View Full Version : Anyone into fitness? What is your daily workout?

03-11-2020, 09:21 AM
I have been into fitness most of my life and as a child I mostly played outside so fitness was a given. For the last few months I have done this:

I do interval cardio (walk, run, bike, run, walk) for an hour, increasing my number of run laps by one lap and my bike time and intensity per week. During the run I focus on increasing my stride and speed, up to what the inside track at the gym will allow. I do this every other day, including on Sundays.

On "off" days I do sets up pushups and situps, currently 25 to 30 reps of each, up to 5 to 7 sets of each that day.

I generally avoid excess carbs: so very little candy, white bread, soda, juice, milk, etc.

I am noticing slow but steady weight loss.

What do you think of my workout and what do you guys do?

03-11-2020, 09:27 AM
How old are you? (if I may ask).

I’m 61. I currently do 30 minutes on the elliptical 4 times per week and lift weights regularly using dumbbells and a leg press machine. The office complex where I work has a great fitness facility so this routine is easy to maintain. Once I retire this summer I will have to figure out how to maintain this. Maybe join the local Planet Fitness.

03-11-2020, 09:49 AM
I get up and have my coffee with whipping creamer and a doughnut, preferably a jelly filled with powdered sugar. Then I watch Wanted Dead or Alive, Have Gun Will Travel and High Chaparral. If I've got nothing going, I may catch The Virginian. At 64, the benefits of exercise are over rated. I get out in the woods once a month or so and hike around for some exercise. I was also always outside as a child and very active. I am starting to pay for all of that activity. All of the shots I took playing football, basketball, all of the running, the high jumping in school and being run over by sleds and toboggins in the winter. Playing Army on the way to school, the wrestling with friends, the car accidents, etc. I now look at rest as part of my exercise regimen. I do stay away from white bread and pasta and alcohol and too much meat and dairy and sweets except for my doughnuts and coffee, my weakness. It's one of the reasons that I carry a firearm. I don't feel like running.:p

03-11-2020, 10:36 AM
45 years old.

My worst injury to deal with is my leg sprain that happened at age 36. I really should have worn boots when I was a skydiver...

I'm not a fan of Plant Fitness due to their company rules and practices but if it works for ya, get over there. The prices are low.

I have done P90X before (2013 and 2017) and I can attest, it's the best workout I've ever done. Just go slow with adding weight to each set. Also you'll end up with a lot of dumb bells. Build your own dumb bell rack.

If you use the bands, get safety glasses. You can make your own recovery drink and no need to buy the supplements, you can find generics at the food store. The meal plan that comes with the set is amazing.

There is a Jiu Jitsu class a few times a week at the gym, I hope to join it in the coming months. When I was doing P90X in 2013, my libido went through the roof and I got so confident I wanted to start boxing. I know that means a broken nose and cauliflower ears.

I am familiar with those western shows but the one I like is "Gunsmoke." I have even considered getting a western rig and single action revolver just so I can draw against Matt a couple times a night.

03-11-2020, 11:24 AM
Nobody beats Matt, best not try that.

I was quite active and a hard body working construction which really paid off when the wall fell on me. The therapist had to really work to give me enough weights and stuff. Now driving a wheelchair for the last 25 years as of May 22 this year I'm mucho gusto on upper body, lower body not so much.
I pretty much stick with Beretta on the morning coffee and bear sign. Other than that I usually don't eat till about 1 or 2, still bulking up a bit.
My favorite is Wagon Train for what that's worth. Fight with the grandkids over Wagon Train or Peppa Pig...................they always win.

03-11-2020, 11:34 AM
I get up and have my coffee with whipping creamer and a doughnut, preferably a jelly filled with powdered sugar. Then I watch Wanted Dead or Alive, Have Gun Will Travel and High Chaparral. If I've got nothing going, I may catch The Virginian. At 64, the benefits of exercise are over rated. I get out in the woods once a month or so and hike around for some exercise. I was also always outside as a child and very active. I am starting to pay for all of that activity. ....... I now look at rest as part of my exercise regimen. I do stay away from white bread and pasta and alcohol and too much meat and dairy and sweets except for my doughnuts and coffee, my weakness. It's one of the reasons that I carry a firearm. I don't feel like running.:p

I see we have the same regimen. I used to walk outside all the time trying to lower cholesterol and all I got for it was a couple of skin cancers and ended up on a low dose cholesterol drug anyway which finally worked (exercise didn’t do anything.)

I do roam the woods regularly and work in the yard. I Do the dumbbell thing for range of motion in the arms and shoulders as I sit at the desk all day which helps. Biggest thing is just watching how much I eat to keep weight down. Still weigh what I did at 25 years old which is 185. But I still eat whatever I want, and don’t miss opportunity for dessert (double portions many times.)

03-11-2020, 12:47 PM
Cholesterol is actually controlled by sugar intake. Dr. Atkins was spot on.

03-11-2020, 12:48 PM
75 years old with two hip replacements and both rotator cuffs repaired so I do have some limitations.
That said,
walk for one hour per day year round at a 4 MPH pace.
Plus every day either,
80 pulls and hold my bow on target or if weather permits, outside at a range.
a light weight routine left over from my shoulder surgeries,
100 pushups in sets of 20 @ 45° (per shoulder doc). followed by some arm work.

Other than that, it is donuts and coffee with the boyz.

03-11-2020, 01:58 PM
Both rotator cuffs, man that sucks. I really dodged a bullet, thought I was gonna have to do that. (not fun when your arms are important, think wheelchair). Doc said I had some tears but wasn't really causing the pain. It's the bicep tendon apparently out of it's little track. Gave me a shot and it helped for several months. Starting to aggravate a bit but so far I can live with it.
Doc said it will most likely break at some point or if it hurts he'll go in and cut it. Only lose about 15% of bicep strength and he said it doesn't effect like a curl, it's more like opening a jar or twisting a screwdriver. On my left side which is only there for looks anyhow so that won't matter, can't even pick my nose properly with my left hand. I do periodically try to shoot left handed and I'm not good at that either but good enough I reckon.

03-11-2020, 02:06 PM
Cholesterol is actually controlled by sugar intake. Dr. Atkins was spot on.

Only partially. Part of total cholesterol is related to carbohydrate intake and can be controlled. But a lot of times the bad (LDL) cholesterol is created by the liver particularly at night when sleeping (think family genetics). That’s why there are some folks who eat properly and still have high LDL. I could eat good or eat bad and exercise for over a year and the LDL never changed so after 4 years I finally submitted to the Docs wishes and started a statin 3-4 times a week. Good news is HDL was always 60 to 70 no matter what too. Much of it is just genetics.

The human body is an amazing thing and although my Dr. is a knucklehead sometimes I appreciate he’s a minimalist and doesn’t put everyone in the same box as were all individuals. It’s also amazing some folks can eat trash, smoke, and get drunk everyday and live to be 95, while a guy I knew was a health and fitness freak, lived clean, and had a heart attack at 45 and died in the street jogging.

But if one chooses to eat bacon cheese burgers at Burger King everyday then keep that life insurance paid up. Cousin of mine had her heart attack at 42 years old at the gym.... she loved bacon cheese burgers.

03-11-2020, 04:40 PM
I staved off cholesterol problems for a while by changing my eating six years ago. I was strict vegan for a year and my cholesterol improved. Have been a vegetarian for the last five and my LDL has steadily crept up. I’m lean (5’ 8” 165 lb), exercise regularly and eat right but at 61 I’m now at an elevated risk for a heart attack. Started on a statin in January and am having my cholesterol checked tomorrow.

03-11-2020, 06:22 PM
Doc told me to lay off the sugar so my cholesterol would go down, which is what Dr. Atkins wrote about years ago. As for genetics.......I've been saying it for two years now "the rock stars have it right, LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG, AND LEAVE A GOOD LOOKING CORPSE." :p

Vegan, vegetarianism? Never thought I'd see those two words on a gun owner forum. :2eek:

Good luck with your LDL check...hope it's down.

03-11-2020, 06:25 PM
3 AM five days a week;
Pump Iron ~38 minutes.
Cardio ~38 minutes.

I'm 63...
Don't have a doctor because I don't need one :)

03-11-2020, 06:55 PM

03-11-2020, 06:56 PM
I'm doing 16 ounce curls while watching TV news coverage on the Covid-19 Chinaman virus, figured I might as well enjoy it while I can.....Oh well, I made it to 62 and had a pretty good life so I figure I'm good to go...

03-11-2020, 07:02 PM
I'm 64 and have worked out most of my life. For years was doing 6 days a week alternating between weights one day and running the next. Now down to 4 days a week and doing both, used to do a split routine ie chest/back one day, legs the next etc, now try for at least one exercise per body part each workout. Cardio consisted of walk half mile, run two and then walk another half to cool down. Still run a 5k once in awhile. Have recently been trying running intervals and like them better. Had "borderline high" cholesterol about 5 years ago and md wanted to put me on a statin. Said no and started doing some research. Changed my diet, added some things to increase good cholesterol and stopped the bad things 'mostly the simple carbs." dropped my cholesterol from 232 to 185 and increased my good cholesterol at the same time. Been well below 200 ever since. I try to eat clean m-f. All the rules go out the window on saturdays and eat whatever i want. Strongly recommend 2 books which have helped me a lot. One is "the great cholesterol myth" written bt 2 cardiologists and the other is" wheat belly." davidr good luck with your tests tomorrow.

03-11-2020, 08:06 PM
3 AM five days a week;
Pump Iron ~38 minutes.
Cardio ~38 minutes.

I'm 63...
Don't have a doctor because I don't need one :)

3am as in like middle of the night morning? Recently retired, my day begins about 8:30 or 9 if I feel like it.

03-11-2020, 09:49 PM
3am as in like middle of the night morning? Recently retired, my day begins about 8:30 or 9 if I feel like it.

I noticed that too but didn't type anything.

I guess it depends on what time of the evening(?) he goes to bed! LOL

03-12-2020, 06:57 AM
Vegan, vegetarianism? Never thought I'd see those two words on a gun owner forum. :2eek:

Good luck with your LDL check...hope it's down.

For me it’s all about health. In no way shape or form is it a political statement although my son still calls me a commie for eating this way. Reading a book called “The China Study” by a well credentialed medical researcher opened my eyes to the medical issues that are caused or exacerbated by eating animal products (cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease). I can’t follow the live hard and die young philosophy as I have a 30 year old daughter with multiple disabilities from birth who needs constant care giving. I need to be here as long as possible for her.

And vegan was near impossible to maintain so after a year we allowed some eggs snd cheese back into the diet. We never cut out fish.

03-12-2020, 08:06 AM
For me it’s all about health. In no way shape or form is it a political statement although my son still calls me a commie for eating this way. Reading a book called “The China Study” by a well credentialed medical researcher opened my eyes to the medical issues that are caused or exacerbated by eating animal products (cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease). I can’t follow the live hard and die young philosophy as I have a 30 year old daughter with multiple disabilities from birth who needs constant care giving. I need to be here as long as possible for her.

And vegan was near impossible to maintain so after a year we allowed some eggs snd cheese back into the diet. We never cut out fish.

That sounds like a good book. My wife is SE Asian and my uneducated observation of their culture was that those who avoided smoking and alcohol (which was a key factor) lived a much longer life more free of medical problems than the average than Americans even in the absence of regular medical care. They are as a whole more happy and there are not the mental health issues we hear about here way too often even though they are poverty stricken and live in housing that would be considered unfit for habitation here in the US. The biggest difference is their eating habits. Every day they make a trip to the market and buy fresh unpackaged unprocessed vegetables and usually fish or poultry for protein (because they are cheaper.) They are less over weight, and again they are happier. The smokers and drinkers die early of cancers, cardio, and blood presser issues (in their mid 40’s to 60.)

Makes you wonder what our processed foods are doing to us. She has been trying to feed me they way for 33 years now and for the most part successfully. What’s funny is after eating good for a while if you eat something processed you can feel the chemicals in your head.

03-12-2020, 08:23 AM
Both rotator cuffs, man that sucks. I really dodged a bullet, thought I was gonna have to do that. (not fun when your arms are important, think wheelchair). Doc said I had some tears but wasn't really causing the pain. It's the bicep tendon apparently out of it's little track. Gave me a shot and it helped for several months. Starting to aggravate a bit but so far I can live with it.
Doc said it will most likely break at some point or if it hurts he'll go in and cut it. Only lose about 15% of bicep strength and he said it doesn't effect like a curl, it's more like opening a jar or twisting a screwdriver. On my left side which is only there for looks anyhow so that won't matter, can't even pick my nose properly with my left hand. I do periodically try to shoot left handed and I'm not good at that either but good enough I reckon.

Bicep tendon, I had your pain. My first one snapped while swinging a golf club. I never knew until the next morning when I discovered a black and blue arm. The previous lingering pain was gone. My family physician said leave it alone and I would never notice it had snapped. A year or two later the second started aggravating me so I went under a deck off our living room and grabbed a cross member and dropped to my knees and the second snapped and no longer bothered me.

That led me to the shoulder doc.

Rotator cuff surgery is really no big deal. More mental than physical. I did both the same summer and the following spring I bought a compound bow.

When fully healed you will be good as new with a few odd restrictions that you will likely never notice.

03-12-2020, 10:44 AM
The down fall is being in a sling and keeping it immobile for a month to six weeks. In a wheelchair I need both arms to do most everything. Had a Sgt that retired about the same time I did, he was in a tight sling it seemed forever and he said the therapy was brutal.
The doc told me when the tendon snaps the pain will be gone instantly. Said same if he goes in and cuts it, with no restrictions or slings or anything.
He seemed to think the rotator cuffs had a few tears, we all do as we age but weren't bad enough to require surgery. Guess we'll see. I'm finding out retirement health insurance isn't what it's cracked up to be, union supplement they kind of fibbed about some. Fortunately I don't go to the doctor much and don't have man prescription drugs.

03-12-2020, 06:58 PM
Here watch this about the pills we take! Here is trailer, the documentary is on Netflix.


03-12-2020, 07:12 PM
I"m 66 and have always exercised. I ran a 2:37 marathon about 40 years ago. I'm blessed to still be able to do pretty much what I want. I go to the gym, Planet Fitness, 4 or 5 days a week. Jog or ride the bike, depending on my mood. Lift weights primarily to keep good joint function. I usually will jog 1:30 to 2hrs one day on the weekend. I'm on drugs for high blood pressure, cholesterol. I had issues with A-Fib 14 years ago which has been controlled with meds, too. This physics high school teacher retires at the end of the year! :)
BTW: Can't wait for my $299 P380 to arrive!!

03-12-2020, 07:31 PM
I've always been active, from a little kid up to this very day. I used to have an exercise routine in the Navy, when I was on shore duty but impossible to do when on a ship. I'm 55, soon to be 56 in a couple of months. I live at 9100 feet in elevation and get out and do work that needs to be done, such as ensuring there is enough firewood for the winter, fixing what needs fixing, taking the dog out in the woods for a hike when the snow isn't too bad and walking the dog on the drive 47 times a day when the snow is too bad, clearing the driveway of snow which is 100 yards long. Today I changed out the upper control arm on the truck, it was an easy day. I also hunt every fall and paid for it this past year as I was left to hunt by myself. Throwing an elk into the back of the Blazer by yourself is no fun. I cut that critter up into five chunks and still had quite the time. Got home and could barely get out of the Blazer as my back was killing me. I was useless for a couple of days but had to get it cut up and in the freezer. After my back stopped hurting, my right heel started hurting. Went to the doc last week, four months later, and come to find out I've got a "growth" on a tendon. Will see the foot doc sometime. One shoulder is wrecked and the opposite elbow, too. Still at it, though, as there really is no other choice.

Oh, and been learning to weld for the last year and a half. Welding is not an old man's game.

I guess that counts as my workout routine.

03-12-2020, 08:30 PM
Was active as a kid, on high school track & cross country teams. Became a Bluto beer drinking cigarette smoking slob in college, then didn’t exercise much at all during a 30 year education career. Did quit the smoking in 1975 though. After retirement started packing on the weight and ballooned up to almost 3 bills on a 6’ frame which led to a heart attack & three stent implants 20 years ago. Cardiac rehab helped to get the lard down by 80 pounds before I slacked off several years ago.

Due to my negligence since then and not doing the stationary bike and walking the local trails, I packed it all back on and had another attack a year ago plus another stent (inside an old one). More cardiac rehab got me back on the bike for 3 or 4 times a week (40 minute sessions) and helped dump 20 pounds of the flab. Unfortunately, my old partial rotator tear with bone spurs & arthritis in both shoulders have precluded any weight lifting exercise. Plus I’ve slacked off since Christmas.
Age 75. Can’t figure out how I made it this far eating BBQ and junk crap half my life. Maybe the low fat diet in between the bad stuff this century has staved off my dirt nap. The Pills have kept my blood work normal though.

03-12-2020, 09:34 PM
Wow....I am looking like the spring chicken around here! LOL

I missed the gym today...mostly due to being tired out by the time I was done helping my father on his truck but also I was just depressed....family problems.

I am also considering stopping going to the gym. No confirmed Coronavirus cases in my state yet but we all know there are many more unconfirmed cases everywhere and my gym has trouble keeping the sanitizer wipes stocked up on a good day.

If I get off my butt and clean out my basement, install a TV and DVD player, I could start P90X in my basement pretty quickly. It's both weights and cardio plus I could cancel the gym membership and save there.

03-13-2020, 09:40 AM
Here watch this about the pills we take! Here is trailer, the documentary is on Netflix.

https://youtu.be/61GitUC_678 It's one of the many reasons I don't go to the doctor. All they can do is give you pills. They really can't fix anything. If it's not stitches or broken bones or burns, not much left. They guess at half of what they prescribe. They get kick backs from drug manufacturers. Too many unnecessary tests to generate income for their facility. I've had double hernia surgery, which I couldn't help. Was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2005. High blood pressure in 2007. Went on meds. Took myself off of all meds last March after passing out 3 or 4 times and finding out that my BP was 80 over 58. After taking myself off of the meds, my blood pressure has been normal or usually lower ever since. Lost some weight which helped. Quit using the cpap machine last year. I know my blood sugar is high but I refuse to go on any meds. They can cart me away. Plus, the insurance that I get from Oblame me care, has such a high deductible, that you can't afford to go even if you wanted to. Medicare for me this year. Really don't care, won't use it anyway. Trying to find a doctor that wants to take Medicare, trying to find a dentist that takes medicare, well, stand in line with everyone else. Too exhausting for me, that's why I'll continue to self doctor until they drag my carcass out the door.

03-13-2020, 01:25 PM
I agree about the pills. My doc told me I didn't even have to take a daily baby aspirin. My wife 73 and myself 75 only take a vitamin D capsule per day and that is just her mindset. So far so good.

03-14-2020, 07:42 AM
So I got my blood results.

A little more back story. For the last few years my cholesterol levels have hovered at total a little under 200, LDL about 125 and HDL about 50. At age 61 the AHA says I should be on a moderate statin but I had not started on it. During the first week of last September, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and we've had six months of surgery, radiation and chemo. Her prognosis is great. During December I was off work for three weeks as she started her chemo regimen. To make a short story long, our eating habits changed a bit and when I had my annual physical in January my numbers were 221 total, 144 LDL and 46 HDL. My doctor recommended, as per the AHA, a moderate dose of a statin (10mg Atorvastatin). I agreed.

Well, it worked. In fact it worked a bit too much. Numbers were 126 total, 57 LDL and 52 HDL. As of yesterday we cut my dose in half and will recheck in a couple of months.

03-14-2020, 09:05 AM
..... in January my numbers were 221 total, 144 LDL and 46 HDL..

Your numbers are about where mine were my whole life except my HDL was 60 - 70 (which is good) before the pill every other day.

Now my LDL and Total has dropped to good levels and my HDL is still 60-70. We’ll see if it holds there. Good for me I take nothing else except a multi-vitamin daily for 10 years. That seems to even ward off the common cold for the most part.

King Rat
03-16-2020, 09:15 AM
Was active as a kid, on high school track & cross country teams. Became a Bluto beer drinking cigarette smoking slob in college, then didn’t exercise much at all during a 30 year education career. Did quit the smoking in 1975 though. After retirement started packing on the weight and ballooned up to almost 3 bills on a 6’ frame which led to a heart attack & three stent implants 20 years ago. Cardiac rehab helped to get the lard down by 80 pounds before I slacked off several years ago.

Due to my negligence since then and not doing the stationary bike and walking the local trails, I packed it all back on and had another attack a year ago plus another stent (inside an old one). More cardiac rehab got me back on the bike for 3 or 4 times a week (40 minute sessions) and helped dump 20 pounds of the flab. Unfortunately, my old partial rotator tear with bone spurs & arthritis in both shoulders have precluded any weight lifting exercise. Plus I’ve slacked off since Christmas.
Age 75. Can’t figure out how I made it this far eating BBQ and junk crap half my life. Maybe the low fat diet in between the bad stuff this century has staved off my dirt nap. The Pills have kept my blood work normal though.

My Doctor told me to limit my Drinking and cut back my beer consumption. So I cut down to one beer a day. (During the week days)


03-16-2020, 10:11 AM
Decided to drop the gym membership. Reading that blog from the guy in Italy really woke me up. I hate to stop with the workout as it was fun, got me out of the house, and is really having an impact on my body. The guys at the gym are good people and fun to fellowship with. However, I cannot put my father at risk. I just can't do that.

So.....I hope to start P90X this week or next. On the plus side I'll be back to weight lifting, which I wasn't getting with the focus on cardio. Now that good weather is returning, I can run outside (no limit to hills here for intensity), I can ride my bike, and a friend from the gym has an extra bike and knows all the roads where it's safe to road bike. Only problem with that guy is, he feels a .22 Mag. NAA revolver is "plenty." LOL

I'll be carrying a either a Kahr or 1911 for the rides.

Guys....keep up the good routines and if you don't have one, try to get something going.

03-16-2020, 10:50 AM
I’m working remotely now so no gym available. Nice walk early this morning with my P9 at 1:00.

03-16-2020, 10:53 AM
Statins are one of the biggest pill cons to the public. 99% of people on statins for cholesterol issues shouldn't be. Doctors can't tell you anything unless your LDL is above 330, otherwise, pills are prescribed just for the risk of heart problems, like a baby aspirin. I wouldn't put a statin pill in my mouth for any reason. Same with high blood pressure meds. I took them for years. Got off them myself after starting to experience effects. Effects that I believe were from years of HBP drug use. Effects that are permanent. My blood pressure has been normal or below ever since. Everyone dies of something eventually. I prefer for it to be from natural or other causes, not because I took pills that just helped my demise along that much quicker, not to forget very possible brain issues, diabetes, muscle issues and other major hidden side effects caused by statin drugs. The hidden serious side effects from statins and the flawed testing of these drugs are the downfall of many. Many physicians agree with this, and prefer to have people lower their cholesterol through diet and other measures. Statins should always be a last resort. Many times, doctors will prescribe pills because they know that people will not change their habits. I guess it comes down to if you think that you're going to live longer because of statins, then take them, but between cost and effects, IMHO, your just fooling yourself, and making the doctor and a drug company a bit richer. It's kind of like when doctors are afraid to prescribe opiates for pain to someone over 60, because they are afraid that they might become addicted. If a person is over 60, who cares????? They're not going to be around for that much longer anyway, so give them the damn pill, so they can go with some dignity. Who cares if your cholesterol is high if your over 60?????? Do you really think that a statin is going to stop or reverse your aging process enough to make any difference in how long you live????????? Why would it bother a physician to prescribe opiates, but would not bother them to prescribe stains??? Both just as dangerous to the body...…….I have a friend who only has a 30% working heart. He's on enough meds as it is, and then they go and put him on a cholesterol medication. Why????? High C should be the least of their concerns. He quit taking the drugs because of cost($500 a month) had 3 C tests over a year, and the doc said he was very pleased that the meds were working and that his C numbers were very good. He almost hated to tell the doctor that he hadn't taken any C meds for that whole time. He's been off them ever since, his numbers are good, and the doctor has shut up. Too many people are pawns of the medical practice and business, and the drug company enticements to physicians.:madgrin:

03-16-2020, 12:54 PM
Advice well ignored.

03-16-2020, 08:29 PM
My mother had Crohn's Disease. It brought her low. We fought it with the drug Imuran. It was a losing battle. When Alzheimer's put her to bed and I took over all her meals.....the Crohn's Disease DISAPPEARED. No more problems.

For years, mom refused to eat healthy. She never drank water, only ate cakes and potato chips. It was easily controlled with a healthy diet but that was something mom refused to do.

03-16-2020, 09:47 PM
I don't know if it's true, but it's my understanding that some recent studies suggest that the body's inflammation response is the trigger for plaque growth (using cholesterol) in the circulatory system. On a side note, I went to a friend of mine for a food consultation (traditional medicine clinic) when my arthritis was flaring up daily (after a workout). I told him I was eating healthy, just fresh foods, vegetables, meats, eggs, fruits, etc. He suggested that the sugars in the fruits were making the flareups worse. That day I swapped the fruits for vegetables and mixed nuts (still eat lots of meats and eggs) and haven't had any significant flare ups in 5 years.

03-16-2020, 11:10 PM
I don't know if it's true, but it's my understanding that some recent studies suggest that the body's inflammation response is the trigger for plaque growth (using cholesterol) in the circulatory system. On a side note, I went to a friend of mine for a food consultation (traditional medicine clinic) when my arthritis was flaring up daily (after a workout). I told him I was eating healthy, just fresh foods, vegetables, meats, eggs, fruits, etc. He suggested that the sugars in the fruits were making the flareups worse. That day I swapped the fruits for vegetables and mixed nuts (still eat lots of meats and eggs) and haven't had any significant flare ups in 5 years.

I believe that regarding foods and I’ve experienced the same thing with inflammation from diet. White bread or basically anything with white flour affects me. I can eat whole grain natural breads with no problem.

Personally I think we’ve modified foods through the GMO thing to feed the world and increase profits to the point it is affecting people. I never remember hearing these things 40-45 years ago. I’ve got opinions on that too but it would get this thread closed and me BANNED most likely.:banplease:

03-17-2020, 10:58 AM
When I mentioned what I last posted to one of my mother's hospice nurses, she replied, "that's what we normally see----Crohn's Disease is easily controlled by diet."