View Full Version : 22 Rimfire Conversion Kits for Kahr Pistols?

09-09-2010, 08:31 AM
Good day all,

Does anybody manufacturer .22 rimfire conversion kits for Kahr pistols, most especially the PM series?

Alternatively, does Kahr have any plans to offer their pistols in .22 caliber?

Many thanks,

09-09-2010, 08:40 AM
Kahr has enough distractions trying to keep up with the asinine requirements of some states so that they can offer the poor residents there quality, compact defensive pistols for CCW... which is why Justine Moon designed the Kahr pistols. I would rather they complete the .45 ACP line and make a K45... SS and DLC. They could start over with magazine design, too, and help prevent most problems with feeding these pistols.
They are getting too diversified as it is, and quality is suffering, as is its reputation.

09-09-2010, 09:22 AM
Drink some more kool aid Wynn, your getting all negative on us lately. You got some solid and valid points and I'm sure they are working on it but you gotta keep your chin up and stay positive.
Their end of year profit and loss statement probably has a special line just for you.
Boomer will be back soon and you can hit the range and you'll feel way more better.

09-09-2010, 12:36 PM
Uuhh, ye-aahh. Oookay there.

So, based on these comments so far, I am guessing that there are no .22 rimfire conversion kits for Kahr pistols, and that Kahr has no plans to produce .22 rimfire pistols.

Of course, this is only a guess. I could be wrong. It is kind of hard to tell from these replies.

Does anybody have some relevant, straight-up, hard facts to contribute to this thread?

09-09-2010, 01:32 PM
Sorry for the light hearted approach. I'll put on my serious hat.

Based on what I know so don't quote this, there are no aftermarket or factory 22 conversions available for any Kahr pistols that I'm aware of. This has been requested before so seems like someone here would have heard of it if there was one.

No one here works for Kahr but a couple people here do have inside connections. To my knowlege, there is at this time no plan for Kahr to produce a 22 conversion or a complete 22 caliber pistol. I've put in a request to my sources to confirm that my knowlege on this matter is correct. I'll keep ya posted forthwith.

Have a pleasant day and a better tomorrow.

We now return to our usual off the wall light hearted approach to life.
Don't take life to seriously, nobody gets out alive.

ok bye.

09-09-2010, 01:52 PM
We've asked about this before, but Kahr's famous for not telling anyone what their plans are until the gun is on the market. I'd love to have a .22 conversion, but as far as I know there's no plans for one.

09-09-2010, 02:04 PM
In theory, I'm sure that Advantage Arms could make conversion kits for the Kahr as they have done for the Glocks. In reality, they have more business than they can say grace over so I doubt we will see a conversion kit anytime soon.

If you are looking for a lower cost practice alternative, but with a hefty up front investment, you might look at the beamhit products.

Not sure where Kahr sits on coming out with a .22. In my opinion, it would be a distraction.

09-09-2010, 05:41 PM
Yeah, the Beamhit is a good alternative choice. Thanks for the tip.

And thanks for the detailed post in response to my query Bawanna45cal, it is much appreciated.
