View Full Version : Why no K45?

02-17-2020, 11:29 AM
Anyone have an opinion on why Kahr has never produced a steel .45? Or did they, and I just haven't encountered it?

02-17-2020, 12:21 PM
I've no idea why they haven't, but it seems to me that the 45 guns are the bastard step-children of the line up (IE, there is still no metal base plate for the 45 mags). I think they need more love. My P45(cw) is certainly my favorite Kahr pistol and one of my favorite semiautos in .45ACP.

02-17-2020, 12:22 PM
That question has been ask by many including me, but no answer was even given.

02-17-2020, 01:10 PM
Well, I'm glad I didn't miss one that they had. I would love to have a K45, and to have Kahr also make extended mags for them. To me it seems that it would be a no-brainer. But then I've never started a company and made it successful.

It also seems to stand to reason that the "justification" of carrying such a heavy weapon with so few rounds would make its availability in .45acp all the more logical. If the PM45 works well, and has sold well for them, it's almost unfathomable why they haven't produced a steel version.

02-17-2020, 03:46 PM
I would LOVE to have 6-round mags with flush-fitting steel base plates for my P45. I tried MANY different 1911 officer mags, even with Kahr followers and springs, but nothing would reliably feed and hold the slide back on empty.

I kind of gave up after bad .45 magazine springs from Kahr and then they switched to the shortest mag springs for all .45's... 12 versus 16 coils. I put some Wolff 16-coil 9mm/.40 mag springs... the 8-rounders... in my 7-round Kahr mags... seems to work or have enough strength. 12 coils gave me fits in 7-round .45 mags.

02-19-2020, 07:14 PM
K45 would definitiely be on my to-buy list if it popped up.

02-19-2020, 10:31 PM
I would buy one in a second if they were made available. My MK40N is already my favorite Kahr of the eight I have owned, [Still have four] even though I don't care for the caliber. It's my smallest pistol but it is still, for me, the most accurate of my eight Kahrs.

02-20-2020, 08:30 AM
The MK40 which also one of my favorites begs another question. Why no MK45? With perhaps a slightly longer grip than the .40, to still allow for 5+1 capacity in .45?

02-20-2020, 09:25 AM
I would buy one in a second if they were made available. My MK40N is already my favorite Kahr of the eight I have owned, [Still have four] even though I don't care for the caliber. It's my smallest pistol but it is still, for me, the most accurate of my eight Kahrs.It's your favorite Kahr, most accurate, but you don't like the caliber? Wish I would have known that. I would have traded you an MK9 for it. Don't understand the caliber thing. My favorite caliber. If you get all of that with a firearm, how could you not like the caliber????? After all, it's not a range gun, so there was no need to punish your hand, if that was the issue. I think that anyone who thinks that an MK in .45 would be any/much different than .40 is really asking/hoping for more than what's there. Small gun, big caliber, mucho recoil. That's it. Only advantage would be if you shoot or own many other .45 cal firearms.:yo: A K model would definitely be a different story.:)

02-20-2020, 12:41 PM
I own fifteen pistols, one 9mm-a gift, two 40's, and twelve 45's. One 40 is a high capacity HK USP with night sights which makes a good HDW, and of course, the MK40N. I have been a fan of the 45 APC since the sixties when I shot a 1911 on a military pistol team. The 45's are three SIG's, Three HK's, one S&W, Two Kahrs, and a Kimber, Detonics CM and a SA 1911.

From my experience with the 45, I think a MK45 would have less recoil than the MK40, or at least a smoother and less violent one due to the much lower speed bullet.

02-20-2020, 02:25 PM
I agree. I attended a Winchester ammo seminar/demonstration that was put on at our local prison shooting range which our department also used. They did a lot of shooting into gelatin block, glass, denim all kinds of stuff mostly to get agencies to switch to Winchester ammo of course.
They had a table set up and a Gal (I got severely chewed out once for calling a lady a gal but I still do it now and then) shooting 9mm and 40. I think she was a prison employee. Then a guy shooting a 45.
Anyhow most everyone there could care less and weren't even paying a lot of attention. Mostly again prison guards, probably 40 or more but I was interested and in the chair I was practically right next to the shooters.
I was chatting up the shooters in general and don't recall why it came up but I asked why she was shooting the 9 and 40 and the other guy the 45, if they were their guns or what?
She said she couldn't handle the recoil of the 45????? I asked if she'd ever shot it and she said no their instructor just told her it was too much for a "Gal".
I told her next test she was shooting the 45, she was reluctant but agreeable and the guy was ok too. She came away with a whole new point of view on 45's and wanted nothing more to do with that 40.
I have a K40 which shoots great and I like it except it has just too much muzzle flip. Not painful and I could shoot it all day but takes a day and a half to get lined up for a second shot, really not recoil but muzzle flip. That being said some people love them and want nothing else. In a full size gun 40 is fine and dandy.
I was afflicted with the same kind of deal, my dad as I grew up convinced me there was not worse punishment than shooting a 12 gauge shotgun and never to shoot one no matter what. My dad was not a gun guy and I of course learned otherwise, it was a hard lesson. Friend invited me to shoot his and I was like no way. I watched him shoot and it didn't look bad, so I gave it a try.
Nothing to it till the third or forth shot. He loaded like 7's or 9's girly man loads and then slipped in a 3'' mag Slug.
You guessed it, bang, bang, bang, crap where's my shoulder go. He always was kind of an a hole.

02-20-2020, 03:31 PM
I would buy one in a second if they were made available. My MK40N is already my favorite Kahr of the eight I have owned, [Still have four] even though I don't care for the caliber. -It's my smallest pistol but it is still, for me, the most accurate of my eight Kahrs. He said it, I didn't:)

02-20-2020, 05:39 PM
Love my MK40 Elite.
Bought as a pocket gun.
But it's a little heavy for that.
If I had it to do over again would have gotten a K40 Elite.
Personally would love a K45 Commander Elite with a 4.25" 1911 Commander like slide and barrel.
Since we are all just dreaming... :cool:

A Kahr K45 that is about this size :cool:
That works for me.
Come on Kahr, this would sell like hot cakes...

02-21-2020, 07:45 AM
Y'all are making me want to take my Ruger P90 out for a spin.

02-21-2020, 11:17 AM
Love my MK40 Elite.
Bought as a pocket gun.
But it's a little heavy for that.
If I had it to do over again would have gotten a K40 Elite.
Personally would love a K45 Commander Elite with a 4.25" 1911 Commander like slide and barrel.
Since we are all just dreaming... :cool:

A Kahr K45 that is about this size :cool:
That works for me.
Come on Kahr, this would sell like hot cakes...

It don't get no better than that Valor. If heaven forbid I could only have one pistol, that would most likely be it. Or more accurately my CBob which is pretty similar. One of my hands down favorites, it and my PM45 and I'm ready for the day.

02-21-2020, 03:23 PM
Yep, the Valor is nice for sure. But then the Guardian is nothing to shake a stick at either :)

02-21-2020, 03:42 PM
Totally agree, all the Dan Wessons especially since CZ took the wheel are nice. Sad that the prices went through the roof but they are worth it in my tiny little opinion.
I'd like to add a 9 little brother for my CBob if there are enough days.

02-21-2020, 04:02 PM
Rich people :p


02-21-2020, 04:27 PM
Rich people :p


You mean rich, broke people? :madgrin:

02-21-2020, 04:57 PM
You mean rich, broke people? :madgrin:

02-21-2020, 05:10 PM
First CBob I ever saw was at out local gun show. Mint condition and I could have brought it home for like 750 bucks. But I wasn't sure, didn't know anything about them, history, track record so I left it.
Course it was gone at the next show and then the VBob came out. I got my CBob online from North Carolina for a little over 1200 as I recall. Like the SOCOM's and M14 variations, used to be 6 or 700 everyday, then along came Clinton and over night 1500-1800 and up.

02-21-2020, 05:37 PM
$1,500 for my V-Bob NIB.
It's the only 1911 I own.
Just really wanted one (no MIM parts) quality 1911.
Wilson Combat, Nighthawk and Les Baer are just to pricey for me.

Plus being able to field strip the V-Bob with no tools is pure sweetness... :)

02-21-2020, 06:08 PM
Just picked up the Guardian today, NIB. Price was right in between the CBOB and VBOB. Had to wait the 10 days for background check this time, arggg. Gone are the days when we could walk in with our carry permit and walk out with our gun. At least it allowed time for the grips to come in while waiting. Gotta try to look at the bright side. Another plus is that I learned last night our State's two gun control bills to limit mag capacity and "assault rifles" never made it out of committee in time to be voted on this session. Won't be happening this year. Ha!

I agree on your statements about the quality, and the pricey, custom 1911's Barth. Out of my wage bracket. My only 1911 also, though I do have other SA hammer fired guns.

02-21-2020, 07:35 PM
You must be in Washington, they renamed the magazine bill so it's not gone forever and there's no time limit on it, so it's not over but a definite stay of execution. Part of the revised bill is funding so the State Patrol can offer a buy back.
And now those that had hi cap mags before the ban can only have them on their property or at an official range and they have to be transported empty and kept at home separate from the guns.
Welcome to California North.

02-21-2020, 07:43 PM
Just so everyone knows.
West of the Mason–Dixon line is still the Free Zone.
You may want to consider Arizona :cool:

02-21-2020, 08:38 PM
I kind of am already. My daughter and her husband just bought 160 acres in Montana, it'll be a few years before they get power, water and a house on it but with grandkids we'll probably have to follow which if it works out if fine by me. Long as I can shoot out my back door or very close I'll be a happy camper.

02-21-2020, 08:39 PM
You must be in Washington, they renamed the magazine bill so it's not gone forever and there's no time limit on it, so it's not over but a definite stay of execution. Part of the revised bill is funding so the State Patrol can offer a buy back.
And now those that had hi cap mags before the ban can only have them on their property or at an official range and they have to be transported empty and kept at home separate from the guns.
Welcome to California North.

I think the bills are dead, until next session/year aren't they Colonel? No changes for this year?

02-21-2020, 08:45 PM
Not really, in typical fashion they are trying a sneaky end play. See below.

Despite the bills to ban standard capacity magazines failing to meet the crossover deadline, anti-gun legislators are playing procedural games in an attempt to resurrect this legislation. They introduced House Bill 2947 with much of the same language as the previous bills plus a “buy-back” provision in order to make this an appropriations bill that is not subject to the same deadlines. Additionally, the title of the bill has been changed in an effort to limit amendments on the floor.

Please contact your state representative to express your disappointment in this stunt and ask them to OPPOSE HB 2947.
Click Here Take Action

House Bill 2947 bans the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of magazines that hold more than fifteen rounds of ammunition. It appropriates funds for the State Patrol to conduct a “buy-back.” Those who own non-compliant magazines prior to the ban are only allowed to possess them on their own property and in other limited instances such as at licensed shooting ranges or while hunting. Restricted magazines have to be transported unloaded and locked separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them unavailable for self-defense.

02-21-2020, 09:51 PM
Hopefully the Pubs can do to this what they did to the first one. If not, 15 is better than 10, but they'll keep chipping away until they've got 'em all.

When you get down to it, we should be able to use a howitzer for self-defense if need be. The way that's headed they'll be turning people who are protecting themselves and their loved ones with a 17rd magazine in their firearm into criminals.

02-21-2020, 10:32 PM
It was always 15 on this go around. They will continue to chip but we won't give them an inch and if they want me to be a criminal then so be it.

Not really an issue for me anyhow but it still matters, I usually only hold 8 except my Canik which holds 20 but don't carry it at least so far.

02-22-2020, 08:56 AM
I did think they were intending to limit to 10, which is one reason that I picked up the Guardian. I'm glad to learn that I was wrong about the number, though it's still concerning that they're intent on infringing on our Rights, even to the point of doing it in an underhanded manner.

Regardless though I'm glad I bought the 1911. It's a remarkable gun.