View Full Version : CW45/P45: Flush fit magazine - UPDATED

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03-08-2012, 08:46 PM
There was an announcement recently about a 30 post minimum for new members before they received certain privileges on the board; posting photos was one of those.

Think I figured out a way to embed the pics. I will try to upload some better quality pics later.

Take care,

Bald Baron
03-09-2012, 04:28 PM
Went back to the range today. After 12 rounds the bottom of one of the metalform magazines that I modified broke off. The spot welds just let go and the base plate fell off dumping the spring and all. Maybe they were on sale for a reason. Oh well, it was a fun experiment. Back to the stock mags for me.:yo:

03-09-2012, 04:41 PM
Try the MecGar mags. They have bottom plates that are removable and install with a locking stud. They work fine with the mod and hold 7 rounds and lock back.

03-09-2012, 04:52 PM
Went back to the range today. After 12 rounds the bottom of one of the metalform magazines that I modified broke off. The spot welds just let go and the base plate fell off dumping the spring and all. Maybe they were on sale for a reason. Oh well, it was a fun experiment. Back to the stock mags for me.:yo:

That's a shame Bald Baron, but at least it happened at the range. The Metalform mags I used/still use have folded steel tabs holding the base plate on.

Try the MecGar mags. They have bottom plates that are removable and install with a locking stud. They work fine with the mod and hold 7 rounds and lock back.
Excellent suggestion.

Bald Baron
03-09-2012, 07:50 PM
The range is the best place to have a failure. Unfortunately there were two other fellas next to me when it happened. They had never seen or handled a Kahr and I was sharing mine. I assured them that both my Kahrs run perfectly with the factory mags, but it was a little embarrassing. They were impressed with its accuracy.:yo:

03-09-2012, 08:01 PM
Sorry to here that. I trust my Kimpro mag for an everyday carry, it has a removable bottom as well. I will definitely be watching my Metalform mag welds.

Thank for the heads-up.



03-09-2012, 08:41 PM
Apparently the Kahrtlk Admin is now blocking my pics.....

03-09-2012, 08:46 PM
I think you need to have 30 posts to be able to post photos. They were getting spammed so the admins set the bar a little higher.

03-09-2012, 08:48 PM
The range is the best place to have a failure. Unfortunately there were two other fellas next to me when it happened. They had never seen or handled a Kahr and I was sharing mine. I assured them that both my Kahrs run perfectly with the factory mags, but it was a little embarrassing. They were impressed with its accuracy.:yo:
__It happens, yours isn't the first nor will it be the last magazine to fail at an inopportune moment. However, it does speak volumes of the need to carry spare/backup magazines for a defensive pistol. I'd like to thank you for that reminder.

Bald Baron
03-09-2012, 08:51 PM
Happy to help.:yo:

03-09-2012, 09:19 PM
I was just getting ready to cancel my account with Kahrtalk, as they will not return any of my emails requesting help with pics. If you say 30 posts, I will give it until then. I am VERY frustrated with the lack of support from the sites Administration! You all seem like fine folks, and I really would like to stay on, and share ideas and pics with you.


03-10-2012, 12:55 AM
I finally figured a way around the system to upload pictures.

From previous post:
I made a few 7 round flush fit magazines for my CW45. I bought 2ea. Metalform MET45S290 magazines and 3ea. Wilson Combat Item Number: 266,45C follower and spring kits. I simply modified the feed lips of the mags, and opened up the mag lock window (see prior post), and installed the Wilson follower and spring. I also modified the slide lock tab on the follower. Using a scrap piece of metal I had laying around (door striker plate), I cut a small strip of metal and bent at 90-95 degrees [ _| ]. I then used two part epoxy and glued into the spot where the slide lock contacts the follower. This adds durability, and a slight bit of lift to ensure 100% slide lock. Just a little filing to smooth and contour, easy as pie. I made a third for my KimPro Tac mag, and all three function fine.

Take care,


03-10-2012, 08:34 AM
Went back to the range today. After 12 rounds the bottom of one of the metalform magazines that I modified broke off. The spot welds just let go and the base plate fell off dumping the spring and all. Maybe they were on sale for a reason. Oh well, it was a fun experiment. Back to the stock mags for me.:yo:

Did you use a vise to hold the magazine while making the feedlip modification? If so, I wonder if possibly squeezing the mag may have inadvertently broken or weakened the welds?


03-10-2012, 08:37 AM
Looks like you know what you are doing! When I get my CW45, I want you to make some for me. Of course, I will pay a fair price.

Bald Baron
03-10-2012, 10:08 AM
[QUOTE=thatguytoo;143223][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Did you use a vise to hold the magazine while making the feedlip modification?

No, I held the mag in my hand and moved it back and forth over a file which was lying on the counter.:yo:

03-10-2012, 11:04 AM
We must have the same bad luck, as that kind of thing usually happens to me... If there is one bad apple in a million, I'll end up getting it.

03-10-2012, 11:08 AM
Looks like you know what you are doing! When I get my CW45, I want you to make some for me. Of course, I will pay a fair price.

Don't know about that, but sometimes I get lucky. I'm going to be testing them for some time before I fully trust them.


03-11-2012, 11:33 AM
Has anybody tried using Springfield Armory compact 45 mags?


03-19-2012, 02:45 PM
Kimber Pro tac mag with kahr follower and spring flawless on 100 rounds, with lock back on empty mag...............Thanks for the tutorial everyone

03-21-2012, 02:30 PM
Kimber Pro tac mag with kahr follower and spring flawless on 100 rounds, with lock back on empty mag...............Thanks for the tutorial everyone
That is a very reliable way to go. I did the same until I ordered and modified my Wilson Combat follower kit. I just wish Kahr would figure out folks would like a flush mag system, especially for concealed carry...

03-24-2012, 04:51 PM
Hi All,
I just received my Alumilite resin casting kit the other day, and made four followers using my modified Wilson Combat follower as a mold. It was a bit tricky, but they are as tough, or tougher than the Wilson, and have 100% slide lock on testing so far. This gives me 7rd, with slide lock using my KimPro Tac mag, and/or Metalform mags.
Take care,

03-25-2012, 12:10 PM
Hi All,
I just received my Alumilite resin casting kit the other day, and made four followers using my modified Wilson Combat follower as a mold. It was a bit tricky, but they are as tough, or tougher than the Wilson, and have 100% slide lock on testing so far. This gives me 7rd, with slide lock using my KimPro Tac mag, and/or Metalform mags.
Take care,

You've made some fine contributions to this thread and I want to thank you for your input/ideas:) Your work looks first rate as wellhttp://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-happy088.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)
I'm really intrigued with your DIY molded followers and look forward to seeing how they hold up. Would it be possible to include a metal insert (ala Kahr) in the molding process?

03-25-2012, 07:53 PM
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the vote of confidence. It’s been a fun project, and you’re the one who really inspired me. I can’t stop, and just added some adjusting screws to add durability, and adjustment before epoxying them in. Here’s the latest.

So, we must have been on the same page about incorporating a steel insert.

Thank again,


03-25-2012, 10:26 PM

04-14-2012, 09:03 AM
I just recieved one of the metalform mags and it took very little grinding to fit. The proof will be at the range of course, but everything worked fine cycling it without firing.

04-15-2012, 02:55 PM
I just ordered three MGCO4506B's...

Me2, can't wait to try this. Thanks for the heads-up.

04-18-2012, 02:07 PM
I finally got my Wilson mag rebuild kit and my Presto blue pen this week so I finished up my project and gave it a good shake down at the range today. I'm incredibly happy to report flawless performance from the magazine through a box of target hardball and half a box of Fed Expanding FMJ 200 grain +P. I knew both of these ammos worked 100% in the gun so I didn't want to introduce any additional variables.

I'll be making a few more of these soon. Even with gutting the Metalform magazine and buying the rebuild kit, it's still just $23 to make one and you get the benefits of an extra round and last round slide lock back in a much more flush fitting magazine.

Thanks for all the tips and tricks along the way. The only caution I will throw into the mix is to make sure you get the rebuild kit pictured since it's specifically for the Metalform magazine.


I just rebuilt my Metaform magazine with the same wilsom rebuild kit, and it won't lock back in my CW45.

05-02-2012, 02:09 PM
For all you mag-modders, has anyone tried to turn a Kahr factory 6-round magazine into a 7 round magazine by swapping the Kahr follower/spring with one of the Wilson rebuild kits?

05-02-2012, 04:29 PM
I just rebuilt my Metaform magazine with the same wilsom rebuild kit, and it won't lock back in my CW45.

I made this assumption when I was cycling the gun by hand. When I took it to the range, all 3 mags I modifyied locked back every time. I just wanted to set the record staright.

10-11-2012, 12:09 PM
A little follow up, the first mag I did this mod to now has over two years use and is still going strong.:)

I see that s4s4u posted some nice photos of his CW45 and flush fitting mags here:
He seems to be using the same tube/follower/spring/combo that HenryinFlorida detailed in post #277 (http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=191624&postcount=17). Well done s4s4u!


10-13-2012, 06:49 AM
Is there a problem inserting the rebuild spring and follower into magazines with welded bases? With the traditional steel followers it's a snap to lock the spring in place and just rock the follower in or out, but the followers in the kit appear to be much more substantial. Any tips we should know about?

10-13-2012, 08:26 AM
Is there a problem inserting the rebuild spring and follower into magazines with welded bases? With the traditional steel followers it's a snap to lock the spring in place and just rock the follower in or out, but the followers in the kit appear to be much more substantial. Any tips we should know about?
While it's not done using a follower from the Wilson kit, this should be of some help:

10-13-2012, 09:09 AM
Is there a problem inserting the rebuild spring and follower into magazines with welded bases? With the traditional steel followers it's a snap to lock the spring in place and just rock the follower in or out, but the followers in the kit appear to be much more substantial. Any tips we should know about?

You just wiggle it in through the top.

10-13-2012, 09:54 AM
Thanks to both of you. I've worked with regular (traditional) type followers in 1911s for years, but the photo of the kit made it look like the spring might have been molded into the follower. The video made it very clear. Thanks again and stay safe!

10-22-2012, 08:40 AM
For a cheap route, I just bought 5 of these mags from CTD: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/MAG-272

They fit with no problem and just BARELY clears the ejector. Filed down just a hair to be safe. Hand cycling works great but haven't got out to the range to put some rounds through them yet. They DO lock back after the last round. The floor plates are just metal plates, I just had to bend the tab up slightly and it locks the slide back every time. I'm actually typing this at work (shhh) so I don't have any pics but if anyone wants them I can get them when I get home.

Edit: They are abnormally hard to load/unload. Need to do so at a rather steep angle and even then will take some finagling to complete the task.

10-22-2012, 10:55 AM
Wow, six bucks! No wonder it says, "Unfortunately your selection is on Back Order."

10-25-2012, 07:04 AM
Correct spring kits finally arrived (wrong ones sent originally even though the part number was correct - these things happen). I assembled the magazines without a problem and so far function and lock-back are going without a hitch. Thanks for the tips.

10-25-2012, 09:37 AM
Ok, I got a request for some pics of the mags I got so here they are. Rather picture intensive so I'm posting click-able thumbnails, let me know if they don't work.

Mag itself. Not bad, has crimped in base plate; will probably try to pry them out and cut the mags down to flush fit later:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture001.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture001.jpg)

What I'm calling the floorplate. I believe I should be saying follower?:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture002.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture002.jpg)

Close up:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture003.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture003.jpg)

The tab the pencil is pointing at is the tab I had to slightly bend up to engage the slide stop:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture008.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture008.jpg)

Right hand side comparison of the mags:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture004.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture004.jpg)
FYI: I did not have any problems with the magazine locking in. Slide the magazine in and they locked in nice and tight. Quality of the cuts look variable so others may have to play with the notch.

Left hand side comparison:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture005.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture005.jpg)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture006.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture006.jpg)

Length comparo:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture007.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture007.jpg)

....To be continued...

10-25-2012, 09:37 AM

Shot of the firearm with the magazine:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture009.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture009.jpg)
The grip is an Uncle Mikes I picked up at Wally World. Hangs off slightly at the front with the rear of the grip flush with the bottom of the magazine well.

Magazine locked in looking toward the feed ramp:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture010.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture010.jpg)

If you look closely you can tell where I filed down:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture011.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture011.jpg)
It actually did clear the extractor but decided it was in my best interest to file some down anyway.

Tried to get a shot of how well the slide stop was engaged; not sure how well this picture conveys that:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture012.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture012.jpg)

Magazine loaded:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture013.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture013.jpg)

Top view:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture014.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture014.jpg)

At rest it's almost a straight shot into the chamber. The round looks like it will barely hit the feed ramp. Does this present a problem?:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/th_Picture016.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v173/prjlazarus/Kahr%20mags/?action=view&current=Picture016.jpg)

10-26-2012, 07:25 PM
Ok, I am excited. I just ordered a Metalform mag and the Wilson Combat conversion kit. Should be in within a week and I will try and post a how it worked for me video. If I understand things correctly, I will just need to trim a bit off the top of the mag as described by Greg in his post on the first page of the thread. I have kind of scoured the thread for all the important pieces of information regarding the combination of parts I am using, if I am missing something please let me know.

By the way, I have contacted Kahr and asked the question about why we don't have flush fit mags and they don't even give an answer, they just say they don't have plans to make them. Kinda weird response. I specifically asked why they don't make them, not if they plan to...

Thanks to Greg and everyone working on this.

11-09-2012, 06:36 PM
Flush fit update. I built 3 mags using the Metalform body and Wilson spring/follower. They all worked great at first, and locked back. But, after a few dozen cycles they no longer lock back. It is apparent that the plastic follower has worn itself down and no longer catches the slide stop enough to engage the slide. I can see the fix, but wanted to let folks know that this system has issues in the long term, although it can be remedied.

There may be better options out there.

11-09-2012, 07:01 PM
Flush fit update. I built 3 mags using the Metalform body and Wilson spring/follower. They all worked great at first, and locked back. But, after a few dozen cycles they no longer lock back. It is apparent that the plastic follower has worn itself down and no longer catches the slide stop enough to engage the slide. I can see the fix, but wanted to let folks know that this system has issues in the long term, although it can be remedied.

There may be better options out there.
Thanks for the follow up.
FWIW, I'm still using Kahr followers and springs in the Officer's/compact magazine tubes. That combo continues to work without issue for me.

11-10-2012, 11:19 AM
Maybe everyone else has thought of this, but having done a lot of action shooting in the past I was concerned about being able to firmly seat a flush-mount magazine under stress. My solution (at least so far) is to install some old Shaw magazine "bumpers" that I had laying around on my backup magazines and use the flush fit ones for carrying in the gun to cut down on "printing". They extend farther than I would like, but they will do until I can find the old Pachmayr thin rubber pads I know I have hidden somewhere!

11-10-2012, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the follow up.
FWIW, I'm still using Kahr followers and springs in the Officer's/compact magazine tubes. That combo continues to work without issue for me.

It is all in the follower, no doubt. Another thing about the Metalform body, it is a couple of thous thicker than the Kahr and will not drop clear without a little emphasis when empty and the slide back. All is not lost, I have 3 like-new 1911 Officers 7 round mags.

11-10-2012, 07:08 PM
Ok, so I am a jackass. I finally got my Wilson Combat conversion kit and Metalform mag and was excited to try it out. Unfortunately I apparently ordered the full size mag, not the officer's. So I decide to wait till the Gun Show here in Sacramento today and was able to find 2 different options (Actually traded the one i got in the mail for the one of them). One was a Metalform and the other is a Kimber. Kimber clicked right in without having to modify the mag catch, and only had to trim off a bit on the top like Greg has illustrated. The Metalform had to have both mods. I only had one of the Wilson combat conversion kits, so I used it in the Metalform and left the Kimber spring and follower as is. I have cycled seven rounds through both clips by hand and I have noticed that the Metalform just barely catches on the lock back, but the Kimber fully engages. I actually like how the Kimber fits a bit better, but the big test will be if they both lock back and wether they will both do the full seven rounds at the range.

Has anyone tried the Kimber compact mag having just modified the top of the mag? If so what were the results? Also in comparing the followers from the Kahr and the Wilson Combat kit, I notice the Kahr follower is taller on the ends, is that possibly what precludes a seventh round with that follower? If that is the case, has anyone modified the follower itself from Kahr?

11-10-2012, 07:44 PM
well have u ever seen a jack ass in heat. then be proud man.:eek:

11-11-2012, 11:53 AM
[QUOTE=Has anyone tried the Kimber compact mag having just modified the top of the mag? If so what were the results? Also in comparing the followers from the Kahr and the Wilson Combat kit, I notice the Kahr follower is taller on the ends, is that possibly what precludes a seventh round with that follower? If that is the case, has anyone modified the follower itself from Kahr?[/QUOTE]

I used the Kimber officer size 7 round mag as my platform. However, I used the Kahr spring and follower in mine. As you reported, no mods were needed on the mag catch hole. I've been using it for at least a year, I think, and I get full lock back every time. It will only hold 6 rounds though, but that's OK with me.

11-20-2012, 05:45 PM
My two Metalform mags with Wilson followers are working fine so far. But, I only have about a box thru each of them. Both hold 7 rounds and lock the slide back. Contact Wilson if you have trouble with your followers. They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee
according to their website. So far my CW45 has been 100% with the mags.

11-20-2012, 05:51 PM
My two Metalform mags with Wilson followers are working fine so far. But, I only have about a box thru each of them. Both hold 7 rounds and lock the slide back. Contact Wilson if you have trouble with your followers. They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee
according to their website. So far my CW45 has been 100% with the mags.

Thanks, I am planning on :33:with both clips this weekend, I will let you guys know.

11-25-2012, 10:27 PM
Ok, so this is a sad story. I had recently picked up 100 rounds of Winchester Target FMJs 230Grain at a gun show and they were factory new and unopened. They would not run through the gun at all, and they even kept just getting stuck in the mags. I tried all three, the Metalform wouldn't advance the rounds at all, the Kimber also had feed issues, and wouldn't lock back, and lastly the factory Kahr mag had the rounds get stuck in the mag and wouldn't push them up into the chamber. I had 3 rounds of Blazer which ran perfectly through the metalform, and locked back. I did finish the first Kimber clip, and it did not lock back.

Planning on picking up a couple boxes of the blazers and running them through the modified mags here this week. Any idea why the Kahr doesn't lock back, it seems like both followers both have the slide lock notches in exactly the same positions?

11-26-2012, 01:47 AM
This is a follow up post related to this mod. I made three mags for my CW45 using the mecgar mags. Initially they fed and fired fine, but would not lock back the slide after the last round. After starting to have the same issue with my kahr mags, I went and got a size 6 torx screwdriver and tightened the slide lock lever spring. Now they all lock back the slide after the last round. Thought this might be helpful info for someone with the same issue.

11-26-2012, 02:13 AM
The Winchester whitebox 230gr FMJs with their flat point have had problems with the steep feed ramp on the Kahr. I'm guessing round nose FMJs work better and hollow points with a smaller opening as well.

Not wanting to piece meal and build a flush fit mag has anyone had any luck with the 7rd Wilson officers model mags with some modification?

12-03-2012, 08:15 AM
The Winchester whitebox 230gr FMJs with their flat point have had problems with the steep feed ramp on the Kahr. I'm guessing round nose FMJs work better and hollow points with a smaller opening as well.

Not wanting to piece meal and build a flush fit mag has anyone had any luck with the 7rd Wilson officers model mags with some modification?

I have a 1911 Service Mag Plus, .45 ACP, Compact, 6 Round, Stainless (http://shopwilsoncombat.com/1911-Service-Mag-Plus-45-ACP-Compact-6-Round-Stainless/productinfo/609/) coming tomorrow. I will let everyone know how well it works.

12-07-2012, 09:14 PM
Well, back to the drawing board. I converted two Metalform mags to use in my CW45. They hand cycled fine, but when I got to the range they wouldn't feed. Maybe I need to take just a little more off of the exttractor side of the mag, but I'm worried about getting into the feed lips. On the other hand, I took a nondescript government Model mag that I had, and it worked fine with no mods at all. Go figure.

Forgot to ask, what defensive ammo are you running in your CW45s? I tried Hornady TAP, and it wouldn't feed. It could get pretty expensive trying different loads, but I'm thinking something with a more rounded ogive. Any thoughts?

12-07-2012, 10:34 PM
I use Speer Gold Dot or Federal Hydra-Shok 230gr. loads.

12-08-2012, 09:48 AM
Thanks. The TAP loads I tried hung up on the nose cavity. Those two should work well.

12-08-2012, 04:02 PM
Moved to other thread

12-10-2012, 10:15 AM
....Forgot to ask, what defensive ammo are you running in your CW45s? I tried Hornady TAP, and it wouldn't feed. It could get pretty expensive trying different loads, but I'm thinking something with a more rounded ogive. Any thoughts?

I have had problems with all of Hornady's 45ACP ammo in my Kahr.

Thanks. The TAP loads I tried hung up on the nose cavity. Those two should work well.

I have had good experiance with COR-BON PowRBall ammo as well as Remington Golden Saber. I still have some COR-BON DPX and JHP ammo to test out as well as some Aguila and Fiocchi.

12-10-2012, 10:31 AM
Thanks, guys.

12-10-2012, 01:24 PM
can you buy just the followers and springs?

Found this, is this the right follower for the cw45's?


12-10-2012, 01:40 PM
can you buy just the followers and springs?

Found this, is this the right follower for the cw45's?

Yes, you can. Here's a link to a follower and spring kit:

That is the follower would work in a CW45magazine.


12-10-2012, 01:53 PM
Always look for a "KIT". You get more for your money! This is a good way to save money on springs and followers and base plate parts... base plate and locking plate.

I wouldn't advise the "spring kits" though, as that might tempt you to make unneeded changes... fixing what isn't broken!


01-19-2013, 04:09 PM
First post and some great info to be found here.

I used a CMC match grade compact 7 rd mag. part #14120. Mag fit perfect with the base plate lip touching the bottom of the grips.

Trimmed the top as stated in all other posts. Hand racked all 7 rounds none of which needed to be "sling shot" in fact you could ease the slide closed and all rounds would chamber no prob's . But....the last round will not eject with out dropping the mag. All rounds other than the last one will eject effortlessly whether racking quickly or slowly. It looks as if it would eject if the casing was spent. The slug portion of the round is what is hitting the top edge of the chamber mouth and stopping the slide.

After reading through the posts I saw where most are saying to stay away from the metal non-skirted followers. Thinking this follower might also be my problem I inserted the stock Kahr follower and tried both the Kahr and the CMC spring. Giving me a 6 round cap but still leaving me with the issue of the last un-spent round not clearing the top edge of the chamber mouth.

I could not find in anything addressing this issue in the previous posts.

Has anyone experienced this problem.

01-20-2013, 01:53 PM
Tested my set up today. Ran 50 rounds of Fed. 230 gr fmj target ammo and 10 rounds of WWB 230 gr fmj using the 7 round CMC mag with a Kahr follower and the CMC spring.

As I had hoped, the issue of the last unspent round not ejecting, while bench testing, without dropping the mag was a non issue during range time. I only experienced 2 failure to lock open which were due to me experimenting and placing my support hand thumb on the slide lock lever pivot point. After correcting that...no more FTLO. I did have 1 FTFeed with the round nose diving and holding the slide open. A quick tug and release on the slide cleared and chambered the round.

Shot 20 rounds using the 7 round Kahr mag and had one Failure to go into full battery. Smack on the back of slide and problem cleared.

I have noticed that this pistol likes to be kept clean. During break in, after 200 rounds of fmj, I started trying different jhp loads and she started to give me all kinds of issues. Enough to start worrying me. Gave her a good cleaning and the next trip no probs.

Thanks for all the info for the flush mag trick.

01-20-2013, 01:57 PM
Does your slide retract about 1/2" before it hangs up? If so, you may have a problem similar to mine. It's not the last round, but any round that has to extract over a SWC profile bullet next up in the mag. The extractor seems to let the empty slip down just far enough to hang up on the next cartridge in line, and if it has a sharp angle to get over, it just won't do it.

I had the pistol apart yesterday, and I can't see any way to tighten the extractor, with my limited skills, so I just use different ammo.

Try ejecting an empty case, and if it still hangs up that may be your problem. Something in the follower, case feed angle, etc.

Good luck!

01-21-2013, 11:21 AM
Here's an update. I have been cautioned about the split finger type followers, and I was having a few problems with them. Today I started actually looking closely at the follower angle on these, and bent the straight "finger" down at a slight angle. No more problems with the last loaded round failing to extract.

Someone back in the dim distant past of this thread recommended the same thing, but I missed it first time around. The proper angle for this seems to be with the "finger" pointing at the middle of the feed ramp or thereabouts.

I'm still going to try to find some skirted followers, though.

01-22-2013, 07:15 PM
The problem I had was/is only with the last round in the mag. But after posting found that if I slowly cycled the slide the unspent round would eject. If I tried to quickly cycle the slide it would hang up. Either way when I got it on the range it was non issue...ejected the last spent casing every time.

My setup uses the Kahr stock follower.

I love this flush base plate setup.

01-25-2013, 05:35 PM
I ordered a MecGar 6 round mag (MGCO4506) for my cw45
If I am reading correctly. The only modifying I need to do is put the correct profile on the top of the mag for clearance.
The McGar spring and follower will load 6 rounds and hold the slide open on the last round fired and lock it up on empty Mag correct?

01-25-2013, 08:24 PM
I ordered a MecGar 6 round mag (MGCO4506) for my cw45
If I am reading correctly. The only modifying I need to do is put the correct profile on the top of the mag for clearance.
The McGar spring and follower will load 6 rounds and hold the slide open on the last round fired and lock it up on empty Mag correct?
That is correct for the most part.
There is a slight chance the mag (latch window) or frame (length) might need a tweak for the mag to lock in properly. It's a rare occurrence (and doesn't seem to be magazine brand specific).
I believe somebody reported he had to squeeze the top of his mag to get it to lock back consistently.
I've used them (MGCO4506) and only had one issue; that was when a follower tip popped out of the magazine after the last round was fired (probably could have with any non-fully skirted 1911 follower in 1911 as well). I've had no issues with the Metalform tube and Kahr parts.

01-31-2013, 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ram48 http://kahrtalk.com/images/tigra/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=215890#post215890)
I ordered a MecGar 6 round mag (MGCO4506) for my cw45
If I am reading correctly. The only modifying I need to do is put the correct profile on the top of the mag for clearance.
The McGar spring and follower will load 6 rounds and hold the slide open on the last round fired and lock it up on empty Mag correct?

That is correct for the most part.
There is a slight chance the mag (latch window) or frame (length) might need a tweak for the mag to lock in properly. It's a rare occurrence (and doesn't seem to be magazine brand specific).
I believe somebody reported he had to squeeze the top of his mag to get it to lock back consistently.
I've used them (MGCO4506) and only had one issue; that was when a follower tip popped out of the magazine after the last round was fired (probably could have with any non-fully skirted 1911 follower in 1911 as well). I've had no issues with the Metalform tube and Kahr parts.

Well I did the mod on the Mecgar 6 round mag and it locks back using the Mecgar spring and follower (one piece formed and hardened) when I cycle the slide with one round, it does not lock back if I rack the slide with the mag inserted empty. I hope to get to the range soon and see if it operates in live fire situations, thanks to everyone for all the help on here The flush mag is the way to go for concealed carry.

02-19-2013, 07:48 AM
Hi all,
I simply modified the feed lips of the mags, and opened up the mag lock window (see prior post), and installed the Wilson follower and spring. I also modified the slide lock tab on the follower. Using a scrap piece of metal I had laying around (door striker plate), I cut a small strip of metal and bent at 90-95 degrees [ _| ]. I then used two part epoxy and glued into the spot where the slide lock contacts the follower. This adds durability, and a slight bit of lift to ensure 100% slide lock.

Take care,

Above is from post #262

Has anyone added the metal reinforcement successfully? The pictures have been removed...does anyone have pictures?

Charlie :Amflag2:

NRA Patron Life Member

05-01-2013, 02:45 PM
Some very good info on the ACT-MAG 1911 Officers 7 RD .45 ACP Magazine (blued AMO4507PFB/nickel AMO4507PFN) in this thread: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=17876
It may not be a flush fit, but folks are reporting that the ACT-MAG works (to include locking the slide back) with no (or little modification) and holds seven rounds.:)
I wonder if the ACT-MAG guts would work in a flush fit Officer's mag and give the same results (feed/lock back/7 rounds)?

I see that there is an ACT_MAG available in a six round configuration that should fit flush in a CW/P 45: http://www.act-mag.com/index.php/id-1911-mags.html

05-31-2013, 06:02 PM
Dougguy posted that "mag Pack" 7 round mags fit flush in his CW45 and hand feed (hopefully a range report to follow):

11-04-2013, 06:00 PM
Hey everyone, I read most of this thread and decided to register myself. I've been frustrated by this for about 5 years now. I have a P45 and it's ridiculous they don't make a flush plate.

My question is this: Has anyone simply used a dremel and shaped the stock P45 magazine plate? That's what I was thinking of doing. This thread seems to be about getting an extra round in there, but I don't need that. Any reason a dremel wouldn't solve my problem?

Also, if this is possible, I'd like to make a new baseplate for the existing P45 magazine. I have access to a full machine shop, so if anyone wants to make the plans for a new baseplate, I'd gladly give you a bunch for free.

11-04-2013, 06:38 PM
Hey everyone, I read most of this thread and decided to register myself. I've been frustrated by this for about 5 years now. I have a P45 and it's ridiculous they don't make a flush plate.

My question is this: Has anyone simply used a dremel and shaped the stock P45 magazine plate? That's what I was thinking of doing. This thread seems to be about getting an extra round in there, but I don't need that. Any reason a dremel wouldn't solve my problem?

Also, if this is possible, I'd like to make a new baseplate for the existing P45 magazine. I have access to a full machine shop, so if anyone wants to make the plans for a new baseplate, I'd gladly give you a bunch for free.
Welcome to the forums:)
While a lot of folks have been looking for an extra round in their CW45, the original intent of this thread was a flush fitting magazine. In particular, I wanted a flush fitting magazine that would lock the slide back every time. To achieve that I use modified Officer magazine tubes with Kahr internals This combination has worked (to include shot shells) for me the past three years without fail:)
Some folks have trimmed the plastic base plate but there's only so much you can do because of the Kahr magazine's overall length. At present, I don't know of any metal base plates the will fit the Kahr magazine, but even if they were available fit would be similar to what it is with this CW9 and a metal base plate:
...vice what an Officer's magazine gives you:


11-04-2013, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. It's not enough of a big deal to make me go and buy another magazine, swap internals, and all that. Glad to know people have dremmeled it down. I think I'll do that tomorrow at work and see how it goes. I think it'll be better if I leave it on, rather than take it off, so I don't accidentally take too much off.

11-05-2013, 11:10 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. It's not enough of a big deal to make me go and buy another magazine, swap internals, and all that. Glad to know people have dremmeled it down. I think I'll do that tomorrow at work and see how it goes. I think it'll be better if I leave it on, rather than take it off, so I don't accidentally take too much off.
That's the nice thing about having an Officer's model; I have the magazines on hand and the modified ones will still work in it.
Please post some photos of your handiwork when it's finished.

11-06-2013, 11:42 AM
ACT-MAG 1911 Officers 7 RD .45 ACP Magazine I have been using these in my CW45 since I got it and I like it. The best mag that can be used in my opinion. Better than my Khar Mag that came with the gun. Now I am wondering if I really need a PM40 for deep concealment or just keep rocking the CW45 everywhere.

12-27-2013, 07:32 AM
Some good info others have posted about using 1911 mags in their Kahr 45ACP pistols: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=21523

04-22-2014, 04:25 PM
I'm looking at getting a compact .45, perhaps the CW45. Can anyone enlighten me as to the total height with a modified magazine? How much does it shorten the height of the pistol? Thanks!

04-22-2014, 04:33 PM
It only shortens the butt about 1/4" at the very most. What it removes, is two sharp corners that will "print" under a shirt to let whoever is looking know you probably are carrying a firearm.

04-22-2014, 04:58 PM
It only shortens the butt about 1/4" at the very most. What it removes, is two sharp corners that will "print" under a shirt to let whoever is looking know you probably are carrying a firearm.

Thanks for that information, it helps to make a decision between the PM45 and CW45. I used to own a PM9 that I really liked, but due to financial trouble I had to sell.

08-17-2014, 04:05 PM
Wow, just realized I've been using using the Officer's mags for almost 4 years now and have not had a single issue with themhttp://www.pic4ever.com/images/acigar.gif

08-17-2014, 05:07 PM
If Kahr would simply offer a flat steel base plate as an accessory for the .45 magazines like they do for the 9mm and .40 magazines, the problem would be easily solved. I looked at the magazines in the KahrStore on the Kahr website, and saw that they offer them only for 9mm and .40, but not .45. We can only hope that they will offer them at some point, as I'm sure that there are many CW45/P45 owners (myself included) who would like a shorter grip for CCW. That extra 1/2" does make a difference.

08-17-2014, 05:54 PM
Wow, just realized I've been using using the Officer's mags for almost 4 years now and have not had a single issue with themhttp://www.pic4ever.com/images/acigar.gif


I just wanna know how you got your smileys to work. ;);-)

08-17-2014, 06:48 PM
I just wanna know how you got your smileys to work. ;);-)


08-17-2014, 06:58 PM
thanks Pardner... http://www.pic4ever.com/images/cowboypistol.gif

10-06-2014, 07:33 PM
I know this is an old thread but I want to thank gp6491 for suggesting this option. I recently modified a MecGar 6 round officers mag and it works great. Even locks back after last round fired. Actually works better than my OEM mag in that the Kahr mag doesn't always feed SWC bullets reliably; however, the MecGar feeds them with no problems encountered. My only guess is that it has something to do with the followers.

10-08-2014, 02:12 PM
I will not be buying any Kahr factory mags for my CW45, the officer mags are cheaper and they work!!!

11-25-2014, 07:24 AM
Garpo, a belated "you're welcome" I somehow missed your post.

I will not be buying any Kahr factory mags for my CW45, the officer mags are cheaper and they work!!!
My apologies to you as well Decado. I must say I agree with you in regards to the officer's mags:)


01-11-2015, 03:40 PM
I found this thread while searching for a way to get a flush fit mag for my CW45.

I went to the gun store today and purchase a standard Kimber "compact" mag, removed the spring and follower, replaced it with my Kahr spring and follower, and it worked perfectly (no grinding necessary anywhere on the mag.) The mag only holds six rounds now, but locks back reliably (it will hold seven if you use the Kimber follower, but won't lock back on the last round.)

I'm pretty surprised it was that easy.

01-11-2015, 06:37 PM
I found this thread while searching for a way to get a flush fit mag for my CW45.

I went to the gun store today and purchase a standard Kimber "compact" mag, removed the spring and follower, replaced it with my Kahr spring and follower, and it worked perfectly (no grinding necessary anywhere on the mag.) The mag only holds six rounds now, but locks back reliably (it will hold seven if you use the Kimber follower, but won't lock back on the last round.)

I'm pretty surprised it was that easy.

I am very interested in this, as I am looking for a flush fit mag for my CW45 as well. Have you actually fired the gun with the Kimber mag? Does it cycle through reliably and lock back the slide after the 6th round? No modification at all is required? I ask simply because I have tried several different brands of compact 1911 mags, and none of them work without some grinding on the feed lips to allow the slide to clear. Based on your reply I am ready to order a Kimber mag.

01-12-2015, 08:57 PM
I'm running a mecgar officers mag in my cw45. It feeds round nose and hollow points fine and locks back the slide after the last round. I had to recontour the front of the feed lids a bit and I opened up the mag catch a hair so the mag sits a tad lower. It's a blued 6 rounder that fits flush. It runs so good I ordered 2 more to convert. I got them at manventure.com. they were right around $13 plus $6 shipping.

01-13-2015, 12:55 PM
I'm running a mecgar officers mag in my cw45. It feeds round nose and hollow points fine and locks back the slide after the last round. I had to recontour the front of the feed lids a bit and I opened up the mag catch a hair so the mag sits a tad lower. It's a blued 6 rounder that fits flush. It runs so good I ordered 2 more to convert. I got them at manventure.com. they were right around $13 plus $6 shipping.
I just ordered one of those in nickel finish - it should come on the brown truck today.

Could you please post a pic of how yours is contoured now? Thanks.

Guess I'd better buy myself another dremel - gave my old one to my 11 year old grandson who loves tinkering with tools.

01-13-2015, 06:42 PM
Here's some cell phone pics. The mag on the right is the worked on mag. The main thing to do is put the mag body in the frame with the slide off. You need to remove material from the curved part of the feed lips that is higher than the frame. This is so the slide doesn't drag on the mag. Don't mess with the straight part of the feed lips that feeds the round. On the mag catch slot I opened it up a little because the straight part of feed lips was slightly higher than the top of the frame too. That made the mag sit a hair lower. That's it. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/13/3d6ff4c3c9158d71e23ed3b66789511c.jpg. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/13/7bba01d5f2f5bb0ac85e81d6f9362bf4.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/13/8de5faf7be085f3060d90c8861a6d661.jpg

01-13-2015, 08:00 PM
Thanks, that's a great guide to go by.

The UPS package was on the front porch when we got home this evening.

I see what you mean by the mag catch slot being a little off. Mine will only snap in when the slide is locked back - of course the top edge of the mag blocks the slide from moving forward into battery. Looks like a simple shaving job.

Thanks again.

PS - I think similar directions were posted by someone else a couple years ago in this thread - thanks to them also. - but I'm too lazy to skim through to find it. :o

01-14-2015, 03:58 AM
When you do the mag, work on the feed lips first then the mag catch notch. Only open the notch enough so the straight part of the feed lips will clear the slide. You don't want the mag to sit too low. I used a dremel with a griding stone for the feed lips and a file for the notch. I guess the dremel with a cut off wheel would work for the notch.

01-15-2015, 04:44 PM
I am very interested in this, as I am looking for a flush fit mag for my CW45 as well. Have you actually fired the gun with the Kimber mag? Does it cycle through reliably and lock back the slide after the 6th round? No modification at all is required? I ask simply because I have tried several different brands of compact 1911 mags, and none of them work without some grinding on the feed lips to allow the slide to clear. Based on your reply I am ready to order a Kimber mag.

I AM CAUTIOUSLY EXCITED!! Based on benl's post I ordered a Kimber compact mag from Midway. Just as he said, it fits perfectly; the slide moves freely, and it smoothly chambered a round. Best of all, this is without any modification at all! My plan is when I go to the range this weekend to fire it with the stock Kimber follower and spring, knowing it won't lock back after the last round. If it runs without any problems that way, I plan to install a follower and spring from one of my Kahr mags which in theory should give me slide lock-back after the last round. I will report after my range trip.if it works I will have found the solution, if it doesn't I will have a very nice new Kimber mag for sale.

I think the stainless steel baseplate looks cool as well.


01-18-2015, 02:32 PM
I AM CAUTIOUSLY EXCITED!! Based on benl's post I ordered a Kimber compact mag from Midway. Just as he said, it fits perfectly; the slide moves freely, and it smoothly chambered a round. Best of all, this is without any modification at all! My plan is when I go to the range this weekend to fire it with the stock Kimber follower and spring, knowing it won't lock back after the last round. If it runs without any problems that way, I plan to install a follower and spring from one of my Kahr mags which in theory should give me slide lock-back after the last round. I will report after my range trip.if it works I will have found the solution, if it doesn't I will have a very nice new Kimber mag for sale.

I think the stainless steel baseplate looks cool as well.


UPDATE: IT WORKS!! At my range session this morning, I ran 4 (6 rounds per mag) mags through the gun using the Kimber mag. I used my main carry ammo, Speer Gold Dot 200gr. +P. Ran smooth as silk. As expected, the slide does not lock back after the last round. However I plan to install a Kahr follower and spring in the Kimber mag body prior to my next range session which in theory should give me slide lock-back after the last round. Even if it doesn't, I will be using the Kimber mag for CCW, as the no-slide-lockback is a small price to pay for the smaller profile and better concealment with the flush base plate.

For those of you (like me) who do not have the mechanical skills, tools, or desire to attempt modification, grinding feed lips, etc. on other 1911 compact magazines, this solution just plain works!

01-25-2015, 05:50 PM
UPDATE: IT WORKS!! At my range session this morning, I ran 4 (6 rounds per mag) mags through the gun using the Kimber mag. I used my main carry ammo, Speer Gold Dot 200gr. +P. Ran smooth as silk. As expected, the slide does not lock back after the last round. However I plan to install a Kahr follower and spring in the Kimber mag body prior to my next range session which in theory should give me slide lock-back after the last round. Even if it doesn't, I will be using the Kimber mag for CCW, as the no-slide-lockback is a small price to pay for the smaller profile and better concealment with the flush base plate.

For those of you (like me) who do not have the mechanical skills, tools, or desire to attempt modification, grinding feed lips, etc. on other 1911 compact magazines, this solution just plain works!

UPDATE!! So I installed a Kahr follower and spring into the Kimber mag. Went to the range this morning to try it out. Fired 50 rounds through it, combination of my carry ammo (Speer Gold Dot 200 grain +P JHP) and range ammo (WWB 230 grain ball). First of all, the slide did lock back after the last round without exception. Out of the 50 rounds, I had only 1 failure to feed, where the tip of the bullet jammed against the barrel hood. I am chalking that up to user error, as I may have limp-wristed a little.

So in summary, I now have a flush base plate magazine for my CW45 that functions reliably and locks the slide back after the last round. This was accomplished without any modifications, grinding, etc. I am now declaring this gun to be fully sorted out, and it has earned a regular spot in my carry rotation (right behind my Shield 9)!!!

01-25-2015, 07:44 PM
Inquiring minds need to know, how much $$$ invested to buy the mag and the parts to make it work correctly?

01-25-2015, 07:55 PM
These last few posts and pictures about the Kimber compact mag are very interesting and may deserve a whole new thread. I'm wondering if it would work with a 9mm. Has anyone tried a 9mm Kimber mag? Meanwhile, regarding the new Gen2 Kahrs and the new flush fitting mag plate.........Are they available for all calibers? I sure would like to clean up my cw9 and cm9.

01-25-2015, 08:13 PM
Inquiring minds need to know, how much $$$ invested to buy the mag and the parts to make it work correctly?

I purchased the Kimber magazine from Midway for $21.99 plus shipping. I used the follower and spring from one of the factory CW45 magazines I already had. So the cost of the Kimber mag was my only investment.

01-26-2015, 10:00 PM
These last few posts and pictures about the Kimber compact mag are very interesting and may deserve a whole new thread. I'm wondering if it would work with a 9mm. Has anyone tried a 9mm Kimber mag? Meanwhile, regarding the new Gen2 Kahrs and the new flush fitting mag plate.........Are they available for all calibers? I sure would like to clean up my cw9 and cm9.

Of course I could be wrong, but it looked to me like the mags are not flush fit, only trimmed down somewhat.

01-26-2015, 10:07 PM
I purchased the Kimber magazine from Midway for $21.99 plus shipping. I used the follower and spring from one of the factory CW45 magazines I already had. So the cost of the Kimber mag was my only investment.

So if you were to buy all of the parts needed you would be in for about $30 per mag.

I've always installed slam pads on 1911 mags, so while interesting I would not save anything by using 1911 mags. I would/will probably build a couple of them just to say I did. And I appreciate the good info.

Thanks, Lefty60

01-27-2015, 09:51 AM
Well, ya only need one flush mag in the pistol while carrying. Shouldn't make much difference with totin' the spare mag (or two).

01-27-2015, 10:11 AM
Of course I could be wrong, but it looked to me like the mags are not flush fit, only trimmed down somewhat.

The Kimber mag shortens the overall grip by about 1/4-1/2 inch over the stock Kahr mag, which for me makes it noticeably better for CCW.

01-27-2015, 10:13 AM
Well, ya only need one flush mag in the pistol while carrying. Shouldn't make much difference with totin' the spare mag (or two).

That's right. I only needed the one for CCW. The others I use for the range, or for spares I will leave as-is.

02-02-2015, 09:52 AM
Just did the trimming job on the Mec-Gar 6 round Officer's mag that came in the other day ($15.99). Great success with minimal grinding (maybe 15-20 seconds) with a small dremel. Only reconfigured the port side top edge in front of the feed lips & a slight bit on the starboard side. Did not have to mess with the mag catch slot at all.

It snaps in perfectly, & the slide locks back on empty while manually working it.

Will take it for range testing later in the week. Hope these pics load right side up:


02-02-2015, 10:24 AM
With its new baby brother (big bro weighs in at 27 ounces with a full tank of 230 gr fmj, while little one tips the scale at 16 ounces with 7+1 Hornady Critical Defense 90 gr FTX):


02-02-2015, 11:27 AM
Just did the trimming job on the Mec-Gar 6 round Officer's mag that came in the other day ($15.99). Great success with minimal grinding (maybe 15-20 seconds) with a small dremel. Only reconfigured the port side top edge in front of the feed lips & a slight bit on the starboard side. Did not have to mess with the mag catch slot at all.

It snaps in perfectly, & the slide locks back on empty while manually working it.

Will take it for range testing later in the week. Hope these pics load right side up:


Did you install the Kahr follower and spring to get it to lock back, or are you using the stock MecGar follower and spring?

02-02-2015, 11:45 AM
Did you install the Kahr follower and spring to get it to lock back, or are you using the stock MecGar follower and spring?

I left the MecGar follower & spring in, but won't really know how it all works until it actually gets some range work in.
It will feed a live round in just fine when using the slide release to charge it.

08-15-2015, 09:47 AM
TNMan posted some good info on flush fitting CMC magazines here: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?27410-Magazine-trails-CW-45

08-15-2015, 01:19 PM
Anybody do this to any 9mm magazines?

Nevermind I found it on Kahrs site :confused:


08-15-2015, 06:41 PM
Anybody do this to any 9mm magazines?

Nevermind I found it on Kahrs site :confused:

Whenever I buy a new CW9, my plan is to get one of those steel base plates in the Kahr link to change out the big plastic one for flush-fitting carry.

08-15-2015, 07:09 PM
That was my idea as well. Just ordered 2

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08-15-2015, 08:11 PM
On the 9mm and .40 they are not quite flush fitting, juat close. I've got a 1/2 dozen of them on my CW40 mags, and think that they are fine.

08-15-2015, 09:33 PM
On the 9mm and .40 they are not quite flush fitting, juat close. I've got a 1/2 dozen of them on my CW40 mags, and think that they are fine.

Post some pics if you can. After getting my CW380 I like the metal bottom a lot more

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-16-2015, 11:39 PM
Post some pics if you can. After getting my CW380 I like the metal bottom a lot more

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It is about 1/8 in from the mag well. Sorry no camera at this time! On my gun if it fit flush it would not lock in.

08-16-2015, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the info. I think I can deal with an 1/8"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-17-2015, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the info. I think I can deal with an 1/8"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Same here. It would be a great improvement over the standard blocky plastic plate. Little things like that make a difference when carrying concealed. Dunno why Justin Moon refuses to make the metal base plate standard for the bigger models.

12-22-2015, 01:08 PM
Over 5 years now using them.....
FWIW, here's an update: the modified mags are still going strong and without issue :)

12-22-2015, 01:34 PM
Over 5 years now using them.....
FWIW, here's an update: the modified mags are still going strong and without issue :)

And, do they ever look great! The photo is fantastic too Greg.

12-22-2015, 01:42 PM
Thank you sir! :)

12-22-2015, 02:11 PM
Do you find this flush fit magazine harder to change than the standard baseplate?

12-22-2015, 04:18 PM
Do you find this flush fit magazine harder to change than the standard baseplate?
In normal operation, I've not had any difficulty removing that particular magazine (it's a Kimpro). Obviously there's a less to grab (in comparison to a Kahr mag) if something were to occur that made the magazine more difficult to remove, but as I've not had that happen, I can't properly address it.
I should point out that the Kimpro magazine has less "front lip" to it's base plate than most of the other Officer's magazines I use. I can get a substantially better grip (front to back) on the mags with the longer "lip".
The first mag I used (still do) was this Metalform
If I were concerned about the Kimpro, the grip could be scalloped on the sides easily enough to allow extra purchase on the sides of the mag.
Something like this:

12-22-2015, 04:30 PM
Same here. It would be a great improvement over the standard blocky plastic plate. Little things like that make a difference when carrying concealed. Dunno why Justin Moon refuses to make the metal base plate standard for the bigger models.

I agree. Kahr should have a flush base plate standard on mags for the models with the longer grip handles (CW45, CT45 etc.). I also use a 1911 officer's mag in my CW45 (see my posts #348-349-350 in this thread). It does make a substantial difference in concealability.

12-23-2015, 12:42 PM
Do you find insertion of the mag into the grip more difficult with the flush baseplate? I've found the extended baseplate on the Kahr makes mag insertion much easier than on my 1911 flush mag. I can palm the mag into the Kahr, which I cannot do with the 1911.

12-23-2015, 01:39 PM
Do you find insertion of the mag into the grip more difficult with the flush baseplate? I've found the extended baseplate on the Kahr makes mag insertion much easier than on my 1911 flush mag. I can palm the mag into the Kahr, which I cannot do with the 1911.

Not really. When inserting the mag, I just give it a solid tap with the heel of my hand to seat it.

12-23-2015, 04:49 PM
Do you find insertion of the mag into the grip more difficult with the flush baseplate? I've found the extended baseplate on the Kahr makes mag insertion much easier than on my 1911 flush mag. I can palm the mag into the Kahr, which I cannot do with the 1911.

I've no issues inserting the Officer's/compact magazines into my CW45.
In comparison to the magazine fit in a 1911/1911A1, calling the Officer's/compact magazine in the CW45 "flush" is a misnomer.

12-29-2015, 03:40 AM
I know this thread is all about the CW45 but I have a CW9 and couldn't find anything about a similar solution for it. Is there a flat metal bottom solution for the CW9?

12-29-2015, 08:24 AM
I know this thread is all about the CW45 but I have a CW9 and couldn't find anything about a similar solution for it. Is there a flat metal bottom solution for the CW9?
The only flat "flat metal bottom solution" that I know of for the CW9 is to use the metal base plates that Khar offers
Here's what they look like in the pistol:

There was a guy making "flush fit" magazines for the Springfield Armory EMP. He did this by making metal plates and welding them in place. There's a "how-he-done-it" here: https://forums.1911forum.com/showthread.php?t=289542
If you are (or know someone who is) handy enough, something similar could be done for the P/CW9. There's been folks do so for the PM45: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?974-1911-Mags-in-a-PM45


12-29-2015, 09:44 PM
Not metal, but by carefully trimming a
Kahr 045PM9 Magazine Base


You can eliminate the gap of the metal base plate.

I cut it too long, and filed it until the mag just clicks in the gun...no more pinky pinching gap.
And an improvement over the stock base plate.
just sayin'

12-30-2015, 01:03 AM
The only flat "flat metal bottom solution" that I know of for the CW9 is to use the metal base plates that Khar offers
Here's what they look like in the pistol:

There was a guy making "flush fit" magazines for the Springfield Armory EMP. He did this by making metal plates and welding them in place. There's a "how-he-done-it" here: https://forums.1911forum.com/showthread.php?t=289542
If you are (or know someone who is) handy enough, something similar could be done for the P/CW9. There's been folks do so for the PM45: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?974-1911-Mags-in-a-PM45


Thanks for the great info. I will check out the links you provided. :)

01-05-2016, 04:36 PM
I just picked up a CW45, and so far like it. I modified a Kimber Officer mag with the Kahr internals, and it seems to work fine.

From what I've read the Mec-Gar MGCO4506 6rd Officer's mag will work with no mods. Is this correct?? Where's the best place to get them??

01-06-2016, 09:02 PM
I just picked up a CW45, and so far like it. I modified a Kimber Officer mag with the Kahr internals, and it seems to work fine.

From what I've read the Mec-Gar MGCO4506 6rd Officer's mag will work with no mods. Is this correct?? Where's the best place to get them??

Bought my nickel plated Officer's mag here, but those are out of stock - they still have some blue ones:


01-07-2016, 06:28 AM
Thanks for the link, ArmyBrat. I've found a few on eBay for 18-19 dollars with free shipping.

02-29-2016, 08:38 PM
Hey guys, just found this forum, I own two cw45s and a cw380.
I carry my cw45 with two kimber KimPro Tac compact 7 round mags. I removed 1/16" from the top lip of the mag (similar to the beginning of this thread) in order to keep it flush with the frame. I've noticed some mags require quite a bit more. These mags run flawlessly with the stock internals, and the follower locks the slide back as it should when the mag is empty. I had found these through a post somewhere else. Some guns will run these without modification. One of my cw45s would run these stock but with some slide contact, the other one wouldn't at all. All my mags now run flawlessly in both guns. I also have a colt 7 round officers mag that runs well but will not lock the slide back due to the follower design.
The 7 round compact pro Tac mags are a great way to get an extra round in a reliable flush fit mag.

The kimber stainless pro Tac mags can be found for around 22 bucks up to 30+ depending on where you look.

03-01-2016, 04:01 PM
OneWheelLess, is the part number 1100813?

03-01-2016, 06:32 PM
Yes, that is the right part #.

03-01-2016, 06:50 PM
I hope I did this right
http://i555.photobucket.com/albums/jj471/OneWheelLess/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg (http://s555.photobucket.com/user/OneWheelLess/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg.html)

03-03-2016, 04:46 PM

Yes, that is the right part #.

03-23-2016, 08:37 PM
Before coming across this post, I bought the Kimber Kimpro Tac Mag for my CW45. It takes a bit to seat, but runs great (although only occasional slide lock) and solves a premature mag dump with Underwood 255s.

Question -- what should I look for to determine if I need some kind of modification on this magazine.

PS, slide lock not important to me -- flush mag and no mag dump is.



03-23-2016, 10:03 PM
Before coming across this post, I bought the Kimber Kimpro Tac Mag for my CW45. It takes a bit to seat, but runs great (although only occasional slide lock) and solves a premature mag dump with Underwood 255s.

Question -- what should I look for to determine if I need some kind of modification on this magazine.

PS, slide lock not important to me -- flush mag and no mag dump is.


If your mag "takes a bit to seat" when empty and the slide is forward, you probably need to take some material off the top front of the magazine (forward of the feed lips).
If your mag "takes a bit to seat" with the slide locked back you probably need to look at for a clearance issue at the mag well opening. This can be corrected by removing material from the magazine's lock window:
...or modifying the frame:

03-24-2016, 08:43 AM
Thanks Greg -- Do either of these conditions pose any problems other than making the mag a bit hard to seat?



If your mag "takes a bit to seat" when empty and the slide is forward, you probably need to take some material off the top front of the magazine (forward of the feed lips).
If your mag "takes a bit to seat" with the slide locked back you probably need to look at for a clearance issue at the mag well opening. This can be corrected by removing material from the magazine's lock window:
...or modifying the frame:

03-24-2016, 10:43 AM
Thanks Greg -- Do either of these conditions pose any problems other than making the mag a bit hard to seat?


IMO, the slide hitting the top of the magazine (or, as in the video, the extractor hitting it) is never a good thing. I feel it could contribute to feed, extraction, or ejection issues as well as unintentional mag drops. I've modified all my magazines to eliminate the chance of this happening. As the material removed is ahead of the feed lips, I've not seen the mod have any effect on how rounds feed from the magazine. FWIW, if I install 1911 followers back into the modified mags (I use Kahr followers and springs in my Officers/compact mags), they work without issue in my Officer/compact frame size Colt.

With the other condition, as long as you get full lock (plus, no dropped magazines) and you don't mind the extra effort required to seat the mag, I'd guess the major concern would be the little room for error when inserting a mag under duress (you might also consider that there could be accelerated wear on the mag latch or magazine). If it were my pistol, I'd still make an adjustment so that the mag is easier to seat.


03-24-2016, 11:36 AM
Thanks Greg!

I just hate messing with anything that works. It's not the mag catch and it only takes moderate pressure to seat the empty mag with the slide in battery.

I was getting some random magazine dumps with the Kahr mag that came with the gun. I tried the "Velcro" fix outline on the site without success. The Kimber mag (as is) solved that problem with no fail to feed issues.

I don't care about reload capability as this is my pocket gun (in pocket holster). If situation looks suspicious, I can have my hand in my pocket on the gun without anyone the wiser. As long as it functions with one mag it will serve it's intended purpose. I carry a 2nd, .44 mag revolver strong side while out and about.

With all that said, I suspect it would only take a couple of passes with a file to relieve the tight mag seating.

Thanks for all you help and the excellent thread/links covering most potential problems with CW45.


03-24-2016, 05:59 PM
You're totin' some serious lead launchers there!

Good stuff.

04-28-2016, 07:04 AM
Not having a smaller 45 kahr not sure if any of this will relate . I'm use mostly 8 round mags in my CT45 , 4cmc mags , a Kimber and a couple stock old gi 7 round mags . I found enough tolerance difference to know each one has to be looked at a bit differently . All needed some metal removed in front of the feed lips, all mine had a folded metal follower and the tip bend down parallel to the slide . The 8 rounders fit so tightly they all needed a bit more wiggle room to take pressure off the brass rubbing against the slide and a 1/10th removed from the top of the slide lock slot gave them the wiggle room the 8 round mag needed to insert properly and easily loaded and allowed the slide to function as if the stock mag was in it .

Not sure if much of this related to the cw / p series 45 . I look at any mag as I do the pistol and have to prof them along with any handgun . I'll pick a few, number them and use them for brake in and as time goes by the first 3 get used as carry mags with occasional range use and others become general use range mags that get proofed over time . Pistol seems to be tolerant of minor difference do to my lack of quality cuts !!

04-28-2016, 07:44 AM
I have another post earlier in this thread but I guess I'm too lazy to find it in such a long thread.

In any case, I have been using this Kimber compact mag in my CW45 for CCW. I installed the Kahr spring and follower and it has worked pretty much flawlessly without any modification. The slide locks back reliably after the last round just as a Kahr OEM Mag would.



04-29-2016, 08:17 PM
Last session out with my CW45, the MecGar Officer's mag fed all the boolets just fine, but failed to lock back on the last round - it still has the MecGar spring & metal follower. The factory Kahr mags all fed properly and did lock back on the last round, but am still going to carry it with the flush-fitter MecGar.

10-15-2016, 10:53 PM
I tried to follow suggestions in this thread, but failed pretty badly at it. Only 1 of the converted magazines works somewhat reliably, but it does not lock on empty. The rest jam on feeding or miss the pickup and let the slide close on an empty chamber. At this point I decided that it's easier to cut losses and bought factory magazines. 1 out of 3 refuses to work :-)

10-16-2016, 11:12 AM
Bummer. See the (bad) mags for parts.


10-16-2016, 03:50 PM
I tried to follow suggestions in this thread, but failed pretty badly at it. Only 1 of the converted magazines works somewhat reliably, but it does not lock on empty. The rest jam on feeding or miss the pickup and let the slide close on an empty chamber. At this point I decided that it's easier to cut losses and bought factory magazines. 1 out of 3 refuses to work :-)
Looking at your photo, it appears to me that you are using 1911 magazines with "Devel' style followers. You might improve reliability with these magazines by bending the front of the follower down a bit (similar to the magazine on the far right in the photo below):
Then again this might not help and, even if it does, it's been my experience that this style follower (or most 1911 followers) will not lock a CW45 slide back consistently.
Have you tried a Kahr follower and spring in any of your modified 1911 magazines? This combo has worked without issue for me in my CW45.

11-28-2016, 09:12 PM
Here's my first attempt at modifying a MecGar officers mag. I tried to mimic the shape of the factory mag. I also stole the follower and spring from a factory mag a la Greg. It cycles whole rounds fine and locks the slide back. I'll range test it soon. I have three more to build if this one works well.

In the top photo the modified mag is in the center. It's on the left in the bottom photo.

11-28-2016, 11:43 PM
I took the mags that came with my new P45 apart to clean them. The 7-rounder had a 14-coil spring... the same that the 5 and 6-rounders use. It is 4 coils short and before too long will not reliably feed or lock the slide back... too little spring. The replacement coils are 18 coils and a real b!tch to install!. I put a spare into that one with much trouble and cussing!

All of 7 of my 7-rounders were like that when the 5's and 6's springs started shattering. All of the springs were replaced by Kahr, but recently I found that one of the replacement 5-rounder springs had shattered.

I have 5 more 7-rounders inbound to replace the split ones and will check those out for correct springs. I will report findings to the head of customer service who has worked with me on my PM45 replacement. I think that there are a lot of 7-round Kahr mags out there with the wrong springs that could cause problems.

I ordered some more spring/follower kits at $15 each from Kahr... beats about $22 for the two parts separately! These are for the 1911 mags. I still have to test the two 7-rounders at the range some more, but they won't insert fully with the slide forward and 7 rounds loaded. I'll have to leave the slide back and chamber that 7th round for carry... 6+1+7(spare).

Wynn :)

11-29-2016, 11:33 AM
Here's my first attempt at modifying a MecGar officers mag. I tried to mimic the shape of the factory mag. I also stole the follower and spring from a factory mag a la Greg. It cycles whole rounds fine and locks the slide back. I'll range test it soon. I have three more to build if this one works well.

In the top photo the modified mag is in the center. It's on the left in the bottom photo.
Excellent! Good fortune to you with the range test.

05-02-2017, 02:52 PM
Stopped by my favorite local gun shop yesterday to trade my HK P30L in for something else and noticed they had several Kahr pistols in their used display.
One was a P45, another was a PM45. They were kind enough to allow me to stick my spare flush fit CW45 magazine into the P45 for a couple of quick comparison photos with the PM45 9on top it both photos).

08-28-2017, 09:26 PM
Recently bought a CW9, which of course cones with the standard mag that has the big chunky plastic base plate. I sprung for the flat steel replacement plate that "almost" fits flush. Pretty pricey for two little bitty pieces of steel, and $8+ mailing?
Took less than a minute to put on, and no, I didn't launch the old one when disassembling. :p


01-07-2018, 05:20 PM
This is great it looks 100% better than the Kahr mags.

03-08-2019, 08:26 PM
Iv heard that the 1911 officers mags by ACT work perfectly without mods

06-04-2020, 11:57 AM
Iv heard that the 1911 officers mags by ACT work perfectly without mods
I have a new p45 and about 300 rounds or so through it. The slide does not reliably lock back all the time, it does some of the time but not always. Thoughts on why or how to correct it? This is with the Act Officers mag which does hold 7 rounds but is about the size of the facotry 6 round mag

06-04-2020, 12:50 PM
If I remember correctly you can give a slight more bend to the follower portion that pushes up the slide lock. At least that’s what I’m thinking.

06-04-2020, 12:58 PM
I have a new p45 and about 300 rounds or so through it. The slide does not reliably lock back all the time, it does some of the time but not always. Thoughts on why or how to correct it? This is with the Act Officers mag which does hold 7 rounds but is about the size of the facotry 6 round mag

Get an original Kahr mag. I only use non-Kahr mags for reloads, where I don't care if the slide locks back or not. I have about an 80% success rate getting the slide to lock on the mag follower with Wilson Combat 8 round mags.

06-04-2020, 04:07 PM
I have a new p45 and about 300 rounds or so through it. The slide does not reliably lock back all the time, it does some of the time but not always. Thoughts on why or how to correct it? This is with the Act Officers mag which does hold 7 rounds but is about the size of the facotry 6 round magI've yet to find a dedicated 1911 follower that will consistently lock back the slide when used in a Kahr pistol. On the other hand, I have used a Kahr follower and spring in an Officers/compact magazine tube for close to ten years now without a single magazine related failure that I can remember. You only get six that way, but it's a reliable flush fitting magazine. I carry a 7 round officers/compact mag as a spare or use one if I'm not carrying a spare. In either case, I don't care if the slide locks back when it's empty. Most 1911 followers I've tried feed without issue, but I feel that the "Devel" style follower should have the top of the follower bent down.

01-26-2022, 10:42 PM
Okay, I have been using the MecGar Officer's mags in my CW45 for carry and the fullsize 8 round mags for my spare. So far the MecGars have been flawless with over 150 rounds through each of the 4 in the rotation. Surprisingly, they have also locked the slide back when empty. I am very grateful for the suggestions of my fellow forumites!

10-30-2022, 05:05 PM
Does anyone have an insider at Kahr who can explain why they don't offer the obviously desired option of a flush fit P45 magazine? When I've emailed them they politely told me to look in the aftermarket market. But I don't think (please correct me if I'm wrong) that ANY magazine makers offer anything for the Kahr P45, flush or otherwise.

10-31-2022, 02:50 PM
Okay, I have been using the MecGar Officer's mags in my CW45 for carry and the fullsize 8 round mags for my spare. So far the MecGars have been flawless with over 150 rounds through each of the 4 in the rotation. Surprisingly, they have also locked the slide back when empty. I am very grateful for the suggestions of my fellow forumites!

To the best of my knowledge Kahr doesn't make their own mags. I'm not sure who does but someone will throw in here in short order.

10-31-2022, 10:19 PM
To the best of my knowledge Kahr doesn't make their own mags. I'm not sure who does but someone will throw in here in short order.

My brother in law knew someone who worked in a machine shop in Worcester, MA that made the magazines. I never got the name of it, but they don't sell them anyway.

12-28-2022, 09:27 PM
I've been having luck with a Chip McCormick Custom Officer's mag using the Kahr follower in my P45. While it does lessen the overhang of the Kahr Plastic Pinkie mag plate, it, unfortunately, will still only hold 6 rounds (due to the follower perhaps) rather than the 7 rounds advertised for the mag.

My full size Kimber mag works well functionally, so I have a Kimber 1911 Officer's mag on order and we'll see if I can get flush fit and 7 rounds out of that.

I find it interesting that on Greg's original post many years ago, the 1911 mag base is flush/parallel to the Kahr he shows. You can see below that the angle of the McCormick mag has a tilt/angle which does not match the bottom of my P45 grip. Comments invited.

My first attempt at photos:


12-30-2022, 05:42 PM
OK, the Kimber Officer's Mag arrived today.
I slightly enlarged the top of the mag catch slot until the mag stayed in place.
I then slightly reduced the sides of the top of the mag until the slide traveled freely and picked up dummy rounds from the mag.
After trying to manipulate the metal follower lips of the Kimber mag, I put in the follower from one of my P45 mags.
Although I haven't shot it yet, dummy rounds seem to feed and eject and lock back after last is gone.
The mag only holds 6 instead of the 7 that it should and I might try to address that with spring alteration.
First I want to take it out to the range this weekend if the monsoon stops and check firing function.
As the photo below shows, the bottom of the 1911 mag has a slightly different angle than the bottom of the P45, but it's close to flush.
I ordered a couple P45 followers and one for a P9 mag, as I have an officers 9mm 1911 mag on order to try the same process with my new P9.
Fingers crossed!


12-31-2022, 06:19 PM
Kimber Officer's mag, as I altered it, worked fine today as a 6 rounder. Next step I guess, is to mess with the spring and see if I can get 7 rounds in, although that might not be possible using the Kahr follower.

I apologize if that's been addressed, but I simply haven't had time to go through 12+ years of this thread.

08-03-2023, 03:51 PM
My grandson now has my old CW9, so as reported I bought an S9 (on that $268 sale) to replace it.
Of course it comes with two factory mags with the plastic magazine base plates, plus I ordered three more factory 7 rounders with the same plastic bases. All five are extremely difficult to snap in the pistol properly.
Ordered two metal base plate sets from Kahr and just put them on, and the mags are easy to snap in place.
$40 including shipping is quite a racket.

08-04-2023, 02:27 AM
To get the other magazines to fit, just sand a very small bit from the bottom of the mag well on the S9. Works wonders for mine.

08-04-2023, 10:40 AM
To get the other magazines to fit, just sand a very small bit from the bottom of the mag well on the S9. Works wonders for mine.

Yes, that’s the plan.
My thumbs are a bit sore after dealing with the springs on those two mags though, even with a paper clip stuck through the last hole to keep it in place.
Didn’t launch anything. ;)