View Full Version : Taurus TX22

02-02-2020, 02:03 PM
Here is an odd one as I was prejudiced. A fellow RSO handed me his new Taurus TX22 and a full 16 round mag. The first round was sent 5 inches high over the standard 50' Bullseye target we were moved downrange to 30'. Wow, what a great trigger. It felt very 1911 style in letoff and reset. The next 15 were all in the black with at least half of them rapid fire.
Throughout the day, we tried all types and velocities of ammo and between ourselves and customers put about 400 rounds through the gun with only a couple of duds due to factory failures.
The gun has a "full size" feel to it with a nice rounded grip. It is perfect to give a new student who's boyfriend brought her to the range to watch her flinch when shooting his 9MM or 40cal. The Taurus has a real gun feel so the transition should be much easier with new shooters.
Two mags, odd rear sight adjustment screws, three dot sights but other options already out in the market if you feel the need. Oh ya, threaded barrel to boot.
Overall, I much preferred it to say a M&P 22 or conversions available out there which are nearly always ammo fussy.
Interesting plinker with plenty of capacity from a company I usually never look twice at.
His price was about $300.


02-03-2020, 06:13 AM
I've had a TX22 for about a year now. It's in my range bag with a new laser attached to it, ready for fun range day as I type this. It has proven to be a keeper. The only negative so far is that I avoid lead bullets and instead shoot plated rounds because the barrel may accumulate lead. Kudos for the very easy to load magazines and good sights. Quickly became a favorite .22 plinker in my collection. This was my first Taurus too. So far so good.

02-03-2020, 09:00 AM
I've had a TX22 for about a year now. It's in my range bag with a new laser attached to it, ready for fun range day as I type this. It has proven to be a keeper. The only negative so far is that I avoid lead bullets and instead shoot plated rounds because the barrel may accumulate lead. Kudos for the very easy to load magazines and good sights. Quickly became a favorite .22 plinker in my collection. This was my first Taurus too. So far so good.
I talked to my buddy about the leading problem and he said Taurus had that problem early on as there was some misalignment with the chamber and the bore. If you think it is worth the trouble, you may contact Taurus and they may send you a replacement barrel.

02-03-2020, 09:58 AM
A buddy has two of these. He really liked the first one, but his noise moderator changes the point of impact when installed. He wasn't so keen on adjusting the sights every time he wanted to use the can, so he bought another TX22 as an exclusive host. He's a capacity whore (but, a great guy), so both already have +3 extensions.:laser:

02-03-2020, 10:40 AM
I think Taurus is in the same boat as Charter Arms, in the early days they put out some real garbage, things improved and got pretty decent, occasionally they seem to dip back towards garbage but generally decent now days.
I don't have experience with Taurus, apparently stuck with the stigma, but did have a Charter Arms 44 Bulldog and it was a great gun. In fact I was browsing for another one a couple days ago.
Neither will probably ever full recover from the garbage stigma but there's a lot of folks out there that seem to like em and get along fine.

02-03-2020, 11:54 AM
Taurus has a new 3" 6-shot revolver in .38+P, about J-frame size, that keeps beckoning.

02-04-2020, 06:52 PM
Taurus has a new 3" 6-shot revolver in .38+P, about J-frame size, that keeps beckoning.
I had one of those. It was a fun little gun and I can’t tell much difference in fit, finish or function from a j frame. BUT, it sure was snappy being alloy, like the Airweights.

If I didn’t already have two .22 pistols I would grab one of the TX22’s. Really wanted a KelTec P17, but have read too many having issues with them. One of my .22’s is a GSG and it took every trick in the book to get it to run (it does now), so not looking to take on another “project make a lemon run”. Still might get a TX22 though, with proceeds from the eventual GSG sale.

02-04-2020, 06:54 PM
Taurus has a new 3" 6-shot revolver in .38+P, about J-frame size, that keeps beckoning.
Actually, just re-read your post. Mine was a 5 shot. Sorry!

02-04-2020, 07:50 PM
The new .38 comes in steel or alloy.

02-04-2020, 08:42 PM
I had one of those. It was a fun little gun and I can’t tell much difference in fit, finish or function from a j frame. BUT, it sure was snappy being alloy, like the Airweights.
I have an alloy frame Taurus snubbie in .38Spl tucked away around here some place. it was an impulse buy and I can't remember ever firing it.
I've had an older 85 snubbie for quite some time. The fit of it's crane is not as nice as on my S&W j frames, but it's lock work is right on time and it shoots very well. If I remember correctly, it came out on top in my personally conducted snubbie death match.
https://i.postimg.cc/KYxYFqDR/snubbie1000s.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
I also have a Taurus 431 (.44Spl.) that is just as good as any S&W revolver I've owned. I'm liking that 956 that JohnR mentioned:
That new little .22 snubbie is appealing as well: https://www.taurususa.com/firearms/revolvers/942/

FWIW, I got to handle Colt's new Python this weekend. I would have bought it on the spot, but it was "display only". They did say I could get put on the waiting list, but disappointed, I declined and bought an LCP 2 in .22LR that I'm really liking so far :)

I do like .22s:w00t:


02-05-2020, 04:15 PM
Thanks for the link Greg! By the way, your picture makes both of those revolvers drool worthy. Had no idea about the LCP .22 either.
I see what you mean John. The Taurus with the g10 looking grips has me wanting one. I gotta stop chatting with you guys or I’ll go broke!!!

02-05-2020, 04:20 PM
Well at least the Tauri aren’t expensive.

02-05-2020, 04:29 PM
Well at least the Tauri aren’t expensive.
True! And a great value in my opinion.

02-06-2020, 08:11 PM
Just posted my GSG for sale locally to fund the TX22 purchase. Hope to own one soon!

02-07-2020, 09:54 AM
Just posted my GSG for sale locally to fund the TX22 purchase. Hope to own one soon!

I think that will be a wise move. My co-workers gun now has over 500 trouble free rounds fired without cleaning and last night I picked it up and was amazed at how easy it was to shoot offhand.

02-07-2020, 10:14 AM
I think that will be a wise move. My co-workers gun now has over 500 trouble free rounds fired without cleaning and last night I picked it up and was amazed at how easy it was to shoot offhand.
The more stuff like that I hear, the more I want one! Not gonna lie, I’m keeping a Walther P22 just cause I’m partial to it, but think that once I get the TX it will be in the bag every range visit.

02-07-2020, 03:39 PM
I have exactly 600 rounds thru mine, 12 different loads, the only one that i had any real trouble with was a box of Winchester Match ammo it just didn't like it and would fte every so often. It ran standard velocity as well as it did high velocity and some of the groups printed low but centered on the bullseye which was five inches in diameter and the others I would consider pretty well dead on. I did not touch the sights as I had got off early when they called and said it was in so i picked it up, cleaned it and went directly to the range. I do have more loads to try but for the most part they all shot good some were just better than others.
The trigger was awesome, very light and crisp and the reset was audible and short. My only complaint would be i left my loader at home and yes I know they are easy to load but the day before i did the same thing with two new 9mm's that i had gotten and my thumb and finger was sore lol other than that this little gun is a keeper. If I could post pictures I woulld post a picture of my two targets.

02-07-2020, 06:30 PM
Nice! Thanks for the report. I know what you mean about the sore fingers. I own exactly zero speed loaders, so I often come home from the range sore and sometimes bloody.

02-07-2020, 07:13 PM
Damn you guys anyhow. Taking lessons from Greg? Find myself hankering for one of these TX 22's. Have a friend with a silencer I can borrow, I have a Ruger Charger with a threaded barrel but this would be even more fun....................
I'll have to try restraint real hard and this really mess's with my desire for the Sig 210 Target, you guys.........................

02-07-2020, 08:55 PM
I only have about 200 rounds through my TX22. It's really a hoot to shoot. The trigger is very nice and the little gun is a tack driver.

02-08-2020, 03:32 PM
Two more TX owners came into our range today. One was 1-1/2 years old and the other just a week. We tried a few rounds of assorted range ammo and all went well. On a standard 50' slowfire bullseye target at 30', the Taurus shoots side by side with my Ruger 22/45 with a full Volguartsen frame. That lower alone was $100 more than the TX cost.http:// (http://<a href=&quot;https://postimages.org/&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>https://i.postimg.cc/rFmgtTYd/20160923-130056-1474653884630-zpsxajat0dl.jpg</a>)https://i.postimg.cc/rFmgtTYd/20160923-130056-1474653884630-zpsxajat0dl.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

02-08-2020, 07:52 PM
Week old seem a little young to take out shooting if you ask me. I'm good with the 1 1/2 year old, that seems about right.

02-10-2020, 06:40 AM
Week old seem a little young to take out shooting if you ask me. I'm good with the 1 1/2 year old, that seems about right.
Lol! Took me a moment and a scroll up to catch that!

02-11-2020, 08:26 AM
OK, I won't even edit so this harassment can continue.

02-11-2020, 10:36 AM
What ?????

King Rat
02-28-2020, 08:54 PM
Love shooting the small barrel 22.cals. And one of the most fun and reliable is believe it or not the Phoenix HPA 22.cal. Little suckers run like champs. Love standard velocity ammo. Have been shooting these two for 10 years. Very nice sights, and trigger. A little heavy but feels great in the hand. I do not always agree with GUNTEST mag, but when they compared some 22'cal they said, We did not expect much from a gun that cost $140. but when it shot better than guns costing 4 times as much, it got our attention. And a A rating. I cold not agree more. I paid $85.00 for my first one. Bought it on a whim when my shooting range had a special. Buy any gun, get a year free rental. Later bought a second one and friends and I shoot informal contest.


I also love shooting the LCR22.Actually one of the most fun guns I own.

http://i.imgur.com/V3cfVEl.jpg?6 (https://imgur.com/V3cfVEl)

02-28-2020, 09:11 PM
If I find one of those Phoenix for $85 I’ll definitely jump on it! As a side note, shot my Walther P22 today. About 80-90 rounds. Zero hiccups. Shot Remington Golden and some Stingers. What a difference in report between the two!

02-28-2020, 10:05 PM
The LGS here has one of those Phoenix 22’s for $110, in the consignment case. All black.


02-28-2020, 10:39 PM
Love shooting the small barrel 22.cals. And one of the most fun and reliable is believe it or not the Phoenix HPA 22.cal. Little suckers run like champs. Love standard velocity ammo. ........

Before I bought mine, I did a bit of research on the HP22A and found quite a bit of discussion in regards to cracked frames. It seemed to me that most of the discussion marked this up to the use of high velocity ammo. As Phoenix Arms states that the gun was "designed for standard velocity target ammunition" (https://www.phoenix-arms.com/pages/hp22a), I've only run standard velocity in mine and have not had any issues (I've had it for quite some time). I have both barrel lengths, but have to adjust the sights when swapping between them so I hardly ever swap them out.

02-28-2020, 10:43 PM
Thank you for the insight!


02-29-2020, 12:30 PM
How do they define “standard velocity”?

02-29-2020, 04:50 PM
How do they define “standard velocity”?
From the manual:
https://i.postimg.cc/gj4h2kZ9/hp22a-manual.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

02-29-2020, 05:40 PM
Thanks, I may have to try out one of those. I’m a sucker for cheap thrills.

03-30-2020, 07:29 AM
The TX22 came in! Going to strip it, clean & lube it then patiently wait until I can safely (shelter in place lifted) get to the range with it. Excited to give it a run!
I was able to sell my Walther P22 for enough to completely pay for it. I sure hope mine runs as well as everyone else is saying as the Walther ran like a champ.

03-30-2020, 08:15 AM
Man, I like the looks of that. Reminds me of H&K VP style handguns.

03-30-2020, 08:21 AM
Man, I like the looks of that. Reminds me of H&K VP style handguns.
My thoughts exactly!

03-30-2020, 09:14 AM
The TX22 came in! Going to strip it, clean & lube it then patiently wait until I can safely (shelter in place lifted) get to the range with it. Excited to give it a run!
I was able to sell my Walther P22 for enough to completely pay for it. I sure hope mine runs as well as everyone else is saying as the Walther ran like a champ.
I'm less than enthralled with my TX22, it does not group well and has failures to feed with one of the two magazines it came with.
On the other hand, a buddy is completely happy with his two, so I am hoping yours is like those and doesn't make you regret letting the Walther go.

03-30-2020, 09:19 AM
Man, I like the looks of that. Reminds me of H&K VP style handguns.
Minus that goofy looking, ambi slide lock lever on the VP:w00t:

03-30-2020, 09:31 AM
I'm less than enthralled with my TX22, it does not group well and has failures to feed with one of the two magazines it came with.
On the other hand, a buddy is completely happy with his two, so I am hoping yours is like those and doesn't make you regret letting the Walther go.
Oh boy! I've had more than one little .22 that would not run reliable enough to love. I’m sure hoping I have one of the good one’s. Sorry to hear yours is not.
Still looking for an $85 dollar Phoenix! Saw one the other day on Armslist (think it was $100 even) , but it got snatched up with a quickness.

King Rat
03-30-2020, 10:45 AM
Oh boy! I've had more than one little .22 that would not run reliable enough to love. I’m sure hoping I have one of the good one’s. Sorry to hear yours is not.
Still looking for an $85 dollar Phoenix! Saw one the other day on Armslist (think it was $100 even) , but it got snatched up with a quickness.

I could go on and on about how well my two Phoenix shoot. Not to mention the fun I have with a LCR22. Take some shotgun clay pidgeons and set them out to 50 yds and sit on a bench and shoot away. It does not get much more fun than that.


03-30-2020, 11:32 AM
Minus that goofy looking, ambi slide lock lever on the VP:w00t:

I knew there was something that made it look better.....

03-30-2020, 11:56 AM
I could go on and on about how well my two Phoenix shoot. Not to mention the fun I have with a LCR22. Take some shotgun clay pidgeons and set them out to 50 yds and sit on a bench and shoot away. It does not get much more fun than that.

Wow! 50 yrds with such a tiny pistol....AMAZING!!!

03-05-2021, 07:28 AM
Just an update on the TX22... I've put somewhere between 1000-1100 rounds through it, only cleaning it once. Yesterday I ran all my "mixed bag" through it. About 100 rounds were lead head, cheapo, oily stuff. I had one dud, that had a nice, solid strike on the rim. Other than that, it ran perfect. Some were standard velocity, a few sub sonic, etc. I'm amazed by the performance of this one. Greg, I read of a few having ftf's and the mags being the cause. They said after cleaning out the mag the issues went away. But something yells me you prob already knew that and have already remedied the situation.17483

03-05-2021, 08:38 AM
Sorry, but anyone who doesn't see a vast quality difference between Taurus revolvers and others probably can't see real well.:) No comparison between them. Taurus triggers are like dragging a blanket through broken glass. You can't improve them either. What you get is what you got. At the most, ok truck guns. Get a Taurus revolver hot and try to get empties to eject. That crappy quality swells up like a balloon. They were ok back in the day but there hasn't been any improvement for years. You get what you pay for............................................... ...............

03-05-2021, 08:40 AM
Just an update on the TX22... I've put somewhere between 1000-1100 rounds through it, only cleaning it once. Yesterday I ran all my "mixed bag" through it. About 100 rounds were lead head, cheapo, oily stuff. I had one dud, that had a nice, solid strike on the rim. Other than that, it ran perfect. Some were standard velocity, a few sub sonic, etc. I'm amazed by the performance of this one. Greg, I read of a few having ftf's and the mags being the cause. They said after cleaning out the mag the issues went away. But something yells me you prob already knew that and have already remedied the situation.17483
You'd better be careful.....................you've almost got it worn out already.:p

03-05-2021, 08:52 AM
You'd better be careful.....................you've almost got it worn out already.:p
Not sure why, but something tells me you don’t like Taurus! :D
I do have a model 96 (22 LR). While many have reported triggers as you’ve described, I think I got lucky. I also have a Poly Protector 357. It’s trigger is not as smooth/light as the 96, but for a fun range gun it works fine. Fun as in hand stinging for a few days. With the springs and other aftermarket pieces available these days (Wolf, Galloway, etc.) if one wanted to they could smooth a trigger. Problem is, I don’t think most would spend the time and money on one to achieve a better trigger. A lot can be done on the insides (filing, stoning, polishing), but again, who wants to do all of that?

03-05-2021, 10:16 AM
Sorry, but anyone who doesn't see a vast quality difference between Taurus revolvers and others probably can't see real well.:) No comparison between them. Taurus triggers are like dragging a blanket through broken glass. You can't improve them either. What you get is what you got. At the most, ok truck guns. Get a Taurus revolver hot and try to get empties to eject. That crappy quality swells up like a balloon. They were ok back in the day but there hasn't been any improvement for years. You get what you pay for............................................... ...............

I've shot two 856s that disprove this statement.

03-05-2021, 11:53 AM
I really like the TX22 Competition. The barrel, and the optic, stay stationary while firing. And, if you want to hang things on the barrel, it won't affect that functioning since none of it moves, just the slide cycles back and forth.

03-05-2021, 05:28 PM
I've shot two 856s that disprove this statement. I just missed one of those at Academy the other day. I saw it on sale CHEAP, went home to get the cash, came back and it was gone. I posted a pic of it, with the price and posted a “wanted” ad on Florida Gun Trader. A guy responds about how he just picked one up at Academy that afternoon... it was the same guy and he was the one who beat me to it. : (

03-05-2021, 05:30 PM
I really like the TX22 Competition. The barrel, and the optic, stay stationary while firing. And, if you want to hang things on the barrel, it won't affect that functioning since none of it moves, just the slide cycles back and forth.
Man, that’s a wild looking one! I bet it’s a good shooter. Heck, even with my not so good vision and the stock 3 dots I can do pretty good out to 30 feet. I bet yours is even more accurate.

03-05-2021, 05:49 PM
I just missed one of those at Academy the other day. I saw it on sale CHEAP, went home to get the cash, came back and it was gone. I posted a pic of it, with the price and posted a “wanted” ad on Florida Gun Trader. A guy responds about how he just picked one up at Academy that afternoon... it was the same guy and he was the one who beat me to it. : (
LOL, that was you? I saw the WTB ad.

I’d really like to try the TX22 and the Keltec P17, but the only ones available are about 1.5 to 2x MSRP.

03-05-2021, 06:01 PM
LOL, that was you? I saw the WTB ad.

I’d really like to try the TX22 and the Keltec P17, but the only ones available are about 1.5 to 2x MSRP.
That’s funny you saw that ad of mine. I ended up getting that poly protector off that ad. Sometimes those ads work. A lot better in past years, of course. Well I hope you can find you one at a good price. Problem is, everybody seems to love them, so the used market is dry unless, like you said, you overpay. The P17 was the first one to catch my eye. Searching for one was when I learned about the TX22. If I come across a deal on one I will let you know. If a good enough deal, I’ll grab it and go visit St Augustine if that’s close enough to you. Me and the family get into the fort free, so it’s a good trip once every year or so.

03-06-2021, 06:03 AM
Thanks - don’t go making any straw purchases, though!

03-06-2021, 07:58 AM
Thanks - don’t go making any straw purchases, though! You are correct sir! I do have 3 THX’s at the moment (me, wife, son). I’d be selling you one of those :cool: I think I’ve owned them long enough that they would not get classified as straw.

03-06-2021, 09:57 AM
Lookie! http://www.floridaguntrader.com/index.php?a=2&b=970442

03-06-2021, 10:53 AM
Lookie! http://www.floridaguntrader.com/index.php?a=2&b=970442
He’s showing up as located in Daytona. Not too far, but raises a bit of a red flag with me. That, and his asking price. I’d still love to have it... along with at least 1 of every other handgun ever made! ;)