View Full Version : Don't look Bawanna...more plastic
03-19-2020, 12:49 PM
Well, I've been pleased with the 1911ish plastic pistol that I posted about in this thread,, that I decided to give something similar a try. Other than a rail, this one more closely copies the look of a classic 1911, but most of the lower is polymer: (
I haven't shot it at paper yet, but I was consistently bouncing the Shiff plate of this steel target ( side to side at 15 yards with it;)
Made in Italy by Tanfoglio.
Ken L
03-19-2020, 01:27 PM
Thanks for sharing! I really am not able to warm up to the rail on a 1911, kinda ruins the lines for me. Are the grips removable or are they molded in with the screws molded in also?
I do like that target though. I shoot mostly steel once I get a load dialed in for each gun. I have 3- gongs, all suspended by chain from a rebar frame that I welded up. That works great, but I'm always looking for something different.
03-19-2020, 01:46 PM
Hey Ken,
The grips are molded in, as are the bottom screws. The top screws are real and lock a steel insert into the frame.
03-19-2020, 02:56 PM
It actually looks half way decent. I hope it's a winner.
03-20-2020, 03:38 PM
I was looking at one of those, as well as that ATI you posted about (used on Armslist). The owners must hold them in high regard as they wanted just about new prices and wouldn’t budge. Wonder if it would hold up to a 460 Rowland conversion? Lol! Would be a hoot to shoot from such a lightweight!
03-31-2020, 04:08 PM
Thought I would post another photo of the poly 1911; (
While doing so I realized I forgot to mention the front strap. I was going to buy a traction overlay specific to a 1911 front strap, but ended up using a piece from a kit I bought to prevent an electronic device from sliding around. (
I'm satisfied with how it looks and functions: (
03-31-2020, 08:45 PM
Should work great and it looks swell. I usually put skate board tape or similar on mine that aren't checkered. I like a rough front strap. I like the rubberized stuff best, flexes a bit.
04-01-2020, 06:45 AM
Perfect! I have an officer sized 1911 that had that stuff on the front strap when I bought it. I wondered what it was and where the guy got it and now I know. Thanks for the info Greg! (I seem to say that a lot to you!)
08-27-2020, 04:33 PM
Well once again Greg gave me a little push and I picked up my own Tupperware a couple hours ago. (
As you can see it's a clone to his EAA. He being smarter than I pointed out it was an early version which is better than the later. It was listed as new/old stock. Greg was also kind enough to send me a package of the grip texture which I will put to good use.
This thing was indeed old stock, the lube they are coated with before leaving the factory had turned adhesive, very sticky. Reminded me of an officers Colt Rail Gun that he had used Frog Lube on. Almost resorted to gasoline to get that junk off his Colt. It did look much better than I anticipated in person and even better now after a good cleaning and oiling and greased the rails.
I added a Wilson buffer while it was apart, not sure why, just felt like it. Other than that I don't see any need to change anything yet. I may add a metal recoil spring guide. The mag release is metal. Thought I might put a straight main spring housing on it but it feels good and points naturally so might be fine as is.
Threw it on my scale and it is 1042 grains or 2.26lbs loaded compared to my CBob(commander) at 1236 grains or 2.78 lbs. So there is a substantial weight advantage.
I need to find a rig to accommodate the light rail, probably a Garrett Silent Thunder or Mernickle OWB. Don't really need or want the rail but ones without are twice the money and more, so a light rail ain't so bad.
A little closer up shot. (
Over all, I'm completely tickled so far. Hope to get out and light it off soon.
08-28-2020, 06:58 AM
If I mathed it right, that's 32.2 ounces. My AO GI 1911 is 39 oz so that is a nice weight savings.
08-28-2020, 11:26 AM
Playing with it some yesterday I decided to swap the main spring housing out for a flat which I see Greg did also. I thought it pointed nice with the arched and felt good but it's better with the flat. It is a steel housing so I added a bit of weight back but not that much.
Now I gotta save up again for a holster to accommodate the rail. My play fund was pretty nice for a bit but between the 2 Henry's and this the numbers are pretty thin.
08-28-2020, 11:47 AM
Congats on the Italiano Bawanna!
What are you looking at? Uh!?
What are you looking at?! (slap)
Are you undressing me with your eyes?
Poor guy…you can’t help it?
Is your heart beating? Is your head spinning?
Do you feel lost thinking that I could be yours forever?
Okay, I know she's Romanian, but I think that's a moot point.
08-28-2020, 12:39 PM
Definitely a moot point and the answer to all her questions is a definite YES.
08-28-2020, 12:59 PM
Plastic! It seems like it might catch on someday. Those do look nice. Might even shoot a little softer than their metal counterparts.
08-28-2020, 02:01 PM
That's not what I "see" when I see one of those tiny Fiats.
08-28-2020, 06:01 PM
FWIW, that grip,tape is sold as skateboard tape or stairtread tape, at hardware stores.
08-28-2020, 07:47 PM
Yes it is, usually what I see though is the sandpaper type. I like the rubbery flexible type stuff like this. I've seen it in rolls but not very often even looking on line.
This little package will go a long ways.
08-28-2020, 08:49 PM
Talon and Red Cat sell larger pieces of both styles, but my scissors skills are not stellar, so I like it when I find pre-cut stuff that works for me.
08-29-2020, 09:07 AM
I really like adding the Pearce finger grooves. For me it makes my grip feel more consistent and is comfortable.
08-29-2020, 11:33 AM
Guess I lied earlier but just a little white lie and momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody.
The mag release on the Italian is in fact tupperware or was until I swapped it out with a metal one I had in my treasure drawer.
The trigger is tupperware as well but for now at least I don't think I'll swap it out till we get out and play some. It seems to fit fairly well, not perfect but not bad. The pull is just a tad heavy but completely tolerable as well.
08-29-2020, 12:16 PM
Guess I lied earlier but just a little white lie and momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody.
The mag release on the Italian is in fact tupperware or was until I swapped it out with a metal one I had in my treasure drawer.
The trigger is tupperware as well but for now at least I don't think I'll swap it out till we get out and play some. It seems to fit fairly well, not perfect but not bad. The pull is just a tad heavy but completely tolerable as well.
Lie - a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
No sir, not your style.
I also swapped out my mag release. I don't mind the poly trigger (as you say it fits fairly well); I guess I got used to them in factory Colts.
I did a little spring bending to take mine from tolerable to decent:smash:
08-29-2020, 02:21 PM
Does it all come apart like a metal 1911, not little tricks inside there? The main spring housing I know was the same. The mag release was the same but kind of strange. I couldn't use the screw that was in the plastic one, like it was rough machined or not right. It got stuck, took effort to get it back out. Found another one to use with the metal in the magic drawer. (which is nearly depleted, need to find some more stuff to fill it back up.
I didn't look when I had it apart to see if it was series 70 or 80. I even read the manual and they mentioned a drop safety notch but I don't think that's the same thing the way it was worded.
No matter, I got the grip tape on the front strap and I think we're ready for a maiden voyage or at least a maiden.
08-29-2020, 03:10 PM
Does it all come apart like a metal 1911, not little tricks inside there? The main spring housing I know was the same. The mag release was the same but kind of strange. I couldn't use the screw that was in the plastic one, like it was rough machined or not right. It got stuck, took effort to get it back out. Found another one to use with the metal in the magic drawer. (which is nearly depleted, need to find some more stuff to fill it back up.
I didn't look when I had it apart to see if it was series 70 or 80. I even read the manual and they mentioned a drop safety notch but I don't think that's the same thing the way it was worded.
No matter, I got the grip tape on the front strap and I think we're ready for a maiden voyage or at least a maiden.
The innards are the same and it's series 70.
Manual? We don't need no stinkin' manual....I'd guess they are talking about the notch on the hammer that catches a hammer that fails to engage the full-cock notch when being cocked. Some calls it a half cock notch....others, a quarter cock notch...other still, a safety notch.
Good shooting to you.
08-29-2020, 04:41 PM
That's exactly the way I understood it, a half cock notch. I'm happy it's series 70, one less little piece to mess with.
I was reluctant to mention I read the manual for fear of reprisals and for what it's worth I didn't learn anything from reading it but at least I can say I did my due diligence for what tiny little bit that might be worth.
I hung a light on it just to see how the light rail worked out and it worked fine. It most likely will never have a light on it unless it goes in the night stand. I keep one on the (G word 45) I keep in the night stand.
08-29-2020, 06:24 PM
G-word, say it ain’t so!
08-30-2020, 07:05 AM
Bean a, good that you keep it hidden. You know how rumors start and grow.
08-30-2020, 07:07 AM
Bwanna, good that you keep it hidden. You know how rumors start and grow.
08-30-2020, 07:58 AM
I get it. “Government model” *wink*
08-30-2020, 10:46 AM
Yeah, lets go with that "Government model". I don't need a vigilante lynch mob coming to the house. But if yall do, let me know we'll have a BBQ and a day drinking party. Sasperilla for those who don't imbibe of the devils kool aid.
08-30-2020, 12:21 PM
Yeah, lets go with that "Government model". I don't need a vigilante lynch mob coming to the house. But if yall do, let me know we'll have a BBQ and a day drinking party. Sasperilla for those who don't imbibe of the devils kool aid.
Barbecue at Bawanna's place? Lynch mob or not, there's got be a dress code.
Can I come?:w00t: ( ( image host (
08-30-2020, 01:22 PM
Your in!
08-30-2020, 02:35 PM
I’ll bring this baby.
08-30-2020, 02:37 PM
I’ll bring this baby.
Your in as well.
Here's my trophy wife and a pair of Henry's. ( (
08-30-2020, 02:39 PM
And must not forget Daisy the Wonder Dog! (
08-30-2020, 03:04 PM
She is indeed a trophy wife, my hat's off to you sir! Those are some of the best photos ever posted on this site. Thanks for sharing them!
Henry needs to have them up on their site.
Nice pup!
08-30-2020, 03:08 PM
Been wanting a Henry .22. Not much room in the safe, though.
08-30-2020, 03:56 PM
This little 22 of hers is hands down the slickest running lever gun I've ever touched. Just smooth as can be and a phenomenal trigger.
I kind of want one of my own now but that seems to be normal for me. Always the next one ya know?
I've long outgrown my safes, just need a bigger room for more safes. Solve that problem pretty easy huh?
08-30-2020, 06:29 PM
My wife always needs a bigger kitchen, so... yeah...
08-30-2020, 06:44 PM
I might be ok, I just was able to add a shelf in one of the safes, should be room for another dozen pistols. Have to relocate an old long barreled model 12 Winchester (stuck up too far) but I'll find a suitable home for it someplace in there.
09-01-2020, 06:11 PM
I might be ok, I just was able to add a shelf in one of the safes, should be room for another dozen pistols. Have to relocate an old long barreled model 12 Winchester (stuck up too far) but I'll find a suitable home for it someplace in there.
What a terrible problem to have! My heart really goes out to you for that one!
Ken L
09-02-2020, 01:41 PM
Why not just brick in a room in the man cave and add a safe door to it? Wimmins can have walk-in closets for shoes and such, why can't we have a walk-in gun safe??
09-02-2020, 02:54 PM
I've thought of that very thing. What I need is one room for the toys and another for working on them, making grips, and stuff.
Thought about moving the work stuff out to the shop but then I'm making a 100 trips from the room to the shop and carrying guns which I have a tendency to drop as I'm driving the chair.
Went through that at work at the PD. Had all my tools at my desk. Then they put in a cleaning room with a little corner for me with lockable drawers etc. Girls didn't like the smell of Hoppe's and oil and such or the sound of actions working just the other side of the cubicle wall. So then even the simplest task I had to go to the other end of the building to get stuff.
The perfect solution is a man cave twice as big as I got, but like you say all walled in, (maybe firing ports) with a vault door. And just live with the sawdust all over everything, sawdust is good. If it had a 25 yard shooting tunnel out one wall that would be just the best.
09-19-2020, 11:33 AM
I got a shiny new Garrett Silent Thunder for the Italian 1911. One word AWESOME. They are usually a ways out on delivery and I got this one I think in less than 2 weeks. (
Look at that lovely leather lining inside and it smells really nice too. (
I like the new style of belt clip they come with now too. Hooks on positive yet easy to remove. My only thing is I seem to go through clips but not too often and I'm more careful now not to over work them going on and off. (
It fits like the proverbial glove, just perfectly. Been wearing it since it arrived and it rides much better than I expected. Full size 5'' isn't usually as comfy as my commanders, goofy half inch makes a lot of difference but this one seems to work.
And it's light, yup really liking it.
Nearly had a goof up ordering. Sheryl (very nice lady and coowner at Garrett) thought it was a Witness Pro, a CZ 75 knock off, fortunately we got it cleared up before production.
Playing with it I found that it didn't seem to like all 1911 magazines. The ones it came with worked fine, some others did but a lot didn't.
Miraculously I found the little notch at the front of the mag well was just a bit long. And some mags wouldn't quite seat. A couple minutes with a file to remove a bit and all work perfectly now. Life is good. (
I'm not a paid endorser for Garrett but certainly a repeat customer and couldn't ask for nicer folks to deal with.
Discounts for LE and military active and "retired". Don't get much better.
09-19-2020, 12:04 PM
I am very happy with a cheap WINTHROP holster off of e was $forty something. Very comfortable and fits good.
I would of uploaded a picture but Kahr forum seems to FAIL ALOT on photo uploads, not sure why?
09-19-2020, 06:47 PM
You’re teasing us with those green camo looking grips lurking in the background. I haven’t seen grips like those before.
09-19-2020, 07:45 PM
You’re teasing us with those green camo looking grips lurking in the background. I haven’t seen grips like those before.
Those are spoken for but I have enough of that same wood to make several more sets. I'll post when I get some done. Debating on checkering them. I'm near positive the figure and color will show through fine but I don't want to ruin them if I'm wrong.
09-20-2020, 05:07 PM
GREEN!!! and camo?.....oh my!
09-20-2020, 05:08 PM
Bet GREEN camo round butt checkered would look great on my NIGHTMARE.
09-20-2020, 08:06 PM
I bet it would, that's an interesting round on that round butt, more round than most I've seen.
I think I know where that wood came from, kind of a confusing mess around here at the moment. I thought I had a bunch already to go but that turns out to be something else. Working a set now to see what it looks like.
I'll keep this one in mind as I sort things out.
09-20-2020, 10:00 PM
Well I'm in luck, that nice camo looking wood is the stuff I did several pieces of in the vacuum tank. It looked kind of bluish but once finished and oiled it turns that camo look.
Gonna work another set and try checkering to see if the looks shows through. I suspect it will just fine.
I'm kind of happy to make this discovery and I don't mind saying so. I think I have a bunch more thats still raw. Might try using a different color or clear and see what comes out. Soon as I save up for more juice.........
09-20-2020, 10:58 PM
I am very happy with a cheap WINTHROP holster off of e was $forty something. Very comfortable and fits good.
I would of uploaded a picture but Kahr forum seems to FAIL ALOT on photo uploads, not sure why?
somebody say Winthrop? Pretty nice holster for the price.
09-21-2020, 07:51 AM
I got a shiny new Garrett Silent Thunder for the Italian 1911. One word AWESOME. They are usually a ways out on delivery and I got this one I think in less than 2 weeks. (
Look at that lovely leather lining inside and it smells really nice too. (
I like the new style of belt clip they come with now too. Hooks on positive yet easy to remove. My only thing is I seem to go through clips but not too often and I'm more careful now not to over work them going on and off. (
It fits like the proverbial glove, just perfectly. Been wearing it since it arrived and it rides much better than I expected. Full size 5'' isn't usually as comfy as my commanders, goofy half inch makes a lot of difference but this one seems to work.
And it's light, yup really liking it.
Nearly had a goof up ordering. Sheryl (very nice lady and coowner at Garrett) thought it was a Witness Pro, a CZ 75 knock off, fortunately we got it cleared up before production.
Playing with it I found that it didn't seem to like all 1911 magazines. The ones it came with worked fine, some others did but a lot didn't.
Miraculously I found the little notch at the front of the mag well was just a bit long. And some mags wouldn't quite seat. A couple minutes with a file to remove a bit and all work perfectly now. Life is good. (
I'm not a paid endorser for Garrett but certainly a repeat customer and couldn't ask for nicer folks to deal with.
Discounts for LE and military active and "retired". Don't get much better.
I like it! Nice work figuring out the magazine fittment issue. Was it only a problem with the Wilson Combat stuff?
09-21-2020, 11:19 AM
I like it! Nice work figuring out the magazine fittment issue. Was it only a problem with the Wilson Combat stuff?
It was strange one Wilson would work fine but others didn't, some others I had some worked and some didn't. It didn't take much to cure it.
I just got an email from Garrett, the clip on my new holster they call a Tac Clip. I like it a lot and they told me it's life time warrantied. That was the only weak link before, seemed every couple years I'd bust the clip. I ordered a couple spares and the leather loop set up and of course haven't broken a clip since.
Off to whittle grips for awhile today.
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