View Full Version : How do you store your ammo?

03-31-2020, 12:56 PM
I have been using ammo cans with desiccant packs for some time now. I just ordered two .50's and two .30's for my recent ammo buy. I label the cans with index cards and store those away in the garage.

What about you? How do you store your ammo?

King Rat
03-31-2020, 01:55 PM
Ammo cans and shrink wrap-really like how Target Sports does shrink wrap their ammo. Cannot say enough good things about them. Always fast deliveries etc. Especially since I buy a lot of ammo each month.


Yearly gift

This order Buck Shot only.


03-31-2020, 02:06 PM
I envy you sir!

03-31-2020, 06:29 PM
On a shelf unit in my closet. Some loose ammo kept in ammo cans. More in original cases. Probably around ten thousand rounds or so. Now I'm wishing I had a lot more what with the apocalypse and all.

03-31-2020, 06:33 PM
Ya I feel ya. I personally feel that 10,000 per caliber is appropriate.

King Rat
04-01-2020, 12:33 AM
The thing is, you are not going to need any ammo.


04-01-2020, 11:16 AM
Hmm....I never thought it was about "need" but about "want." :cool: :Amflag2:

04-01-2020, 12:34 PM
I've been using desiccant packs in ammo cans for a long time and most of the cans are in steel storage lockers... on the bottom/floor shelf... heavy. I can lock those and have on trips when guns all locked up, too.

I have actually vacuum packed some ammo in the past, reconsidered and redid them with less vacuum so as not to dry out the powder!

I also leave some cases of ammo unopened and when they fit, .380 auto or .22LR, put them in an ammo can with desiccant, too.

I don't shoot much for a while now, and I still have a lot of expensive ammo that I bought when times were hard... for resell, so doing okay on ammo, except trying to find a new .380 defense load that penetrates and expands to the new FBI standards AND standard pressure loads.

This picture is dated 09-2012, but I dried these desiccant packs out then. It takes a while at a decent temperature, 16 hours at 250°, so I haven't done that often!

04-03-2020, 01:05 PM
In a safe in the closet.............................

04-03-2020, 01:38 PM
Wow, impressive desi packs. I wish I had a few of the female Indian flavor......Bollywood of course. :cool:

Two of the .50 cans came in today. I have begun their 8 days in quarantine.

I have crated ammo (surplus) on 4x4 and 2x6 platforms. I want to build a dedicated ammo can shelf with space for wheeled steel carts underneath for the crates. In welding class I made a wheeled steel cart as my "semester project" but since I don't have a welder of my own, I made three other carts out of wood. The steel is stronger with less height, hence its superiority. The carts work well under the workbench, and don't break my back trying to put those under/get those back out again.

04-03-2020, 05:24 PM
How do you store your ammo?

I use .50 cal Army surplus ammo cans. (Midway USA is just up the street from me, and these ammo cans in very good condition are usually available from them at very reasonable prices.)

I purchase pistol ammo from Target Sports USA a case at a time (to get the free S&H), usually purchasing a new case in a given caliber when my current supply in that caliber gets down to half a case. So, I use two .50 cal ammo cans for every caliber. Overflow goes in a .30 cal ammo can for each pistol caliber. My pistols shoot .357 Sig, .40 S&W, and 9mm Luger--so, six .50 cal and three .30 cal ammo cans for me.

I don't really "store" my ammo per se (in the sense of squirreling it away). This is simply how I "keep" it as I use it up.


04-03-2020, 05:50 PM
I lost all my ammo in the same avalanche that took all my firearms. :2rolleyes:

Prior to that, I had all shotgun shells in one steel, lockable cabinet and long gun/hand gun ammo in another same type cabinet, both bolted to the floor and wall, in a closet. Kept some hand in the gun safe on the top shelf. No desiccant in the cabinets, pretty dry here year round, and a golden rod (I think that is what its called) in the gun safe.

I can't say how much I had before it all got swept away, I can barely count up to 20. I know it was more than 20, though!

04-04-2020, 11:18 AM
Accidents involving the loss of firearms and ammo are common these days. Very sad.>

I like the idea rx7 of "2 .50 cal boxes and overflow into .30 cal box" so I may copy that.

Target Sports has free shipping? I may latch onto that if (later on) they carry the loads my tools like.