might just run some birdshot thru it and see if it would have a good life as a snake charmer. Along with standard 22lr of course.

02-11-2020, 10:22 AM
Photos or it didn't happen;)

I carry shot shells in my 45. I haven't had to use them as a snake charmer, but I'm guessing they would do just fine.


Seriously, congrats on the NAA .22 :)


02-11-2020, 12:00 PM
If I was in your neck of the woods or more accurately desert, I'd have shot shells in my 45 too.
In fact been meaning to get me some but never get around to it, gonna track some down right now.

Ken L
02-11-2020, 07:19 PM
Photos or it didn't happen;)

Seriously, congrats on the NAA .22 :)


Thanks, Greg. Here it is.

https://i.postimg.cc/mkw3khYY/IMG-3974.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

I wear an XL glove for reference.

Wait, maybe this is a better reference. CW40

https://i.postimg.cc/W3c070Sm/IMG-3976.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

02-11-2020, 08:37 PM
They are cute little buggers aren't they?

02-12-2020, 04:29 AM
When I take mine to the range, I've had other shooters who saw it laying on the bench ask me if it's some kind of toy. I've always considered mine to be a last-ditch effort to get someone off me once things got to arm's length and my life or the life of another was in peril.

mr surveyor
02-12-2020, 07:15 PM
Photos or it didn't happen;)

I carry shot shells in my 45. I haven't had to use them as a snake charmer, but I'm guessing they would do just fine.


Seriously, congrats on the NAA .22 :)


I've had a batch of .45 auto shot shells for several years that were given to me. In my day job life I always carry shot shells in my .38 or .357 revolvers - during "the season", and used to carry .22 revolvers for that duty. Never had a problem with a revolver in 45 years of shot shells with them, but never considered trying them in a semi-auto. Always figured there wouldn't be near enough back pressure to cycle the slide - and especially with my old Kimber Stainless Compact with a 20 lb spring. Dang, you got me wondering enough to poke a couple of rounds in it and give it a try in the back yard.


edit to add: well, I'll be danged, I've had those two boxes of CCI .45 auto shot shells for ten years! Two rounds cycled perfectly. Never would have believed it. I'd doubt the .45 auto will replace my revolvers for my day job, but it's great to finally know I have more options available. Thanks Mr. Gregg!

02-12-2020, 07:19 PM
I just about hit the button on a couple online orders for 45 shotshells until I noticed that the shipping cost is more than a 10 pack of the shells. Shipping stayed the same if I got two boxes but still. Shipping these days is crazy.
I'll keep an eye out locally. We don't have no poison snakes or nothing on my side of the mountains. Be handy for rats and mice on occasion but I generally grab a 22 if I got time.

02-12-2020, 09:30 PM
Cute addition. My only .22mag “carry gun” is a High Standard derringer.
It sits in the safe door, loaded with CCI snake shot. I have not found a “shoot-worthy” snake on my property in more than ten years... but it stands ready!


02-13-2020, 08:56 PM
Ken, NAA still has the belt buckle to carry these .22 LR Minis in their catalog @ $65. Check it out in the Accessories for that model.

02-13-2020, 11:00 PM
Thanks, Greg. Nice videos. I wasn't sure those shot shells would cycle, but it looks like there is plenty of recoil for the Kahr. I got rid of some like that and a box of 20 Remington ones that were probably over 35 years old when I sold them. I never tried the .45 ACP, but used to carry some when I lived in Texas and carried revolvers... .38/.357 or .44/.44 Mag. i don't think I ever shot any snakes with the shot, but did get a few with a S&W 66 using JHP.

02-14-2020, 09:50 AM
A local shop had an add for an NAA called "Dude". Don't know if it's a new thing or what but it's kind of cool looking. Color Case Hardened barrel and nice wood grips. I think they said this one was 22 mag.
No idea how much, they always say call for details. Just tossin it out there.

Ken L
02-14-2020, 09:53 AM
Ken, NAA still has the belt buckle to carry these .22 LR Minis in their catalog @ $65. Check it out in the Accessories for that model.

I was looking at those. I get to Provo, Utah every 6 weeks, which is where NAA is located. I was just there last week, but there was a snowstorm and I didn't have enough spare time to stop at their location, which also has a store. My intention is to stop and "drift around aimlessly" for a while. Should be an interesting stop.

I've always wanted to stop at the Browning Museum in Ogden, UT also but never have. Funny how work gets in the way of fun. I've been going to Utah for a week every 6 weeks for almost 10 years and haven't visited the Browning Museum. I know, it's something I need to correct soon.

04-12-2020, 01:08 AM
The NAA .22 Magnum was the first handgun I ever bought. I bought it the day I turned 21. My then-college roommate (who later flunked out of college altogether) said "oh wow, you turn 21 next week? LET'S GET YOU DRUNK!" I replied "no thanks. I'll celebrate by buying my first handgun."

I carried that thing in the pocket holster from NAA for let me see, about 16 years. Often as primary and later as backup. I have the holster that came with it, the pocket holster, and the ankle holster (never used). My pocket holster was made wrong, so if you put the hammer down into the between-chamber slots, the cylinder would rotate and the hammer would come to rest on a cartridge base (primer). So I would carry it hammer-down on an empty chamber, giving me only 4 shots.

I called it the "loud knife" since that's basically what it was....you had to touch someone to hit them. It was on me when I faced down two would-be robbers in 2005. One of the reasons I did not draw was the fear they'd laugh at it, forcing me to shoot. :nerd:Fortunately, body language and me losing my temper forced their retreat.

It's a cute little gun and whenever I take it to the range, everybody that sees it begs to shoot it.

I no longer carry it, as it doesn't meet my "nothing smaller than .38 SPL/9mm Parabellum" rule.