View Full Version : P380 - Night Sights or Laser or Both???

09-09-2010, 12:49 PM
All - with my new P380 I am already thinking about a few accessories. I wanted to gather opinions and recommendations from other P380 users. How many of you have:

1. Night Sights (tritium, fiber optic)
2. Laser (Crimson Trace)
3. Both

I already have a PM9 that has both (crimson trace and XS Big Dots). This time, though, I am thinking that maybe I don't need both. They both serve a similar function - low light visibility. The cost for both would be over $300. I don't want it to be all about cost, but I also want to be smart with my money. If I were to only get one of these (or get one first and the other at a later time) what do you folks think would be the most important item to get/install first?

I appreciate any thoughts and opinions on this.

09-09-2010, 01:13 PM
I have the factory night sights and am quite happy with them. I have seen the videos on the Crimson Trace website and I agree that a laser could be useful, but I don't plan to put one on this particular gun.

09-09-2010, 01:20 PM
the P380 is such a close up defense gun that I would think the xs big dots would fit that criteria in a heart beat. I have um on my P380 and would have nothing else on it. Great sights, looks super on the P380 also. I just don't know of any little 380's that have the sight options tha tthe kahr P380 has available..

09-09-2010, 01:42 PM
the P380 is such a close up defense gun that I would think the xs big dots would fit that criteria in a heart beat. I have um on my P380 and would have nothing else on it. Great sights, looks super on the P380 also. I just don't know of any little 380's that have the sight options tha tthe kahr P380 has available..

Agreed...although, I find the stock sights adequate for close up defense.

09-09-2010, 03:21 PM
stock sights are super on the P380. No doubt about that. stick with them and save the bucks, you will more than likely never nee dthe need for night sights. Just that we shooters think we need to have um . Kars standard sights are better than any other 380 out there, that is for sure.....

09-09-2010, 04:13 PM
the P380 is such a close up defense gun that I would think the xs big dots would fit that criteria in a heart beat. I have um on my P380 and would have nothing else on it. Great sights, looks super on the P380 also. I just don't know of any little 380's that have the sight options tha tthe kahr P380 has available..

Jocko, so if you were to only put one thing on the gun it would be XS Big Dots? Not the Crimson Trace?

09-09-2010, 04:48 PM
for me yes, but those trace sight sare absolutely the cats nuts. I had a set on my Smith model 342 and shot the finest 50 shot group at 10 yards off of a rest in my life. Still have the target even. Never could I have done that with xs sights. You won't go wrong with trace sights at all. just alittle more bulk in the pocket.

09-09-2010, 05:08 PM
Night sights -- to help you find it on the nightstand in the dark. To me, lasers have very limited applications on a firearm and aren't needed on a close in self defense pistol.

Identify the threat, point the firearm at the center of the threat -- and pull the trigger until the threat is incapacitated. Spending time trying to focus on a small red dot that is moving rapidly due to stress (if you can find it at all) -- chasing it while trying to keep it on a moving target -- may actually reduce accuracy and increase time to get hits on target. It might even get you killed -- and it will definitely make you more visible to the threat.

Don't believe me? Take a shooting course where you have both dayight and low light/night shooting. During the day, many shooters are guilty about trying to see their hits of target -- thus reducing accuracy. In low light or night conditions, where you are shooting with a light -- either a weapon mounted light or holding one with the weapon -- those same shooters tend not to suffer from the same poor habit. Guaranteed -- most shooter's group size will improve in the low light/night shooting session if they have all other common trigger control problems mastered.

Why? Because they are forced to do what they should be doing during daylight shooting -- focusing on the front sight and simply placing it at the center of the target!

IMHO, save the money from the laser purchase -- and use it for ammo and/or course tuition to increase proficiency with your chosen firearm.

09-09-2010, 05:39 PM
I agree, that the laser would have a very limited application with the P380,especially at a distance of under 5 yards.

I like the stock sights on my P380 and I am very happy with them. I have found in practice that the psitol points very well and sights are just an afterthought...

09-09-2010, 06:15 PM
I agree, that the laser would have a very limited application with the P380,especially at a distance of under 5 yards.

I like the stock sights on my P380 and I am very happy with them. I have found in practice that the psitol points very well and sights are just an afterthought...

at a distance of under 5 yards, no sights are really needed. Point and shoot, ur gonna surprise yourself with how well that works .

09-10-2010, 07:36 AM
I had the factory night sights put on and really like them. That is all I want.

09-10-2010, 12:03 PM
I had the factory night sights put on and really like them. That is all I want.

Does anyone know which brand of night sights are put on the 'N' model? Several folks here have commented that they like the factory night sights. Now the Kahrshop sells 2 different brands for the P380...either the XS Big Dots or the Trijicon's. Is it either one of those that are installed on the 'N' version or is it something else?

09-11-2010, 08:59 AM
It's the Trijicon sights on the factory N series. I can only speak for these sights. I really do like them. I have no problem picking them up in bright sun or low light. For close quick shots or concentrated 20 yard shots, I've been impressed with the accuracy of the gun/sight combo.