View Full Version : For those of you wearing gloves......
04-23-2020, 01:35 PM
I hope no one is using this placebo of wearing gloves at the store.
04-23-2020, 02:23 PM
While shopping I've been wearing gloves, N95(reused) mask, wrap-around safety glasses($1.99 at Harbor Freight), and my Kahr cap. I carry a can of Lysol and spray my feet and gloved hands before getting back into my vehicle. I remove, or leave on, my gloves depending on the length of the next trip to another location. I safely remove my mask if it's a long enough trip, so I can partake of my hot coffee(temperature-controlled mug) which is supposed to be good for washing any CV-19 down your throat and to be killed by your stomach acid.
I try to keep from tracking stuff into the vehicle and home with the Lysol spray and only wash or sanitize my hands after doffing my gloves. This decreases the number of times my hands are exposed to harsh soaps and chemicals.
I am careful in donning and doffing my N95 mask because I reuse them after several days rest in an empty Kleenex box with the safety glasses. I only had about a dozen of the masks for yard and "shop" use when they started to get scarce. I reuse the ones for mowing and dust-causing lawn care until they get really dirty, but my shopping ones look like new and there's usually plenty of time for any viruses to die.
I think wearing the gloves helps me keep my hands away from my face and sure cuts down on chapping and cracking my skin. I even put them on and spray them with Lysol before accepting mail or packages... gloves wet. A lot of the packaging and unopened junk mail goes straight into the recycling bin outside.
Wifey has left the house in over two weeks! I can't get her to take h even one of those "shopping" trips where she looks at a lot of stuff, has lunch, and comes back with little or no purchases. She won't even walk around the small block out front.
At least I'm still on my exercise and treadmill "regimen" of every other day and completed my 300th session yesterday, plus there's yard work that is plenty of exercise.
04-23-2020, 02:27 PM
Don’t wear masks!
Wear masks!
Wear gloves!
Don’t wear gloves!
More evidence that the medical community speaks before knowing what they’re talking about.
04-23-2020, 02:29 PM
Not really the "medical community", but often very opinionated, know-it-alls!
04-23-2020, 02:34 PM
Not really the "medical community", but often very opinionated, know-it-alls!
Well I thought it was the CDC (or some other federal agency) that told us masks were of no benefit. Maybe I’m wrong about that.
04-23-2020, 02:48 PM
You know, I regret typing all that. I had to come off as a jackas**, sorry to everyone that had to read it, especially to you wyntrout......I am sorry.
I don't think gloves are a good idea is all........but you know, not enough is known about this thing, some of what we have been told were lies, so do what you think is best.
I go to what even I think are "extremes" and there may be giant holes in my methods.
Best of luck to you all.
04-23-2020, 03:05 PM
As I understand it, the wearing of masks is important to protect others from the wearer. They are still of some help to the wearer. I wear one but I am not fooling myself as to the purpose.
04-23-2020, 03:13 PM
As I understand it, the wearing of masks is important to protect others from the wearer. They are still of some help to the wearer. I wear one but I am not fooling myself as to the purpose.
That's a smart move. Once I became aware it was spread via droplet, I began wearing a clear grinding shield. My welding shield set for "grind, shade 3" is also used. I suspect I am mainly protected by being in a rural area in a "fly over" state.
Ask me again in two weeks how I'm doing. LOL. The long incubation----but still contagious---period is really impressive. That's the most impressive thing about this virus and most dangerous.
King Rat
04-23-2020, 03:20 PM
I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both 'lefts'... Which, on the one hand is great, but on the other it's just not right
04-23-2020, 07:08 PM
I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both 'lefts'...
Which, on the one hand is great, but on the other it's just not right
About a month ago I had a cyst develop on my back, quite painful. Fortunately we don't have Michigan's Gov. Whitmer telling us "that's not 'essential!'" and banning the operation. On entering the dermatology center, I held the door open for an elderly couple. The old timer on the walker was wearing gloves......winter gloves.
It wasn't that cold outside. My feeling is he thought those would keep him safer. SMH.
We all have to take what information we have and hope it's accurate.
I honestly suspect, if I lived alone (no elderly parent to take care of) I could go about my life as if none of this was going on and be fine....never coming down with it.
04-23-2020, 07:31 PM
I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both 'lefts'... Which, on the one hand is great, but on the other it's just not right
I think this is a sign that you need to hold your Miller in your left hand. [emoji41]
04-23-2020, 08:10 PM
"I honestly suspect, if I lived alone (no elderly parent to take care of) I could go about my life as if none of this was going on and be fine....never coming down with it."
That's what I do. My moms assisted living place is locked down so can't visit her, folks tell me I'm in the at risk group, guess I just don't give a ****.
My sister works at an elementary school, all our schools are closed for the year, but she was told since she's over 60 that when the buildings opened she wouldn't be allowed back for awhile, would have to continue working from home.
Tractor Supplies legal dept is doing the typical cover your backside with policies and guidelines up the ying yang but people mostly don't bother to comply anyhow.
04-24-2020, 01:40 AM
I figured this thing mostly killed the obese and that's finally beginning to trickle out. Ben Shapiro and Fox News "Dr. Oz" covered that a bit today and tonight.
I am very glad, thankful (and have told God) that mom passed on last summer. Those hospice nurses coming every about "being terrified!"
WV has some 900 confirmed cases (multiply by 10 or 100 to get the real number)* with some 34 deaths. I doubt I have come contact with it at all as most of our cases are in eastern panhandle or nursing homes.
Dad has to give a blood sample tomorrow....I am a bit worried but nothing I can do. He has (finally) adopted the procedures I've come up with...most of those anyway. There is only so much one can do with parents.
Sorry about your mom Bawanna....that has to be nerve wracking for you, not being able to see her.
*Stick with x10....with as many obese people as WV has (#1 in USA, go WV!) and only 1.5 million people, most of the state would be dead by now if there were that many infected.
04-26-2020, 07:15 PM
Masks and gloves worn correctly can help. Not worn correctly are simply wasted.
When you put on your gloves you should leave and inch or so turned back onto itself so that when you take them off you do not touch bare skin, then wash or sanitize your hands up past where the end of the glove was.
If you are wearing an N95 mask make sure you know how to fit it correctly so that you are not sucking the virus in around the edges.
Mostly the mask is to prevent you spewing the virus all over the place for that the simpler surgical or cloth masks is good and don't need much in the way of fitting.
The most important thing is to wash/sanitize your hands a lot and stop touching your face. Doesn't help to wear gloves to prevent coming in contact with the virus deposited on surfaces if you touch your face with the virus laden gloves.
Canine Dave
04-28-2020, 11:45 AM
I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both 'lefts'...
Which, on the one hand is great, but on the other it's just not right
That right there is pretty funny!
I like to shoot my K9 with a golf glove on my right hand (I'm right handed). Right handed golfers wear a glove on their left hand. Golf glove suppliers ask if you are right or left handed so they can ship the correct glove which will be wrong. I try to remember to order a left hand golf glove for my right shooting hand.
04-28-2020, 12:36 PM
We wear masks if we make essential trips to grocery curbside pickup, the pharmacy drive thru, and Dairy Queen.
I only wear the plastic disposable gloves when filling up at the gas station (twice so far), then dump them in the trash can there. Also spray the hand sanitizer on my hands & shoe soles before getting in the car.
04-28-2020, 01:26 PM
We wear masks if we make essential trips to grocery curbside pickup, the pharmacy drive thru, and Dairy Queen.
I only wear the plastic disposable gloves when filling up at the gas station (twice so far), then dump them in the trash can there. Also spray the hand sanitizer on my hands & shoe soles before getting in the car.
I went to the food store today.....oh was a "shake your head" hour.
Two employees had masks below their noses.
One employee had the mask on his chin.
Two of those had on glasses, I assume that's because their glasses fog up. The first employee with mask below nose was not wearing glasses.
One lady in particular (customer) was a trip. Honestly, she was pitiful. She was what I would term "older" say 60's or more and overweight but not obese. She had on gloves and a handkerchief. Her problem was the hanky kept coming off so she would touch her face (with gloves on). At one point another lady was tying the hanky back onto her.
She was ahead of me in the checkout line, her buggy piled far beyond what the designers imagined.
I come mind you, I am wearing a full face shield, a literal wrap-around grinding shield that covers the top of my head and down to my chest. It's clear plastic and under it I have on a high quality disposable mask for keeping out dust. It fits tightly to my face and last night I shaved my head, neck, and below both collarbones to make it easier to wash after being out.
We are 6 feet apart. She leaves her buggy and moves an additional 10 feet farther away! I say, "ma'am, with me having on what I do, I don't think that's necessary."
She complains about her "mask"...the hanky, as if on cue, falls off her face. She again touches her face with both gloved hands. I suggest she might try to get a shield like I have. Irritated she loudly says (but did not turn towards me) "DON'T TALK TO ME PLEASE!"
She will not advance in line....I assume she is waiting for the customer ahead to leave the line. Finally she goes forward. Now she is 3 feet away from 3 clerks, none of whom are wearing a shield, but somehow she is OK with that distance.
I thought about her....."she's old, clearly out-of-her-depth, and she's terrified. She is likely rather rude on a good day, pre-pandemic rude. She's also embarrassed......very sad."
In the parking lot I see her...she and her husband(?) load up the groceries, she puts the cart into the holding area, which I was happy to see her do.
I had to run my father over to the auto parts store and tire shop. Since we took the truck, I used my auto-darkening welding shield, set for "grind" which is a shade 3. It's like yellow-tinted sunglasses but I have a narrow field of view. I have to turn my whole body around to look both ways before crossing the parking lot. Inside both places, no one had on a mask. No one made fun (I was kinda hoping they would so I could respond with something silly) but some seemed a bit shocked. One guy asked where he could buy one.
The auto parts store had the counter roped off, several feet away, isles were blocked off with items. I had a hard time seeing in there with the shield on, maybe the lighting is off a bit. Couple guys laughed and we three made jokes, the atmosphere was relaxed. One clerk asked how he could get such a shield.
One older man said "malaria is much, much worse" and it's clear he doesn't know much about how malaria is transmitted. I've lived with the threat of malaria for weeks at a time....I'll take the risk of malaria over the risk of COVID 19 any day.
In the food store, a clerk asked where she could get a grinding shield.
04-30-2020, 09:52 AM
I am 75 and living in a large city I am sure most have come in contact with someone with the Chinese virus. I stopped worrying about it a month or two ago. Our local grocery chain and hardware store has been up and running and the employees have been keeping their distance and some wear masks most do not. I keep a bandanna in the car for those stores that require a face cover which is to help contain a sneeze or cough but beyond that most face coverings are pretty much useless. People take their masks off by grabbing the front and they are thrown on a counter or lay on the dashboard until the next use. Too late to save you.
I stay as far away form other people as possible but I believe the key to this is, upon returning wash your hands.
I guess I am looking at the numbers they are giving, the percentages and ages of deaths, the locations are mostly nursing homes, and telling myself, it is unlikely I will get this if I concentrate on washing my hands and avoid close contact.
This country will not survive if we do not get back to full production very, very soon. People need to understand that fact. My son is a big finance guy and has taken three companies public. When this thing started he told me, "dad they will be throwing trillions and trillions of unfunded debt at this in the name of saving the lives of people who are already on the edge and destroying tens of thousands of business in the process". Harsh way of looking at it but the effects of total economic collapse are hundreds of times worse than the Chinese virus.
04-30-2020, 09:58 AM
And the Chinese will succeed in destroying the Western world.
1.3 billion people in China. The US has .35 billion people. In a war of attrition of population they win with lots of people to spare.
I've been thinking that one of the reasons we borrow so much money from them might be to prevent that cash from being used by them to further their war machine. That would be strategic thinking. Hope I haven't let the cat out of the bag.
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