View Full Version : Got the vintage K9.......very happy.

03-14-2020, 12:04 AM
I need to see if my photobucket account still works. I know they were charging fees for a bit and I never logged in again.

May I link the gunbroker ad that I won? Anyway.....

Came as advertised and is pretty nice. Trigger has a wee bit of grittiness to it......I may send it in for the Elite trigger upgrade as I have already asked Kahr about it.

The holster has clearly never been used, never on a belt at all.

I got it apart (without a breech-holder-opener-thingie) and will clean it up tomorrow. I'll try and shoot it on my way back from the gym.

I'll hit you guys with a range report then.

03-14-2020, 02:23 AM

Tired but unable to sleep. I did a basic cleaning and that "gritty trigger" mostly went away. I think if I was to do a detailed strip and cleaning, removing striker from slide and getting down in there, all grittiness would be gone.

I lightly lubed with Rem Oil.

Is Rem Oil correct or should graphite grease (Gunslick) be used on the rails and cross pin?

Will try for shooting tomorrow before gym.

03-14-2020, 08:13 AM
If it's stationary, or if it rolls, oil it, if it slides, grease it...………………………...just my rule of thumb. Little Rem and some chicken fat and you're good to go.:yo:

03-14-2020, 08:17 AM
Glad you got her in your hands! Rem oil is fine. I’ve used it forever, on just about every gun. I also bought some gun grease for some of my 1911 slides, but have also used rem oil on them for years. Have not used graphite grease (powder) before, although it does sound interesting from what I’ve read, about how it builds up and fills in micro irregularities supposedly. Not sure what you are referring to when you say cross pin, but maybe you mean the slide stop/take down pin? I put rem oil on that too. Happy shooting!

03-14-2020, 12:33 PM
Congratulations on your new to you K9! I love picking up vintage guns. Probably, be a good idea to do a detail strip/cleaning of the slide, it's not difficult. I recently picked up a new/old stock P380 and when I installed the Lakeline striker found all kinds of sludge in the striker channel. I was really surprised.

03-14-2020, 12:49 PM
I normally grease all rails and slide stop pins/take down pins (that is what I meant by "cross pin") but I was not at my best last night/this morning.

Thanks for the compliments also.

Is there a video on a detail slide disassembly?

No time to shoot it today....helping my dad fix a sink and replace supply valves. This isn't easy as the people that built his house jerry-rigged it all together.

03-14-2020, 08:32 PM
There is a sticky in the forum kahr-tech titled " how to detail strip a Kahr upper". That should help.

03-15-2020, 03:55 AM
High grip plus 9mm and 9mm +P is a joy to shoot in my 19 year old K9! Very accurate too! Have fun at the range!

03-17-2020, 01:33 AM
Well guys, with the shutdown of all things social, I won't be testing this K9 as soon as I had hoped. I did order 50 rounds of Sellier & Bellot 115 grain for it and my P9 Covert, I have 100 rounds of Critical Defense coming, and I have some 950 rounds of Speer Gold Dot 124 grain +P to try in it.

The trigger seems to have lost the grittiness, due to the cleaning I assume.

When the virus passes (assuming we are OK) I hope to get back to testing this and other self defense weapons and loads.

Canine Dave
03-24-2020, 07:56 PM
Well guys, with the shutdown of all things social, I won't be testing this K9 as soon as I had hoped. I did order 50 rounds of Sellier & Bellot 115 grain for it and my P9 Covert, I have 100 rounds of Critical Defense coming, and I have some 950 rounds of Speer Gold Dot 124 grain +P to try in it.

The trigger seems to have lost the grittiness, due to the cleaning I assume.

When the virus passes (assuming we are OK) I hope to get back to testing this and other self defense weapons and loads.

It'll pass and we'll be ok. I have a bran spanking new k9 with only 130 rounds fired. Plan was to get it "broken in" (although it's been flawless thru these first rounds) with the 200 rounds as recommended but the three ranges I shoot at are closed. I really love this gun!

03-25-2020, 04:36 PM
That's great Canine.....I got a little bit paranoid the day after my K9 came in and Lysol'ed the whole thing, letting it air dry. Then I quarantined it for well, it's been at least 10 days now. I doubt it had any virus on it to begin with, coming from a small town in Oregon.

***Update: I got encouraged, got the K9 out, wrapped it in a big plastic ziploc bag, and put it into the Galco holster it came with. I am eager to carry this thing (after testing).

03-26-2020, 12:18 AM
That's great Canine.....I got a little bit paranoid the day after my K9 came in and Lysol'ed the whole thing, letting it air dry. Then I quarantined it for well, it's been at least 10 days now. I doubt it had any virus on it to begin with, coming from a small town in Oregon.

***Update: I got encouraged, got the K9 out, wrapped it in a big plastic ziploc bag, and put it into the Galco holster it came with. I am eager to carry this thing (after testing).

OMG... You're doing way to much... Spend less time watching the news, and more time shooting your new gun.

03-26-2020, 12:49 AM
OMG... You're doing way to much... Spend less time watching the news, and more time shooting your new gun.

That has to wait.....state is shutdown by governor's order so the gun won't be tested for now. Most of my focus is keeping my father safe.

I might be able to shoot it outside in the next few weeks though as it warms up. Unless we all socially distance, we will contribute to the deaths of millions of Americans. Once the hospitals fill, the death rate of this thing jumps to 10% plus the losses for the inability for the medical system to handle routine illnesses and injuries.

03-26-2020, 04:16 AM
That has to wait.....state is shutdown by governor's order so the gun won't be tested for now. Most of my focus is keeping my father safe.

I might be able to shoot it outside in the next few weeks though as it warms up. Unless we all socially distance, we will contribute to the deaths of millions of Americans. Once the hospitals fill, the death rate of this thing jumps to 10% plus the losses for the inability for the medical system to handle routine illnesses and injuries.
I believe you drank the kool aid.

Why weren't you and the US "social distancing" every year during the annual flu season? Where you not worried about keeping your family safe then?

According to the CDC, during the 2018-2019 flu season (primarily between Oct 2018-May 2019) the flu caused more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths in the U.S. alone. The CDC estimates that up to 646,000 die worldwide annually. Only 68,489 have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, and only approx. 1000 died. Like with the flu, the elderly and sick are the ones who die while the vast majority of everyone else simply gets sick for a couple of days. Just like with the flu, many people with the coronavirus are asymptomatic.


The above statistics are from a cropped screenshot from the CDC website that I just took and are in percentages. As you can see 91.4% of the approx 34,000 deaths ANNUALLY from the flu are people ages 50 and above. @I_Like_Turtles please explain the common sense and logic on why it makes sense for you and the rest of the country to shut down, come a halt, ruin our finances and economy, and "social distance" ourselves over the coronavirus when we have not and will never do it for the common annual flu which has very similar symptoms and kills much, much more of the same exact demographic that the coronavirus is killing? Why were you "contributing to the deaths" of of the elderly each and every year by not social distancing for the flu like you are for this less deadly virus? Both the flu and coronavirus are spread from human to human in the same manner, and your father was in just as much of a risk last year and several years before that. Had it been a year ago, you would have had handed that same K9 to your father to shoot during the flu season without a second thought... Without hosing it down with Lysol and "quarantining" it for almost 2 weeks... Where's the logic in all of it?

Oh, and as far as Italy is concerned. They have a much older population as such, just like with the flu on an annual basis, they have one of the worlds highest death rates. Unlike most counties, Italy also is reporting that anyone who dies that happened to have the coronavirus died from the virus whereas everyone else only attributes the deaths to the virus ONLY if the person died from complications from having it...

Democrats, with the help of the scared, misinformed, and the gullible, are going to ride this horse and sensationalize this as long as possible in order to ruin the economy. Yes, we all should be taking precautions as usual; however, IMHO, much of this this politically motivated. Bill Maher and a host other politicians an prominent democrats have been wishing and praying for the country to go into recession. They stand the most to gain by having people out of work, on welfare, and dependant on the government.

03-30-2020, 02:17 PM
Apparently you drank the "I suck at math" drink.

Wuhan Flu is 10 to 20 times more contagious and 10 to 20 times more deadly than the normal flu. If you are OK with 34,200 American deaths then I hope you are OK with 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths this year from this thing alone. And that is from Trump's lead doctor, Fauci, on this thing and he is quite possibly downplaying it.

Once hospitals get overrun, like in Italy, the mortality on this thing goes up to 10%. Now let's take a possible (and hopefully worst-case scenario). 10% of the US population is about 3.5 million people dead. Add in the numbers of people who can then no longer be treated for the usual killers that modern medicine tends to save.....as those will not be treated when the hospital is full of virus patients...and I think 5 million dead in the US is quite possible.

Dennis Prager on the radio just today (although he isn't the first to state it) postulated a 30 percent decrease in GDP, which would result in a Second Great Depression and he mentioned how the rich will be unaffected. Except this time we won't have a Second World War to eliminate all foreign competition allowing us to exit that depression. Also, and it may come as a surprise to you, but am I well aware of how the Left has been hoping for a recession to sink the likelihood of a Trump re-election.

Thus, I am a bit torn on economic result vs. loss of life. My undergraduate degrees are in natural science and biology.....I recall discussing this exact scenario (pandemic) in 2000 in my genetics course.

Now I tend to expect the worst while I hope for the best.

Now back to the Ben Shapiro Show....which I paused to reply.

04-05-2020, 02:45 PM
https://www.flickr.com/photos/187782622@N03/49740141397/in/datetaken/https://www.flickr.com/photos/187782622@N03/?I have four K9's. One 95' model, one 97' model, a 2015 SS all black and a K9 Elite 03. I also own a T9 that Robar did a "Blacken" finish on for me. My favorite and a very often cc'd is the Elite. Now for that beer................ :cool:

04-08-2020, 06:14 PM
That sounds great ND......I'd like to get a second K9. Have to find a good price on it though. I may just put that money into getting my K9 updated with an Elite trigger though and more mags.

04-08-2020, 07:44 PM
I have an old K9. AE aerial range. Previous owner sent in for trigger and sight upgrade. Carbon with dlc slide. Frame is kind of purple. Great pistol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-08-2020, 08:27 PM
Purple frame? Some Brownings had that issue, I have an Auto 5 like that.

AE serial range? Let me check mine. Mine is AE too. I called Kahr and they said like 1995? Mine is carbon slide too.

Haven't shot it yet....might soon though.


04-09-2020, 08:00 AM
Some blued Rugers turned a plum color over time. Nothing wrong with it, as long as you don't mind the color.

04-09-2020, 08:02 AM
I've seen a few of those "plum" Rugers.........................beautiful things they are...……………………..

04-27-2020, 02:39 AM
I've seen a few of those "plum" Rugers.........................beautiful things they are...……………………..

I think my vintage K9 has a bit of purple color to the backstrap of the frame.