View Full Version : Ignore setting

03-31-2020, 09:53 AM
First time using the “ Ignore” setting and I love it. No need to ask why.

03-31-2020, 10:00 AM
OK, I’m stupid. Where is the ignore setting? I don’t see it on my tablet.

03-31-2020, 11:27 AM
yqtszhj, it’s in your “settings“ within your account preferences.

Also, thanks again for the pict. of your p-01. I just had to purchase one and WOW! What a great pistol, even though it’s only 9mm. Wish it was offered in 45, but it is what it is.

03-31-2020, 12:12 PM
I assume it's a way to block messages or replies from certain members. If I am correct, it's a way to insulate oneself from ideas that person cannot handle or spare them from debates that person cannot win.

That is, if I am correct.

Myself, I know that only through robust debate can I either become more founded in my position (from having to explain it) or I learn that I am wrong and have to change in order to become a better person.

So, is that what the "ignore" setting does?

03-31-2020, 01:11 PM
yqtszhj, it’s in your “settings“ within your account preferences.

Also, thanks again for the pict. of your p-01. I just had to purchase one and WOW! What a great pistol, even though it’s only 9mm. Wish it was offered in 45, but it is what it is.

Anytime I can help just let me know... :Amflag2:

03-31-2020, 01:33 PM
I assume it's a way to block messages or replies from certain members. If I am correct, it's a way to insulate oneself from ideas that person cannot handle or spare them from debates that person cannot win.

That is, if I am correct.

Myself, I know that only through robust debate can I either become more founded in my position (from having to explain it) or I learn that I am wrong and have to change in order to become a better person.

So, is that what the "ignore" setting does?

Or it could be like it’s like a “Stupid” filter, blocking out what one would consider “Stupid” which this great country lets each person determine the definition of themselves.

Example: Before my dad died he had a heart problem so knowing what stressed his heart he decided he would put parental block on the MSNBC channel so when he was channel surfing western movies and Star Trek he wouldn’t accidentally run across the face of someone on MSNBC that he considered stupid. Now, of course he had the code to unlock it but he didn’t have to risk seeing it. Plus if the MSNBC folks thought his ideas were stupid he’d never have to know because they weren’t allowed in his house.

He had a heart attack and died in his kitchen just like he said he would and left no one the code to unblock MSNBC. That was good estate planning I would say to protect the minds of those he left behind.... YMMV

03-31-2020, 01:53 PM
A person certainly has a right to "ignore" people but I don't think it's a healthy thing for that individual or for society. Whenever a person isolates themselves from dissent they also isolate themselves from new ideas and any criticism to bad ideas of their own.

More and more, people are locking themselves away into a virtual "house of mirrors" where they are safe from ideas they don't like. Hate speech legislation is a natural result of that mentality. Our divided and hate-for-those-that-disagree society is another result. The nation cannot go on like that and it will fail.

One of my closest friends is a self-described "Soviet-style communist." Most of what he says is very anti-freedom but I still like the guy. He's a very caring and educated person that has had a great impact on my life. I don't think he's "stupid" and I haven't cut him off because I don't like his ideas. If anything, concerning his thoughts on govt. controlled industry, he has made me more of a libertarian and thus, helped me in that way also.

03-31-2020, 01:54 PM
Or it could be like it’s like a “Stupid” filter, blocking out what one would consider “Stupid” which this great country lets each person determine the definition of themselves.

Example: Before my dad died he had a heart problem so knowing what stressed his heart he decided he would put parental block on the MSNBC channel so when he was channel surfing western movies and Star Trek he wouldn’t accidentally run across the face of someone on MSNBC that he considered stupid. Now, of course he had the code to unlock it but he didn’t have to risk seeing it. Plus if the MSNBC folks thought his ideas were stupid he’d never have to know because they weren’t allowed in his house.

He had a heart attack and died in his kitchen just like he said he would and left no one the code to unblock MSNBC. That was good estate planning I would say to protect the minds of those he left behind.... YMMV
LMAO, he was my kinda guy.

Turtles, "ignore" hides posts by people you decide you don't want to see, but if someone quotes that post you can see it anyway, so it kinda half works. It's a good blood-pressure tool for some of us.

03-31-2020, 02:04 PM
Why do people on this site need blood pressure tools? Is this site that controversial? :p

03-31-2020, 02:15 PM
QUOTE=yqtszhj;413638]Anytime I can help just let me know... :Amflag2:[/QUOTE]

Next time I’m in the market for my fourth CZ, I’ll contact you to help spend my cash. After all I give you the credit for my CZ addiction.

The freedom of speech is in part what makes America Great but so does the freedom to ignore.

03-31-2020, 02:38 PM
Why do people on this site need blood pressure tools? Is this site that controversial? :p

Wait till the election starts kicking in good and all the trolls start joining like in 2012 and 2016. If it’s like in the past Bawanna and Greg will be wearing out their “closed thread” and “Banned” button.

03-31-2020, 02:55 PM
My thoughts on ignoring/blocking/deleting people are thus: I not only believe in the concept of free speech, I practice it. That means I am OK with hearing speech I don't like. I am OK with seeing things I don't agree with. I don't need to nor do I want such things hidden from me. I'm a libertarian though, not a conservative.

The initial post was passive-aggressive. It was so important to broadcast that the "ignore" function had [finally] been used but not important enough to mention on whom or for what. If the desire was really to ignore someone, it didn't need to be broadcast.

Hopefully my disagreeing with you does not result in your or anyone else "ignoring" me but that's the cost of speaking one's mind these days---exclusion from the House of Mirrors. I'm not in a red flag state so at least you can't SWAT me. :p (Which is a thing now these days: disagree online, get your property taken/get shot by police for it. It's the natural progression of the inability to handle dissent combined with the failure to practice free speech).

03-31-2020, 03:31 PM
Why do people on this site need blood pressure tools? Is this site that controversial? :p
Not this site at all, for me. Some other sites, yeah.

03-31-2020, 05:55 PM
Not this site at all, for me. Some other sites, yeah.

Well let's hope not. I am new here and although I have been very active with replying and even beginning what seem to be several popular threads, I still don't know very much about the makeup here so I hope this is a good forum to be a part of.

03-31-2020, 06:06 PM
QUOTE=yqtszhj;413638]Anytime I can help just let me know... :Amflag2:

Next time I’m in the market for my fourth CZ, I’ll contact you to help spend my cash. After all I give you the credit for my CZ addiction.

The freedom of speech is in part what makes America Great but so does the freedom to ignore.[/QUOTE]

Don't be bringing up CZ's.....I just got another: A CZ SP101 Tactical. I love this gun! HEAVY but awesome! 19 rounds will get the job done! :smash:

03-31-2020, 06:50 PM
Anytime I can help just let me know... :Amflag2:

Next time I’m in the market for my fourth CZ, I’ll contact you to help spend my cash. After all I give you the credit for my CZ addiction.

The freedom of speech is in part what makes America Great but so does the freedom to ignore.

Next time I’m in the market for my fourth CZ, I’ll contact you to help spend my cash. After all I give you the credit for my CZ addiction.

The freedom of speech is in part what makes America Great but so does the freedom to ignore.Don't be bringing up CZ's.....I just got another: A CZ SP101 Tactical. I love this gun! HEAVY but awesome! 19 rounds will get the job done! :smash:
Nice! I have the safety version and have been leaning towards converting it to single action only. I've pimped mine with some Cool Hand grips (https://i.postimg.cc/3wcCsmPP/sp01-copy1000.jpg) (also yqtszhj's doing). I bought the grips from Amazon and they included some flashy screws (https://coolhandgear.com/catalog/product/accessories/custom-screws-for-cz-75-85-97-o-rings-torx-key-included-scz-3-p/).

03-31-2020, 07:07 PM
I have contemplating Hogue Rubber finger groove grips, but the factory grips are comfortable.

03-31-2020, 08:23 PM
First time using the “ Ignore” setting and I love it. No need to ask why.I used it to block that guy that just replies "nice" to every for sale thread...

03-31-2020, 08:27 PM
Would you rather he replied something else? Blocking people....SMH.

03-31-2020, 08:28 PM
Nice CZ. That one looks like it came with the night sights too. They are soft shooters. I still have the original rubber grips on mine.

03-31-2020, 08:29 PM

Just messin with ya ID. Forgive me........

03-31-2020, 08:30 PM
Would you rather he replied something else? Blocking people....SMH.It was literally the only time they posted. Completely noise

04-01-2020, 07:06 AM
I keep thinking of getting a CZ75BD.

04-01-2020, 12:12 PM
I keep thinking of getting a CZ75BD.

My 75 & 97 are B models, the P-01 is decocker. I’m not enamored with the decocker. Don’t why some get excited they own a BD. To me it’s kind of dumb. I understand the concept, drop the hammer to half-cock, but why. If I’m dropping the hammer I want to fully drop it not sort of drop it. Yes the DA pull is less but not substantially less. With a B one can still half drop the hammer, just takes more care.

04-01-2020, 01:23 PM
My 75 & 97 are B models, the P-01 is decocker. I’m not enamored with the decocker. Don’t why some get excited they own a BD. To me it’s kind of dumb. I understand the concept, drop the hammer to half-cock, but why. If I’m dropping the hammer I want to fully drop it not sort of drop it. Yes the DA pull is less but not substantially less. With a B one can still half drop the hammer, just takes more care.

Not to mention the B models are MUCH EASIER than the BD models to disassemble the sear cage. I like all my BD models for sure and have had them all apart and polished pieces but you have to hold your mouth just right if you’re going to break it down and get it back together even when it’s going good. And go ahead and build yourself a pistol stand to fit in the mag well. Then there’s that little bitty spring (I think it’s called the lifter spring)that’s like a human hair that will take off never to be found. Go ahead and call CGW and get them to send you a couple of them ($2 each) if your going to take it apart.

04-01-2020, 01:51 PM
I could’ve gone on and on why I prefer the B over the BD, but I dislike typing long drawn out rants. The B trigger is a bit smoother, the entire sear cage pops out in one piece, easily disassembled, can be carried/fired four different ways. In the end it’s a CZ so that alone negates any and all negatives.

04-01-2020, 02:21 PM
I'm still sorting out all the different CZ models and designations. I know I have to have one eventually, everybody tells me so. Got a hankering for the 97 but one of the others makes more sense I guess.
The PCR or PSR?? never remember that one kind of sings to me but I'm still way confused.
Not sure I want to go back to and switch back and forth between single action and SA/DA and I got zero use for DA only except in a Kahr of course which is a breed apart.

04-01-2020, 02:49 PM
Ok, I need some schoolin'.

I'm a fan of Ruger's P-series "DC" models, where the hammer is lowered all the way when you decock it, and there's no safety other than the long heavy DA trigger pull.

I could probably live with the P-series standard models (I've had them before) where the lever decocks, then is a safety lever. You can manually move that lever to "fire" and it's back to the long heavy DA pull.

I'd forgotten that the CZ75 has that more complex system. I like guns to be simple.

04-01-2020, 03:29 PM
My H&K has a decocker with no safety. I prefer this firing system. I prefer hammers. I prefer da/sa. Don't need no stinkin safety. Like to have the option of dropping the hammer safely when/while adrenaline is pumping, and the action is over...…………………….also like to be able to put a thumb over the hammer when reholstering. Avoids holstering mishaps. I like the "DC" system myself. I'm also a fan of Beretta's(surprise) 92 series which has the decocker safety option, which I am also accustomed to. I prefer no safety, but I never use/used it on a Beretta anyway. I don't find CZ's to be any more complicated...………………………………………..all of the 75's have firing pin blocks. You can carry them cocked and locked but you have to manually lower the hammer for double action.

04-01-2020, 03:55 PM
Our last Beretta's before they went to Glocks (not my idea) were 96G's. They had a decocker and then went right back to DA for the first shot. The 92's were safety decock, so you had to decock and then push the lever up to fire DA first round.
Some officers automatically pushed it off safe as a habit, some left the safety on, so training wise everyone was trained to push the safety up to fire, weather it was on or not.
Unlike the 1911 where the safety is a natural and easy movement, the 92 and 96 were contrary to me. I liked them, don't get me wrong, I spent 3 days in a class learning how to take them apart, two days of which were probably hunting for flying springs.
I preferred the decock only myself given that platform.

04-01-2020, 04:14 PM
If I’m carrying one of my CZ, the hammer is down for a true DA pull. No half cock or cocked and locked.

04-01-2020, 04:37 PM
If I’m carrying one of my CZ, the hammer is down for a true DA pull. No half cock or cocked and locked.

I used to prefer that mode of operation for a handgun but not anymore. I want a consistent trigger pull each shot unless it's a revolver and I need a single action break but for that I will have the time to thumb cock.

04-01-2020, 05:01 PM
Well Sig uses the decocker.....and I like them.