View Full Version : How are YOU and your FAMILY holding up under the strain?

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03-24-2020, 06:39 PM
Today my father had a full-on MELTDOWN over having to wash his hands. He yelled "YOU DON'T RESPECT ME!" and "YOU TALK TO ME LIKE I'M DIRT!" He even used the "YOU CAN JUST STAY AWAY!" at one point.

He is 79 years old, I do practically everything for him, and mom passed on with him by her side after we took care of her at home, bedfast, for 11 months.

I suspect he is just upset with being cooped up plus having to defer to his son when it comes to matters of preventing this illness.

Family and friends often tell me how much be brags on me for being there for him.

I try to stay super calm, even when he really hurts my feelings. I try to see it as a "game" with the goal being not to win the argument, but to beat the virus.

I assume domestic violence calls are on the rise along with suicides.

I cannot cope with exercise as the gym is closed and it's too wet and cold outside to exercise outside. I speak with my fiance and friends daily though, that helps me.

How is everyone else here holding up?

03-24-2020, 07:16 PM
My mom now in assisted living was pretty much the same way you mention your dad being, she would rant and get mad at my two sisters and call them names, refuse to do stuff etc.
But when I was there she'd cooperate and do as asked. For example giving up driving, she's nearly blind and had no business driving. Sisters got after her and met the brick wall.
I went over and told her I didn't think it was a good idea to drive any more, dangerous for her and others. No fight, no issue, ok, I won't drive any more.
She was in a nursing home for a month, I visited several times a week even though it was an hour away close to my sisters.
Staff said nothing but fights and no cooperation with sisters but fine when I was there.

I think the trick is to talk with and converse with them, don't insist, be bossy etc. She was dealing with dementia for awhile they think brought on by infections due to improper hygiene living by herself far too long, mostly because I didn't insist she get help, trying to abide by her wishes. Funny thing is she'd be out to lunch but came out of it whenever I was there.

I'm sure all cases are different but I know my sisters approach only made things worse.

03-24-2020, 07:39 PM
My father passed at 85 yrs. old. He had meltdowns over everything. He never "understood" me growing up. Had PTSD before they even knew what it was. Took it out on my mother and me. I moved out of the house and started supporting myself at age 15. These days, he would be in prison. He had to be in a home after falling so many times. I couldn't deal with him or his anger, growing up or in death. Your kind of lucky that you can have some bonding with your father, even if it's under trying times. The anger that he's expressing is mild. Take it as a gift, this time together. You won't regret it.:)

03-25-2020, 01:55 AM
Hey, Bawanna. I dealt with the driving issue slightly differently. My mother was 96 and still driving to the food store, library, beauty shop, and wherever every week. She was fine in late August when I last saw her and had no problems driving. When I went up to Knoxville for Thanksgiving, she was close to bedridden. I didn't think she'd ever think of driving again, but her 6 year old Buick Park Avenue was still in the garage. It only had 30K. I knew that her next door neighbor was looking for a dependable car for one of his employees, so I sold him the car for $1500. I had POA so I handled the paperwork. She went into the Hospital in December and died the first part of January. I don't think she ever noticed.

03-25-2020, 08:56 AM
Condolences for your loss O’Dell. At least your mom was spared the current angst.

My family is coping well so far. The wife & I are at home most of the time anyway, but we will miss the weekly Happy Hour meets with our friends, the occasional day trips for “antiquing” around Central Texas, not to mention visiting with the grandkids.

Oldest son is a banker who is working from home. His regional agricultural bank (not a full service bank) is fighting off account raiders from the big megabanks like BoA. So he & his team of “responders” are working overtime. His wife is an HR director for a school district, so she is WFH.

Middle son is a self-employed house renovator who has a full schedule of steady work. Is currently contracted to paint a bunch of houses for Habitat for Humanity. Whenever you see on the news a group of weekend volunteers daubing some paint outside an old house or hammering a nail, my son is the guy briefly in the background who has painted the entire interior. Lol
His sons, 17 & 10, are at home supposedly doing their lessons online part of the day. They really are responsible kids, and are not flaky like so many we see in the media.

Son #3 is working for a tech company that makes critical parts for military & hospital equipment, so is designated an essential industry and not subject to closure. His wife has been on SS disability for two years and has underlying health issues. At least her daughter is an RN and could help some if really needed.

03-25-2020, 09:38 AM
I just made my monthly liquor store run for the second time this week.

03-25-2020, 10:44 AM
Hey, Bawanna. I dealt with the driving issue slightly differently. My mother was 96 and still driving to the food store, library, beauty shop, and wherever every week. She was fine in late August when I last saw her and had no problems driving. When I went up to Knoxville for Thanksgiving, she was close to bedridden. I didn't think she'd ever think of driving again, but her 6 year old Buick Park Avenue was still in the garage. It only had 30K. I knew that her next door neighbor was looking for a dependable car for one of his employees, so I sold him the car for $1500. I had POA so I handled the paperwork. She went into the Hospital in December and died the first part of January. I don't think she ever noticed.

My moms car was mostly in the garage also and just being there apparently made her feel like she could go if she wanted. I ended up buying the car myself as it is AWD and handly on our hill in the snow. I also had POA.

03-25-2020, 11:14 AM
Today has been a better day. I woke up to find dad had gone out to feed the crows. On his way back in, I was going to hold the door for him. In his hands, is a FEDEX package.

Amazingly, he did not blow up when I suggested he leave that on the porch. "I was just helping you" was his reply but I reminded him that we quarantine all cardboard for 24 hours. Since he then touched the cup he uses to feed the crows I washed that in the sink. He had also touched his jacket, which he (again amazingly) allowed me to wash. He then went and washed his hands.

I think comparisons are great ways to explain things so I told him "think of the house as a transfer case. Gears in a transfer case have to be clean: no water, no dirt, no metal shavings. If we don't, the gears will be worn down prematurely or seize up. So try to think of anything we touch as bringing dirt into our transfer case." Dad thought that was a good comparison.

03-25-2020, 12:24 PM
Today my father had a full-on MELTDOWN over having to wash his hands. He yelled "YOU DON'T RESPECT ME!" and "YOU TALK TO ME LIKE I'M DIRT!" He even used the "YOU CAN JUST STAY AWAY!" at one point.

He is 79 years old, I do practically everything for him, and mom passed on with him by her side after we took care of her at home, bedfast, for 11 months.

I suspect he is just upset with being cooped up plus having to defer to his son when it comes to matters of preventing this illness.

Family and friends often tell me how much be brags on me for being there for him.

I try to stay super calm, even when he really hurts my feelings. I try to see it as a "game" with the goal being not to win the argument, but to beat the virus.

I assume domestic violence calls are on the rise along with suicides.

I cannot cope with exercise as the gym is closed and it's too wet and cold outside to exercise outside. I speak with my fiance and friends daily though, that helps me.

How is everyone else here holding up?
I am 75 and in great shape for my age. I try not to let negatives get me down hence I turn off the radio during my day browsing the internet or watching Netflix.
Can you take your dad out for a drive. I hope that is permissible in your area. I just got back from a 4 mile walk and a freeway I passed looked like a normal day at noon so somebody is out and about. Is he a card player? cribbage etc. If he is, there are plenty of online sites where you can play against real players. here is one example, https://www.trickstercards.com/
I am assuming he is a little bit internet savvy, if not, do what I am doing, teaching my wife to work a computer.
YouTube is another option. I could, and have spend days just moving form one video to another.

Sorry for the randomness of my suggestions but maybe I got lucky with one or two.

03-25-2020, 01:50 PM
Well, i am on day 6 of a 14 day quarantine. At work i apparently had contact with a person who had tested positive for the virus. As a safety precation my wife was also asked to stay at home by her employer for the 14 days as well. The good news is so far we both are symptom free. We are well supplied and are still getting paid so is like a forced "staycation." i know this could potentially be serious but we both have been blessed with good health all our lives and neither of us has an underlying condition. So hoping/praying if either of us do get it will be one of the 80% or so that just have mild symptoms. Not too worried about my dad although he is 87 and lives 500 miles from me. Very healthy for his age and still hunts,fishes and play a little golf. Fortunately he still has a good head on his shoulders and staying safe. Hope all the rest of you all are staying safe as well.

03-25-2020, 02:55 PM
I am 75 and in great shape for my age. I try not to let negatives get me down hence I turn off the radio during my day browsing the internet or watching Netflix.
Can you take your dad out for a drive. I hope that is permissible in your area. I just got back from a 4 mile walk and a freeway I passed looked like a normal day at noon so somebody is out and about. Is he a card player? cribbage etc. If he is, there are plenty of online sites where you can play against real players. here is one example, https://www.trickstercards.com/
I am assuming he is a little bit internet savvy, if not, do what I am doing, teaching my wife to work a computer.
YouTube is another option. I could, and have spend days just moving form one video to another.

Sorry for the randomness of my suggestions but maybe I got lucky with one or two.

I appreciate all of that but my dad hates computers, he hates his flip phone even. He has a lot of arthritis and really can't walk very far. He also can't see very well, computers screens are not something get can use. I have offered to take him out for a drive but he has refused to go.

I might talk him into a game of checkers, so thank you for reminding me of that. :)

03-25-2020, 03:14 PM
They also have books on audio and the radio. All he would have to do is listen...……………………………...audio.com...……….no sticks in the fire here.

03-25-2020, 03:21 PM
Maybe a radio station could start playing old recordings of the original Gunsmoke series with William Conrad for us geezers to listen to.

As for TV, they have decades of great Johnny Carson shows they could rerun instead of those lame guys currently on late night.

03-25-2020, 04:09 PM
Maybe a radio station could start playing old recordings of the original Gunsmoke series with William Conrad for us geezers to listen to.

As for TV, they have decades of great Johnny Carson shows they could rerun instead of those lame guys currently on late night.

Dad and I have been watching "Gunsmoke" reruns on TV since 2018. It's a great show, no wonder it ran for 20 years.

03-25-2020, 10:02 PM
The only changes in my wife and my lives is I am home instead of going to school. The dog seems to like it more than my wife, though.

We live up in the foothills, what most people would consider the boonies, though we do have neighbors that we can see their houses through the trees. Nobody comes knocking on our door and we don't knock on anyone's door, either. When I make a run to town for necessities, I will call around and see if anyone needs me to pick something up. My wife doesn't go as she has those "underlying medical conditions." She is starting to get cabin fever, and when it gets too bad we'll take a drive.

I'm not missing any paychecks, retired military and wife is on disability, so no worries there. Actually, saving money and getting projects done during this down time. My schooling has moved to online, so no problems there. Again, saves money as I'm not driving 45 miles each way to/from school.

As long as my wife stays safe, I'm a happy guy.

03-26-2020, 12:24 AM
Ilm living my life just as I always have, and just as I have during the flu season and the other annual overhyped media viral fear mongering. I go to work where I'm around dozens of other people, wenr grocery shopping today at several different stores to find everything I needed, have went to the range a couple of times, took the kids to the park last week, so all in all, it's business as usual. The family is just fine.

03-26-2020, 07:03 AM
Today my father had a full-on MELTDOWN over having to wash his hands. He yelled "YOU DON'T RESPECT ME!" and "YOU TALK TO ME LIKE I'M DIRT!" He even used the "YOU CAN JUST STAY AWAY!" at one point.

He is 79 years old, I do practically everything for him, and mom passed on with him by her side after we took care of her at home, bedfast, for 11 months.

I suspect he is just upset with being cooped up plus having to defer to his son when it comes to matters of preventing this illness.

Family and friends often tell me how much be brags on me for being there for him.

I try to stay super calm, even when he really hurts my feelings. I try to see it as a "game" with the goal being not to win the argument, but to beat the virus.

I assume domestic violence calls are on the rise along with suicides.

I cannot cope with exercise as the gym is closed and it's too wet and cold outside to exercise outside. I speak with my fiance and friends daily though, that helps me.

How is everyone else here holding up?
It's likely just a game, but your father sounds more like a teenager than a near octogenarian, but you probably know that better than us.

So far our extended family of five (wife, girls, and my mother-in-law) are fine. The online schooling gets frustrating for my wife and I because of the technology, but our 3rd grader handles it fine. I expect tensions to rise at some point, and figure it out when the time comes.

Article in today's news:
“Typically on a Monday, we’ll receive between 30 and 40 calls from domestic violence victims who are reaching out after a weekend. This last Monday, we had fewer than five calls,” Baldwin said.
Increasing stress at home and at work is one of the reasons the Florida governor is resisting a statewide shelter-in-place order in response to the new coronavirus.

They go on to say people are less likely to call a domestic abuse hotline if their abuser is stuck at home with them 24/7.


03-26-2020, 07:25 AM
Maybe a radio station could start playing old recordings of the original Gunsmoke series with William Conrad for us geezers to listen to.

As for TV, they have decades of great Johnny Carson shows they could rerun instead of those lame guys currently on late night.

Funny you mention that. Yesterday I had a sort of a vision. I have despised TV for years now, but it occurred to me last night around dinner time that if this were "back in the day" when the late afternoon/early evening TV programming consisted of shows like Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and other shows that reflected our values and interests, instead of the constant barrage of political correctness and fake news, I would actually not mind the family gathering around the TV for at least a little while.

My wife is the only TV junkie in the family, but I think she keeps it on just to have some background noise. She grew up in a large family where everyone was constantly chattering.

03-26-2020, 08:25 AM
Get a fire stick and watch old shows like Rockford Files, Columbo, and NYPD Blue. Such a vast quanity that everyone should find something to watch.

03-26-2020, 09:18 AM
I get every old western show known to man, along with Rockford, Streets of San Francisco, NYPD, Mannix, all the Law and Order's, Ed Sullivan, Highway Patrol, and the list goes on...……………...it's TV overload, but I only complain about the price.

03-26-2020, 01:59 PM


03-26-2020, 04:26 PM

03-29-2020, 09:15 AM

03-29-2020, 09:41 AM
Mom and dad are hunkered down.
Daughter just got laid off.
I'm on 100% work from home.
Gym closed.
Life is not good...

03-29-2020, 11:11 AM
Mom and dad are hunkered down.
Daughter just got laid off.
I'm on 100% work from home.
Gym closed.
Life is not good...

But it is going to get worse. My GF's friend....her mother was a dance instructor (read "seriously fit") but she was 60. She died of Coronovirus this week. So it's hitting closer and closer to home now.

03-30-2020, 04:48 PM
There is a lot of bad news out there. But i have some good news at least for me. I'm on day 11 of quarentine after having had contact with someone who had the virus. So far symptom free. kind of getting a preview of retirement. Been working out at home, picking up the guitar again, doing little jobs around the house that been putting off for "someday." wife decided was a good time to paint the bedroom. We have moved all the furniture and did all the prep work today. Plan to start painting tomorrow. Only bad part is that its kind of escalating though cuz now she already has new carpet picked out and now looking at curtains too. :(

03-30-2020, 05:00 PM
http:// (http://<a href=&quot;https://postimg.cc/K1qFySYk&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>https://i.postimg.cc/tgygW9Q5/couch.jpg</a>)https://i.postimg.cc/tgygW9Q5/couch.jpg (https://postimg.cc/K1qFySYk)

03-30-2020, 05:18 PM
There is a lot of bad news out there. But i have some good news at least for me. I'm on day 11 of quarentine after having had contact with someone who had the virus. So far symptom free. kind of getting a preview of retirement. Been working out at home, picking up the guitar again, doing little jobs around the house that been putting off for "someday." wife decided was a good time to paint the bedroom. We have moved all the furniture and did all the prep work today. Plan to start painting tomorrow. Only bad part is that its kind of escalating though cuz now she already has new carpet picked out and now looking at curtains too. :(

Speaking as one that recently crossed over the pasture fence to the other side, you ain't seen nothing yet. Every time we get a visitor she wants to do some ridiculous makeover. Had a cousin coming (for one night mind you) so she insisted we needed new bathroom sinks and wanted to do new cabinets, I told her the cabinets weren't happening but did do the sinks, course couldn't go with a normal easy porcelain sink appropriate for a 30 year old mobile home, had to get hammered copper with fancy faucet to the tune of 300 plus (Each). Now she's threatening to paint the wall papered particle board cabinets. Will look like crap.
And of course now the cousin ain't coming with all this virus media crisis.

On a bright side I was just swapping some power chair tires and forgot to let the air out of one before I started separating the wheel halves (kind of like the old split rims) did 3 just fine, spaced on the fourth. Had two bolts to go when it let loose, broke the wheel on the two remaining bolts, tried to take two of my left fingers, just missed my face, one half ended up on the other side of the boat, other just a few feet away. Feel like I used up another of my 9 lives, wait thats cats? How many do I get?

03-30-2020, 06:08 PM
Some of the things we have been planning. Kind of trying to "feather the nest" a little while still have some money coming in. Definately think i'm going to like retirement when it comes for real. Hey bawanna. If i remember right i think you have some family around the charlotte area. They by far have the most confirmed cases in the state. Last i heard was 382. Dont know if you have been keeping in touch or not with them. Hope they are doing well.

03-30-2020, 07:06 PM
Some of the things we have been planning. Kind of trying to "feather the nest" a little while still have some money coming in. Definately think i'm going to like retirement when it comes for real. Hey bawanna. If i remember right i think you have some family around the charlotte area. They by far have the most confirmed cases in the state. Last i heard was 382. Dont know if you have been keeping in touch or not with them. Hope they are doing well.

So far all is ok. They are my son in laws family. We have a lot of cases here in Washington as well, so far nobody I know personally has got it. We're not as careful as we should be I suppose, wife still shops, I like to stay home anyhow, work 1 or 2 days a week, and she works pretty much full time. Guess when my numbers up it's up. Not letting the media get me worked up too much although I did blow the dust off my AR 15 and loaded 7 1911 mags. Won't be easy for em to take my TP or my Sears Roebuck catalog.

03-30-2020, 08:17 PM


03-30-2020, 09:15 PM
Not letting the media get me worked up too much although I did blow the dust off my AR 15 and loaded 7 1911 mags. Won't be easy for em to take my TP or my Sears Roebuck catalog.

Feels good don’t it. I have stuff staged around and within reach to protect my Sears catalog too. Of course my whole neighborhood is probably the same way. Only time the zombies come around is about 3am to check for unlocked cars to ramble through. They usually avoid my house though as I have motion lights and visible cameras everywhere. They tried once and I got them on camera and turned it over to the local Barney Fife. It was funny, one dude saw the camera after they started to ramble and his eyes about popped out of his head. He ducked down ran and his buddies took off right behind him. By then they were on candid camera.

03-30-2020, 09:33 PM
Went to pick up some refills of meds for the wife today at Ft. Carson. Went last Thursday to do it but the line was ridiculous. Today, they weren't letting people in to go to the pharmacy but had a "drive through" to pick them up. I didn't mind as it was much quicker than what it was before all this mess cropped up.

Got back to the house only to find out I have to go back tomorrow. They still have the drive through in the back parking lot but now they are assigning time slots for folks.

Did stop off at the grocery store on the way home, and at least the folks who have been buying everything sight have stopped. Found everything on the list with the exception of American cheese.

03-30-2020, 09:53 PM
We've had a drive thru pharmacy for a couple weeks now. We don't have to go often. It is kind of a zoo.

03-30-2020, 10:43 PM
Had to use the drive thru at the pharmacy myself today. That's only my second time ever. It went well, overall. I would have preferred to have gone in, assuming no virus outbreak.

I had to get a cyst removed from my back today at the dermatologist. He wanted me to lie on my stomach but paid no mind to my removing my speed loader and Slim Loader pouch, and laying those in the chair by the table. No mind paid when I put those back onto my belt even though I wore a tucked in tee shirt and no cover garment.

Not much going on otherwise......I discovered how the local mall parking lot would be great for running laps or riding laps on my bike due to so few stores being open.

Dad doing much better with the handwashing and other virus-related cleanliness protocols. He is however, spending a lot of time with the neighbor who has too many teenagers over (friends of his grandson) for my liking. I don't think I can have much impact there though.

03-31-2020, 07:27 PM
I guess I should have said that the pharmacy is inside the hospital on Ft. Carson. The "drive through" is they park you, find out what you are there for, run inside (or walk rather), get your meds and bring them to your vehicle.

Yesterday, there were only two cars in front of me before we were told were to park. Took about 20 minutes for them to get the drugs to me from the time I parked, and only a couple of minutes to park. Today, I would guess 25-30 vehicles in front of me. Took about 20 minutes to park and maybe five minutes to get the drugs to me. Not sure which is better, but at least they are playing it safe. I think they have 4-5 cases on the base right now.

Just saw on the news that the USS Roosevelt has almost 200 cases and they are underway at the moment. One of the ships I was on got hit hard by the flu while we were underway. Just manning all of the watches on board became almost impossible. I was one of the last ones to get it, but I kept standing my watches as there were not enough folks qualified to keep the fires burning and the screws turning.

03-31-2020, 08:39 PM
Not sure I'd like that set up. Here I park next to the window, get out, and walk up to the window wearing my grinding shield. Yesterday it was very windy and they had on their masks, so I left my shield in the car. Any spit I shot out would have been blown away from the building.

04-03-2020, 12:01 PM
Did you realize that if you place one of your testicles on the opening of a coke bottle, warm the bottle in hot water then pack the bottle in ice, the result is the creation of a suction that will suck your testicle into the bottle? Really.
If anyone has tried this and knows how to get it out, please call me right away. Please !
( Asking for a Friend )

04-03-2020, 12:21 PM
Did you realize that if you place one of your testicles on the opening of a coke bottle, warm the bottle in hot water then pack the bottle in ice, the result is the creation of a suction that will suck your testicle into the bottle? Really.
If anyone has tried this and knows how to get it out, please call me right away. Please !
( Asking for a Friend )

I had that happen once, but it was one of the wide-mouth bottles. Cold temperatures and the problem corrects itself.

04-03-2020, 01:21 PM
Gosh, I never noticed that in all the times I've done it.

04-03-2020, 03:19 PM
Did you realize that if you place one of your testicles on the opening of a coke bottle, warm the bottle in hot water then pack the bottle in ice, the result is the creation of a suction that will suck your testicle into the bottle? Really.
If anyone has tried this and knows how to get it out, please call me right away. Please !
( Asking for a Friend )

Way too much time in the house. Virus or not you need a drive through the country for a change of scenery.

Trust me, I went out yesterday first time since Sunday. Drove to the outdoor range out in the country around dark (26 miles away) emptied 1 magazine into some clays at the 25 yard berm, then took a different route home.

04-03-2020, 03:40 PM
Way too much time in the house. Virus or not you need a drive through the country for a change of scenery.

Trust me, I went out yesterday first time since Sunday. Drove to the outdoor range out in the country around dark (26 miles away) emptied 1 magazine into some clays at the 25 yard berm, then took a different route home.

All jokes aside, a drive is relaxing and releases some pent up "cabin fever" we all have by now. Glad you got out a bit.

Tomorrow I plan to mow my grass with a pushmower plus ride my bike around the mall for about 10 miles.

04-03-2020, 05:56 PM
The dog and I took a drive out to one of the local lakes about a week ago to see if there was any soft water yet (I drove, even though the dog wanted to.) Still covered in ice with a little bit opened up by the inlet. Will head out again next week as we have some much warmer weather ahead of us. Wanting to get my canoe out and do some fishing. Guess I need to dig my canoe out of the snow before I can go fishing.

04-03-2020, 06:44 PM
"All jokes aside, a drive is relaxing and releases some pent up "cabin fever" we all have by now. Glad you got out a b


04-03-2020, 07:01 PM
"All jokes aside, a drive is relaxing and releases some pent up "cabin fever" we all have by now. Glad you got out a b


14 day quarantine? Did you have it? Were you exposed to someone that did? Self-imposed caution thing?

Well dad had another meltdown today, again over handwashing, but this one was very minor compared to last week. He raised his voice, eyes focused and brow lowered, began to get up to "show me how he did it." He contradicted himself only once, which I questioned. This time I remained Zen. I find calm reason is the best way to handle emotional outbursts, no matter who from.

He's under a lot of pressure and he's never been able to communicate very well, even when completely calm.

Afterwards I reminded myself how it is "the goal to keep us alive and to get him to do as I wish and not the goal to win an ego battle." If I learn how to remain Zen out of this, it'll be a huge personal victory.

04-03-2020, 07:18 PM
I don't get the whole cabin fever thing myself, I love staying home, any day I don't have to go someplace is a great day. I got plenty to do around here to entertain myself. I order toys and supplies, tools etc on line. Wife does the shopping for provisions so other than going to work 1 or 2 days a week I don't go anyplace and hopefully that won't change when all this hocus pocus passes.

04-03-2020, 07:25 PM
I once lived where the nearest neighbor was a half a mile away and it was easy to stay home. I'd go a week to two weeks and never go to town. Only went to town when I needed something.

04-03-2020, 07:25 PM
I'm good.


04-03-2020, 08:16 PM
I'm good.


When I go out I wear a N95 mask (I have 10,000 in my warehouses and my boys will be happy to deliver you one for the small price of $50.00 and your first-born child). LOL. I do have a small stock of masks I bought a few years ago from Lowes. I wear one with my grinding shield over it.

Concerning the pic above, when I walk into a store, I will often tell the clerk this: "a month ago you'd think I was a splatter-fearing robber but now you think this is normal." Welcome to the crazy.

Other than the gym and gun range, I didn't go out much either. No real big deal to me but I am a very outgoing person and I had made a ton of new friends at the gym and had begun to see them outside of the gym. Out to eat, get togethers, have them over to help me move something heavy, etc.

04-03-2020, 08:47 PM
I been wearing a mask the last couple days only cause I been making Coco Bolo sawdust, a lot of it. Stuff makes ya sick but it's so pretty and nice wood. Transforming a block of it into another set of T9 grips. Almost there and haven't screwed up yet. Happy day.
Probably ready for checkering tomorrow. Day 3 just to get to checkering. Wish I knew how to work and had a CNC machine. Could do it in 10 minutes.

Ok, how bout 6 squares of TP and a small body of hand sanitizer for 2 mask? I got a few, no worries.

04-03-2020, 10:01 PM
I don't think my mask is helping much? I got great deal on it at Walmart and was told it would work.....:w00t:

04-03-2020, 10:48 PM
My wife has made several of these masks for our use. Better than nothing, and they really help with all the pollen blowing around here.

04-04-2020, 12:13 AM
I have a few of those, some 200 more coming......I hope!

King Rat
04-04-2020, 04:00 AM
Head out in 15 min to do more Turkey scouting. Have been doing this quite a bit since this stay at home crap started. Then again, I start Deer scouting right after deer season. Just love any excuse to get into the woods and swamp. Learning new skills all the time. Gave myself a haircut yesterday. Dang, saved about $15.00. And IMO looks good enough. It is rare to even run across a Human animal in the woods were I hunt. And that is more than fine with me. And I frequently come across black bears. I will be carrying my Kahr 380. (Not for the bears, but for any Human creatures that might be dangerous).

04-04-2020, 08:21 AM
How long till someone starts selling MAGA masks?

04-04-2020, 09:20 AM
Head out in 15 min to do more Turkey scouting. Have been doing this quite a bit since this stay at home crap started. Then again, I start Deer scouting right after deer season. Just love any excuse to get into the woods and swamp. Learning new skills all the time. Gave myself a haircut yesterday. Dang, saved about $15.00. And IMO looks good enough. It is rare to even run across a Human animal in the woods were I hunt. And that is more than fine with me. And I frequently come across black bears. I will be carrying my Kahr 380. (Not for the bears, but for any Human creatures that might be dangerous). I only hunted when I was younger, but I know what you mean about excuses to get out in the woods. I have a good friend who lives by plenty of state land. We try to hike a few times a month. The things I've seen over the years, and the people that we've run in to. These days, most people who are out roaming the woods don't even know we're there. I always carry a large caliber in the woods, for two legged and four...………………………………...Two years ago, we ran in to a poacher with a bow and all camoed up....……………………...he was creeping me out and he asked us if we knew a good spot for deer. We sent him as far away as possible of course, but we were keeping a close eye on him. Another time, we ran in to a couple guys who just gutted a deer in the woods during off season. The one guy had a rifle and the other guy had just put his away. The guy with the rifle asked us what we were doing there. It probably wasn't the prudent thing to say, but I asked him if he was my mother, then said no, you can't be, and then said it's none of your fn business really. He kind of raised up the rifle just a bit and told us that we should probably leave. I moved my coat, and let him see my H&K, and then said that he should probably be the one to leave. My friend was behind him, and I think that he assumed my friend was armed also. He wasn't:ohmy:...…..I'm still trying to get him to get a firearm and get some training from me. Especially since he likes to spend lots of time in the woods. Be kind of crazy not to carry.:der: And I'm still cleaning the s#!t out of my pants...…………………………………….Two years back, we got a glimpse of the infamous huge buck in the area. Guys had been trying to get this buck for years. I spotted it lying by the edge of a cornfield, just because I saw his antlers sticking up. Biggest deer I've ever seen. His flesh actually jiggled as he got up and jumped in to the field. The points were up there also. From what I could see, at least a 12 but I'm saying more. HUGE...……………………………………………………………………………………..

04-04-2020, 10:47 AM
Poachers? Ugh! Sounds like you handled yourself well enough...you got out of there alive so you must have.

A friend and I used to ride our 4-wheelers in the woods a great deal, both of us open carried. Now he would often ride alone and once he told me how he had stopped to take a leak and two guys on a motorcycle pulled up and did the "fan out" as they approached. He said he squared off against them, brushed back his shirt exposing his .357 Magnum and they stopped, backed up to their bike, got on, and left.

I never understood the "why should I carry? You are armed" mentality. My dad is that way. He seldom carries and if he is with me, never. A guy I used to associate with was like that. Basically it's laziness. It can get you killed though.

At the moment I associate with no on (due to virus) but my cadre of close friends all carry.

04-04-2020, 12:30 PM
Dang! I carry even when I'm home... P380... and there's a G30S with 10+1 and two 13-rd mags on top of the UPS lying on its side under my PC desk... inches away.

I, for sure, ain't going outside or for a hike in woods without serious protection.

Wifey did a quick shopping trip this morning... Walmart to return some picture frames and get some more. I finally printed up some of my son's wedding pictures from January 2108! :D Now I have to get those framed and on a shelf with my daughter's.

She drove about 20 miles to Trader Joe's and got some stuff, too. She likes some of the chips and popcorn, etc., that they have... the healthier stuff.

I did my trip a few days ago... Sam's, Costco, Total Wine, and Walmart. We're good for wine now, and I scored some TP at Walmart. I didn't "need" it since we usually buy three 30-roll jumbo rolls from Costco and resupply when one's almost gone, but I wanted something in case any neighbors needed any. Walmart had a bunch and I actually stood there reading labels and settled on 18 Mega Rolls of Angel Soft with 3.8x4" double sheets... 425 pr roll... the same as Costco's Kirkland brand, but Costco's is 4x4.5" and 425 doubly-ply sheets, the BEST, with 30 rolls for about $2 more than the AS.

We have a small freezer and a side-by-side, as well, so I keep them almost stuffed and resupply enough to keep us going for a month or two.

I hope that conditions get better, especially with the new and old treatments being "discovered" for this virus. I'm pretty healthy and think my immune system should be in good shape. Wifey smokes, but has terrific health and LOW cholesterol.

Things will probably get worse before they really get better, though.

I hang out on GlockTalk a lot and there are many good discussions on the CV-19, some with a lot of expertise and good, current information. We have to do something... besides chores and such. I still do my exercise and treadmill sessions every other day, and Wifey mostly watches cooking shows and HGTV-type stuff all day, besides normal chores around the house.

Y'all take care and let's all get through THIS pandemic.


04-04-2020, 12:51 PM
I only wear a firearm when I'm wearing pants. Even more now than when I worked. 97% of the time its a 1911 full size or commander. Around the house, in the shop, mowing the lawn, don't matter. It's like a belt, when I'm up it's on.

I used to wear sweat pants a lot after the chair, comfy and easy on/off, never wore then when I was vertical but I've gotten away from that. Had to wear an ankle holster with those which I often times do anyhow regardless of the 1911.

At work it has to be ankle since those nasty firearms aren't allowed even in the parking lot, just like the PD days.

Only time I open carry is around the house. And it's been chilly enough round here that I haven't even done it there. Got a sweater or something on all the time.

04-04-2020, 02:52 PM
Pandemic affecting everything....

I just now made a JC Penny clothing order........always bought all clothes in person, until now.

04-04-2020, 03:43 PM
Didn't think of that, Salvation Army don't sell on line. I'll be ok, I got lots of clothes anyhow and summer will be here someday so who needs them anyhow.

04-04-2020, 03:46 PM
Didn't think of that, Salvation Army don't sell on line. I'll be ok, I got lots of clothes anyhow and summer will be here someday so who needs them anyhow.
Uh oh, where do we send the skivvies?

04-04-2020, 04:25 PM
My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant, when I pee, I clean the toilet.

04-04-2020, 04:50 PM
My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant, when I pee, I clean the toilet.

Funny. My hands often crack open and bleed though, all the washing.

04-04-2020, 06:00 PM
I'm 100% work from home.
Go to the grocery store every day just for something to do.
Have dumbbells at home and take laps around the mall for workouts.
Really hate this crap.
Don't even say this is the new normal.
Nothing normal about this crap.
We need to end it and get back to a real normal.

04-04-2020, 07:16 PM
14 day quarantine? Did you have it? Were you exposed to someone that did? Self-imposed caution thing?


04-04-2020, 07:24 PM
I don't think my mask is helping much? I got great deal on it at Walmart and was told it would work.....:w00t:

04-05-2020, 02:55 AM
Grot....glad you are OK!

My GF's friend, her mother got it and died last week. I spoke with a friend who had a guy from class get it and "die within 13 hours." The victim had had a kidney transplant and was on immune suppression.

I mowed the yard. "Little Blacky" did not want to start. Cleaned sparkplug, sprayed gas into carb.....finally I put in more gasoline from one of my gas cans, primed again, and BOOM she fired up. All my gasoline (even what was already in mower, 1/2 tank) is same age. All ethanol-free gasoline. Oh well.....she ran strong and I mowed my yard.

I live on a hillside....not too steep. This is a pushmower a girl in college literally gave me about 2002. My dad put in a new spark plug and it sat in my garage for 14 years, never used. My riding mower wouldn't start one day so I got this one out last summer, siphoned out old gas from tank, changed the oil, put in some Marvel's Mystery Oil into spark plug hole, new gasoline, and on third pull, fired right up.

I had been thinking "rather dumb to hit the gym, run and bike for two hours, then use a riding mower." I push mowed from then on. Wish I had never had a riding mower for my yard.

Went over to see a friend, get some P90X worksheets from him. He's in a bad neighborhood.....I could smell pot outside from somewhere (friend is hardcore Pentacostal in case you are wondering so not him) and hear the neighbors in a run-down block building fighting. He said that was normal. SMH.

Couple hookers/crack heads walking the empty streets. It was like a ghost town.

Get home, tired out. NO SLEEP THOUGH. Restless Leg Syndrome tonight. I think because I had some candy when I got in after dinner.

04-05-2020, 08:34 AM
Guess what you smelled that's really good for restless leg syndrome?:yo:

04-05-2020, 09:49 AM
Covid cough
I used to cough to hide my farts. Now I fart to hide my coughs...:behindsofa:

04-05-2020, 10:20 AM
This is the longest something made in China has ever lasted.

04-05-2020, 10:47 AM
Ain’t that the truth!

I am pocket carrying my LCP or CT380 all day now.
If we go out to CVS or to pick up curbside groceries my SP101 is in a handy dashboard compartment right over the gearshift knob.

04-05-2020, 10:54 AM
Ain’t that the truth!

I am pocket carrying my LCP or CT380 all day now.
If we go out to CVS or to pick up curbside groceries my SP101 is in a handy dashboard compartment right over the gearshift knob.

Are you carrying more just because of what's going on now or just enjoying your Rugers?

Yesterday was an open carry day for me. I generally open carry when mowing. If you open carry and no one is outside to see it, does your rig even reflect light? :rolleyes:

04-05-2020, 11:15 AM
In today's world I never open carry....the sheep would be in panic mode calling the police.
Legal as it is, it is not worth the hassle it generates.

04-05-2020, 11:22 AM
Sad you live in such a place. Where I am open carry is alive, well, and growing. Better still, more and more use a retention holster, although generally it's a Serpa :puke:

Two stores whose leadership recently banned open carry, ignore the order and open carry still occurs.

There is a gas station where the clerk open carries every shift, on request by the station owner. I spoke with the man about it. He said "the meth heads stopped robbing us and now rob the gas station across the road." I asked the station across the road, they agreed that is what happens.

04-05-2020, 11:34 AM
Not so bad here....we don't have meth heads robbing gas stations. :ohmy:

04-05-2020, 12:22 PM
In my opinion, open carry is just a signal you have something to steal and retention holsters scare the crap out of me, especially the Sherpa's.
Pocket carry offers me the most easily concealed and fastest with AWIB coming in a close second. When I was working, I always had my 340PD or my PM9 in a front pocket holster with my hand in my pocket more than not.

04-05-2020, 12:32 PM
Are you carrying more just because of what's going on now or just enjoying your Rugers?

Yesterday was an open carry day for me. I generally open carry when mowing. If you open carry and no one is outside to see it, does your rig even reflect light? :rolleyes:
Living in a historically safe suburb, I only pocket carried when leaving the house to go out shopping/traveling.
Recently there have been two cases of perps walking around the neighborhood at night to break into vehicles, and during the day looking to get in houses -occupied or not. Am surprised nobody has shot one of them yet.

04-05-2020, 01:10 PM
Living in a historically safe suburb, I only pocket carried when leaving the house to go out shopping/traveling.
Recently there have been two cases of perps walking around the neighborhood at night to break into vehicles, and during the day looking to get in houses -occupied or not. Am surprised nobody has shot one of them yet.

Break-ins have been increasing in WV since the pill epidemic started. Yes, I suspect that more and more, unlicensed trash collection and dumping to occur without official involvement.

04-05-2020, 01:49 PM
I live in 2 different worlds. My main home is in a suburb of a large city. Population of about 70,000. Lots of alleys. Crank heads, thieves, drunks, wife beaters, sex offenders, you name it, we've got it. In fact, I actually think that crime has gone down recently. No one stumbling down the sidewalk. No traffic, and it seems as if the lowlifes are even staying home. I ALWAYS have a firearm with me, no matter what I am doing. My other home up nort is outside of a village of about 800 pop. I don't open carry in the city, but I can open carry up nort without much fanfare. There's a guy up there who comes in to the Kwik Trip with something that has a 12" barrel strapped to his leg. Usually doesn't even get much notice. My area is peaceful and quiet, you barely ever see any neighbors or vehicles around, but you have to watch for 4 legged creatures. They're also experiencing drug problems in the smaller towns which accounts for the needed idiot watch. 99% of the time I conceal carry. I'd rather keep em guessing. I OWB but it's usually under something, sweatshirt, coat, t shirt etc. It's been open carry here forever but it's not always the wisest thing IMHO. I use these to stay safe.......................

04-05-2020, 02:15 PM
I generally conceal carry too but as the summer comes in or I do yard work, open carry is just easier. What with social distancing, is a "gun grab" even a thing anymore? :p

I opened carry with mask and face shield on the other day into a hardware store....they didn't even notice the firearm as all eyes were on the face shield and mask. I would have concealed but the pockets on that pair of pants are just too small to fit my pocket tool. Onto the belt it went.

I did announce to the clerk "not a robbery." LOL


Headed out for the much-anticipated parking lot bike ride. Wish me luck as rain is a possibility.

04-05-2020, 03:01 PM
Article in today’s news says crime was up 4% locally last month.

04-05-2020, 03:33 PM
It is not fair to the robbers.....

04-05-2020, 04:24 PM
It is not fair to the robbers.....

Now that’s something right there...

04-05-2020, 08:34 PM
Crime has to go up right now. Domestic violence, child abuse, vandalism, trespass, theft, burglary, drug use, distracted driving (due to hyper addiction to smartphone/news reports), sick cops, and cops just scared to make contact.


Well the bike ride was GREAT. I mean it was really, really nice! I did about 8 miles (no trip meter on bike). As soon as I unloaded the bike, here comes some young jackass setting a speed record around the backside of the circumference.....so I stayed off of that where I could not see that far and along the front where there was still traffic. The hardware store had a lot of people but I had no problems on any of my passes.

I wore a high visibility yellow-orange-reflective vest that actually covered my CW 45 pretty well.

I spoke with a couple walking laps around the building, kept my distance as I circled them.

The security guard likely never saw me, as he never looked up. Sad when "security" isn't alert.

During the ride I reflected on how blessed I was to be able to ride like that. Hopefully it becomes a Sunday thing for me.

I called a friend who told me a local back road (treated as a scenic trail) was PACKED. ATV's, bikes, walkers, people fishing, one guy from the gym digging up arrowheads. See over in VA that's illegal.....home-bound order. We have better leadership in WV.

Same friend also told me how my bike was likely sold through Sears, early 1990's. It's a 10 speed! And I have the gears set up wrong. LOL. I'll try to get him to walk me through how to properly use it.

Biggest surprise though was what a workout it was! I ride the bike at the gym for 45 minutes, "intervals," Level 2. I sweat the whole time. Today, I never broke a sweet but my legs felt it! Wow. :cool:

04-05-2020, 10:15 PM
We think crime is going up? wait until you see the birth rate shoot through the roof about 9 months from now. Anybody want to put any money on it? :rolleyes:

04-05-2020, 11:40 PM
We think crime is going up? wait until you see the birth rate shoot through the roof about 9 months from now. Anybody want to put any money on it? :rolleyes:

I believe it! And I've heard several people say it.

04-06-2020, 08:13 AM
Biggest surprise though was what a workout it was! I ride the bike at the gym for 45 minutes, "intervals," Level 2. I sweat the whole time. Today, I never broke a sweet but my legs felt it! Wow.

When you ride you have a wind cooling you. I break out in a heavy sweat when I get home and stop.

04-06-2020, 09:55 AM
My son has taken to fishing. He got this one, then later a bigger one took off with his last large hook. So, he wants to hit
up Academy as soon as possible for some hooks and stronger line. Until then, breams beware!


04-06-2020, 10:57 AM
Biggest surprise though was what a workout it was! I ride the bike at the gym for 45 minutes, "intervals," Level 2. I sweat the whole time. Today, I never broke a sweet but my legs felt it! Wow.

When you ride you have a wind cooling you. I break out in a heavy sweat when I get home and stop.

I thought about that before I started but then forgot all about it. LOL. It was pretty breezy at the front of the building, enough that I had to angle my hat down to keep from losing it.

When someone would gawk I'd yell "FIRST TIME IN 30 YEARS!" which is about the truth.

Do you road bike?

04-06-2020, 11:33 AM
My son has taken to fishing. He got this one, then later a bigger one took off with his last large hook. So, he wants to hit
up Academy as soon as possible for some hooks and stronger line. Until then, breams beware!

16621 Nothing like a big largemouth to give you the bug...…………….they grow them big down there. Largest one I ever caught up here was a titch over 6lbs. Caught a seven and a half lb. smallie a few years back, which is huge up here. Just a guess and he's holding it out for the camera, I'd guess about 24" and about 8lbs.?????

04-06-2020, 12:27 PM
Kids always seem to out do us dads I think just to make us look bad. My daughter year before and my Granddaughter last year blew me out of the water with large small mouths.
Grand daughters on a little kids pole, thought she was hung up in the weeds but she reeled in a whopper. First bass and bigger than I've ever caught. I'll have to look for pictures.

04-06-2020, 12:32 PM
Berettabone: So true on all points! Actually, tad over 5 lbs. Still his biggest one in the short time that he’s been fishing, so he was plenty proud! : )
A 7.5 lb small mouth is AMAZING!!!

04-06-2020, 12:34 PM
Bawanna: What an awesome story! (Grandaughter’s little kids pole catch)
You know, I remember my dad giving a speech at a men’s club when I was young. He said pretty much your exact words, his kids always seemed to out do him when fishing. Good memories returned when hearing that!

04-06-2020, 02:06 PM
I don't road bike. I do my 12 miles a day at 13.5 to 14.5 MPH and that is it. My biking is on the sidewalk while I am in Fl for the winter. The cops would rather see you on the sidewalk than scrape you off of the road. At home up north I ride county roads. Still only about 12 miles a day.

04-06-2020, 02:15 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/C1wz03vv/Shaylin-Fish-2-0179.jpg (https://postimg.cc/kVhnFpP8)
Granddaughter with her daddy holding the fish. She didn't even seem excited.

https://i.postimg.cc/xTQF9B0D/Age-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/s1nJc6Qw)
Guarding TaTa's man cave in the off season.

04-06-2020, 02:53 PM
She seems happy at least! I bet she will always remember that day. Good thing you got her started early with being around guns. We need more of the likes of us these days!

04-06-2020, 03:02 PM
Start them out young! Good job.

But where is dad's life jacket? LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

I have a row boat I'd like to get into the water. I don't have oar locks, oars, or life jackets.

(I know, I know "PFD" but I resist).

04-06-2020, 03:17 PM
It's in the boat, we wear them when the big engine is running, take them off when we're running the trolling motor. That little cove we're fishing is only about 5 ft deep anyhow. I say big it's only a 40hp on a 16' aluminum boat but still.
She's two holding that mares leg, she's now 5 and prefers my little 10/22 Charger mares leg, got a picture of that someplace.

04-06-2020, 04:03 PM
Hey Bawanna, didn’t you say they had acreage in Idaho? I saw where they had an earthquake the other day.

04-06-2020, 04:55 PM
Yeah, they were in their travel trailer and felt it, at first they thought it was a strong wind but looked outside and nothing was blown over or anything. As I recall they were 50 plus miles away give or take but it was a big one.
It's actually Montana, grand son (2) calls it Mantana now. But close to Idaho.

04-06-2020, 09:18 PM
I don't road bike. I do my 12 miles a day at 13.5 to 14.5 MPH and that is it. My biking is on the sidewalk while I am in Fl for the winter. The cops would rather see you on the sidewalk than scrape you off of the road. At home up north I ride county roads. Still only about 12 miles a day.
That always drove me nuts, since the law says bikes go on the street, not the sidewalk. The sidewalk is much safer!

04-10-2020, 02:13 PM
From an anonymous UPS delivery driver...
5 types of customers since the “rona”:
1) Steve:
He has been waiting for this moment his whole life. He has been drinking boilermakers since 10:00 am in his recliner and his AR is within arms reach. He has 6 months provisions in the basement and a bug out bag due west buried in the woods. Steve demands a handshake as I give him his package. He’s sizing me up as I deliver his ammo.
Steve will survive this, and he will kill you if he needs to.
2) Brad:
He is standing at his window wearing skinny jeans and a Patagonia t-shirt. He is mad because there were no organic tomatoes at Whole Foods today. He points at the ground where he has taped a 6 ft no go zone line from his porch. I leave his case of Fuji water, organic granola bites, and his new “Bernie Bro” hat at the tape.
Brad will not survive.
Steve will probably eat him.
3) Nancy:
She has sprayed everything with Thieves oil. Bought all the Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, meat, and bread from the local grocery chain. She has quarantined her kids and sprays them with a mixture of thieves, lavender, & mint essential oils daily. She has posted every link known to man about “The Rona” on her social media. She will spray you if you break the 6 ft rule. I will leave her yet another case of toilet paper.
She will last longer than Brad, but not Steve.
4) Karen:
She has called everybody and read them the latest news on “The Rona”. She asked for the manager at Food Lion, Walmart, Publix, McDonalds, Chi-Fil-A, and Vons all before noon demanding more toilet paper. Karen’s kids are currently faking “The Rona” to avoid her. I’m delivering “Hello kitchen” to her.
Karen will not survive longer than Brad.
5) Mary:
Is sitting in the swing watching her kids have a water balloon fight in the front yard as she is on her fourth glass of wine. She went to the store and bought 2 cases of pop tarts, 6 boxes of cereal, 8 bags of pizza rolls, And a 6 roll pack of toilet paper. There is a playlist of Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, and Post Malone playing in the background. I’m bringing her second shipment of 15 bottles of wine in 3 days.
Mary will survive and marry Steve.
Together they will repopulate the earth.

04-10-2020, 02:34 PM
Good one!

04-10-2020, 09:19 PM
Seriously though, when this is over the price of toilet paper is going to plummet because people now have a year’s worth of it and won’t be buying it till 2022. Sell your P&G stock as soon as the Powers that Be give the all-clear.

04-10-2020, 09:33 PM
Today was a rougher day for me than others.....I was just "down" all day. I think because I miss my mother. She passed on last summer and I dreamed about her last night.

I went to the post office, wearing a mask from Lowe's (I have two boxes of these for crawling under houses or working in the attic) with my welding shield over it. The post office only had two other visitors. There are lines now on the floor indicating distance. There is a plastic barrier mounted to the counters giving the clerk some protection. It's an impressive-looking shield.

I had to be there awhile filling out certified mail postage for mine and my father's taxes (never trust govt folks, when they lose it they'll fine YOU). The whole time I just wanted to leave. Before this happened I'd stay in there and jaw with the post master, who is my neighbor.

The hand sanitizer at the counter was a big relief.

At CVS, all the staff were wearing masks and gloves. They had barriers too. Tables were set up at the pharmacy to keep patrons back away from the counter. People got a kick out of my welding shield but at the same time, they wished they had thought of it. I joked "what's everyone looking at? I always dressed this way." I tried to keep my distance from people but it wasn't always possible. The welding shield blocks most of my peripheral vision. I bounced off a steel pole (column) I couldn't see. GOOD NEWS: they had toilet paper and the clerk told me the supply was coming in regularly. That's a relief. I didn't buy any to allow people that really need it to get it.

When the pharma tech put my change into the bag, I thanked him for his thoughtfulness. I didn't want to touch it.

I went came the long way back for the scenery and even then explored roads I had always wondered about. I drove to a nearby state park and it was deserted. I saw no one there at all. I think I could have shot my pistol there and no one have heard it. I took a moment and played on some of the equipment: monkey bars and slide.

I doubt anyone has been on any of that in many days.

At home I used hand sanitizer, came in, but only put my phone and belt into the "clean later" box. The rest of my gear went onto the table as wore a jacket today and was able to use sanitizer more often. Clothes into the washer and I took a shower.

My GF texted me today. The volcano near her city is erupting. Quite a big one too. I wish I could be upwind to see it. She and I went to it via boat in 2018. Later it had a big eruption, collapsed, and the wave it kicked up washed the beach we were on away. Then that wave killed 1000 people. She's safe from it where she is...the winds will carry the ash northeast and she's protected by the shape of her island from any tsunamis. I've been wondering just what a natural disaster on top of this one will do......

04-11-2020, 12:52 PM
So many threads on this COVID-19 now. I forget which one I'm on sometimes. I just posted this on one over at GlockTalk, then didn't remember which one, or if it was the best place for my post!

4 or 5 months ago, I thought I had bought a "lifetime supply" of Lysol spray... 4 of those tall cans... Crisp Linen fragrance... the least objectionable to us. We weren't out then, but with one in each car, one in each bathroom, and one stationed at the front door and the garage door, I'm stating to think that we may run out MUCH sooner.
I looked at the concentrated industrial sanitizer and spray bottles, but thought that was a bit too much trouble at the time.
I spray my gloves before retrieving and handling the mail, then wash the gloves before doffing them. I'm trying to not run through the gloves too quickly. I bought 400 at Sam's as things were heating up with the virus. We used them very sparingly before this mess, but now I try to use them more often, but wash them with antibacterial dish soap before doffing them, then my hands.
We will probably go shopping, separately, in the next few days and we will be using gloves and masks for the first time, I guess. It certainly would be safer. I think that my wife will even wear one of the pairs of safety glasses that I got from Harbor Freight recently for $1.99 each. They are wraparound with some over the eye protection, too. No face shields out there, but I'll probably wear a cap with a bill as well.
We have avocados for tonight and we need to replenish some foods, plus... we need to get out... Wifey more than I, but she loves her outings and lunches out, but will have to forgo that, I guess... unless she can do some drive through lunching. https://www.glocktalk.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png
Today she was wanting to go to a local Publix parking lot to walk around and get some sun... smokes, too. She has great health and very low cholesterol and weighs about 104 pounds, so she's a bit lower risk at 64 than I am at almost 74. Her only "exercise" is "shopping" and lunch while out, and it sucks that she can't have that small pleasure for a while. Meanwhile, I have an exercise/treadmill routine every other day while she sits and watches TV... and does house chores. I'm the cook and I help her with the other daily stuff, too.
We had several trips planned... granddaughters' birthdays in May(S. IL) and her stepfather's 80th BD in August(SW CO), and we love to hit the casinos along the way, so we will "save" money, I guess, but this staying at home sucks. At least we're healthy and have each other... 34 years last month! https://www.glocktalk.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png
Stay safe out there!


04-11-2020, 01:49 PM
My wife hasn't slowed down a bit, goes to the store near everyday, still working full time at Tractor Supply. She's off to Lowes not to look at patio furniture and to the grocery store. No mask, no gloves.
I haven't put on glove or a mask yet, nor has she, she did make some for some people that wanted them.
I figure if I get it she'll bring it home.
No Lysol in sight, I do wash my hands more frequently but other than a day or two at Tractor I don't go anyplace.

Guess if it's my time, it's my time. Not gonna get worked up about it.

04-11-2020, 02:48 PM
Berettabone: So true on all points! Actually, tad over 5 lbs. Still his biggest one in the short time that he’s been fishing, so he was plenty proud! : )
A 7.5 lb small mouth is AMAZING!!!
Up here in Wi. by the Door County area and the lake, it's not uncommon to catch huge smallies. Every year the Pro Bass tour comes to Sturgeon Bay for a tournament. It's not uncommon for the pros to come in with 5 bag/fish limits of 35 lbs. and higher. One year the wife and I watched the pros come in to the way station for their way ins………………………….I saw a few 5 fish bags that were over 40 lbs...………….. I caught mine in the last pristine river in the state, the St. Croix river. Funny thing was, here I am, thrilled at the fish I had just caught, a 7 1/2 lb. 23" smallie, and about 5 min. later, a canoe comes around a bend, and they(a couple) stop by us. The lady in the canoe says, " How big does a fish have to be to mount it "??????? I said, " You can mount a guppy if you like, and have the money." She proceeds to hold up a smallie that made mine look like a sardine. They took a few pics right in front of us, then the woman said, " Back to the honey hole to see if there's something bigger ". Rubbed it in deep, she did...………………………………………………………………….

04-11-2020, 03:04 PM
Well, words coming out based on studies of those tested that many people who get it are asymptomatic (slightly less than half), the ones who have symptoms are mostly mild or moderate. Problem really is it’s so contagious that it can overwhelm the healthcare system for those who get it bad. Then they say it’s gonna last till next fall at least (aka. round 2).

So, how many people have already had it, didn’t know it, and have got past it? My bet is a lot because testing is not universal. We do need a quick antigen test too to see who’s getting over it.

We’re not whipping this thing we’re just doing a controlled exposure because there is no vaccine.

Here’s our big problem and my biggest concern. If we don’t get the country open for business soon the “cure” may be worse than the problem. 16,000,000 have applied for unemployment since this started and they’re printing money to pay them (think inflation.) Plus if people start getting hungry we’re just gonna think the virus was bad. Or..... possibly the government is going to get real involved in our daily lives.

There is more to this they ain’t telling us. Oh, and I heard on the web today “Nancy” is trying to put gun control in the next relief bill. We better watch our backs.

Im like Bawanna, if it’s my time I guess it’s my time. Can’t spend too much time dwelling on it.
Oh well, back to yard work. It’s beautiful outside here today. I need a good air rifle to plink in the back yard. I may have to look into that soon. Might need to eat some of those squirrels one day.

04-11-2020, 03:13 PM
I got a good air rifle but lord help me if I did a squirrel, we got lots of em, wife feeds em. She'd use it on me if I shot one.

Good idea though, I need to dig it out, a little cloudy and cooler today but tolerable.

04-11-2020, 03:54 PM
Well, I got out #1 sons crossman pump air rifle. I bought it for him when he was 7 or 8 (just dawned on me that was 23 years ago. Man I’m getting old.) I shot it at an empty corn flakes box and windage was pretty good but elevation was stringing 4 inches up and down at 7 yards. I need to get me something better.

04-13-2020, 10:40 AM
A month ago I just ordered my second Benjamin NP air rifle and scope in .22 cal. While barrel cocking my first, somehow I let go of the barrel before it was fully cocked and that was enough to bend something in the receiver or barrel to render it not repairable. These come in a variety of stocks making them very reasonable and being a gas piston they are easy to cock (if you pay attention) and they are extremely quiet and the 3-9x scope actually works very well. The trigger leaves a bit to be desired but YouTube has lots of options to make it a lot nicer. The only thing to remember is not to leave it cocked for more than a few hours which is a good rule for all airguns be they spring piston or gas piston. Avoid the magnum version as it is much louder.
Red squirrels are the enemy as they try to get into the house. This rifle will shoot quarter sized groups at 25yds. and the red squirrel population is going down as well as a muskrat that was burrowing under my backyard.

04-13-2020, 10:54 AM
Nice! Sounds like you’ll be having some fun once the repair is sorted out. Amazing how powerful air rifles can be. Had one as a teen (break down, not pump) and pellets would go straight through birds (quail) !!!

04-13-2020, 11:07 AM
Back in my vertical days we did a remodel on my partners parents house. She was obsessed with squirrels getting into her bird feeder??? Any they kept a pump air rifle (think it was a Benjamin too but not positive) by the back door. Had one of them doors you could open just the top half.
She told me if I was ever up there and saw a squirrel in the bird feeder to shoot it.
So at the end of one day I'm up leaving her a note as I usually did telling her where we were at, what not to touch etc. I happen to look out the window and sho nuff, there's a squirrel in the bird feeder.
They had told me to pump it 10 times. I'd never shot this air rifle so I thought this ain't gonna happen.
So I pumped it 10 times and took careful aim and I hit that squirrel dead center like it was shot with a 30-06, it blew it right out of the feeder like bad guys getting knocked 20ft in the movies, I thought damn, gotta get me one of these.
Turns out they always kept it pumped up and I'd pumped it 10 more times. Must have put some velocity on that puppy.

04-13-2020, 11:25 AM
Lol! Reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/adlH1WtyCcU

04-13-2020, 01:07 PM
Did you see the tail on that one at the 2 minute mark, that was a trophy right there. Wow.

04-13-2020, 03:45 PM
That video is funny. The one at about 1:45 took off when it landed and then the next one stood there like “what just happened “ after it landed.

04-13-2020, 04:16 PM
Ugh! I want to go for a drive!

04-13-2020, 06:22 PM
When we first moved up here, we had lots of squirrels and rabbits all over the place. Our German shepherd wanted to chase them but she was old and did move very fast after the first lunge. Fast forward a few years, with the German shepherd gone and a one year old mutt full of energy. The new mutt caught a couple of rabbits, but he broke every bone in their bodies, so couldn't eat them. He never got a squirrel, though. I think they watched the rabbits getting caught on the ground, so now every time I open the door the squirrels haul butt up the nearest tree. He gets rabbits up just about every time I take him out and looks at me, asking if he can chase it. Once in a while I'll let him. And he won't chase after the deer, elk or moose without asking permission, either.

I never knew I was that good at training dogs?

04-13-2020, 06:32 PM
I did go out today... instead of my exercise and treadmill, I went shopping for groceries... Costco, Sam's , Super-Walmart, a liquidation center(got 2 72-Kcup boxes of Starbucks Pike Place Coffee for Wifey @$26.99 each... $10 a box less than Costco or Sam's!), and Publix grocery store.

I wore shoes and socks, instead of clogs, since we found that 100% of the floors in non-patient areas of the Chinese hospitals were contaminated... doctors offices and pharmacy, etc. I wore an N95 mask, nitrile gloves, a Kahr cap, and my wrap-around safety glasses. I used wipes and hand sanitizer a lot and soaked the soles of my shoes with Lysol Spray before getting back into the car. I was gonna leave all of that stuff on between stops, but after leaving the first store, I realized that I couldn't drink coffee that way!. So I doffed everything after wiping down on re-entering the car, then re-donned everything before leaving the car. :D

I got nearly everything on my list, scoring Kirkland Paper Towels, Members' Mark TP, and gas for $1.379 at Sam's! At Sam's they had no TP but before leaving that area here came a guy with a pallet of TP, so I went around an aisle and then got one after he opened those. As I was leaving another guy came up with another pallet full! We didn't NEED that, but I want to be able to help neighbors, if necessary.

It was a good trip. I didn't see any sanitizer stuff other than the concentrated industrial, dilute to spray stuff. I'm watching for Lysol aerosol. I figure we might run out of that, but not for a while.

My wife still hasn't been out for a recreational shopping trip to lift her spirits and it's rainy for the next week or so. I'm glad that I got the yard done before the rains started.

Gloves and masks aren't being used enough... MAYBE 1/4 of the people had masks and there were less gloves in use. People misuse those, anyhow, and cross contaminate a lot. Then there are the shoes... probably no one sanitizes those! Sneezes contaminate the floors for a long time and there are a lot of people tracking that stuff around. Don't take it home with you, and not into your home!

Y'all stay safe out there.


04-14-2020, 01:47 PM
I see more and more people using masks in my small town of WV, with some being home made or improvised. I'm not a fan of using gloves for this as one will just contaminate everything they touch with the glove on. If one could put on gloves, touch one item, then remove those gloves, trash those, wash hands, dry hands (very important!), and then put on new gloves, then yes, that'll work. However, outside of a lab or healthcare setting, that's just going to be very hard (impossible) to do.

I expect everything I touch to be contaminated and I work off that assumption. I try to limit what I touch, even leave my glasses in the car as those get in the way for seeing things up close. I don't bring in a check book, but just the check itself, having already logged the check number.

I began wearing a full face shield long before it was officially recommended, once I realized it was in droplet form and able to get into eyes. I use either clear grinding or auto darkening welding shield (set for "grind" so I can see outside) and maybe a decent dust mask under.

I like to joke to clerks how "a month ago, dress liked this, you'd hit your panic button but now, you wish you had one." The always laugh and agree!

With social distancing and it seems that the virus is not spread well from surfaces, I think our practices are overkill but just like the Doom mod "Russian Overkill," I'll take overkill to underkill every time.

Once back to the car, bags into trunk, open door, and then use hand sanitizer on hands before I get in. Face shield into passenger side floor, re-sanitize hands, dry, then remove mask (if any). I reuse the same mask as I won't be getting any ore. I used to wash the shield in the shower but it's days before I use it again, often weeks. At home all items that can be washed in the sink are. All other items (paper wrapped, cardboard, etc) get quarantined for 3 to 4 days so that air can get to all sides. This will go on 8 days total before that item comes in. So canned goods (paper labels) and cereal boxes.

Perforated boxes of berries get rinsed off. Best I can do. I do wash individual berries with a rinse and I soap wash and rinse apples and oranges.

I have never worn my shoes in the house and cannot, or the life of me, understand why anyone would track dirt into their house. Clogs? What's a "clog?" Wooden shoe?

I'm also in an area with very few cases.....for once, being "last" is good for WV!

04-14-2020, 02:29 PM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/93385915_2499960726770181_1066878990247002112_o.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=iEN6Jhoq0DMAX9cVKPt&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=495724fc78a645c71adb81200fc5d109&oe=5EBB0A87

04-14-2020, 02:43 PM
Clogs or flip-flops. I wear some $22 or so Reef flip flops all of the time. I have some for outside and some for inside and spares in each vehicle in case a strap breaks!

We're in rainy weather, so the shoes and socks made sense for several reasons.

As I said, I hosed down the bottoms and sides of the soles of my shoes with Lysol before getting in the car. I figured that I didn't need to do that when I got home.

And as for gloves, I wore them the entire trip, but I had a sanitzier wipe or two in my hands as I got out and grabbed some more or hand sanitizer for my gloves whenever possible. I carried and old bottle of Purell in my pocket that I reinforced with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, and I used that often, too, when nothing else was available. I also washed the gloves a lot, too, and pitched them after I got home. I bought 400 before things got crazy with panic buyers.

I saved my N95 mask since it looked good and I handled it carefully the entire outing. I'll use it again... only have about 10 or so of those left... my normal yard work protection against dust and pollen and for face protection against thrown debris while using the string trimmer and blower. That and goggles or safety glasses, of late, have saved me from injury a few times!

A lot of people had all kinds of "masks" but most don't use them correctly or realize how contaminated they get and how poorly they prevent cross contamination, if they even tried! Pulling the mask down and up all day long doesn't do YOU any good, though it might protect others a bit if you're infected.

I felt pretty safe, but I'm not going out very often. I went 9 or 10 days without replenishing groceries and ran out of avocados. I like one each a day, but Wifey gets tired of that. :D

04-14-2020, 04:29 PM
I used to keep a pair of flip flops, color-coded for that particular doorway, at each door. That way if I needed to go outside for some short period (meet the Fed Ex guy for an ammo delivery) I could get those on and off fast. However, after missing a step in 2013 wearing flip flops and turning a toe nail backwards (ER visit for that) I ditched every pair I had. I will never again use nor own flip flops.

People that wear these in public are simply, not ready for action. They have no ankle support, no traction, no toe protection......I actually wear Bates duty boots at all times. The only times I wear tennis shoes are when I am running, bicycling, or doing a workout.

Replacing the flip flops in the role of "by door, quick on and off" is a pair of crocs. I have a set at each door and (still color coding) use a set also for the gym shower and gym pool. I would never wear these in public though.

Only failing of the Bates duty boot is it gets hot in summer. Wearing a pair in south east Asia in 2018 was really hot but like Lt. Dan said, I changed my socks whenever we stopped.

They are very warm, comfortable, grippy (even on ice), and take a shine well. I now have a set for mowing and a set for going out and about.

We will each develop a safety protocol but without the ability to actually test for viruses, we'll never really know which method is best. (Once home, I wash all my clothes and take a shower). I don't go out much either, not where there are people.

**Dad had a bit of a blowup today, completely passive-aggressive stuff though. He later stated he was up all night. That's a big problem for him, not much rest. However, he's never passive aggressive with his friends, just with me and he did that to mom, before she got bad sick and died.

04-14-2020, 04:41 PM
Put one of these at your front door :)



04-14-2020, 05:30 PM

04-14-2020, 09:08 PM
Put one of these at your front door :)



I worked in an electronics clean room one time and we had something like that only it wasn’t a foot bath, it had like a giant piece of super sticky tape on it to catch dust which was our enemy. You better have had tight laces or tight boots on because if you tried to make it in flip flops you’d be down on your knees trying to peel them off the tape.

04-15-2020, 03:33 PM
I went to a meeting this afternoon in the pouring rain, then I was planning to go to the outdoor range since the rain was letting up, but remembered that drainage there is crappy and I'd be standing in 6" of water. So I headed to Publix on the way home. I'm kinda digging the mask thing, the female shoppers look more intriguing that way. Interesting how the employees don't wear masks, and they're out in the aisle restocking and moving carts around.

04-15-2020, 03:56 PM
I have noticed that too about employees.....many are without masks. The only place where I have seen all employees masked was the local CVS. Fortunately, I am in a rural area where there seems to be fairly little risk of spread anyway. That said, we know most cases are not confirmed and WV has about 600 confirmed cases now....so say 60,000 infected? If you see one cockroach, there are 100 you don't see.

04-15-2020, 04:15 PM
Tractor Supply came out with a policy that check stand people had to wear a mask and a face shield. Like most policies nobody does it. After 10 minutes they are sweating, people like me who basically lip read can't communicate and it's just a pain.

Supposed to get some plexigas shields which would be better but still useless as they usually have to come out from behind to scan product.

04-16-2020, 07:47 AM
We went from loving Grandparents, with Grandma doing the school drop-off and pick-up for the kindergardner on weekdays, to fulltime parents of three with a 7mo old, in just one night.
My son worked with a guy who came to work sick on Monday the 6th and called in sick with "suspected" COVID 19 on the 7th. Unfortunately, he refused to get a test for the virus until the following Saturday (he was "scared to know"!). Upon confirmation, the company put my son out to quarantine (Fortunately, with pay) until the 21st, his wife's job had her join him in quarantine that day also. She works for the daycare center attached to the hospitals in our downtown area. Yesterday, the company called my son, at home and extended his quarantine out to the 28th as someone else on his crew became sick in the week of corporate dithering that followed the first guy's exit...
Soooooo… since the 6th we have been fulltime parents again to our two grandsons (9 & 6) and the 7mo old granddaughter. Its been quite the stressful time, I'm still working, so it's up to my wife to be Mom, Teacher, laundry agent and short order cook to a house full of loud boys and a sometimes crying babe. I don't know how she pulls it off so well, I do know better than anyone, that my wife is amazing, but it is wild to watch firsthand. She has earned a fine vacation once this is all done, but for now she and we slog on.
Our Prayers though have been answered and so far nobody is sick (except the dog?? $450 vet bill yesterday??). Y'all keep up the good work, stay healthy and keep up the prayers.


04-16-2020, 08:00 AM
Financial advise for the times we’re in.

Buy stock in the parent companies for Huggies, Pampers, baby formula, and car seat manufacturers. There’s gonna be a baby boom around January 2021.

04-16-2020, 10:04 AM
Good advice I think.

Hugh Hewitt said gold was up to $1700 an ounce right now.

04-16-2020, 10:30 AM
I was talking to the wife and thinking about a gold or gold securities just yesterday. All this printing money that’s going on it may be the one secure investment. Then this “expert” on TV this morning said we needed more money printed. Oh if I could just know the future.....

04-16-2020, 11:12 AM
Picked up some refills for the wife at Ft Carson yesterday, they have drive-thru pickup in the back parking lot pretty well squared away. Took a total of five minutes this time. Stopped at Sam's on the way, got there just as they were opening the doors. There were a number of folks standing in line, which I have never seen before. So I get in line and they finally start letting people in. Move forward a bit and then stop. Seems the store is now limiting the number of people in at a time. Finally get in and find everything on the list except baby wipes. The store had a mountain of TP available and I didn't see anyone with some in their cart. I guess the previous hoarding is pretty much over, except for baby wipes.

All in all, it was a good day for me. The wife still has cabin fever and it is getting worse. I took the dog out for a little hike in the forest. The wife stayed home, of course. Not because she couldn't go out, but because she really doesn't like just walking in general.

04-16-2020, 01:19 PM
Picked up some refills for the wife at Ft Carson yesterday, they have drive-thru pickup in the back parking lot pretty well squared away. Took a total of five minutes this time. Stopped at Sam's on the way, got there just as they were opening the doors. There were a number of folks standing in line, which I have never seen before. So I get in line and they finally start letting people in. Move forward a bit and then stop. Seems the store is now limiting the number of people in at a time. Finally get in and find everything on the list except baby wipes. The store had a mountain of TP available and I didn't see anyone with some in their cart. I guess the previous hoarding is pretty much over, except for baby wipes.

All in all, it was a good day for me. The wife still has cabin fever and it is getting worse. I took the dog out for a little hike in the forest. The wife stayed home, of course. Not because she couldn't go out, but because she really doesn't like just walking in general.

If you need baby wipes, the local CVS has the best I have seen and they were completely supplied with those last week. If you need them, PM me your address and I'll pick you up a couple packs and mail those out to you.

I went to the store this morning and toilet paper was back in stock, so I picked up a big package of Angel Soft. I also saw a decent stock of Kroger (generic) bleach wipes and one container of Clorox brand bleach wipes. I took two of the 75 count Kroger brand, leaving the rest for who needs it more.

I'll go out again this weekend to get P90X meal plan foods, I'll get more wipes for elderly family (my aunts) and if any of you need anything, hit me with a PM.

04-16-2020, 02:53 PM
My wife is a medical provider, so I worry about her....a little trigger time everyday helps as a respite from that:
https://i.postimg.cc/DfWDjxgQ/rooskies865.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

04-16-2020, 03:38 PM
Now that looks like a fun time right there.

04-16-2020, 06:45 PM
It has been snowing too much lately around here to get out and shooting, plus I thought I read something about no shooting in Nat'l Forest while this bug is still around. Guess it has something to do with the fire bans. It has been snowing all day but supposed to quit some time tomorrow, then another round on Sun/Mon, a day off and another round. Good thing is most of it will melt off on the off days.

Turtle, thanks for the offer but my wife still has a pack or two. There is a Walgreens down in town that I'll take a look at when she gets close to empty. One thing I have known before this mess, and has really been solidified during this mess, is that I hate shopping. The county I live in has 16 cases with two deaths. The county is sparsely populated with 5 towns, though two of them really can't be called towns. More like a hub for the folks that live out here north or south of the highway that runs through them. We happen to live about 6-7 miles north of the highway between those two non-towns. Takes 15-20 minutes just to get down to the highway, due to tight turns and dirt roads. Wouldn't have it any other way, though!

04-16-2020, 07:57 PM
Those pistols look cool.

I got a delivery today I found at a good price. I need to get some outside therapy time.


04-16-2020, 08:17 PM
I have a brick of that Choot Em stuff, haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.

04-16-2020, 08:35 PM
It has been snowing too much lately around here to get out and shooting, plus I thought I read something about no shooting in Nat'l Forest while this bug is still around. Guess it has something to do with the fire bans. It has been snowing all day but supposed to quit some time tomorrow, then another round on Sun/Mon, a day off and another round. Good thing is most of it will melt off on the off days.

Turtle, thanks for the offer but my wife still has a pack or two. There is a Walgreens down in town that I'll take a look at when she gets close to empty. One thing I have known before this mess, and has really been solidified during this mess, is that I hate shopping. The county I live in has 16 cases with two deaths. The county is sparsely populated with 5 towns, though two of them really can't be called towns. More like a hub for the folks that live out here north or south of the highway that runs through them. We happen to live about 6-7 miles north of the highway between those two non-towns. Takes 15-20 minutes just to get down to the highway, due to tight turns and dirt roads. Wouldn't have it any other way, though!

Buddy I'd have done it for ya and will still do it later if things change.

My dream home is a monolithic concrete dome complex, fully self-sufficient for at least a year (house, garages, dance floor, pool, gym, green house, wood shop, welding shop, indoor gun range, etc.) on a slight hill for drainage, back off away from the road, in a rural area of northeast WV. That way I'd be close to good skiing in Pennsylvania (and Maryland if they ever recognize the 2nd Amendment) and close enough to Martinsburg, WV so that my wife-to-be can find dancing students. Nothing like being away from people!

I suspect though that if supplies are coming into here now (and I never figured I'd see bleach wipes before another year had passed) then supplies are probably coming back everywhere. Soon enough we'll see sanitizer again. I'm going to build up a decent stock for when this thing outbreaks again.

I am going to push mow my yard tomorrow and if I can, get in some bike riding time at the mall. I want to go shooting too but it's going to be rather windy for the rest of the month. I have about six different makes/loads to try out in my P9 Covert and K9. Thus, I can continue testing some. When ammo supplies are better, I can then order 1000 rounds of what hits POI for my defensive 9mm Parabellums.

I think about 3K practice and 1K defense is what I should have on hand in each loading that tests best. So that would be 3K defensive and 15K practice, all told (carry handgun ammo) at all times.

04-16-2020, 09:28 PM
I have a brick of that Choot Em stuff, haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.

Yeah, they’re basically just cci mini mags in a different package. Good and consistent for .22 ammo.

04-17-2020, 09:53 AM
Got busted, need bail

http:// (http://<a href=&quot;https://postimages.org/&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>https://i.postimg.cc/V6Ws0ZdN/cops.jpg</a>)https://i.postimg.cc/V6Ws0ZdN/cops.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

04-17-2020, 11:48 AM
Buddy I'd have done it for ya and will still do it later if things change.

My dream home is a monolithic concrete dome complex, fully self-sufficient for at least a year (house, garages, dance floor, pool, gym, green house, wood shop, welding shop, indoor gun range, etc.) on a slight hill for drainage, back off away from the road, in a rural area of northeast WV. That way I'd be close to good skiing in Pennsylvania (and Maryland if they ever recognize the 2nd Amendment) and close enough to Martinsburg, WV so that my wife-to-be can find dancing students. Nothing like being away from people!

I suspect though that if supplies are coming into here now (and I never figured I'd see bleach wipes before another year had passed) then supplies are probably coming back everywhere. Soon enough we'll see sanitizer again. I'm going to build up a decent stock for when this thing outbreaks again.

I am going to push mow my yard tomorrow and if I can, get in some bike riding time at the mall. I want to go shooting too but it's going to be rather windy for the rest of the month. I have about six different makes/loads to try out in my P9 Covert and K9. Thus, I can continue testing some. When ammo supplies are better, I can then order 1000 rounds of what hits POI for my defensive 9mm Parabellums.

I think about 3K practice and 1K defense is what I should have on hand in each loading that tests best. So that would be 3K defensive and 15K practice, all told (carry handgun ammo) at all times. I see that we basically have the same dream...………………….I'll skip the pool and the concrete...………….. it's the same as owning a boat. I also noticed that our wives/to be, apparently do the same thing for a living. My wife's teaching studio has been closed down for weeks now. I'm retired and she's not, so it's taking a real bite out of our income. We struggle on...……………………………………...BTW, my wife teaches all forms of ballroom dancing. She competed professionally in her younger days, and has been teaching for about 30 years. The first time we met, I told her that " I DON'T DANCE "...………….If you ever ask, I will just say that I'm a member of the Dare Program of Dance. I just say no...…….

04-17-2020, 08:45 PM
The one non-essential business I am really missing right now is my barber shop. My wife cut my hair back when we first married and I was in the Navy at the time. She did such a bad job that I had to cut off what was left and hope for something better to grow back. Needless to say, she won't ever be cutting my hair again. I need a hair cut bad, the stuff is touching my ears! And I don't want anyone confusing me with being a hippy, either!

04-17-2020, 09:04 PM
The one non-essential business I am really missing right now is my barber shop. My wife cut my hair back when we first married and I was in the Navy at the time. She did such a bad job that I had to cut off what was left and hope for something better to grow back. Needless to say, she won't ever be cutting my hair again. I need a hair cut bad, the stuff is touching my ears! And I don't want anyone confusing me with being a hippy, either!

Just shave it man. I have been shaving mine for nearly 20 years now. In your case, when this is over, yours will grow back. Mine won't. LOL

I miss (or will miss) the dentist....I get a cleaning every 4 months. I will miss ski season this year, I don't see any resort opening this year. That means I'll have to do another two online PSIA classes next spring........I would much rather do a training event on snow. PSIA online courses are (in my experience) badly written.

04-17-2020, 11:19 PM
I had my head shaved one time in my life at bootcamp and swore I would never, ever do it again. If the Good Lord sees fit to take my locks, I'm fine with that. When I do get my haircut, I always get a high and tight, with the sides down to the skin. That way, I only need to get a hair cut one every couple of three months. I am way past due.

04-18-2020, 02:19 AM
Unless it was shaved with a razor, you never had it "shaved."

Plus I suspect you still have all your hair!

Mine started coming out like crazy when I turned 18. If I had it to do over, I would have begun shaving it then, not 10 years later like I did.

My GF loves shaved-headed men. So the guy that told me "shave your head, you'll get more dates" was spot on! I really did get more dates and with hotter women.

04-18-2020, 08:02 AM
Got busted, need bail

http:// (http://<a href=&quot;https://postimages.org/&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>https://i.postimg.cc/V6Ws0ZdN/cops.jpg</a>)

charged with trying to bribe a cop with TP.

04-18-2020, 08:39 AM
One of my grandsons works at a large chain liquor store. They started selling sanitizer distilled at some area booze distilleries, so he brought us a couple of bottles last week.

04-18-2020, 09:35 AM
One of my grandsons works at a large chain liquor store. They started selling sanitizer distilled at some area booze distilleries, so he brought us a couple of bottles last week.

That's good. He is taking care of family. And it's a good sign, production of not so useful things converting to very useful things.

04-18-2020, 10:35 AM
One of my grandsons works at a large chain liquor store. They started selling sanitizer distilled at some area booze distilleries, so he brought us a couple of bottles last week.

I got some of that stuff also. I found it goes down best mixed with Mountain Dew.

04-18-2020, 07:36 PM
I got some of that stuff also. I found it goes down best mixed with Mountain Dew.

Land the glycerin they put in it as a skin moisturizer works great as a laxative too... ;)

04-19-2020, 02:09 PM
For social distancing....

04-19-2020, 02:22 PM
Yeah, that has Bawanna’s name written all over it!

04-19-2020, 08:12 PM
I just got in from a walk. I had wanted to go bike riding but I forgot to wash my pants. So I went for a walk instead. 3 miles today. I walked to a park, around it, then walked back. Lots of people there. I social distanced of 10 feet or more. Had a talk with some of them. One guy was literally scared of the geese! He would not walk past them. He even asked, "do them birds got teeth?"

Clearly, he's not from around here. SMH.

Everyone friendly, made a few jokes about things, walked back. Nice day for a walk.

I wear a reflective vest when I walk by the road, carried Kahr CW 45, two mags, pepper spray. Got spray into hand once when a dog looked like he was about to come out on me. He didn't....good for us both!

04-19-2020, 08:38 PM
.. One guy was literally scared of the geese! He would not walk past them. He even asked, "do them birds got teeth?"

I've run from an angry goose more than once in my life. I think that "do them birds got teeth?" is a reasonable question. A goose's serrated tomium certainly resembles chompers from a distance...even a fairly close distance. If they get you just right, they can abrade skin or even draw blood.....my cousin was slower than me.
https://i.postimg.cc/76K37BTF/goose.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

04-19-2020, 10:18 PM
We had a couple mean geese at a park we used to go to with the kids when they were little. They were quite adept at biting in the backside whenever the opportunity arose.

04-19-2020, 10:35 PM
A goose's serrated tomium certainly resembles chompers from a distance...even a fairly close distance.

Now that’s funny the way you phrased that.

Ok, I’m gonna ask..... was he really slower.... or did your cousin get left behind as the sacrifice? :rolleyes: LOL! Given it’s not fatal don’t feel any shame. It’s a laughing point now, at least it made me laugh.

04-19-2020, 10:48 PM
I just guess I made a mistake thinking "everyone knows birds don't have teeth." SMH.

Geese and ducks don't normally chase you unless you get near the nest. I WOULD HAVE PAID MONEY TO SEE A GOOSE CHASE THAT GUY THOUGH. :roll:

04-20-2020, 12:17 AM
Now that’s funny the way you phrased that.

Ok, I’m gonna ask..... was he really slower.... or did your cousin get left behind as the sacrifice? :rolleyes: LOL! Given it’s not fatal don’t feel any shame. It’s a laughing point now, at least it made me laugh.
Okay, maybe not slower...perhaps, I was just quicker to recognize our predicament......or maybe I was a touch more fearful of that crazy (crazed?) bird.
Is it survival of the fittest, or swiftest, or those with a head start?https://www.animatedimages.org/data/media/673/animated-dance-smiley-image-0024.gif (https://www.animatedimages.org/cat-dance-smileys-and-smilies-673.htm)

04-20-2020, 07:55 AM
We have "aggressive geese" in many parks in Minnesota [and wild turkeys], to many people have fed them and they will charge you looking for food!

04-20-2020, 08:16 AM
A pissed off goose can break your legs with it's wings. Give them a wide berth if on a narrow path.
Turkeys are worse.

04-20-2020, 08:18 AM
Give geese with young a wide berth if on a narrow path.
Turkeys are worse.

04-20-2020, 11:00 AM
I'm usually an animal of all species lover, but for some reason, geese are down a ways on my importance list...……………………..On one of my younger days, I was out on the golf course, with friends. Nice place. Came to the 11th hole, and we see a gaggle of geese on the fairway. They're way out there so no worries. Friend tees off, hits a good drive, and he's longer than the rest of us. I see his drive hit, take one bounce, hit a very large goose in the neck, and the goose goes down like a rock. We get down the fairway, and the goose is dead and the rest of his friends have left. The guy that hit him is kind of freaking out. He looks at me and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He's wondering what is so funny. I told him that if I were he, I would be pissed. The goose just cut about 50 yds. off of your drive...……………I changed his name to goose killer on the scorecard and he got upset and started rambling about not doing it on purpose, and I wasn't helping, thinking this was all hilarious. In fact, it was so funny, it was messing with my concentration. Golf is a game that's hard enough to play when conditions are perfect...……………………………….3 holes later, we're all sitting pretty good on the fairway of a par 5. I've hit my best and longest drive of the day, so far...………..I'm looking at a green that is super difficult because it sits up on a perch and is very difficult to stop a ball on. I'm trying to visualize the shot, like Jack used to(yeah right) and I'm hitting a 4 wood off the deck. As I was setting up for the shot, there was a lone goose, about 200 yds. away. It wasn't an issue because I was hopefully going over the top of him. Well, it just wasn't Goose Day, because as my ball is in the air, the goose decides to start flying, and I take him out of the sky like an 870. Now I'm pissed because when I hit that shot, I could tell that it was probably the best shot I had hit all day, and maybe in my life...………………………………………….we got back to the clubhouse, and the owner said, " Well, how many birdies did you guys have today"? We said, " A few, but we also had a couple of geese". The owner said, " Funny....you must mean albatrosses and that's an amazing feat in golf, and a rarity". " No, we mean geese" we said. He says, " Yeah real funny ". I said, " Send one of your guys out to the 11th hole and the 14th hole, that's where we got them". We went in to the bar and had some beverages and later as we were leaving, I looked over and saw the owner. The look on his face was priceless...…………………...that's one time where a cell phone would have come in handy.

King Rat
04-20-2020, 11:46 AM

04-20-2020, 12:05 PM
Funny story about the golf n' goose.

Goose Killer......I love it.

I could have pepper sprayed the goose yesterday but I'd much rather see it chase that guy.

04-21-2020, 11:55 AM
https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/93110487_2889909481095792_9177406107147042816_o.jp g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=FziFvDtlfhwAX8v2bma&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=1e0c14026393f7ddfcecad21043a87ac&oe=5EC3EBA4

04-21-2020, 12:15 PM
Looks like alcohol (I hope it’s the drinking kind), sweat pants, and the internet are the winners.

Being in kinda the Internet connectivity business I can testify to the truth of the demand spike of that one. I’ve been working my butt off. Thus the demand (or at least the desire) for more alcohol (the drinking kind.)

04-21-2020, 02:50 PM
The indoor ranges at all Shoot Straight locations in Florida reopen tomorrow. This is a sign from God that things will slowly return to normal. :amflag:

That being said, my as yet unfired P365 XL will remain unfired for a little while longer.

04-21-2020, 07:10 PM
I wish things would open up here in Wisconsin. I just picked up two new P380s that I need to break in.

04-22-2020, 08:22 AM
I wish things would open up here in Wisconsin. I just picked up two new P380s that I need to break in.

I want to try out my K9 and the local indoor range may never have shut down. However, I'll be shooting outside this summer. A friend has a membership at a big outdoor range, few people go there, he and I will use separate cars and socially distance.

He is on immune suppression due to kidney transplant and my father is 80, who I take care of. So I am not getting around anyone I don't need to and he can't afford it. A friend of his (also kidney transplant) died of the virus in 13 hours last month.

I still need to test a variety of FMJ in my other defensive handguns, 9mm and .45 ACP, to find what practice round hits to point-of-aim in each.

I did order a Mitch Rosen holster for my new-to-me Kahr though.

04-22-2020, 01:01 PM
Found these two going at it on my front porch. The skinny, smaller one I see around all the time. The larger one must have been just passing through as I don’t recognize him.


04-22-2020, 01:28 PM
Be a good place to try out my new 45 ACP shotshells. I don't know snake models poison or not etc except I don't like any of them so the only good ones are dead ones.

04-22-2020, 01:28 PM
Ahhh Florida ....seems like a great state to NOT LIVE IN!
If the gators, snakes, gang bangers don't get ya....you can always wait for a hurricane!

04-22-2020, 01:41 PM
The indoor ranges at all Shoot Straight locations in Florida reopen tomorrow. This is a sign from God that things will slowly return to normal. :amflag:

That being said, my as yet unfired P365 XL will remain unfired for a little while longer.

NICE gun.

04-22-2020, 02:14 PM
Be a good place to try out my new 45 ACP shotshells. I don't know snake models poison or not etc except I don't like any of them so the only good ones are dead ones.
You and my buddy both. I text him that pic, and his response was “What caliber did you dispatch them with?”. Lol! I leave ‘em alone. Florida roaches (“Palmetto bugs”) are on their meal list, so I keep ‘em around for pest control. We alsohave a gazillion lizards, so sometimes I’ll see them getting eaten by the black racers. Mixed emotions as I like the little lizards.

04-22-2020, 02:14 PM
Jeepster...we all need a dog like that!!! ;) Saw that very same rattlesnake, and a few of his buddies, at a truck stop store a bit back. Oddly, they all died and froze in that exact same position!

04-22-2020, 05:45 PM
There is a big black racer that may still be living under my house. I named him "President Trump" and praised God for sending him my way. I had trouble with mice before he came along.


04-22-2020, 08:02 PM
I had to kill what i think was a rat snake in the back yard the other day. Was throwing the frisbee with the dog and as he ran for it all the sudden out of nowhere a snake popped up and was in strike mode. I think the dog actually ran him over runnng for the frisbee. Fortunately i saw it before the dog did and was able to get the dog back in the house. Had a shovel handy as i've been doing some yard work and took the bugger out. I know they are good for some things but i dont care. Don't like them and didn't want to worry about the dog every time i let him out.
There's only 4 kinds of snakes i don't like :

Big ones
little ones
live ones and
dead ones

04-22-2020, 09:28 PM

King Rat
04-23-2020, 09:44 AM
I am fine, family fine. Have enjoyed getting into the woods a lot, turkey hunting, fishing, enjoying nature. My son a Army Medic in the National Guard just got activated and took off this morning to help with the Virus.

King Rat
04-23-2020, 10:42 AM
There is a big black racer that may still be living under my house. I named him "President Trump" and praised God for sending him my way. I had trouble with mice before he came along.


Thanks for posting that. So many people kill a snake in a second and have no idea how important they are to the Eco system.

04-23-2020, 11:04 AM
Thanks for posting that. So many people kill a snake in a second and have no idea how important they are to the Eco system. I have hunted all my life especially in the swamps. Run across them many times. And never a problem. Have stepped on many Moccasins, and nothing. Most of the time anyone bit is screwing around with one. Sure in your back yard, kill the poisonous snake or relocate it if possible. Out in the woods, leave them alone.

When I was young, about middle school age, I would roam the canyons of California hunting with my 22.cal rifle One day going down a canyon, I stopped, sat down to rest. I looked over about 2-3' away and looking at me inside of sage brush was a large rattle snake. I froze, my heart went into my throat. He did not make a rattling noise, just stared at me, and I back at him. Finally when I could not take it any longer I quickly scooted back.
I could have easily picked up my gun and Killed him. But something came over me. I realized he had done nothing, but just trying to get some shade int he hot sun. He had no wish to harm me. No reason to fear me, as long as he figured I was not a threat.
Since then I have felt a kinship to them. Part of nature. And nature has a way of teaching. Maybe why I like pocket gun so much. Easy to conceal and fast to strike back only when necessary.

Just leave me alone "Don't tread on me" and go in peace.



Do you speak parseltongue?

King Rat
04-23-2020, 11:30 AM
Do you speak parseltongue?

Only when I have been drinking. (Not light Beer)

04-23-2020, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the laughs fellas!!!

04-23-2020, 02:20 PM
Thanks for posting that. So many people kill a snake in a second and have no idea how important they are to the Eco system.

You are welcome. One area where conservatives "step on rakes" (give the Left fodder) is hatred of animals, especially snakes and spiders. It's usually personal insecurity but also a form of bullying. When Judgment comes, there will be a price to pay for animal cruelty as God made us all stewards of the earth.

Rattlesnakes are evolving to no longer rattle when a person approaches. It's natural selection in action due to the rattlesnakes that do rattle getting shot for being nice enough to warn us. A case of "man proving Darwin was right" in action.

04-23-2020, 03:26 PM
God made them snakes to slither on the ground like lawyers. I think we'll still be ok come judgement day.

04-23-2020, 04:12 PM
We are doing ok.
Texas version of High Tea....
Bloody Mary & strawberry filled donut.

04-23-2020, 04:46 PM
Damn that looks tasty!

04-23-2020, 06:00 PM

04-23-2020, 08:12 PM
Ya eat the whole gol durn box did ya, and just when I was a coming down to visit yall. Don't that just beat all.

04-23-2020, 09:02 PM
Nah, wife only allows me to eat one every other day. Gotta ration the good stuff these days ya know.
Have lost 9 lbs. on this Corona diet so far and the 10th one won’t come easy with these delights around.

04-24-2020, 06:37 AM
Nah, wife only allows me to eat one every other day. Gotta ration the good stuff these days ya know.
Have lost 9 lbs. on this Corona diet so far and the 10th one won’t come easy with these delights around.
Well thanks a bunch! I was wondering how I put on 10 lbs. Where did it come from? TX I guess!!! :2eek:

04-24-2020, 12:48 PM
Most Americans are gaining weight right now. Binge-watching online TV and eating.

04-24-2020, 01:13 PM
Not really binge eating here. Eating two moderate meals a day and one TexMex splurge per week. Plus regular exercise on the home machines.

04-24-2020, 03:29 PM
TexMex? Is that a restaurant?

I haven't eaten out, not even take home, since this whole thing got rolling in March.

04-24-2020, 06:58 PM
Have lost 9 lbs. on this Corona diet so far and the 10th one won’t come easy with these delights around.

Im +4 lbs. but the pound cake is gone so maybe I can return to normal.

04-25-2020, 09:03 AM
I have been eating like a king during this whole time as the wife has been making 5 star meals most every day. I help out once in a while, just yesterday I through a couple of rib eyes on the grill. For years we have been saying eating out just isn't worth it as we make better food than what we can find in any restaurant. It doesn't help matters that we have deer, elk and half a hog in the freezer at the moment.

Needless to say, I have gained a bit of weight. That, or my britches have shrunk once again.

04-25-2020, 09:58 PM
I was doing fine but my wife told me something today that has me rather upset.

She is a nurse at a nursing facility. It used to be primarily long term care on the side she works. The facility has an assisted living part and used to have another part that was primarily alzheimers care.

They moved the alzheimers and that section is now the COVID patients.

What has me upset is that one of the employees was complaining about her children not following the distancing rules going out having friends over etc etc. Couple weeks ago her son tested positive and she failed to quarantine and kept right on working possibly exposing everyone and she has now tested positive.

On the other hand for the last two days someone else has donated my dinner and all we had to do was heat it up and maybe add some veggies on the side

04-25-2020, 10:31 PM
I was doing fine but my wife told me something today that has me rather upset.

She is a nurse at a nursing facility. It used to be primarily long term care on the side she works. The facility has an assisted living part and used to have another part that was primarily alzheimers care.

They moved the alzheimers and that section is now the COVID patients.

What has me upset is that one of the employees was complaining about her children not following the distancing rules going out having friends over etc etc. Couple weeks ago her son tested positive and she failed to quarantine and kept right on working possibly exposing everyone and she has now tested positive.

On the other hand for the last two days someone else has donated my dinner and all we had to do was heat it up and maybe add some veggies on the side

That's how outbreaks happen. Nurse needs to be fired and license revoked forever. She is clearly a bad parent for allowing such behavior and a scumbag for risking the lives of everyone around her. Coworkers should beat the **** out of her and the families of patients join in.

04-26-2020, 05:59 PM

04-26-2020, 11:04 PM
On the lighter side, I took the dog out for a walk in the forest today. Last time I took this trail there were still snow drifts three to four feet deep in the bottom of the draw where we walk. Today, about half of that has melted off since our last stroll. I only get about 150 yards away from the road and come across something that never in a eleventybillion years I thought I would ever come across I the forest.

Well, I never ever though about it because it is so far out there, no one would have ever thought about it. I would have bet the farm I would have seen Bigfoot and invited him/her to dinner at the house before ever seeing something like this. What I am about to say is 100% true, and if anyone doubts me I can bring my camera out to take a picture, though now I'm a bit worried about heading out on that particular trail now.

I'm not sure exactly how to say this, so I'm just going to say it: I came across what I thought was one of them store dummy things that they put clothes on. I can't spell what they are called but ya'll know what I'm talking about. I could tell it was a female dummy as to the ample bossom from about 25 yards away. It was laying in the snow with some other garbage around it. Pissed me off as whoever left it there and the other stuff just dumped there crap in a national forest. As I got closer I couldn't help but notice that this dummy was very well endowed in the mammary area and had...ummm...protruding niplets! And, yes, it was anatomically correct in the lady parts area, too!

Someone evidently had a falling out with their sex doll and decided to do away with her. Had to have happened last fall probably after the first good snow fall we had because that snow on the bottom of the drift had to have been there since late October.

Luckily my dog apparently is not scarred from the ordeal. Me? It may take a few weeks and more than a few beers to fully recover. I think I might have PTSD over this and need to sit down with a quack for years to come.

04-26-2020, 11:14 PM
Lol! Nuts man! That would weird me out a bit too.

04-27-2020, 10:46 AM
So Bert, did she clean up good when you got her back to the house?

04-27-2020, 11:15 AM
So Bert, did she clean up good when you got her back to the house?

Yeah! Inquiring minds want to know!

My wife just left the house for the first time in over 3 weeks... like watching your daughter take her first solo in the car. I instructed her a bit in the donning of the N95 mask and about using Lysol on her shoes before getting back into the car. She has Wet Ones Wipes, Lysol, several pairs of nitrile gloves, and the mask.

It's a beautiful sunny day here... up to 69 degrees now... little or no wind. I got out yesterday and cut the grass, etc. That was after my 302nd exercise/treadmill session. I've been trying to do that every other day for over 26 months now. I can easily spread the different components over 3 hours... some times an all-day affair because I do other things between elements... bed exercise, floor stretches and exercise, weight bench with 10-lb dumbbells, and finally an hour or so walk on the treadmill at 4MPH. Yesterday I left the incline at max the whole session and cut it short a mile or so at 47 minutes and 2.8 miles so I could do the mowing.

That brought me up to 994.5 miles since February 2018. I've missed several months due to travel, illness, and injuries... old parts sometimes protest or put me in my place with the tendons not wanting to stretch... rapidly! I should make it to 74 in June, but I don't know about my goal of 100! I take a "ton" of supplements and vitamins, including collagen, turmeric, Osteo-Biflex, and many other pills and capsules, and apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice, green tea.... I hope 70 or so pills a day is doing SOME good. :D

I just hope we make it through THIS pandemic. Y'all take care!

04-27-2020, 11:56 AM
Foxnews predicts meat shortages now due to processing plants being closed. I will hit the store tomorrow and continue stocking up on long-term meats. I suggest those of you who should and can, do the same.

Really wishing I owned a farm and could put deer on table.....

Greenhouse....chickens.....stocked pond......all that would be nice right now.

04-27-2020, 12:30 PM
Foxnews predicts meat shortages now due to processing plants being closed. I will hit the store tomorrow and continue stocking up on long-term meats. I suggest those of you who should and can, do the same.

Really wishing I owned a farm and could put deer on table.....

Greenhouse....chickens.....stocked pond......all that would be nice right now.

Lots of squirrels in my neighborhood. Didn’t get a good reaction from wifey when I brought that up.

04-27-2020, 12:31 PM
I guess someone thought she wasn't all that she was cracked up to be...

04-27-2020, 02:06 PM
I have more critters in my urban district than I do up nort in the woods...…………………………...in fact, I have more cats, squirrels, opossums, racoons, rabbits, gulls, chipmunks, skunks, and sometimes deer in the city. About the only thing I don't have near to my city area are turkey. Hawks and eagles are around, along with falcons. They all eat well in the city. If I HAD to, I could eat a bit better in town.:o As far as the wandering mistress Schaufensterpuppe, sounds like she wasn't pulling her weight, or maybe a bad relationship.:blah:

04-27-2020, 03:58 PM
Closer to Liebespuppe , maybe? Or Liebe Schaufensterpuppe ? Ersatzfreundin ?

I did have a year of German in college... 2 quarters in 1969 and two years later the third quarter... then I finally got there for 3 years in 1983-1986.
I plateaued pretty quick with the use of the language... no German friends and just shopping, travel, and hotels/restaurants.
It's a tough language with the conjugation of articles, definite and indefinite, AND FOUR CASES... plus masculine, feminine, neuter, and number, as well! :p

I use Google's Translate a bit for help! :)

04-27-2020, 05:49 PM
I know a little German and I use it when my wife asks me something, I just say I know nothing, NOTHING! In my best Sergeant Schultz accent...

04-27-2020, 06:05 PM
Closer to Liebespuppe , maybe? Or Liebe Schaufensterpuppe ? Ersatzfreundin ?

I did have a year of German in college... 2 quarters in 1969 and two years later the third quarter... then I finally got there for 3 years in 1983-1986.
I plateaued pretty quick with the use of the language... no German friends and just shopping, travel, and hotels/restaurants.
It's a tough language with the conjugation of articles, definite and indefinite, AND FOUR CASES... plus masculine, feminine, neuter, and number, as well! :p

I use Google's Translate a bit for help! :)

I speak fluent hillbilly with a minor in street Tagalog (Filipino) mixed in which results in a Philibilly creole. In a restraunt I can order aggs, hayem, fried cheekin, buko, lumpia, or balut which is all delicious but I prefer not to eat aso, adidas, or chitlins.

04-27-2020, 06:50 PM
So Bert, did she clean up good when you got her back to the house?

I was not about to touch that thing! No telling what that diseased-riddled pervert had when she broke it off of him. Errrr...broke it off with him? I don't know, I didn't look that close!

I think I'm going to call up the local ranger station and report a dumped body. If I tell them what it really is they will think I'm a crack pot. Anyone know where you get one of them burner phones?

04-28-2020, 12:28 PM
😀 😄😄

04-28-2020, 11:08 PM

04-29-2020, 07:24 PM

Sex doll sent into space

QMI Agency

Published: December 31, 2013
Updated: December 31, 2013 12:49 PM EST
Filed Under:

Toronto SUN (https://torontosun.com/)
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If you ever wondered if blowup sex dolls can handle high altitudes, deep freezing temperatures and high winds, you’ll be pleased to learn that they can. A sex-doll maker in the U.S. sent one into space. Ah, science.
CNB.com Inc., a California-based adult products maker, sent Missy into the heavens with the help of a 4.5-pound hydrogen-filled balloon and recorded the journey.
Missy climbed to 100,000 feet, where she withstood -57 C temperatures, jet streams of more than 160 km/h and cosmic ray radiation.
Missy finally blew apart re-entering the atmosphere, where she landed in pieces somewhere in the Nevada desert.
In the video description, CWB.com Inc. says it couldn’t verify its numbers completely but took great pains to detail what it could.
"Three high-definition cameras recorded up to altitudes of approximately 60,000 feet, yielding the best video of a sex toy in space ever," owner Dave "Sex Toy Dave" Levine wrote.

Comments Share your thoughts (https://torontosun.com/2013/12/31/sex-doll-sent-into-space/wcm/a69f45bf-9403-4ca7-b37e-3517d6918d62#comments)


04-29-2020, 08:08 PM

This one sounds like our dear departed Dietrich.....

05-01-2020, 05:40 PM
I keep hearing on the news there will be a meat shortage in a few days. This has my dad really upset as I keep suggesting we not eat any of our canned meat. He's not happy about that at all!

Anyone else keep hearing that?

05-01-2020, 05:43 PM
I don't know, heard that but also heard our Great President (I do love him so) has ordered the meat packers to stay at work, which would hopefully avoid any meat shortage but now days things change in minutes.

05-01-2020, 06:10 PM
And you guys made fun of me for being a vegetarian for 6 years.

05-01-2020, 06:49 PM
I don't know, heard that but also heard our Great President (I do love him so) has ordered the meat packers to stay at work, which would hopefully avoid any meat shortage but now days things change in minutes.

I'm not seeing that one workout out too well. People get sick, can't work. People get sick, are told not to come to work, along with all their coworkers, by state govt. Animals don't get processed, have to be killed off. People get scared, buy up all the canned meat. I was at the food store Tuesday, only Kroger brand canned meat (which probably doesn't taste that great). SPAM all gone. I did get more cans of canned tuna, which being meat, has the required protein and apparently, the masses are not hoarding up canned fish.

I'm not seeing how Trump saying "you have to come to work" is going to be successful in this area.

On the plus side I got dad to eat a salad and I grilled him some chicken, which he made into a chicken sandwich with mayo. I had the same but no bread and the salad but no dressing.

That was a "good dinner" by my standard. :-)

Vegetarians....LOL. (OK, just picking on you there, enjoy it), but come on, does your mouth "water over the prospect of a salad?"

05-01-2020, 07:08 PM
How about some more beans Mr. Taggart?


05-01-2020, 07:54 PM
Vegetarians....LOL. (OK, just picking on you there, enjoy it), but come on, does your mouth "water over the prospect of a salad?"

After 6 years I’ve let a little meat back in my life. My son called me a commie for the first two years and he’s making ribs for us when we visit him in NC after I retire on June 30th. I plan to eat them.

05-01-2020, 08:01 PM
Heh, my middle son and his two boys are vegans. The grandsons have never had a bite of meat.

They sure get interested though when I carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. Lol

05-01-2020, 08:03 PM
Blair White did a video on vegetarians.....according to Blaire, most vegetarians come back to meat after 5 years so you are doing a little bit better. :p

05-01-2020, 08:33 PM
We have had about 5 large processing plants close here in midwest, Hormel, Armour and Jennie -O.

05-01-2020, 08:37 PM
Heh, my middle son and his two boys are vegans. The grandsons have never had a bite of meat.

They sure get interested though when I carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. Lol,,,,

05-01-2020, 08:59 PM
Amen brother man, I enjoy their carbon footprints most when the grill is really hot and I can hear that sizzle when the meat hits flame, sounds like victory.....

05-01-2020, 10:12 PM
Let me think about this...I love my potted meat, ever since I was a kid. Put it in the freezer for about 15 minutes to get it not so mushy, add bread and mayo and it makes for a great sammich! Or, a few pieces of elk or deer backstrap, cooked up by the best chef in the world (my wife)? Tough call but I will take the backstrap every time.

As for being a veggie or vegan? God gave me the teeth to rip flesh from bone, the knowledge to cook it first (just say now to sushi!) and the digestive system to extract the protein from said flesh. And in that it tastes so good? Seems like a no brainer to me and I am not about to question God's wisdom. I am but a servant in the Lord's army.

Seriously, though, I told my wife we are very blessed with the mess that is going on. I have money coming in every month as long as I can inhale on the first of the month and exhale on the last day of the month. Same for my wife. We have two deer, one elk and half a hog in the freezer. We can get by for as long as it takes, even with no electricity. If it gets bad enough, we can take off with the camper to nicer places and live off the land. We have enough self defense items to keep the bad people away and/or bury them (we are not cannibals' after all).

To tell the truth, life hasn't changed much for us, other than I do all the shopping. I will say my staying at home is getting to her, though. We did go out for a 2 hour drive yesterday, seemed the dog liked it better than she did, though.

05-02-2020, 04:15 AM
Yesterday I filled the freezer in the garage with meat. When the meat hoarding starts, I'm open to offers of ammo for meat. :D

Hey AJ - God didn't create us to eat meat (see Genesis 1: 29-30)

05-02-2020, 06:39 AM
Yesterday I filled the freezer in the garage with meat. When the meat hoarding starts, I'm open to offers of ammo for meat. :D

Hey AJ - God didn't create us to eat meat (see Genesis 1: 29-30)

Uh oh. Wifey is frying up bacon this morning.

05-02-2020, 10:42 AM
Yesterday I filled the freezer in the garage with meat. When the meat hoarding starts, I'm open to offers of ammo for meat. :D

A word to the wise. If you don't have a power out alarm (https://www.truevalue.com/power-failure-alarm) for your freezer circuit, I'd suggest you get one.

My neighbor friends bought a large stand-up freezer after bagging an Elk a couple of years ago and keep it on their patio next to the house. Last week a couple of us neighbors were over there for a get-together to have a few drinks and while sitting outside on the patio, someone commented on an odd smell so the owner got up to investigate. As soon as he opened the freezer door all you could hear was WT@#!%& over and over again. Yes, the freezer had quit working and their stock of meat smelled like a landfill. We found a bathroom GFCI tripped and killed power to the freezer. Turned out that their cleaning lady came earlier in the week and she must have accidentally tripped the breaker some how. Thankfully the meat shortage scare hadn't hit yet and they only had the freezer about half full, but that was still several hundred$$ in meat and other frozen food they had to throw out.

05-02-2020, 01:05 PM

:D lol

Am gonna send that to my garden grazing son!

05-02-2020, 01:15 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/96011433_3262422410459337_1737340466237538304_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=d1WdZOA6gQIAX_yj0Xe&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=8c6102acdee5b1be0a3cc92a67e2cc71&oe=5ED3EBC6

05-03-2020, 07:56 PM
After 6 years I’ve let a little meat back in my life. My son called me a commie for the first two years and he’s making ribs for us when we visit him in NC after I retire on June 30th. I plan to eat them.

05-03-2020, 08:37 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/96011433_3262422410459337_1737340466237538304_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=d1WdZOA6gQIAX_yj0Xe&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=8c6102acdee5b1be0a3cc92a67e2cc71&oe=5ED3EBC6

Funny in a strange/sad kind of way because I was looking at the numbers for my state and 1% fatality rate is exactly what I came up with.

05-04-2020, 10:16 AM
Heh, my middle son and his two boys are vegans. The grandsons have never had a bite of meat.

They sure get interested though when I carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. Lol

My wife was vegan till she was pregnant with our first, and could no longer deny nature's demand for fuel. She added back dairy, and never reverted to veganism. She felt strongly that we raise our kids vegetarian, but conceded that they'd eventually choose their own diets. She never fussed over me cooking meat for myself at home, but it was a hassle, so office lunches were my refuge. My oldest two went omnivore in anticipation of USMC boot camp, and #3 (now a high school sophomore) then chose omni, too (youngest is still a vegetarian), so I carni-rampage for the few weeks a year that my older two are home on leave. My sweet spot: 1/2-pound Angus burgers on the BBQ.
To her credit, my wife added fish back into her diet ever since a trip to Hawaii about 7 years ago.

05-04-2020, 12:06 PM
Did you know she was this way before you married her?

05-04-2020, 05:36 PM
Times are tuff....pork is getting scarce....

05-04-2020, 06:38 PM
Did you know she was this way before you married her?

Headstrong & Forceful? Oh, never in doubt from the first moment we met. Vegetarian/vegan? Blindsided about ten years into the relationship. To be fair, I dropped alcohol out-of-the-blue about ten years after that, so she's had to relinquish our wine-tasting jaunts through the Napa Valley - without complaint, mind you.
Frankly, her vegetarianism has saved me loads of money over the years. Her go-to dine-out preference was always su$hi.:p

05-04-2020, 09:16 PM
Headstrong & Forceful? Oh, never in doubt from the first moment we met. Vegetarian/vegan? Blindsided about ten years into the relationship. To be fair, I dropped alcohol out-of-the-blue about ten years after that, so she's had to relinquish our wine-tasting jaunts through the Napa Valley - without complaint, mind you.
Frankly, her vegetarianism has saved me loads of money over the years. Her go-to dine-out preference was always su$hi.:p

I can't see how you didn't know about the vegetarian diet beforehand unless she adopted it later. My college course in Microbiology ensured I would never willingly have sushi.

05-04-2020, 11:06 PM
The only thing sushi is good for is fish bait.

05-04-2020, 11:42 PM
I don't begrudge her fondness for sushi, but I don't eat raw fish. My complaint about sushi was that I had to pay $25 for my bowl of noodles . . . but of course, taking her out isn't just about dinner . . . come to think of it, might help explain why we have four kids, I guess . . .

05-05-2020, 11:39 AM
I have noticed a major decline in the quality of meat in my area over the last few years in particular. Since a meat processor closed in the area, things have gotten even worse. I noticed it started with the ground beef. I used to purchase it from the grocery store, no issues, but the last year or so, it has gotten so animally, and tallowy tasting, that I started getting it from a few small butcher shops instead. Now, that flavor is noticeable in their product also and I've had to quit purchasing it all together. Started eating more pork and chicken. Now the pork has taken on animally flavors and all of the chicken is becoming very birdy smelling and tasting. Bacon has taken on a bad taste and smells like they are now using cheap smoking procedures that make the bacon smell and taste horrible. Even ham, which used to be good all the time is now picking up those same tastes and smells. Hillshire used to make the best spiral sliced ham and now it's inedible because of the cheap smoke flavors that they are using these days. It's getting to the point where we only purchase sirloin tip steaks and round steak and we cook the death out of it with lots of veggies and spices to cover up the animal taste of the meat. New York, Porterhouse, t-bone and ribeye quality is also way down and I don't even waste my money on it. Canned tuna has gradually gotten more fishy, and there are gut pieces in the can now. Good for cats but not for human consumption anymore. They are running the tuna industry in to the ground so to speak. Regular fish has become much more fishy in taste and smell. So, I may just become another person who went no meat...………………...can't stand the taste or quality anymore. Have to become a lot more creative when it comes to eating. I refuse to throw money away for poor quality meats anymore. Even sausage these days with the cheap smoking processes isn't real good. Johnsonville used to produce very good sausages.....now they are super fatty, and have that "taste". For you conspiracy theorists out there, cattle mutilations have been going on all over our country for years. I happen to believe that our Gov't is keeping a very close eye on the meat situation in this country. To avoid causing panic and great monetary losses, and to keep farmers from knowing anything, they check our meat supply without permission and in secrecy. Especially ranches around areas where there has been some sort of nuclear testing. Besides animal overcrowding, cheaper feed, and antibiotics, there has to be other reasons why the meat these days tastes so bad. I think that the Gov't knows why there is a decline in quality, but they're not talking, as to keep the industry moving along without any panic.

King Rat
05-05-2020, 11:46 AM
The Chinese own most of the Pig market. Like Smithfield foods. Like the beautiful town of Smithfield Va. Now owned by Chinese. I will not eat their crap. Besides, I live near the ocean and get all the fresh fish I want and do not eat meat anyway.

05-05-2020, 02:39 PM
One of my high school colleagues opened a tiny, high-end butcher shop in town. It's all local, small farm, organic. Significantly noticeable quality improvement in taste, texture, everything, over the supermarket offerings. It's pretty spendy, but very high value, in our opinion.

05-05-2020, 11:11 PM
An aside from the fact that my wife and I eat 90% wild game...

I am now a broke man due to the virus crap. I am ashamed of myself for what I have allowed, nay, ASKED for what has happened today. I said, nay swore, it would never happen again in my lifetime. I am thinking my man card should be revoked!

I asked my to cut my hair today! I just couldn't take it any longer!

To be honest, it was not nearly as bad as it was over 30 years ago. She watched a couple of videos on the interweb before hand so I thought she had it down. Just asked for a simple high and tight, that's all. She did real good on the top, got the sides and back down to the skin. Where the two meet, not so good. In about a week or two, I figure the two shall meet and not look to bad. I hope.

At least I don't have to worry about the hippies down in Manitou Springs thinking I am one of them. On the plus side, I do have a lot of head coverings that will lead others to just think I'm bald until nature takes over. The only real draw back is my head in now cold whenever I go outside. It has been getting pretty cold here during the daytime with temps in the 60's!