View Full Version : K40 accuracy

02-25-2020, 08:54 AM
Sunday I took my K40 and my 1911 to my friends house for some shooting, along with some of his “plastic” guns. Shooting apples and beer cans 5yds-30yds freestyle. We both shot the K40 better than any other. Even as I am writing this, I cannot believe the smallest gun shot best. The shootability and accuracy of these small carry pistols is amazing! I was very proud of the K40, and wanted to share with you guys. Has anyone else here had the same experience ?

02-25-2020, 12:07 PM
Doesn't surprise me. I have owned eight Kahrs, and my MK40 is the most accurate. It has to be the weight and distribution.

03-01-2020, 02:14 PM
IMO... the Kahr trigger that "everybody hates" is probably a huge factor in why it seems relatively easy to get very accurate shots... at least for me. I'm not a fan of all the YT'ers "stacking the trigger" techniques.

03-01-2020, 09:58 PM
My Kahr E9 was very, very accurate. I let a friend shoot it once. He hit dead center on a cinder block and his second shot hit dead center on the same hole. I have that on VHS tape. *He later bought that handgun from me.

Another friend got a K40 by accident, having ordered a K9 I think.....this was back when Walmart would order handguns. He loved it but I only saw him shoot it a couple of times as he was mostly a revolver guy.

04-28-2020, 10:42 AM
Best group I ever shot with a handgun in 50+ years of shooting handguns was with my K9. Amazingly accurate weapon. Mine was made in 1995.

05-03-2020, 12:40 PM
My CM40 is amazingly accurate with just about any ammo. The barrel slugs to just under .400" which is more than likely why. My Taurus TH40 slugs to .401", and although it's pretty accurate with factory ammo, its groups are that much tighter when I shoot reloads sized to .402". I just bought a P380 and it's barrel is just over .355" so I'm hopeful that it will be as accurate as my CM40. Most of my other 380's, and 9's require bullets sized to .357" or .358" to be their best.