View Full Version : Curious about the S models......anyone put a light onto their railed Kahr?
02-24-2020, 03:43 PM
I think (correct me if I am wrong) but the "S" models have a rail for mounting lasers and flashlights? Is that so?
If that is correct....has anyone done so?
02-24-2020, 04:01 PM
That is correct. S9 has a rail.
02-25-2020, 01:30 AM
I have an S9. The only thing I have put on the rail is a MantisX
02-25-2020, 03:17 PM that the draw speed calculating device I see advertised on ASP?
02-26-2020, 11:55 PM that the draw speed calculating device I see advertised on ASP?The high end X10 does that...I just have the X3 which tracks aim wander before, during trigger pull, and after firing. It's really good at catching my bad habits and making me conscious of training out of them.
02-27-2020, 12:16 AM
Let me has to have a smartphone to make that work, right?
02-29-2020, 12:17 AM
Yep, but it works fine with the cheapo Umidigi A3
02-29-2020, 12:45 AM
What is a Umidigi A3?
03-01-2020, 12:00 AM
What is a Umidigi A3?Probably the cheapest 2020-model Android phone that is actually useable at $99
03-11-2020, 05:25 AM
I don't get the light on a gun thing. Illuminate what you may not want to shoot and give the bad person a point of aim.
But it looks cool.
03-11-2020, 08:03 AM
I get the gun-mounted light concept. However, I don't think there is much utility for the average person. Also, holsters, are going to require a custom really "custom." As in pay the guy a lot extra and have him take a year to get around to it pending existing orders for his other normal "custom" work. For the idea to be useful, one really needs to have the light on the firearm from the start and that means holster made for the light already on the firearm. I would think the holster maker would require one's firearm and chosen light in order to mold around it as well.
Also, one would still need a second flashlight, because doing a search with a gun pointed at everything is likely to get awkward very quickly and would definitely qualify as "brandishing" and/or "aggravated assault." Finally, the reason for a gun-mounted light isn't the best thing for the regular gun owner, non-police, to be doing.....solo building and property searches for burglars.
I don't get the light on a gun thing. Illuminate what you may not want to shoot and give the bad person a point of aim.
But it looks cool.
Depends on what you're doing with the gun, and where and when you're doing it. Clearing a house it's best to see the bad guy before they see you. Or to move around something rather than bumping into it. Or to possibly blind them temporarily. Also lights can generally be turned on and off easily. Conditional thing making them go from possibly vital to not necessary depending on the situation at hand.
03-11-2020, 08:13 AM
Well that's fine but does one carry that flashlight around in a pocket to mount to the rail as needed? Does the average gun owner do house clearance that often?
I have done a house own house.....but what I really should have done was called in police to do it for me. Frankly, I couldn't believe someone was really in there, I didn't want to wait hours for police to show up (and it does take hours where I am), plus they'd all wear their shoes and get God-only-knows-what tracked into my carpets. Back then I didn't carry a flashlight at all and the power was still on to the house....I flipped on the light as I entered each room.
Now these days (since 2012) I carry a tactical light as part of my daily loadout....high beam, strobe, and low light functions. It's one of the most utilitarian tools I have and I often wonder how I lived so long without it. I can also shoot one-handed pretty well....I practice that every time I hit the range.
Now don't get me wrong guys.....I am not against a rail on anything.....I just don't see the utility for non-police. If the holsters were there for the S Model Kahr mounting the common tactical lights, I might buy one then.
03-11-2020, 08:17 AM
I put a green laser on my S9, no light. I like the laser. ;)
03-11-2020, 08:23 AM
Ripley....that's neat. I have tried the CTC "Laserguards" that mount to the trigger guards of the P9 and CW 45 but I found those to be uncomfortable for shooting and they could not be turned "off" for practice. Also, the laser on the CW 45 seems to lose its zero under recoil. I have since removed both.
What holster do you use for the S9 with laser mounted to the rail?
Well that's fine but does one carry that flashlight around in a pocket to mount to the rail as needed? Does the average gun owner do house clearance that often?
I have done a house own house.....but what I really should have done was called in police to do it for me. Frankly, I couldn't believe someone was really in there, I didn't want to wait hours for police to show up (and it does take hours where I am), plus they'd all wear their shoes and get God-only-knows-what tracked into my carpets. Back then I didn't carry a flashlight at all and the power was still on to the house....I flipped on the light as I entered each room.
Now these days (since 2012) I carry a tactical light as part of my daily loadout....high beam, strobe, and low light functions. It's one of the most utilitarian tools I have and I often wonder how I lived so long without it. I can also shoot one-handed pretty well....I practice that every time I hit the range.
Now don't get me wrong guys.....I am not against a rail on anything.....I just don't see the utility for non-police. If the holsters were there for the S Model Kahr mounting the common tactical lights, I might buy one then.
I don't carry a light, on my person or on my EDC. Strictly for HD. Doesn't matter how often I may have to clear my house, or even if I ever will, the lights are there in the event I need one. By the same token, how many armed citizens ever need to draw or use their weapon in self defense? The infinitesimally small number would seem to indicate that carrying is not necessary. Yet we do, because something bad could happen.
Again the need for a light is a conditional thing. If you know you will be in situations where a light may be needed then by all means carry one. At my age I'm seldom out after dark, so I don't carry one on a daily basis. I have one but will not carry it unless I know I'm going to be out after dark or in a dark environment. On the other hand I sleep in a dark house, every night.
03-11-2020, 08:56 AM
I live in a smaller house. I don't need a light. I have my home memorized in the dark, every nook and cranny. There wouldn't be a place for someone to hide. The only light I need is in the woods after dark, preferably a red light. Something that is difficult for someone else to see at night and a light that doesn't affect your night vision.
03-11-2020, 08:59 AM
I sleep during the day.....have for hundreds of years. LOL. *I have slept during the day when I worked nights. :-)
Well then having the S9 is purely by choice? Since you only use it for home defense, you could also use a larger firearm with a rail, correct?
My question with this thread....was concerning carrying the S9 for self defense and getting use out of the rail. *I just reviewed my opening post and I could have been more specific.
*I strongly urge everyone to carry a just cannot imagine the utility you'll get out of it.
Have to admit that I didn't read all the way back to the beginning of the thread. So my posts were more along the lines of addressing lights on weapons in general. Sorry for hijacking the thread. I don't use my S9 for HD, I have better options for that. I actually bought it to give to my son as soon as he's ready to responsibly own and carry one. I will always consider Kahrs to be a good option for those just entering the world of self defense. And rail on the S9 provides options that other Kahr pistols do not. Great little guns, all of them.
03-11-2020, 10:13 AM
Gosh no, you haven't "hijacked" anything! Comments are appreciated.....and I have enjoyed your contribution.
If the holsters were there, especially a thumb break and more so, if Safariland made an ALS for the S model, I'd get one and put a light on it myself!
Also, I think you've done a great thing for your you two go out and shoot?
We do, but not enough, yet. Without anything on the rail I have a Blackhawk quik-detachable holster for it. Attaches to the belt with snaps and has a thumbbreak. His young eyes don't need a laser or light at this point, and I think he'll be better off without them until he's got more experience and more thought into the process.
03-11-2020, 11:44 AM
We do, but not enough, yet. Without anything on the rail I have a Blackhawk quik-detachable holster for it. Attaches to the belt with snaps and has a thumbbreak. His young eyes don't need a laser or light at this point, and I think he'll be better off without them until he's got more experience and more thought into the process.
Does Blackhawk still make that? I haven't been able to find it.
I really got into the laser thing as in "laser on every defensive handgun" but have dropped it for the polymer Kahrs.
I think those are a good idea in the dark but I find I turn mine off when I practice at the range.
They've been discontinued for awhile but I see them on ebay every time I look. You're looking for a 23 if memory serves. After lunch I'll double check and if it's different I'll update this post. Actually, had a picture of one of mine on my computer. It is a 23
03-11-2020, 12:42 PM
Thanks man. Finding a good thumb break to fit a Kahr P9 would be great.
You're very welcome. If you can't find a 23 you might look for an 02 which is for Glock 9/40, though it is sized the best for a Glock 42 or 43. The inboard side of the thumbbreak is adjustable, and so I've used my 02 for more than one gun, including a Beretta 84FS. The S9 fits a little looser in the holster than it does in the 23 but my 23 is for my MKs and others so I have my 02 set aside for my son's S9. These are quality leather holsters and I can't for the life of me figure out why Blackhawk discontinued them. I use owb snap holsters for all of my EDC guns these days, regardless of brand of holster.
03-12-2020, 03:19 PM
Depends on what you're doing with the gun, and where and when you're doing it. Clearing a house it's best to see the bad guy before they see you. Or to move around something rather than bumping into it. Or to possibly blind them temporarily. Also lights can generally be turned on and off easily. Conditional thing making them go from possibly vital to not necessary depending on the situation at hand.
I prefer to have a light in the off hand. Unless the bad guy is blind, he can see your light as one is looking for him. In the old days I was trained not to hold the light on my center mass, as arm extended in front of you. A very good aim point for the bad guy. But times and methods change.
I would not recommend leaving a light on as you're trying to clear the house. Or even using it at all if your eyes have already adjusted to the darkness in the middle of the night. Being on your home ground and potentially having a slight advantage in night vision may make it unnecessary to use your light to search. But when the time comes to make a decision, having it and being able to "light 'em up" in order to properly identify the threat, potentially blind it, and then to take a well aimed and justified shot might make a all the difference. Better to have it and use it (wisely and tactically), than to need it and not have it. Just my $.02
03-12-2020, 04:16 PM
It is also extremely unwise in my small value opinion to search using a light on the weapon, there's a lot going on, adrenaline is flowing like a river and it's easy to mix up the light switch and the trigger. We've seen officers shoot their weapon thinking they were shooting their taser, adrenaline can make strange stuff happen.
We've heard of many wanting a Kahr or a Glock, something without a safety as they are concerned they will forget to take it off safe, I'd be more concerned forgetting to put the safety back on myself but this is also an example of stuff that goes out the window when you take a big gulp of adrenaline.
As dao mentioned, light in the off hand and a light on the weapon only to be used when a potential target is located.
03-13-2020, 04:59 AM
But that's not what happens on TV or the movies!
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