View Full Version : Time to think about CHINA yet..???

03-18-2020, 03:58 AM
China.... The other day, I was tying up a few loose ends thinking about China.
1.) It occurred to me that President Trump had gotten under China's skin pretty deep over the last couple of years. First President to actually challenge their incredibly one-sided trade laws with American business, Theft of intellectual property, etc. and FORCE changes.
2.) It occurred to me that in the November 2020 election China would very likely prefer ANY Democrat over Donald Trump.
As 2019 proceeded..it was becoming obvious to the least casual observer that the American economy was firing on all cylinders and as a result Donald Trump's re-election was virtually guaranteed.
3.) In an effort to begin disconnecting American business from it's total reliance on China the President made a state visit to India in February.
For President Trump to have visited India in February, the organizational and diplomatic details for that visit were being organized WELL in advance...even into the end of 2019.
Chinese intelligence would have been very aware of those plans to tighten the relationship between America and India (China's economic rival). This was possibly the last straw for the Chinese government.
4.) First Corona Virus confirmations in China were in Dec. 2019.
5.) When it became apparent that there was a dangerous virus infecting people in Wuhan province President Trump offered American medical staffers from our most prestigious institutions.
China refused to allow them to enter the country.
6.) The Chinese military's Biological Warfare center is in Wuhan province.
7.) You don't have to be a Harvard Economics professor to know that releasing a virus with the potential to create a global pandemic could ultimately force the robust American economy into recession.
8.) You don't have to have a PhD in political science to know that the economy falling into a recession during a Presidential campaign is going to damage the chances of the incumbent.
China...When have they EVER been concerned about deaths of their own citizens...let alone OURS..if it advanced their ideology..???
Chairman Mao's "Great Leap Forward" slaughtered 45 million Chinese citizens in 4 years.
Think about it.

03-18-2020, 06:28 AM
Food for thought. I totally agree with your view of Communist China and I certainly wouldn't rule it out.

03-18-2020, 07:50 AM
I am with you.
1. The Chinese economy has been tanking since Trump became president. Simple solution? Wreck every other economy and drag them down to theirs.
2. Hong Kong. When is the last time the riots and resistance has been on the news?
3. Italy has been feuding with China over the ripping off and counterfeiting of their fashion products for years. With Italy's older population what an easy way to create panic.

One other interesting tidbit for the conspiracy theorists among us.

Why every election year?
SARS to 2004, avian flu to 2008, swine flu to 2010, MERS to 2012, Ebola to 2014 and 2018, Zika to 2016, and the coronavirus to 2020.

03-19-2020, 07:59 PM
As soon as the Chinese doctor that came down with the virus told foreign news media that this stuff was very bad news then disappeared I figured it was lab manufactured and escaped...The Chinese said he died of the virus but I figure he got a 9mm behind the ear for trying to warn the world about what was coming.....

04-21-2020, 05:23 PM
yep... i totally agree with you, and i even more agree with the fact that there's something wrong behind all of this. I mean... we all know that this is lab manufactured, but i think that is not "escaped" but made on purpose for some specific purposes, and there may be a lot of various different purposes... that's why we need to talk about kahr.... delicerecipes.com (http://delicerecipes.com)