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05-06-2020, 12:22 AM
Well Bert the only difference between a great hair cut and a really bad one is about 3 weeks so all is well.....I used to cut my own hair with Wall clippers and my only advice if you want to try that is don't do it if you've been drinking....Ask my why

05-06-2020, 07:24 AM
@ ajbert They still have hippies in Manitou Springs? I used to hang out there in 71 when I was at Fort Carson.I lived in Colorado Springs, but less military in the Manitou Springs bars and a lot more friendly.

05-06-2020, 09:39 AM
?...I live near the ocean and get all the fresh fish I want ...

About 16 years ago I lived on the coast but moved to get away from hurricanes but I truly miss the fresh local seafood. You’re a fortunate man. I make a road trip a couple of times a year to the coast and buy a cooler full of fish every time.

05-06-2020, 09:45 AM
@ ajbert They still have hippies in Manitou Springs? I used to hang out there in 71 when I was at Fort Carson.I lived in Colorado Springs, but less military in the Manitou Springs bars and a lot more friendly.

Yes, the place is infested with them. I normally get my haircut at a barber shop that is on the west end of Old Colorado City which boarders Manitou. I think the only place in El Paso county to buy maryjane legally is in Manitou.

05-06-2020, 10:52 AM
I don't understand the rage over haircuts. I cut my dad's hair and I'm not great at it. Mom cut it for some 50 years. I shave my own head about once or twice a week.

05-06-2020, 12:45 PM
I set my clippers on about 1/8" and do my whole head. I got one of those MicroTouch Solos and just started using it on my face. I go from about a 2-week growth to maybe a two days without shaving look. I've been cutting my own hair for about 22 years and it's a lot easier to cut it short since I have a "bit" of baldness on the top center of my head. :D

I wear a mask when I go out and will probably shave before a dental or dermatology appointment when I resume those. Several have been postponed, but my cardiologist's is still on in a week or so.

The Solo is nice because I can pull it up or down... cuts both directions... handy for the "boar hair" on my upper back! :D

05-06-2020, 12:50 PM

05-06-2020, 06:54 PM
Hair cuts are the least of my concerns. My wife went to barber school for awhile before we met. Lost interest and never finished but does a great job of cutting hair. Been cutting mine for almost 35 years now. Has saved me a lot of money over the years. :)

05-07-2020, 07:53 AM
There will be another flyover in Houston tomorrow by 30 WW2 era piston aircraft, put on by the Lone Star Flight Museum:

05-12-2020, 07:44 AM
Off to a nearby surgery facility to get my retina fixed. Am tired of the Long John Silver view of the world. Should be in & out in three hours, but still it is a PITA way to be provided a free mask. Lol

05-12-2020, 08:02 AM
An aside from the fact that my wife and I eat 90% wild game...

I am now a broke man due to the virus crap. I am ashamed of myself for what I have allowed, nay, ASKED for what has happened today. I said, nay swore, it would never happen again in my lifetime. I am thinking my man card should be revoked!

I asked my to cut my hair today! I just couldn't take it any longer!

To be honest, it was not nearly as bad as it was over 30 years ago. She watched a couple of videos on the interweb before hand so I thought she had it down. Just asked for a simple high and tight, that's all. She did real good on the top, got the sides and back down to the skin. Where the two meet, not so good. In about a week or two, I figure the two shall meet and not look to bad. I hope.

At least I don't have to worry about the hippies down in Manitou Springs thinking I am one of them. On the plus side, I do have a lot of head coverings that will lead others to just think I'm bald until nature takes over. The only real draw back is my head in now cold whenever I go outside. It has been getting pretty cold here during the daytime with temps in the 60's!

05-12-2020, 10:19 AM
My GF gets upset whenever we do a video call and she sees I have not shaved.

Most every other woman loves a beard but not my gal!

On the plus side I get to use my straight razors more....which is just a fun way to shave.

Ugh...my back hair....looking forward to marriage so my wife can shave my back!

05-12-2020, 12:43 PM
I got one of those Microtouch Solo razor thingies advertised on TV, but got mine through Amazon Prime with quick delivery for around $20. I use it for trimming my beard to about a one day growth... not quite shaving.
The push pull ability worked really well for the "boar bristles" on my back. It is small and easy to hold and pull up on my back... a nice addition to my array of cutters for hair and beard.
I hate when I can see those bristles sticking up over the top oif my back!

05-12-2020, 02:09 PM
I got one of those Microtouch Solo razor thingies advertised on TV, but got mine through Amazon Prime with quick delivery for around $20. I use it for trimming my beard to about a one day growth... not quite shaving.
The push pull ability worked really well for the "boar bristles" on my back. It is small and easy to hold and pull up on my back... a nice addition to my array of cutters for hair and beard.
I hate when I can see those bristles sticking up over the top oif my back!

I don't like that hair either. I get the back of my neck with the Norelco and follow up with a Mach III and my straight razor shave cream.

I also get my chest down below the collar bones.....hair should not show above the tee shirt.

05-12-2020, 02:45 PM
You fella's must be the missing link everybody has been searching for.

05-12-2020, 03:30 PM
You fella's must be the missing link everybody has been searching for.

That's one way to look it it.........we might also be Italians or could just be migration. My hair migrated from my head south.

05-12-2020, 05:20 PM
You fella's must be the missing link everybody has been searching for.

My 27 year old grandson is a dead ringer for Chewbaca or any random Sasquatch.

05-12-2020, 07:26 PM


05-12-2020, 08:34 PM
Add a Sam Elliott mustache plus shoulder length hair and you are darn close! ;)

05-13-2020, 04:12 PM
Thunderbirds just did a hospital flyover over the Austin-Round Rock corridor....

05-13-2020, 04:19 PM
Saw them at 5:56 cst yesterday when they flew over the VA hospital...………………………………………………………...

05-16-2020, 01:58 PM
Having a good day with dad today. I am staining a set of shelves the neighbor built for him and preparing to go to my personal "gym" (a ski condo) and do today and yesterday's P90X sessions. Gonna be at least a 3 hour workout!

05-17-2020, 02:59 PM
Yesterday helped rebuild a deck at my daughters house. Forgot how great freshly cut cedar smells. Indoor ranges in MN open Monday.

05-17-2020, 10:02 PM
Took the dog for a walk out in the forest on the trail that I mentioned earlier. Happy to report back that what I found then is no longer there! Guess that call on a burner phone to the forest service office worked after all.

Oh, the dog really loved the walk. He took off one time into the thick woods but came back when I called him. On the way back he tried it again twice. Not sure what he smelled in there, but the bears are waking up and some of them have the cubs with them. Last thing I wanted for him to do was to find a cub or two.

Otherwise, doing overdue honey-do-list everyday, or most days. Once in a while I get to do something on my list.

05-21-2020, 12:45 AM
In the news... this teacher wrote a song to show her students how she copes with the COVID-19 isolation: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/gkngbz/news_anchor_loses_it/

05-21-2020, 01:32 AM
Big rain all week so can't stain those shelves (ran out of stain anyway and Lowe's didn't have that flavor). Hit the food store today and had good time there. Rain kept a lot of the customers away. Got everything on the list but forgot to put down oranges and apples.

Was able to share some virus killing info with the staff and this older gentleman I met in there. Most everyone wearing a mask if only covering their mouths (staff doing that not customers). It's speaking, coughing, and sneezing that spreads it, not breathing. Saw a clerk type on a keyboard then touch her nose and lips.....SMH.

News reports it's not so easy to catch off a surface but I will continue my policies until more data comes out.

Found a gorgeous S/27G K98 online but I don't have my C&R on file with that dealer.....pity. I missed out on an unmatched S/27 back in 2006 and this was the first one I've seen since. So I mailed him a copy of my C&R for "next time."

Made a protein shake smoothie and OMGosh I had forgotten how great those things taste! I saved some for dad and he liked it.

1 cup skim milk
1 banana
1 cup blueberries
2 scoops protein powder
1 cup ice

P90X workout was great.......best one yet. My body is feeling it too! Next week calls for new exercise routines to achieve "muscle confusion." That's fine with me as I certainly maxed out on tonight's workout and I think it's time to do something different.

05-21-2020, 03:47 PM
Gotta get both of these......

05-21-2020, 04:22 PM
Still dealing with some of my mom's affairs and need to do some shuffling at the bank to continue paying for her care. Banker said I'd have to come in person to do what I want. I said could I do that now with all this pandemonium going on.
She said yes but I have to wear a mask???

My wife was a bank manager when I married her, wearing a mask into a bank just ain't natural.

Not sure I'll have to go, doing some other creative financing so maybe I won't have to.

05-21-2020, 08:09 PM
Kinda funny at my bank - the lobby is closed so we have to go through the drive thru lanes. Talking to the tellers on the tv monitors, they are wearing masks. I didn’t think the WuFlu could be transmitted through a tv camera.

05-21-2020, 10:37 PM
Went to VA today for cheaper gasoline....I'll bet it was as low as a dollar a gallon a few weeks ago! Still, $1.59 now. Paid cash in store. Clerks had hung shower curtains at register....said they couldn't find plexiglass. I complimented their ingenuity. Nearly didn't find the soap in the bathroom. Guy in there said he "quarantined two of his men" but didn't elaborate. Tiny bathroom....

Neither clerk had on a mask.

I had both mask and shield.

At McDonald's, most staff had masks on but nose out. Window girl was a real piece of work. Mask on chin then to talk to me she ducked under the extra shield put up to prevent her spitting on people! SMH! I figure she just isn't that bright and/or wanted people to be able to hear her.

Next time I go to drive thru, definitely wearing my shield. No more trusting employees to be responsible.

Picked up my Maricopa Co. X sheriff's department shotgun. Gunsmith fixed the extractor problem....he's had it nearly two years! SMH.

05-21-2020, 10:56 PM
I use online banking and my debit card or a credit card... the latter more lately because of the "rewards". USAA lets me turn the rewards directly into cash in my checking account or pay towards credit card account balances. My local bank makes me redeem for stuff or gift cards for a premium.

I noticed a "no guns" sign one time at the C.U. but I ignored it, as I do for the Navy BX store offbase... since the attacks in Chattanooga a few years ago. I can protect myself, since they don't even check ID's and have no guards that I see in the offbase BX area

I have been ignoring the no guns signs for base entry for over 20 years. I have to get there and back through Indian territory... if you remember the old days with settlers and forts... leaving your guns at home was CRAZY!

05-22-2020, 08:28 AM
Be very careful using your debit card...………………………..lots of crooks out there. It's so easy for them to steal info.

05-22-2020, 09:29 AM
Be very careful using your debit card...………………………..lots of crooks out there. It's so easy for them to steal info.
Agreed, in fact, a couple years ago I requested (and received) an ATM card with no debit capability and no rfid chip, so it couldn't be read remotely by a thief. Since then, they've updated their policy to limit customer liability to $50 for fraud or theft of a debit/atm card, so I no longer bother. I have never used a card in debit mode, though.

On the subject of banking, I made a multiple 4-figure overseas purchase (Belgium), and was appalled at the currency exchange rate and surcharges from PayPal and my bank. Google led me to TransferWise. Seemed legit, so I gave it a shot, and everything went swimmingly. A much better exchange rate, reasonable fee, and very quick transaction that saved me several hundred dollars. If someone has a better service, let me know, but otherwise, keep Transferwise in mind if you have the need. Might save you some money. Also, let me know if you're going to use it, so I can send you a link - we would both benefit from a referral signup.

Turtle's gasoline purchase: I tanked up yesterday (first time since March) and was thrilled to *only* pay $2.49/gallon. A lot of my peers are casting wandering eyes outside of California . . . . all of you free state folks, heed my words: gird yourselves for a blue immigrant wave. Maybe change your voting laws to exclude us Calfornians so we don't spread our political pollution ;-)

05-22-2020, 10:13 AM
Agreed, in fact, a couple years ago I requested (and received) an ATM card with no debit capability and no rfid chip, so it couldn't be read remotely by a thief. Since then, they've updated their policy to limit customer liability to $50 for fraud or theft of a debit/atm card, so I no longer bother. I have never used a card in debit mode, though.

On the subject of banking, I made a multiple 4-figure overseas purchase (Belgium), and was appalled at the currency exchange rate and surcharges from PayPal and my bank. Google led me to TransferWise. Seemed legit, so I gave it a shot, and everything went swimmingly. A much better exchange rate, reasonable fee, and very quick transaction that saved me several hundred dollars. If someone has a better service, let me know, but otherwise, keep Transferwise in mind if you have the need. Might save you some money. Also, let me know if you're going to use it, so I can send you a link - we would both benefit from a referral signup.

Turtle's gasoline purchase: I tanked up yesterday (first time since March) and was thrilled to *only* pay $2.49/gallon. A lot of my peers are casting wandering eyes outside of California . . . . all of you free state folks, heed my words: gird yourselves for a blue immigrant wave. Maybe change your voting laws to exclude us Calfornians so we don't spread our political pollution ;-)

Stupidity is doing the same thing over again, expecting a different result. People will flee NY and CA but keep voting for the same party that made them move before. I have an uncle like that.

05-22-2020, 12:11 PM
We just got our Rhoback Victory Masks. Wifey wants to wash them before we use them. I don't see the need to add any extra filtering. The flag on the mask is a small heat transfer.

The masks are light and comfy with a moldable stiffener in the edge at the top of the nose... fits well. It's much more comfortable and easier to get on and off without having to remove your hat and glasses.

I wear my Kahr hat when I'm out and masked, not this one... don't want to have to show anyone my Kahr.

Wynn :)

05-22-2020, 12:44 PM
Love the hat, I'm not a mask kind of guy myself.

05-22-2020, 06:08 PM
You da man Wyn! Trump 2020 is our only hope during this mess....

05-22-2020, 06:55 PM
I bought two of those hats... a black one and a grey one. I didn't get a red one because those are automatically "targets" for Leftist wackos!

I wear my Kahr cap because most people aren't familiar with the name. I did have a guy in Walmart tell me that he had one a few days ago.


05-22-2020, 07:30 PM
I bought two of those hats... a black one and a grey one. I didn't get a red one because those are automatically "targets" for Leftist wackos!

I wear my Kahr cap because most people aren't familiar with the name. I did have a guy in Walmart tell me that he had one a few days ago.


Good thinking! Red caps are fine in WV.....but I do the same. I don't think they know what Kahr is.

I have a "WILSON COMBAT" sticker on my ski helmet and in several years of riding with that on only two people have ever asked about it. Now my last trip to Vermont, a guy in my class did ask! Turned out he was a competition shooter and exclusively shot a WC. To my pleasant surprise, there were no crazy leftists in the ski group, including the instructor.

I had a Karabiner K 31 hat dedicated to the K31 rifle. It was tan with a bold Swiss flag. NO ONE KNEW WHAT THAT WAS ABOUT. Once, at a ski resort in PA, I was standing in line at the lift, and since it was spring, it was fairly hot and I was wearing that cap. The lift operator assumed I was ski patrol and let me pass like 50 people! LOL

I never lied to the guy but he shouldn't make assumptions. I wish I had another one of those caps. Wore that thing out.

05-22-2020, 09:42 PM
Went with the wife to a doctor's appt she had today. Asked if they could spare a mask or two for her, the kind that would protect her. No joy.

Went to Disneyland, the absolute belly of the beast, last year with the kids and grandbabies and purposely wore my "Come and take it" tshirt. Nobody seemed to notice or they were too afraid to look, except one guy who worked there. He whispered when I walked by, "I really like your shirt!" Surprised me a bit, but I guess he felt he had to whisper for fear of getting fired if someone heard him.

05-23-2020, 01:02 PM
If I wore out in public the hat a friend gave me, I’d probably get no service in the local TexMex joints and my lawn mowing crew would disappear.

05-23-2020, 01:17 PM
Nice one.

I had an "NYPD" hat for a time....if I wore it in NY would my food get spat in? SMH.


Continuing to stain shelves for my dad. Later on today I'll go to my gym and do two rounds of P90X. I missed yesterday but I think I can do two rounds today with a break in between.

05-23-2020, 01:27 PM
A Cajun friend of mine in Las Vegas is getting through the crisis with a couple of these Bloody Marys on weekends.

JD, bacon, leftover babybacks, & jalapeño stuffed olives.

05-23-2020, 01:44 PM
Looks disgusting. LOL

My dad'd neighbor is coping by pretending there is no virus. SMH.

05-23-2020, 06:13 PM
A Cajun friend of mine in Las Vegas is getting through the crisis with a couple of these Bloody Marys on weekends.

JD, bacon, leftover babybacks, & jalapeño stuffed olives.

I want that!

05-23-2020, 09:13 PM
This is the best (worst) I can do at a local Sunday brunch...

05-29-2020, 11:40 AM
Las Vegas hasn’t been doing so well either...

05-29-2020, 02:44 PM
Gotta make some of these masks!

05-29-2020, 04:11 PM
This working from home is great, I'm sitting at my desk looking out at the back yard watching a big ole Hawk sitting on the fence checking out the neighbors cat....He Ain't Skeered of no virus!!!.....Kitty Cat, it's what's for dinner

06-14-2020, 02:37 PM
Dad had another melt down yesterday, for a few seconds I expected him to strike me. Why? My drug addicted scam artist sister came over. She has ruined two marriages, her children put into foster care, her children will not allow her over to their houses due to so much of her theft and arguments. My sister has a long criminal history including grand larceny. She is marred to a man 20 years older than her who was dishonorably discharged, as far as my Marine nephew and I can tell from the way he talks.

I refuse to acknowledge her presence. I lock up dad's checkbooks and guns (it appears she stole two of his handguns, one of which I bought and has stolen and forged mom's checks). The car they bought her she succeeded in getting her name on the title, then she gave to her drug dealing boyfriend. I lock up the bedrooms when she comes to keep her out. Dad doesn't fully trust her at his house so he pushes her off on his sister. My sister bragged about stealing $10,000 dollars cash she found in an elderly lady's house when she was a maid.

I lock up dad's bedrooms when she visits because she stole mom's jewelry back in 2017 and then wore it to my mother's funeral.

OK. I no longer acknowledge her presence. She was sitting in the living room and I went by to the bathroom. She began calling my name. I ignored her. BOOM. She started SCREAMING. Then dad started yelling my name. I walked off.

Later, she was in the bathroom and dad was at the front door. I walked to him and asked him to "please not try to force me to speak with people I do not want to." My sister must have very good hearing as I was nearly whispering. The bathroom door was closed. She bounded out, and began cursing, saying I "was not a good Christian" how "she can't take it," then she began making physical threats of violence. All at the top of her lungs.

I went back to my room but told her "threats are felonies." She then said "YOU JUST COME OVER HERE!" while making the classic "come here gesture." I calmly replied "generally the person making the threat goes to the target, not the other way around."

She walked out to dad's car. I calmly told my father "please do not force me to speak with anyone I do not want to." HE WENT BALLISTIC. "I CAN'T TAKE YOU ANYMORE! YOU CREATE PROBLEMS FOR ME!" all while pounding on his chest. I backed up. He came closer. I backed up again, he came closer. I remained calm though, never raised my voice, and stayed objective. "Dad, she is the one screaming and cursing, not me." Dad yelled again "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART....COLLEGE BOY!"

He left, taking her to stay with my aunt.

While he was gone I cleaned the kitchen floor, cleaned off the kitchen table, and cleaned his bathroom. He is a bit of a hoarder and never could remember where he put things.

He came back last night, was impressed with the newly-cleaned counter tops and bathroom and acted as if nothing at all had happened.


06-14-2020, 03:27 PM
Why are you still living there?

06-14-2020, 04:06 PM
More and more I think the same thing but if I moved out, my sister would move in, my parents' savings would be spent, the house sold for taxes, my sister back on welfare, and my dad would die in a nursing home. If he lived through it.

06-14-2020, 04:30 PM
Why are you still living there?


06-14-2020, 07:13 PM
More and more I think the same thing but if I moved out, my sister would move in, my parents' savings would be spent, the house sold for taxes, my sister back on welfare, and my dad would die in a nursing home. If he lived through it.
That sounds like an intolerable situation which, if not handled properly, could be dangerous for your dad’s long term well being. Your sister sounds like a person who is beyond redemption and will crap all over you and make you appear to be the bad guy.

My advice would be to contact a good family law lawyer, have your dad evaluated (as he has obvious elder mental issues, possibly dementia) and go before a family court judge to explain with documentation the situation with your criminal sister’s history & behavior and how she affects dad.

Get power of attorney, and then a restraining order against her to stay awa, or at the very least limit her contact with your dad (only under your supervision like a child custody case). Yes, your dad will probably blow his top, but he is clearly not capable of making rational decisions when it comes to dealing with your sister. If you do not do these steps, then your dad’s end of life years are going to be miserable, IMO.

That is up to you of course. But there is no way anyone in my family would allow a person like your sister to have any control or influence over any other member of the family, much less an elder who has exhibited declining judgement.

Best of luck for a good outcome.

06-14-2020, 07:26 PM
I appreciate all of that and it's basically the plan I came up with after calling an older friend of mine today while dad was taking my sister back to her husband.

I'm calling the attorney that made out their wills. The will that says in very big, all capitals letters "MY DAUGHTER IS TO GET NOTHING AT ALL."

My sister was taken out of the will when she forged the stolen checks.