View Full Version : How crazy are YOU getting about Coronavirus?

03-14-2020, 11:45 PM
There is a lot of "crazy" going on right now. I actually did two "Japanese-type bows" today when two old friends wanted to shake hands. However, later, when three strangers did the same I shook hands....largely because we had just then been joking about all the craziness going on.

So I have this new-to-me K9 from Oregon, where they have some cases of Coronavirus. It's been bothering me since I got the weapon.....so....just now....I Lysol'ed the whole thing! It might not even be effective.....I don't know.....but I feel better.

What's the strangest thing you have yet done?

03-15-2020, 12:38 AM
We got it in Washington, all schools closed for 6 weeks or possibly longer, major run on groceries, mostly Toilet Paper for some reason. Wife went to the store today and no pasta or noodles of any kind on the shelves?????
I think the media is blowing it all out of proportion and our worthless governor doesn't help matters but guess it needs to be contained.
Still trying to figure out who's making the money on this deal.

03-15-2020, 01:00 AM
My state, as of yesterday when I last heard anything, still has no confirmed cases. And people told you "having a successful economy was a good thing!" LOL. Our lack of international airports, being landlocked, and basically being "drive through or fly over country" has protected us. I suspect the only people infected are long haul truckers, traveling medical workers, and motel clerks. Still, no confirmed cases.

Our gov. shut down all public schools yesterday and I know the local college is on a two week spring break and when classes resume, those will be via internet only.

Toilet paper is sold out, at least at the Walmart and Krogers, but I found some at a gas station near where I live. Food is still to be had at least at Walmart and Krogers as of last night. Ramon noodles were in big demand along with canned meat but I had begun buying those up early. Soup was still to be found also. I also stocked up on canned fruit. I mostly eat (well exclusively) eat fresh produce: salad, berries, apples, oranges and I will not change. I eat a decent amount of turkey and ham and eggs every day. I will continue to eat fresh meats and fruits and continue stocking up canned goods. My father (I take care of most of his needs) has agreed to do the same. Men Over Age 50 multivitamins are in big demand, but I found enough brand names to stock me to the record level of 6.5 months. I take a lot of vitamins but only aspirin is required, I now have over 3 years' worth.

We have a good stock of toilet paper as I bought that up fairly early but I will continue to grab some here and there but * do not buy up everything I find as I know there are people that need it more than I do.

I heard from two guys at the local Krogers that "people are stealing toilet paper from restaurant bathrooms" but I have not confirmed this. I do not do social media so I can't get info there.

Big talk was a fight at a local store over bottled water (odd because that comes out of the faucet and falls from the sky) that resulted in police arrest. I have tried to confirm that by talking to store employees but no luck. A general manager seemed to indicate it was untrue but he didn't see sure.

Local hardware store was busy as every yesterday, people have to fix things, me among them.

General consensus here is: media is out to get Trump and people agree with me, social media and the general addiction to smart phones are driving people really crazy over this. Social media and smartphones make people crazy anyway.........but this is a whole new level. One has to eat before they can poop, yet TP is the main thing. That just shows how social media controls its devotees.

Local restaurants seem to be doing just fine. Gym has not complained of a loss of patrons. The hardcore people I know were at the gym last night, two that are in their 60's but they are both ripped up and thus, very healthy. I had one of my best runs and bike times in weeks last night.

Gym's hand sanitizer is seeing a lot more use....but no one has stolen it yet. Staff told me they are cleaning all surfaces on the hour and do not want "anyone getting sick from here."

I don't want to stop going to the gym as my workout is really showing results and I am definitely rebuilding my lung capacity. I can, with some work, renovate my basement into a P90X gym and I have all the dumb bells, bands, chin up bar, and videos that go with it as I bought the whole set some years ago. It's a great workout, worth every penny, but I just enjoy the gym and don't want to renovate right now.

I will though if cases show up locally.....I don't want to get my dad sick.

My GF's friend has recovered from the virus and was released, but she is in Jakarta, Indonesia.

King Rat
03-15-2020, 01:21 AM
More worried about Text Message drivers more than the Virus. Even worse are Text message drivers panicking over toilet paper as they rush to the store. Unfortunately none of these SOB's will make the news. And of course they will kill more than the virus.

03-15-2020, 09:08 AM
Personally, I think the whole thing is a case of mass hysteria. The sky is not falling, and we need to get a grip. Thus far, 39 deaths have been attributed to the virus, and these folks would have probably died from the common cold. 39 deaths is a Saturday night in Chicago. .0000011% of the population. How many of these overblown diseases were going to wipe out humanity in the last 20 years or so? H1N1, Swine flu, AIDS, Mad Cow Disease, and on and on. Keep calm and carry on.

03-15-2020, 11:00 AM
Really, more toilet paper? It is not one of the common symptoms. How much toilet paper do you really need for two weeks of living. PANIC,PANIC, PANIC. A week ago when I first heard about the run on toilet paper I left it on the shelf at the store for fools to buy. I had my normal supply of a few weeks. I may end up catching lizards and eating them, but I'm not going to hoard.

03-15-2020, 11:34 AM
No craziness, yet, but I trust my immune system and love a bargain, so I am ~this~ close to jumping on one of those Hawaii air fare deals. Seeing the vacant streets in Italy has me itching to go. Main thing holding me back, is that everything's shut down, so I wouldn't enjoy those front row views at the museums, anyway. Sure would be nice to go visit Pompeii with no one around . . .

03-15-2020, 11:50 AM
I’m not overly concerned but I do think this is serious. There are a lot of unknowns about the virus but it does spread easily and is very dangerous for old people and those with certain conditions. I’m a bit concerned about my household as my wife recently finished cancer treatment, my daughter has great difficulty with respiratory ailments and my 88 year old mother in law is a big part of our lives. That being said, my wife and I did a little grocery shopping this morning and had breakfast out. The grocery store was busier than normal and had some empty shelves but wasn’t too crazy.

Things are going to get worse before they get better. The government is going to try to “be out in front of this” and that likely means a shutdown of bars and restaurants and some shutdown of non-essential retail. What’s most important is that we have no interruption in energy, food and pharmaceutical supplies.

My biggest retail concern right now is that my LGS stays open for a few more days as my Sig 365 XL from Buds will arrive there Tuesday. [emoji4]

King Rat
03-15-2020, 11:54 AM
Has anyone added Spare Toilet Paper to their every day carry? (Think about it) Be prepared. This is going to turn into a crappy mess.

03-15-2020, 12:06 PM
This may fit
https://youtu.be/LJBnJDKneeA here.

03-15-2020, 12:07 PM
Has anyone added Spare Toilet Paper to their every day carry? (Think about it) Be prepared. This is going to turn into a crappy mess.

Actually, we have carried a roll of TP in the trunk of both our cars for years. Being geezers, we never know.... :o

03-15-2020, 12:08 PM
That's me as well. Also some in my little back pack. I gotta look around, I'm sure I got an old Sears catalog around here left over from the outhouse days.

03-15-2020, 12:13 PM
Well, then there is this source....

03-15-2020, 03:54 PM

03-15-2020, 04:39 PM
^^^ Even my wife got a chuckle over that one :)

03-15-2020, 04:59 PM
Interest rates cut to zero. $700 billion of money printed on top of the $500 billion printed Friday.

03-15-2020, 05:21 PM
I’m reminded of the original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds.

03-15-2020, 07:56 PM
Ya there is a lot of hysteria, which I believe is driven by social media, the addiction to smartphones, and a media that wants Trump out. However, several people I spoke with today (one is my sister-in-law) are not taking this seriously. If my brother gets it, he is dead. He is on a ventilator already due to cigarettes and is on the list for a lung transplant. If my dad gets it, he is likely dead too. 20 years of breathing coal dust and diabetes. So yeah, this can easily kill people I care about.

I wonder if China did release this, hoping to crash the US economy, defeat Trump, and then welcome in Joe Biden who will then go into a nursing home and the Chinese lobby will end up running America.

I bought more TP today, then offered to mail it to a friend who is down to her last two rolls. I also bought 4 gallons of distilled water....which is normal for me. I use it to clean my CPAP machine.

I have carried TP for a long time. Why? John Wayne is rough and tough and doesn't take crap off anybody! When I am exercising hard core, three full-sized bowel movements a day is normal for me.

There are some funny memes on this thread....keep it up! We can be serious and funny at the same time.

03-15-2020, 08:34 PM
I was effected in a very harsh way on Friday from this pandemic. I live in a somewhat remote area and felt my wife and I were safe. But Friday evening brought the house crashing down.

I went online to bring up the LSU baseball game and...choking up a bit...this is hard for me...IT WAS CANCELLED!!!

Other than that, it has been life as normal for us. Went to the store today and it was busier than normal, but what I went for was there.

This reminds me of the aftermath of when Obutt was going to take away all of the firearms in the US from law abiding citizens. Not nearly as bad, but the media must be happier this time around. Look up the results of the Spanish flu, that was a true pandemic. One third of the entire world infected with 50 to 100 million deaths.

03-15-2020, 08:41 PM
The 2014 run on all things "guns and ammo" really was stupid as the House went heavily to the GOP in 2010.

Found these two tidbits just now:



Spent most of the day under my father's house: water leak. As I told a fellow patron at Lowe's...."National emergency or no.....our houses still break." Both yesterday and today, local Lowe's was packed.

03-16-2020, 04:18 AM
I'm not changing anything. I don't have a "response" to this anymore than I had to any of the other virus' that have been around my whole life.
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...BZl039Ad5KEj2U (https://www.hdforums.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realclearpolitics.com% 2Fvideo%2F2020%2F03%2F12%2Flimbaugh_remember_the_s wine_flu_panic_60_million_americans_infected_30000 0_hospitalized.html%3Futm_medium%3Dreferral%26fbcl id%3DIwAR2qzrXljvTCCIwgn8B08mknWiKusQmQ-KsCw4BZ0T2QrBZl039Ad5KEj2U)
From the beginning, look at the entities who are the MOST "panicked". Look at who initiated the most extreme responses first. Observe the differences of coverage in media and you can clearly see the efforts being made to turn this issue into yet another attempt to bludgeon the Trump administration.
The panic response of the American people to this nothingburger is evidence of the incredible level of ignorance in the general population and THAT friends and neighbors is the most frightening aspect of the so-called "Crisis".

03-17-2020, 04:08 PM
Well I stayed in all day. I have noticed I have a slight sore throat, but that's not a Coronavirus symptom. Other than some coughing up mucus, which is pretty common for me and more so since I got a CPAP machine, I feel fine. If I get a fever I'll call my doctor and go in.

Dad needs me to pick up a prescription for him tomorrow and I need more CPAP filters anyway, so I'll go out early in the morning to the food store for what I can find, then hit the pharmacy drive thru's.

This is the reason why you have a greenhouse, which I do not have.

03-17-2020, 04:43 PM
I for one don’t buy into the conspiracy to take down Trump theory for which there is no evidence. Israel has locked down their entire nation. Are the Israelis part of a take down Trump conspiracy? Have they been duped? The answer to both questions is no. There is an element of real danger here folks.

03-17-2020, 05:16 PM
A CPAP shouldn’t cause chest congestion. Sounds to me like seasonal allergies. I get my filters from Amazon.

03-17-2020, 05:34 PM
I for one don’t buy into the conspiracy to take down Trump theory for which there is no evidence. Israel has locked down their entire nation. Are the Israelis part of a take down Trump conspiracy? Have they been duped? The answer to both questions is no. There is an element of real danger here folks.

I think there is a desire by many on the world stage to see Trump lose the election along with most big social media companies and most of the media. I also believe this threat is real. If we don't take it seriously we will see people we love die....which given the average age around here.....we'll see fewer posts than we are seeing now.

As panic buying increases and Trump continues to call for staying home, the "this is a hoax!" faction will get smaller and smaller.

Apparently college students are still on the beaches for spring break. They will take it home. However, as death numbers increase, people will wise up.

Ben Shapiro had an excellent video today on how the current advice can slow down transmission. Hopefully we can do as well as the South Koreans have.


Thanks man, I hope it's just allergies. I wouldn't think a CPAP would do it either but I don't clean mine like I should, basically I can go 2 months without cleaning it or changing the filters. I need to stop that, assuming I can still find distilled water and vinegar. I just mentioned it because it seems I cough up more mucus since getting it in 2018.

03-17-2020, 05:56 PM
I don't think it's conspiracy to take down Trump, I do think it's highly over rated by the media. The big thing is the media and the Democraps will use anything to blame it on Trump, just like they do every other move he ever makes.

Ovomit could do no wrong even though he should be in a cell next to Hitlery but Trump can do no right???? And he gives us the most beautiful first lady the nation has ever had and well grounded too. A version of Jacqueline Kennedy in my eyes.

03-17-2020, 06:30 PM
I don't think it's conspiracy to take down Trump, I do think it's highly over rated by the media. The big thing is the media and the Democraps will use anything to blame it on Trump, just like they do every other move he ever makes.

Ovomit could do no wrong even though he should be in a cell next to Hitlery but Trump can do no right???? And he gives us the most beautiful first lady the nation has ever had and well grounded too. A version of Jacqueline Kennedy in my eyes.

Where is the "like" button?

The panic we are seeing is fostered by the media and big tech to hurt Trump, but it is also controlled by a general lack of education, laziness to prepare, plus the addiction to smart phones and social media. Toilet paper before food? Don't people know they have to eat before they crap?

Their smartphones did not tell them to buy food.....they were told to buy toilet paper.

Masks are sold out, even those designed for dust not virus particles....yet safety glasses are in stock. Their social media didn't tell them droplets in the eyes are just as infectious as those that land on the lips.

03-17-2020, 08:41 PM
True about the media, but the world isn’t shutting down their societal daily life and economies because they don’t like Trump. That is Alex Jones level conspiracy talk and has no credibility, IMO.
This is very serious for anyone over 60 whether you choose to believe it or not. We are just in the early stages. Hopefully the health professionals in the epidemiologist field - the ones everybody should listen to - can get the correct vaccine developed, and the pharmaceutical companies produce it in sufficient quantities so it can be distributed for a vast inoculation program by the end of the year.

The political finger pointing can wait until the crisis passes, and also spouting meaningless numbers when nobody really knows the full extent of the crisis is not productive at all. The smart people will heed the warnings and follow the proper protocols.

But what is wrong with those idiots who think they need to rush out and buy hundreds of rolls of toilet paper ans a truckload of bottled water all of a sudden?

03-17-2020, 09:51 PM
But what is wrong with those idiots who think they need to rush out and buy hundreds of rolls of toilet paper ans a truckload of bottled water all of a sudden?

I explained that, although I forgot what thread. Social media and smartphone addiction mainly, combined with a lack of biology education. Lack of education drives fear. Social media screamed "TOILET PAPER" and their god delivered that message. Being good followers, they headed the warning. When people hoard it forces others to stock up also. Myself, I bought a bit more than I needed but I left the rest. If there was 2 of something I only took 1. If there was 5 of something, something I didn't immediately need, I only took 1. That's a personal rule of mine.

I have to hit the drug store and food store tomorrow....wish me luck. I am rather scared at what I will find. I also plan to wear my welding shield. If this is in droplet form, not really "airborne," then a full face mask is needed, not a nose and mouth mask.

*The new "god" is the smartphone. Believers carry it as if it was a cross and they are surrounded by vampires.

03-17-2020, 10:29 PM
Oh gosh....Foxnews just interviewed some dude at the beach who said (IIRC) "I ain't worried, everyone gonna get this." Well when his GF, wife, or mother dies, or he is laid low....as men his age and younger are being laid low/killed.....then he'll know but how many will he infect before then?

03-18-2020, 06:58 AM
Welll... We just cancelled our annual 10 days at the nudist resort in FL. To me that's a major step toward craziness.

03-18-2020, 07:07 AM
With 7 hours' notice, Santa Rosa County, Kalifornia told its residents to shelter in place for three weeks. Good enough reason to have stocked up on TP and ammo. https://local.nixle.com/alert/7876008/?fbclid=IwAR1IcUHslp4y1zuq1JJBJzpnIv_PSbYZUtVRNun4 tN4Le63T92RSXgDbIoY

03-18-2020, 07:11 AM
With 7 hours' notice, Santa Rosa County, Kalifornia told its residents to shelter in place for three weeks. Good enough reason to have stocked up on TP and ammo. https://local.nixle.com/alert/7876008/?fbclid=IwAR1IcUHslp4y1zuq1JJBJzpnIv_PSbYZUtVRNun4 tN4Le63T92RSXgDbIoY


Ken L
03-18-2020, 09:16 AM
All I'm doing is continuing to look for a case of TP. Don't need any immediately but would be good to have, we buy it by the case from Costco anyway so this isn't unusual for us. The supply chain isn't damaged, people are just going wacko and causing more panic than is warranted. Concern and caution are warranted, panic is not.

Planning on going to the range on Saturday with two of my stepsons, if the range will be open. I'd like to buy a little ammo but I have plenty if it comes to that. Plus I have primers, boolits and powder.

03-18-2020, 09:25 AM
From one cpap user to another....................I lost a lot of weight and don't use my machine any more, but I refused to pay the money for filters. I went to the hardware store and got my own material and cut my own, or purchased them off of fleabay. There is a member of the forum who deals in cpap equipment. If you holler, I'm sure he'll get back to you. I purchased a machine from him. Those costs for cpap machines, masks, filters, etc. are nothing but highway robbery. My first machine was $1200 dollars under insurance, my second was $250 without. What a racket. I needed my machine turned up a tad and they wanted to charge me $175 to have a visit and turn up my machine. Went online and learned how to adjust it myself. Nothing dangerous...…...went from 11 setting to 12. Crooks. They wonder why health costs are so out of hand. If I go have blood taken, it's $170 with insurance, or $60 cash...…………….like I said, what a racket...…………………………………….BTW, I used one for 14 years.

03-18-2020, 11:46 AM
A few of the local grocery stores are allowing old scuds like me over 60 the opportunity to shop from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. Problem is, I don't shop at 7:00 in the morning. I guess if I need stuff that bad, I'll have to make an exception.

03-18-2020, 12:08 PM
The TP craze seems peculiar - most everyone has a water source proximate to their toilet (e.g. tub, shower) . . . .
I was at Costco yesterday and noticed that they have plenty of bidet seats for sale. Three of our toilets have bidets and they are a fabulous lifestyle improvement. Can't recommend them highly enough (didn't get ours at Costco, though, so this isn't a Costco bidet endorsement).

I'm in the Silicon Valley, and my Costco visit began with a 30-minute wait to get into the store. They were metering entrance to reduce the crowds inside. The outside attendants advised everyone that they were sold out of TP and paper towels. Once inside, there were dedicated employees in the dairy section restricting milk and egg purchases to one each as well as a water cop limiting water to one case and a dude limiting rice to one bag (and helping folks sling the big bags on to carts). These limits were strictly enforced at checkout, too - I saw one sly guy try but fail to slip through an extra flat of eggs.
I was concerned that the on-sale pants, jacket, and various food stuffs that I wanted would be limited, especially all the food that I stock up on when it comes on sale, but there were unusually few shoppers (like almost none) interested in the non-food items, and there were untouched pallet-loads of my regular stuff. Everything I sought was available in normal quantities.
I had some returns (clothing for my son of which I'd picked the wrong colors and sizes - this all in prep for a Summer Europe trip that is obviously in jeopardy), and for the first time ever, there was no line and no one at the customer service counter. Just two bored ladies waving me over, and friendly-arguing over who got to help me. They both rolled their eyes in anticipation of the flood of hoarders returning stuff when this is over.

Despite the business shutdowns (my Safeway store reduced hours from 24x7 to 6AM-9PM, and I can't pick up my primer order from Sportsmen's Warehouse, because they shuttered between last Thursday when I placed the order and yesterday) and the (literally) empty grocery store shelves (I wanted more potatoes and carrots on the 16th in preparation for last night's corned beef, and there were zero potatoes and onions, and about 10 carrots remaining in a large produce department, to say nothing of the rest of the produce area (they did have plenty of organic kale left - made my wife chuckle. She'd had me pick up two big bunches over the weekend for a salad, much to my kids' chagrin) and the wiped-out frozen food & dairy sections - zero milk; just a few cartons of buttermilk).

Driving home from the office during the "commute" was like a 40-year throw-back to traffic levels when I had an after-school job delivering pharmaceuticals for the local drug store. It was a bit eerie, but also very enjoyable to re-experience pre-congestion Silicon Valley.

One silver lining to the fear cloud is that I'm hearing a lot of gun talk in this region where I feel like "being in the closet" is our inability to openly talk about arms and ammunition without someone assuming I'm a burgeoning psycho. Maybe I can look forward to hearing less of the "you don't ~need~ to have a gun" nonsense and a relaxation of the drumbeat for gun control legislation - heh - probably a pipe dream in the blue, blue Silly Valley.
If nothing else, I am looking forward to this experience as a pry point to initiate conversations wherein I invite colleagues to a first-time shoot at the range when it re-opens. It was briefly members-only before they shut the whole thing down :-(.
I feel for the decimated small business owners in addition to all the retail employees and innumerable other businesses and the workers touched by the expanding ripples. The financial craziness has only just begun, I fear, and I hope that another silver lining is that the general public resolves to finally unite behind the President in his push-back against China.
Hope everyone out there stays safe and remains calm.

03-18-2020, 12:19 PM
From one cpap user to another....................I lost a lot of weight and don't use my machine any more, but I refused to pay the money for filters. I went to the hardware store and got my own material and cut my own, or purchased them off of fleabay. There is a member of the forum who deals in cpap equipment. If you holler, I'm sure he'll get back to you. I purchased a machine from him. Those costs for cpap machines, masks, filters, etc. are nothing but highway robbery. My first machine was $1200 dollars under insurance, my second was $250 without. What a racket. I needed my machine turned up a tad and they wanted to charge me $175 to have a visit and turn up my machine. Went online and learned how to adjust it myself. Nothing dangerous...…...went from 11 setting to 12. Crooks. They wonder why health costs are so out of hand. If I go have blood taken, it's $170 with insurance, or $60 cash...…………….like I said, what a racket...…………………………………….BTW, I used one for 14 years.

Thanks man....so how did you make your own filters?

Just got back from a store run. 8 people were outside when I got there and I go there 1 minute before they opened. As I walked up I yelled "what are you doing here? Don't you know I'm the only one supposed to have this bright idea?" They all laughed.

One guy said "I've been here for an hour!" I replied "you didn't call ahead to be sure what time they opened right?" LOL

Good to see people still have their sense of humor....most do anyway.

I found most everything I wanted, except for potatoes, the ham I like, and the butter I like. (Sanitizer, wipes, and TP remained sold out). I found some bleach so I can make my own bleach wipes now. I'll keep those in a zip lock bag to prevent their drying out.

The cupboard is overflowing now and I have begun stacking on top of the microwave.

The staff at one pharmacy I went to was 50/50 on humor. The counter that handles drugs was STONE FACED. I did get some smiles out of one lady but the other two....whoa! Now the home health supplies, one lady was tense but they were on the whole, still OK. One clerk said "are you the guy that called yesterday?" Me: "that was me." Her: "you had me cracking up!" I had made some jokes about "having to clean my CPAP machine with gasoline since all the distilled water is sold out. It's working fine but there is an odor. I have crazy dreams at night and now I am having trouble remembering things." Humor takes the edge off folks!

I went over to the mall to buy underwear but JC Penny changed hours and doesn't open until noon. I'll come again later or just have those shipped. I had to pee so bad when I got out and I didn't want to go inside again, so I found some bushes in back of the mall and went there. SMH.

At another pharmacy it was like night and day. The pharmacist and I had a big laugh as I stood by the drive thru window. He, however, is clearly not taking this as seriously as a man his age should. He was using hand sanitizer a great deal though as he did his hands when we were done talking and I had not handed him anything. He did tell me he kept a gun handy with him on the job. I complimented him on that.

03-18-2020, 12:55 PM

We always appreciate hearing from our comrades behind enemy lines. LOL.

I have done a "redneck" bidet since 1993 when I went to college. I used to use a big cup and throw water up into that area which was effective but not efficient. Later a friend told me about using a shower wand for the same effect. I tried that in either 2002 or 2003 and OMGOSH it was amazing! (The first time though I nearly jumped out of the shower). Ever since then I have had one in every shower, I have them in my rental properties, and I carry one with the necessary tools and teflon tape so that I can install it into a motel shower when I travel.

It's the first thing I put in and the last thing I take out. To save the maintenance man any headaches, I use teflon tape on the shower head threads, to be sure there will be no leaks. I am an OCD kind of guy.
After I do #2 I wipe as much as will come off then jump over into the shower to spray up in there. Sometimes the toilet paper is perfectly clean but then whoa, clearly things were missed. :third:

When I was in Indonesia in 2018, bidets are everywhere. I am curious how these would work in WV...water is pretty cold here, especially in winter. The Indonesian ones were just cold water (I still got over into the shower) but the ones on the ANA flight and Tokyo airport bathrooms were robotic, warm water, and had music playing abilities (airport).

03-18-2020, 01:30 PM

I am curious how these would work in WV...water is pretty cold here, especially in winter. The Indonesian ones were just cold water (I still got over into the shower) but the ones on the ANA flight and Tokyo airport bathrooms were robotic, warm water, and had music playing abilities (airport).

Our bidets have heated seats, warm water and aroma-filtered air-dry (we've turned that feature off).
Funny thing, when PG&E turned off our power during the summer high winds (note to other 49 states: beware single-party rule), my kids were ok doing homework by led lamp, doing without the Internet & television, & wearing an extra sweater, but what irked them was the cold toilet seats :-)
The bidet water hookup is a cinch - it's just a wye on the water feed. The downside to having heated water and seats is the requirement for a power outlet. Not an issue on the two toilets in the newer construction, where they'd included the outlets in anticipation of the bidets, but for the other toilet, I had to go hammer and tongs lying on the floor with a masonry saw to install the outlet in the tile. Took longer than I expected to make a clean cut, and my lower back reminded me about it for a while. Absolutely worth it, though, especially during the Winter.
Having 'em spoils you a bit; takes some of the luster off of fancy hotel bathrooms, because you miss the comforts of home :-)

03-18-2020, 02:43 PM
Never even seen one of these Bidgets.....................................wait I did to, in the movie Crocodile Dundee, after some effort he determined it was for washing your back side......not near dumb as I thought I was huh?

What keeps popping in my head is what would John Wayne do?

03-18-2020, 02:59 PM
What keeps popping in my head is what would John Wayne do?

Same as always: Break a leaf off the nearest cactus plant

03-18-2020, 03:55 PM
I got a pack of 52 CPAP filters from Amazon for $13. 25 cents a piece. No way I'd sit and cut rectangles out of filter material for that price.

03-18-2020, 06:19 PM
How often do you have to change filters in those things. 13.25 seems like it would add up something fierce if you have to change often.

You guys don't use them machines you just toss in to clean like you see 50 times a day on TV commercials. I don't know much about them, guess my brother in law uses one, just found out after all these years.

03-18-2020, 06:45 PM
Shortage of TP for some reason.
Paper towels, hand sanitize stuff and water are being rationed.
My gym just closed till further notice.
I'm on alternating one week WFH and the next week work from the office.

I'm a gym rat and hate working from home.
But I'm still healthy and still have a job so there's that.
Clerk at the grocery store told me two guys got in a fist fight over a carton of eggs!
Having guns and ammo these days really makes sense.

03-18-2020, 08:43 PM
How often do you have to change filters in those things. 13.25 seems like it would add up something fierce if you have to change often.

You guys don't use them machines you just toss in to clean like you see 50 times a day on TV commercials. I don't know much about them, guess my brother in law uses one, just found out after all these years.

I was told by the male nurse where I bought the machine to clean it once a week, with a 1:10 mix of vinegar and distilled water. What I end up doing is about a 1:5 or greater concentration mix of vinegar to distilled water once a month or once every two months. I am supposed to change the main filter once a year and the secondary filter every six weeks. I generally hold to that schedule.

I take the straps off the mask and the hose off. I remove the water tank and filters. The main filter I rinse with distilled water and set it aside to dry. I soak the mask in the mixture for up to 12 hours then rinse with distilled water. I rinse out the hose with the mixture then distilled water. I do the same with the tank.

When I was in Indonesia the secondary filter was visibly dirty after two weeks. In USA, after two months of nightly use, there is no dirt at all visible on the secondary filter.

When I returned from Indonesia I cleaned my machine. There was an odor present during use. I mixed a 1:1 (50/50) of vinegar and distilled water, tied the hose to the shower head so that it would hold water vertically, and I let that 1:1 mix soak for 12 hours. I rinsed with distilled water and the odor was gone.

Wow! What a great deal on filters! You sir have just saved me a ton of money. I will order those from Amazon. Thank you sir!

The first time I used the CPAP machine I only slept a couple of hours but I awoke feeling GREAT. I also had an extremely vivid and exciting dream. I drempt I was a Luftwaffe fighter pilot, flying a Bf 109 as part of Reich Air Defense. For some reason I had to wear my oxygen mask all day on the ground. We got a scramble order as a formation of B 17's with P 51 escort was passing over nearby. I climbed to altitude to attack, scoring numerous hits in my dive through the formation but nothing mortal. I was then bounced by several Mustangs and shot down. I made a belly landing in a field and then woke up at dawn as the sun came through the window.

I have NEVER had such an exciting dream and I have never dreamed I was in the Luftwaffe. :ohmy:

Before the machine, all my life before it, I might dream about sex once a year. Now, it's generally once a week, assuming I am not stressed out over something (like a pandemic). For two years before the machine, I would go to sleep, a nap or all night, and wake up feeling like CRAP. A previous doctor found my red blood cell count to be too high but her treatment ideas were INSANE. I found a new doctor who immediately asked if I snored (I heard myself snore once I think) and put me on two tests. I found out I stopped breathing for up to 3 minutes at night.

My red blood cell count and iron is so high, I have stopped up the Red Cross donation needle three times. Not breathing at night caused my body to compensate by making even more red blood cells, which put me at risk of a stroke. Now my blood is much thinner, which helps my heart, but it was pretty neat getting cut and seldom bleeding much. :amflag:

03-19-2020, 06:39 AM
I change it once a month when I remember, kind of like my air conditioner filter. Sometimes I take it out, shake it, flick it, see the dust cloud waft down toward the trash can, and put the filter back in. Works fine *cough cough*. Seriously, it's been fine.

I was told to clean it periodically, wipe it down with a flushable wet wipe. That's been fine. Anything other than distilled water in the tank leaves scale deposits, so I use distilled.

I never wake up feeling particularly rested. And though the fighter pilot dream would be freaking awesome to me (except the Luftwaffe part), I don't think I dream much different than before.


03-19-2020, 08:50 AM
I was a Luftwaffe fighter pilot, flying a Bf 109 as part of Reich Air Defense. For some reason I had to wear my oxygen mask all day on the ground. We got a scramble order as a formation of B 17's with P 51 escort was passing over nearby. I climbed to altitude to attack, scoring numerous hits in my dive through the formation but nothing mortal. I was then bounced by several Mustangs and shot down. I made a belly landing in a field and then woke up at dawn as the sun came through the window.

If you woke up speaking German, I'm gonna go buy me one of those CPAP language immersion machines yesterday.

03-19-2020, 10:47 AM
If you woke up speaking German, I'm gonna go buy me one of those CPAP language immersion machines yesterday.

If mine had that effect, I'd wear it in the daytime too! LOL

I assume the part of the dream where I had to wear the mask on the ground was a response to actually having the CPAP mask on. When I received the testing equipment, I put off taking the test so long the company threatened to sue me for the cost of the equipment! I was that reluctant to wear it.

When I received the machine, I put off using it for a month. It was when I decided to start using a straight razor for shaves that I gave the machine a try. I was rewarded with the best sleep in years! It wasn't even a full night's sleep, just a few hours, but I woke up feeling invigorated.

I too was a bit disturbed by being with the enemy but I suspect that was because of all my reading on WW2 and German aircraft. There was no Nazism in the dream, just men defending their country.

03-19-2020, 10:56 AM
We should nickname you Colonel Klink! Just kidding. It was a very cool dream.

03-19-2020, 11:05 AM
I got a pack of 52 CPAP filters from Amazon for $13. 25 cents a piece. No way I'd sit and cut rectangles out of filter material for that price. Don't forget, many different machines with very different filter shapes out there. If I could have purchased filters from Flea Bay, I certainly would have. If you can't find your shape, and have to cut what's available anyway, you might as well get it by the sheet, and spend an hour cutting them out, and save some more denaro. You might need it for distilled water...…………………….

03-19-2020, 11:37 AM
I also used a cpap because I stopped breathing 30 times an hour, which I guess in the apnea world is moderate. Used to hold my breath also. I talked to someone at the clinic who stopped breathing for 20 seconds of every minute. I can't even imagine..........................It's weird business, but if not treated correctly, can cause you some more serious consequences down the line. I never had an issue with a shortage of oxygen in my blood, but have met a few users who's oxygen level would drop below 70%, which is basically starving your brain of oxygen. Your body then sends more oxygen to your brain, but then other organs suffer from the lack of sufficient oxygen levels, especially the heart. There are more types/situations of apnea than you would believe. Some experts say more than 150 types of apnea's, at different degrees of effect. I know that the machines are VERY difficult to use. I remember my sleep study. I was in a room that was like a fine motel......great king bed, nice comforter, had me hooked up like I was going to the moon. I won't mention the name, but it's connected to Reggie White. Anyway, they put the mask on me after 2 hours of watching me while I slept(creepy) and said if there was an issue, just pound on the wall, and someone will assist you. As soon as I hit my rem sleep, I was pounding on that wall and telling them to get this friggen mask off my face. Claustrophobia like I had never felt. It was the only time it happened. After I got my machine, I got used to it pretty fast. Still probably took about 2 months of everyday use to finally be comfortable. Even after all of that, it was some of the best sleep I have had in years. I have a machine at home and a machine in another home and don't use either one at the moment. My wifey is the one who originally alerted me to the fact that I wasn't breathing and was freaking her out. Now, I have been sleeping pretty well without and the wife hasn't heard me having too many breathing issues. Most people associate apnea with snoring but it's not always the case. I was a snorer, and had to use a full face mask because of sinus issues. Sometimes, if the stars align, you can get off the machine. Losing weight is a big one, but sometimes it isn't a factor if you have a certain type of apnea but it never hurts your cause.:) If it matters, I was up to 6'0" 218 lbs. at full continual usage. Now, I'm 5'11" 160 lbs.

03-19-2020, 12:19 PM
They started me with the nose only mask, and it was totally useless. I was stuffy from allergies, and I'm a certified mouth-breather. The full mask wasn't hard to get used to. I still hate the thing, but it's not really a hassle.

03-19-2020, 12:59 PM
They started me with the nose only mask, and it was totally useless. I was stuffy from allergies, and I'm a certified mouth-breather. The full mask wasn't hard to get used to. I still hate the thing, but it's not really a hassle.

The biggest problem I have with the mask is nasal congestion. It can come on within minutes and without warning. I often blow my nose hard before trying to get it on, then slowing my breathing on purpose as part of my nose is obstructed. If I relax my body, I can usually go to sleep.

I have been stocking up on nasal decongestant for allergies as some of it causes Restless Leg Syndrome. That is a heck of a problem to have.....and I think mine is caused by let me get the box...fexofenadine hydrochloride.

03-19-2020, 02:59 PM
I've transitioned back and forth between different allergy medicines due to tolerance buildup. Currently I use Flonase which works well. If you find the right allergy medicine it ought to stop the congestion.

03-19-2020, 04:29 PM
I use the generic......Fluticasone....cheaper.

03-19-2020, 05:40 PM
That’s what I use. The one with the funny name.

03-19-2020, 07:23 PM
I use generic Flonase and that's some great stuff, it helped me to get off Afrin which I was addicted to for years in order to breathe all night...I tried a CPAP but couldn't hack it, I jump around too much at night but with Flonase I sleep great...

03-19-2020, 07:39 PM
Boy, this thread sure morphed into the “old geezer” thread. :D

03-19-2020, 07:49 PM
Kind a did didn't it.

03-19-2020, 10:55 PM
Kind a did didn't it.

What is the average age of those that actually post or reply to a thread here?

03-20-2020, 07:03 AM
I think the average age is 96 and doctor visits per year is somewhere around 50. I would really guess that we are healthier than average old because we are active and involved.

03-20-2020, 08:54 AM
What is the average age of those that actually post or reply to a thread here?

You'll miss us when we're all gone. :)

03-20-2020, 12:01 PM
They are even hoarding bread in some areas......I think this photo was snapped in San Francisco :hippie:

03-20-2020, 12:48 PM
They are even hoarding bread in some areas......I think this photo was snapped in San Francisco :hippie:

Unless one has a big freezer, it's hard to hoard bread unless you like it green.

If we live through this, the prepper movement will become mainstream.

OMGosh I just saw the picture. LOL.

03-21-2020, 08:23 PM
Boy, this thread sure morphed into the “old geezer” thread. :D

Just out of curiosity, do you use an air filter in your bedroom? I mention this, as I once lived in an apartment where I had congested sinuses everyday. I went to the doctor and he prescribed medication. The medication didn't seem to do much, so I decided to purchase a $$$ air fliter (actually tried two different kinds), and the congestion went away (w/o medication). After a few years, I found out that there was a bad leak in that apartment during the previous renter's occupancy, and mold could have been causing my problems.

For the record, I first tried an expensive ionic filter that made me feel nauseous, switched to an IQAir Health Pro and that fixed my problems... although the filters are REALLY expensive.

03-22-2020, 08:15 AM
We really should try a filter of some kind, but have never gotten around to it. Our house is old and has moldy areas, somehow we survive.

I wonder if I can get an N95 filter for my CPAP...

03-22-2020, 09:33 AM

03-22-2020, 09:44 AM

03-22-2020, 10:08 AM
What is the average age of those that actually post or reply to a thread here?<br>
My wife says I am a prepubescent teenager who has been married to her nearly 53 years.<br>
To grow old is mandatory.<br>
To grow up is optional.

03-25-2020, 02:16 AM
I'm obviously in the "danger" age group, but I'm not doing much differently. I still go to the stores and library and meet friends at the Waffle house for coffee nearly every afternoon. I did go over my house with Lysol once, but ran out before I finished. What's with the tissue shortage anyway? I was down to five rolls and ready to buy more, but suddenly there wasn't any to be found. I was complaining to the server at the WH Sunday, and when I left she gave me four rolls from the backroom.

I did stay home Monday and today, but that was because of the rain. I didn't want to get my brand new electric car dirty and the top was down on the Jag.

03-25-2020, 10:53 AM
We've had people steal the TP out of the bathrooms at Tractor Supply. Some folks will steal anything.

03-25-2020, 11:10 AM
We've had people steal the TP out of the bathrooms at Tractor Supply. Some folks will steal anything.

Given the right circumstances, we'd nearly all steal what we needed to make it. We'd even kill for it.

Two days ago I began my TP ration, which means "wipe once and use the shower (hand held) squirter." It seems to work fine and that saves me about 2 to 5 wipes.

I generally hope in the shower after a bowel movement anyway for a grundle wash.

03-25-2020, 03:45 PM
Got up real early yesterday and went to the local grocery and took advantage of their "only old farts from 6:00am to 8:00am". Got 10 rolls of TP for $8.99 and some delicious Danish. Got there a smidge before six and watched as a group of about 6 or 7 people stood by the doors waiting for employees to open the store. They were all within a couple of feet of each other. All I could do was shake my head. I topped off the gas tank in the car, not knowing yet whether gas stations would be on the essentials list. Picked up some extra dog food also. Been pretty quiet otherwise. I may take advantage of free state park entry and get a bit of exercise. Found out today that gas stations, and parks, and grocery, and pet supplies are all on the "essentials list". Of course, this being Wisconsin, all liquor stores are open. They knew that they couldn't deny the Cheeseheads their beer or brandy. Then the firearms come out.:)

03-25-2020, 08:31 PM
I found a couple old Sears catalogs, so my worries are over, not worried anyhow. Stuff is still being shipped, when the hoarders are stocked normal folks will be able to get stuff.

No TP rationing for me.

03-25-2020, 08:35 PM
I'm still wiping at will..............well, not at will as a name, at will you know, at random, not at a person, at, well you know.............................................. .....:)

03-25-2020, 09:44 PM
Our POS Gov'n decide to issue the "stay at home order" today. He's been following in lockstep behind the extreme liberal gov'ns from NY and CA. Not that it is making a difference in how my wife and I go about our business. She has medical conditions so she is not allowed to leave the property. I go out and get any items we need, and ask the neighbors if they need anything. My biggest worry is that I may bring this bug back, but I wash up and change clothes as soon as I get home.

The main problem I see is what I bring home with me. The only was to make sure the items I bring home are clean is to sanitize them, but they are food items. Luckily, not many cases were I live and I shop at the smaller stores, not Wally World.

I guess time will tell how this all plays out.

03-26-2020, 08:20 AM
Your govenor may or may not be a POS, but the stay at home order is the only real prevention that we have at this time. No drug to prevent or cure it at this time. I go out for what I need, butkeep my distance from people.

03-26-2020, 11:25 AM
The governors of water-front states should all be impeached for keeping the beaches open after closing the schools. It is just like in the movie "Jaws" where the biologist warned the beaches must be closed but the mayor kept those open for financial reasons.

Even with the National Guard aggressively patrolling the waters, the shark still got through.

I mentioned this to the local dermatologist and he agreed with the example.

If and when the hospitals get overwhelmed, the death rate jumps to 10% and then the hospitals cannot take on normal patients. We could be looking at 5 million US deaths and marshal law declared.

03-26-2020, 11:37 AM
Seems nobody is taking care of normal patients now, they don't want you to come to the hospital or the Dr. Office. That concerns me more than the virus.

Wife said the shelves in the store weren't quite as empty, still very thin but better. Came home with a 12 pack of TP so I put the Sear catalog back in the closet and went and TP'd the neighbors house. Not a first class job, only used 3 rolls but it was good.

03-26-2020, 11:55 AM
I found a couple old Sears catalogs, so my worries are over, not worried anyhow. Stuff is still being shipped, when the hoarders are stocked normal folks will be able to get stuff.

No TP rationing for me.

Here is the Vegan option....

03-26-2020, 01:52 PM


``````````````````` https://www.awesomeinventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Toilet-with-unlimited-toilet-paper.jpg

03-26-2020, 04:27 PM
I managed to find 3 bottles of hand sanitizer in my basement today. :cool:

03-26-2020, 06:09 PM
I made a quick trip to Publix and then a Super Walmart since Publix didn't have eggs or my milk. Walmart had eggs but not my Silk Unsweetened Coconut "Milk". I bought a quart of Goat Milk for my coffee. It's expiration is about the same as my coconut milk... over a month away. I just need something for my coffee and I have two half-gallons of the Silk product, but it's only good for about 7-10 days after opening. I'm using 12 days or so, then pitching it.

I bought 6 avocados at each store, so we're good for about a week. Wifey gets tired of those, but I want one every day... healthy!

I didn't need TP or any paper products, which was good, because all they had was some tissues and we have 4 10-box cases. I usually keep 3 cases/packages of Costco TP and tissues and paper towels on hand, replacing stock after getting down to nearly 2 cases remaining. I've done this as far back as I can remember. I don't like to run out of essentials and we hurricanes here!

I'll keep buying groceries, especially salad stuff, as long as we can. We have a small freezer and a side-by-side that are pretty full for now, and a bunch of canned stuff... mainly sardines that I got on sale... for emergency food. And I have a weeks worth, maybe, of freeze-dried survival-type food for back up... 26-year shelf life.

We don't really socialize and just do our own shopping, so that's curtailed a bit, but we're doing fine. It's starting to get really hot here and don't know if I could get my A/C checked out. It seems to be fine, but not sure if it could use "freon" as it did about 2 years ago. <sigh>

Wifey watches TV, washes clothes, and does some cleaning. I'm the cook, gardener, and handyman, and I do help with some of the other household stuff. I do my exercise and treadmill every other day, and spend a lot of time online fighting for our freedom and the American way of life! :D

We get by. Just passed 34 years together... mostly happy ones... a few days ago. We're still in love! :)

Oh, at those store there were no wet wipes at the front door, but Publix had a nice lady with sanitizer cleaning the carts. Walmart had nothing but a mostly empty spray bottle and a paper towel roll... I carried my own Wet Ones and brought my own reusable bag.

03-27-2020, 06:46 AM
I bought the last bag of bread flour at Publix yesterday, their wine aisle was full of wine, bread aisle was full of bread. The usual other aisles were bare.

03-27-2020, 08:20 AM
It's going to take a long time for the grocery shelves to catch up. The catch up isn't going to happen until people quit panic buying. The whole supply system is designed for a certain level of production and delivery so that stocks turn over. This demand just empties the shelves and creates a false shortage. If people would just shop for a week at a time instead of months things would even out. There is no point in buying a months worth of groceries if you are going back in 4-5 days for something you forgot and exposing yourself to other people again. When gas was over $4 a gallon because of the shortage there was no shortage. People were filling their tank when it was 3/4 full. There was as much gas stored in car gas tanks as was normally stored at the tank farms. We need to get out of the panic mode and social distance and stay home as much as possible and let this thing burn out. Dooms day is not going to be Coronavirus. We will kill each other instead.

03-27-2020, 09:08 AM
I would think the "forest products" and other industries would have some manufacturing capacity they could tap into, to boost production 10-20% during times like this. Maybe they already are, in which case the hoarding is beyond irrational. But it's happening, so we have to deal with reality.

Retailers need to adopt a pricing model like, "One package of toilet paper is $16, any additional packages are $32 each."

03-27-2020, 10:36 AM
I like your pricing strategy. Paper machines are generally run 24-7 except for scheduled shutdowns. Scheduled shutdowns are few and far between and are only to take care of maintenance that is about to shut the machine down. You can't just turn up the dial and make them run faster either. The papermills that I have been in or have knowledge of are always pressing for more speed so they are pretty much running as fast as they can. The answer would be to convert an existing machine to run a product that it is not designed to run or else find and old, slow TP machine that is shut down to bring back on line. Both of those options take time. In the paper converting dept in the mill where I worked a genius scheduler from he office wanted to put on a third shift to get more production. The problem was that they were currently running 2 twelve hour shifts.

03-27-2020, 10:48 AM
Most of our stores are putting limits on the high hoarding items. 1 package of TP, my daughter said they had a limit of 1 on spagetti sauce???? Things are already showing up a bit more around here according to my wife. I still haven't been to a store in years and figure why start now.

03-27-2020, 12:53 PM
I like your pricing strategy. Paper machines are generally run 24-7 except for scheduled shutdowns. Scheduled shutdowns are few and far between and are only to take care of maintenance that is about to shut the machine down. You can't just turn up the dial and make them run faster either. The papermills that I have been in or have knowledge of are always pressing for more speed so they are pretty much running as fast as they can. The answer would be to convert an existing machine to run a product that it is not designed to run or else find and old, slow TP machine that is shut down to bring back on line. Both of those options take time. In the paper converting dept in the mill where I worked a genius scheduler from he office wanted to put on a third shift to get more production. The problem was that they were currently running 2 twelve hour shifts.
That sounds kind of like the ammo industry.

The pricing model came from what I was told was Denmark. Can't confirm, it's the internet after all...

03-27-2020, 01:08 PM
If I owned a store, I would have gone to rationing much sooner to prevent the last-minute hoarding.

I am still eating fresh food....I have not been to the grocery store in 2 weeks but may go out Monday morning as I have a doc appointment that day anyway. I'll swing by the grocery store when they open and go for the usual suspects: salad, a few canned goods for the stockpile, eggs, milk, bread, ham, fresh fruit, butter.

Today I had to pick up the taxes from the accountant and buy some hardware store items for my dad. Since I forgot my grinding shield, I wore my welding shield.

I got some interesting reactions:

*Mind you I am open carrying a Kahr CW 45 while wearing an auto-darkening welding mask.

1). Cashier by the door loved the idea of a full face shield so much she intends to do the same. She was also very interested in my personal anti-Wuhan Flu habits.
2). One guy walked in and laughed but kept going.
3). Two guys stared but didn't say anything.
4). Three other men said things such as "that guy over there has the right idea."
5). One clerk said to another man "I don't care if I die today, I am ready to go to [heaven]."
6). Another man was very interested but I could not understand what he said.

I joked with the cashier "a month ago, an armed man wearing a full mask might cause you to hit your panic button but today, this is normal, even envy-causing." She laughed and agreed.

07-20-2021, 10:40 PM
I'm going crazy over it, Unemployed for 6 months, Lacking everything. Can only sit at home and listen to the news

07-22-2021, 02:26 AM
I'm going crazy over it, Unemployed for 6 months, Lacking everything. Can only sit at home and listen to the news
I also regularly listen to the radio and update news about the corona epidemic situation on

07-22-2021, 07:39 AM
SWEET a link from an UNKOWN....just click it and enjoy...you will win a SURPRISE! :smash:

07-22-2021, 09:04 AM
SWEET a link from an UNKOWN....just click it and enjoy...you will win a SURPRISE! :smash:

Now that would be the definition of crazy, right there.

I smells a setup. If someone has been unemployed for six months it has nothing to do with covid. Employers are paying bonuses to get people to work.

07-22-2021, 11:12 AM
Pass me some popcorn…

07-22-2021, 03:01 PM